AD -254
&X202540 = AD -254 #project: adsd/adart2 #atf: use unicode #atf: lang akk #atf: use math #atf: use legacy @obverse 1'. [...] ($blank$) [...] #lem: u; u 2'. [... ana NI]M? GUB G[E₆ N SAG G]E₆ sin #lem: u; ana[to]PRP; Elamtu[east]'N; izuzzu[stand]V; mūšu[night]N; n; rēš[beginning]N; mūšu[night]N; Sîn[moon]N 3'. [...] ana NIM GUB ⸢ár MÚL.BABBAR?⸣ 2 KÙŠ #lem: u; ana[to]PRP; Elamtu[east]'N; izuzzu[stand]V; warki[behind]PRP; Kakkabu-peṣû[Jupiter]CN; n; ammatu[unit]N 4'. [...] AN PISAN DIB 12 ŠÚ.ŠÚ IM.DUGUD.DUGUD #lem: u; šamû[rain]N; pisannu[(a meterological phenomenon)]N; DIB[(meaning unclear)]V; n; urrup[be(come) very overcast]V; imbaru[heavy fog]N 5'. [...]+40 ŠÚ DIR KALAG NU PAP 15 ŠÚ.ŠÚ #lem: u; erēpu[be(come) overcast]V; erpetu[cloud]N; dannu[dense]AJ; ul[not]MOD; naṣāru[watch]V; n; urrup[be(come) very overcast]V 6'. [... IM].DUGUD.DUGUD GE₆ 17 ina ZALÁG sin ina IGI LUGAL 3 KÙŠ #lem: u; imbaru[heavy fog]N; mūšu[night]N; n; ina[in]PRP; nūru[last part of the night]N; Sîn[moon]N; ina[in]PRP; pān[front]N; LUGAL[α Leonis]CN; n; ammatu[unit]N 7'. [... GE₆ 21 ina ZALÁG sin] ⸢ina⸣ IGI SA₄-šá-ABSIN 2 KÙŠ 8 SI #lem: u; mūšu[night]N; n; ina[in]PRP; nūru[last part of the night]N; Sîn[moon]N; ina[in]PRP; pān[front]N; SA₄-šá-ABSIN[α Virginis]CN; n; ammatu[unit]N; n; ubānu[finger]N 8'. [... HAB-rat šamáš GIM] ⸢šá sin⸣ ina-an-ṭal 24 šamáš GUB IM.DUGUD IDIM #lem: u; HAB-rat[disc]N; šamšu[sun]N; kīma[like]PRP; ša[of]DET; Sîn[moon]N; naṭālu[look]V; n; šamšu[sun]N; izuzzu[stand]V; imbaru[fog]N; kabtu[heavy]AJ$ 9'. [...] AN DUL 28 12.30 ⸢KUR⸣ DIR NU PAP 29 {MÚL}KAK.BAN ana ME E-a #lem: u; šamû[rain]N; DUL[(meaning unclear)]V; n; n; KUR[moonrise to sunrise]N; erpetu[cloud]N; ul[not]MOD; naṣāru[watch]V; n; Šiltāhu[Sirius]CN; ana[to]PRP; ūmu[day]N; elû[rising]'N 10'. [...] 1(BARIG) 4(BÁN) kàs 1(GUR) 2(BARIG) 3(BÁN) ⸢sah-le₁₀⸣ 3(BÁN) 3 qa #lem: u; n; n; kasû[mustard]N; n; n; n; sahlu[cress]N; n; n; qû[(one) litre]N 11'. [ŠE.GIŠ.Ì ... SÍG{HI.A} N MA.NA a]-na 1 GÍN K[Ù.BAB]BAR ép-šú i-nu-šú MÚL.BABBAR ina TIL HUN dele-bat ina GU in 20 GU₄.UD ina ŠÚ ina MÁŠ ŠÚ #lem: šamaššammū[sesame]N; u; šīpātu[wool]N; n; manû[mina]N; ana[for]PRP; n; šiqlu[shekel]N; kaspu[silver]N; epšu[wrought]AJ; inūšu[at that time]AV; Kakkabu-peṣû[Jupiter]CN; ina[in]PRP; qītu[end]N; Agru[Aries]CN; Dilbat[Venus]CN; ina[in]PRP; Gula[Aquarius]CN; ina[in]PRP; n; Šihṭu[Mercury]CN; ina[in]PRP; erbu[west]'N; ina[in]PRP; Suhurmāšu[Capricorn]CN; rabû[set]V 12'. [in] 29 GU₄.U[D] ina NIM ina TIL PA IGI [GEN]NA ina GÍR.TAB AN ina zib?