AD -176B
Obverse | ||
1'1' | [...] ⸢x x x x x⸣ [...] | |
2'2' | ||
3'3' | (3') [... in the beginn]ing of the month, 3 sūtu 3 qa, in the middle of the month [...] | |
4'4' | [...] ⸢AN⸣ ina A IGI in 27 dele-⸢bat?⸣ [ina ŠU₂ ina ABSIN IGI ...] | (4') [...Ma]rs’ first appearance in Leo; around the 27th, Venus’ [first appearance in the west in Virgo ...] |
5'5' | [...] ⸢LU₂⸣.ERIN₂.MEŠ LUGAL ana tar-⸢ṣi⸣ [...] | |
6'6' | (6') [Month VI, (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), sunset to moonset: [nn°], measured; the moon was [...] behind α [Virginis ...] | |
7'7' | [GE₆ 3 sin x MUL₂]-⸢MURUB₄⸣-ša₂-SAG-GIR₂.TAB 1 KUŠ₃ sin [N N ana x x ...] | (7') [Night of the 3rd, the moon was] 1 cubit [...] δ Scorpii, the moon being [...] |
8'8' | (8') [Night of the 5th, the moon was] 2 cubits [behind ϑ] Ophiuchi. Night of the 6th, [...] | |
9'9' | [x x x x x] ⸢GE₆⸣ 10 SAG GE₆ sin ar₂ MUL₂-ar₂-[ša₂-SUḪUR-MAŠ₂ N N ...] | (9') [... Ni]ght of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was [...] behind δ [Capricorni ...] |
10'10' | (10') [... the moon being] 4 cubits low to the south. The 15th, [...] 3° 30' [...] | |
11'11' | [x x GE₆ 18 ina] ⸢ZALAG₂⸣ sin e is-le₁₀ 1 KUŠ₃ sin [x] [KUŠ₃ ...] | (11') [... Night of the 18th, last part of the] night, the moon was 1 cubit above α Tauri, the moon being ⸢x⸣ [cubits ...] |
12'12' | (12') [...] high to the north. The 20th, the north wind blew. Night of the 2[1st, ...] | |
13'13' | (13') [... nn] cubits, the moon being 1 cubit hight to the north [...] | |
14'14' | [...] GE₆ 24 ina ZALAG₂ sin ina ⸢IGI⸣ [MUL₂-TUR-ša₂-4-KUŠ₃-ar₂-LUGAL 6 26 ina ZALAG₂] | (14') [...] Night of the 24th, last part of the night, the moon was [...] in fr?ont of ρ Leonis ... Night of the 26th, last part of the night,] |
15'15' | [sin ina IGI DELE-ša₂-IGI-ABSIN x]+1 KUŠ₃ ina IGI AN ⸢x⸣ [KUŠ₃ ana ŠU₂ GUB ...] | (15') [the moon was x]+1 cubits [in front of γ Virginis, it stood] ⸢x⸣ [cubits] in front of Mars [to the west ...] |
16'16' | [...] ⸢x x⸣ [...] |