{ME} ITU BI ILLU 4 SI GIN 24 na ITU BI {LÚ}šar-ra-qu #lem: ina[around (day x)]PRP; n; Šihṭu[Mercury]CN; ina[in]PRP; Elamtu[east]'N; ina[in]PRP; qītu[end]N; Pabilsag[Sagittarius]CN; nanmuru[be(come) visible]'V; Kayyamānu[Saturn]CN; ina[in]PRP; Zuqiqīpu[Scorpio]CN; Ṣalbaṭānu[Mars]CN; ina[in]PRP; Zibbātu[Pisces]CN; warhu[month]N; šū[that]'DP; mīlu[river level]N; n; ubānu[finger]N; alāku[rise]V; n; na[na-gauge]N; warhu[month]N; šū[that]'DP; šarrāqu[thief]N 13'. [x x] ⸢x⸣ [x MU?] IGI-ri-⸢it⸣? in-[x]-ši-ma ina NÍG.GA {d}za-ba₄-ba₄ u {d}NIN.LÍL šá ina E{KI} ta-bal #lem: u; u; u; u; šattu[year]N; mahrīt[previous]AJ; u; ina[in//from]PRP'PRP; makkūru[property]N; Zababa[Zababa]DN; u[and]CNJ; Ninlil[Ninlil]DN$; ša[which]REL; ina[in]PRP; Bābilu[Babylon]SN; tabil[taken away]AJ @bottom 1. it?-bal-lu-uʾ ina E{KI} ina IZI qa-lu-ú ITU BI TA 12 EN TIL ITU IM.DUGUD.DUGUD #lem: itbalū[carry off]V; ina[in]PRP; Bābilu[Babylon]SN; ina[in]PRP; išātu[fire]N; qalû[burnt]AJ; warhu[month]N; šū[that]'DP; ištu[from]PRP; n; adi[until]PRP; qītu[end]N; warhu[month]N; imbaru[heavy fog]N $ ruling @reverse 1. ⸢AB⸣ 1 27.30 DIR NU PAP GE₆ 1 ina ZALÁG GENNA e MÚL-e-šá-SAG-GÍR.TAB 8 SI GE₆ 3 USAN AN SIG MÚL-KUR-šá-DUR-nu-nu 1 5/6 KÙŠ GE₆ 5 SAG GE₆ sin ina IGI #lem: Ṭebētu[Month X]MN; n; n; erpetu[cloud]N; ul[not]MOD; naṣāru[watch]V; mūšu[night]N; n; ina[in]PRP; nūru[last part of the night]N; Kayyamānu[Saturn]CN; eli[above]PRP; MÚL-e-šá-SAG-GÍR.TAB[β Scorpii]CN; n; ubānu[finger]N; mūšu[night]N; n; šimītān[first part of the night]N; Ṣalbaṭānu[Mars]CN; šapil[below]'PRP; MÚL-KUR-šá-DUR-nu-nu[η Piscium]CN; n; n; ammatu[unit]N; mūšu[night]N; n; rēšu[beginning]N; mūšu[night]N; Sîn[moon]N; ina[in]PRP; pān[front]N 2. AN 1 KÙŠ 8 SI ana ŠÚ GUB ina IGI MÚL-KUR-šá-DUR-nu-nu 1 KÙŠ GE₆ 6 SAG GE₆ sin SIG MÚL-ár-šá-SAG-HUN 5 1/2 KÙŠ i-ṣa sin ana NIM DIB GE₆ 7 DIR AN ZA #lem: Ṣalbaṭānu[Mars]CN; n; ammatu[unit]N; n; ubānu[finger]N; ana[to]PRP; erbu[west]'N; izuzzu[stand]V; ina[in]PRP; pān[front]N; MÚL-KUR-šá-DUR-nu-nu[η Piscium]CN; n; ammatu[unit]N; mūšu[night]N; n; rēšu[beginning]N; mūšu[night]N; Sîn[moon]N; šapil[below]'PRP; MÚL-ár-šá-SAG-HUN[α Arietis]CN; n; n; ammatu[unit]N; wīṣu[little]AJ; Sîn[moon]N; ana[to]PRP; Elamtu[east]'N; etēqu[pass]V; mūšu[night]N; n; erpetu[cloud]N; šamû[sky]N; ṣabātu[cover (the sky)]V 3. SAG GE₆ sin ina IGI MÚL.BABBAR 2 KÙŠ ana ŠÚ GUB 7 DIR AN DIB AN PISAN DIB GE₆ 8 DIR AN DIB AN PISAN DIB SAG GE₆ sin ár MÚL.MÚL 1 KÙŠ 8 DIR AN DIB #lem: rēšu[beginning]N; mūšu[night]N; Sîn[moon]N; ina[in]PRP; pān[front]N; Kakkabu-peṣû[Jupiter]CN; n; ammatu[unit]N; ana[to]PRP; erbu[west]'N; izuzzu[stand]V; n; erpetu[cloud]N; šamû[sky]N; etēqu[cross]V; šamû[rain]N; pisannu[(a meterological phenomenon)]N; DIB[(meaning unclear)]V; mūšu[night]N; n; erpetu[cloud]N; šamû[sky]N; etēqu[cross]V; šamû[rain]N; pisannu[(a meterological phenomenon)]N; DIB[(meaning unclear)]V; rēšu[beginning]N; mūšu[night]N; Sîn[moon]N; warki[behind]PRP; MÚL.MÚL[η Tauri]CN; n; ammatu[unit]N; n; erpetu[cloud]N; šamû[sky]N; etēqu[cross]V 4. AN ⸢PISAN DIB⸣ GE₆ 10 SAG GE₆ sin SIG ŠUR-GIGIR-šá-ULÙ 1 KÙŠ GE₆ 11 SAG GE₆ sin ár MÚL-ár-šá-še-pít-MAŠ.MAŠ 5/6 KÙŠ GE₆ 12 DIR AN DIB AN rad PISAN DIB #lem: šamû[rain]N; pisannu[(a meterological phenomenon)]N; DIB[(meaning unclear)]V; mūšu[night]N; n; rēšu[beginning]N; mūšu[night]N; Sîn[moon]N; šapil[below]'PRP; ŠUR-GIGIR-šá-ULÙ[ζ Tauri]CN; n; ammatu[unit]N; mūšu[night]N; n; rēšu[beginning]N; mūšu[night]N; Sîn[moon]N; warki[behind]PRP; MÚL-ár-šá-še-pít-MAŠ.MAŠ[μ Geminorum]CN; n; ammatu[unit]N; mūšu[night]N; n; erpetu[cloud]N; šamû[sky]N; etēqu[cross]V; šamû[rain]N; rādu[cloudburst]N; pisannu[(a meterological phenomenon)]N; DIB[(meaning unclear)]V 5. SAG GE₆ sin ina IGI MAŠ.MAŠ-ár 1 1/2 KÙŠ GE₆ ⸢13⸣ DIR AN ZA GE₆ 14 12 ME muš SAG GE₆ sin ina IGI SAG-A 2 1/2 KÙŠ 14 3.40 ŠÚ GE₆ 15 2.20 GE₆ #lem: rēšu[beginning]N; mūšu[night]N; Sîn[moon]N; ina[in]PRP; pān[front]N; MAŠ.MAŠ-ár[β Geminorum]CN; n; n; ammatu[unit]N; mūšu[night]N; n; erpetu[cloud]N; šamû[sky]N; ṣabātu[cover (the sky)]V; mūšu[night]N; n; n; ūmu[moonrise to sunset]N; mašāhu[measure]V; rēšu[beginning]N; mūšu[night]N; Sîn[moon]N; ina[in]PRP; pān[front]N; SAG-A[ε Leonis]CN; n; n; ammatu[unit]N; n; n; rabû[moonset to sunrise]'N; mūšu[night]N; n; n; mūšu[night]N 6. SAG GE₆ sin SIG LUGAL 1 KÙŠ sin 1/2 KÙŠ ana ŠÚ [LA]L USAN AN SIG MÚL-IGI-šá-SAG-HUN 4 1/2 KÙŠ 15 8.40 na muš GE₆ 16 sin TÙR NIGIN #lem: rēšu[beginning]N; mūšu[night]N; Sîn[moon]N; šapil[below]'PRP; LUGAL[α Leonis]CN; n; ammatu[unit]N; Sîn[moon]N; n; ammatu[unit]N; ana[to]PRP; erbu[west]'N; nahāsu[be(come) back]V; šimītān[first part of the night]N; Ṣalbaṭānu[Mars]CN; šapil[below]'PRP; MÚL-IGI-šá-SAG-HUN[β Arietis]CN; n; n; ammatu[unit]N; n; n; na[sunrise to moonset]N; mašāhu[measure]V; mūšu[night]N; n; Sîn[moon]N; tarbaṣa[halo]N; lawi[surrounded (with)]AJ 7. ina ZALÁG sin SIG GIŠ.KUN-A 4 KÙŠ GE₆ 17 DIR AN ZA 17 me-hu-ú ULÙ ŠÁR GE₆ 18 ŠÚ.ŠÚ 18 me-hu-ú ULÙ ŠÁR KALAG AN DUL-hat #lem: ina[in]PRP; nūru[last part of the night]N; Sîn[moon]N; šapil[below]'PRP; GIŠ.KUN-A[ϑ Leonis]CN; n; ammatu[unit]N; mūšu[night]N; n; erpetu[cloud]N; šamû[sky]N; ṣabātu[cover (the sky)]V; n; mehû[storm]N; šūtu[south wind]N; ŠÁR[gusty(?)]AJ; mūšu[night]N; n; urrup[be(come) very overcast]V; n; mehû[storm]N; šūtu[south wind]N; ŠÁR[gusty(?)]AJ; dannu[strong]AJ; šamû[rain]N; DUL[(meaning unclear)]V 8. U 1-en-šú GÙ-šú ŠUB-di 18 dele-bat ina ŠÚ [ina] GU ŠÚ GE₆ 19 DIR AN ZA ina ZALÁG sin ár SA₄-šá-ABSIN 2 5/6 KÙŠ 19 dele-bat ina NIM ina GU IGI DIR NU PAP #lem: ubānu[finger]N; ištēn[one//once]NU'NU$; rigimšu[voice]N; nadû[throw (down)]V; n; Dilbat[Venus]CN; ina[in]PRP; erbu[west]'N; ina[in]PRP; Gula[Aquarius]CN; rabû[moonset to sunrise]'N; mūšu[night]N; n; erpetu[cloud]N; šamû[sky]N; ṣabātu[cover (the sky)]V; ina[in]PRP; nūru[last part of the night]N; Sîn[moon]N; warki[behind]PRP; SA₄-šá-ABSIN[α Virginis]CN; n; n; ammatu[unit]N; n; Dilbat[Venus]CN; ina[in]PRP; Elamtu[east]'N; ina[in]PRP; Gula[Aquarius]CN; nanmuru[be(come) visible]V; erpetu[cloud]N; ul[not]MOD; naṣāru[watch]V 9. ⸢GE₆⸣ 20 DIR AN ZA ⸢GE₆ 21⸣ [DI]R AN DIB GE₆ 22 DIR AN ZA ina [ZAL]ÁG sin e SI₄ 3 1/2 KÙŠ sin 1/2 KÙŠ ana NIM DIB ina ZALÁG GU₄.UD SIG SI-MÁŠ #lem: mūšu[night]N; n; erpetu[cloud]N; šamû[sky]N; ṣabātu[cover (the sky)]V; mūšu[night]N; n; erpetu[cloud]N; šamû[sky]N; etēqu[cross]V; mūšu[night]N; n; erpetu[cloud]N; šamû[sky]N; ṣabātu[cover (the sky)]V; ina[in]PRP; nūru[last part of the night]N; Sîn[moon]N; eli[above]PRP; SI₄[α Scorpii]CN; n; n; ammatu[unit]N; Sîn[moon]N; n; ammatu[unit]N; ana[to]PRP; Elamtu[east]'N; etēqu[pass]V; ina[in]PRP; nūru[last part of the night]N; Šihṭu[Mercury]CN; šapil[below]'PRP; SI-MÁŠ[β Capricorni]CN 10. [N N ... GE₆] 23 DIR AN ZA IM ŠÁR ina ZALÁG sin ár MÚL-KUR-šá-KIR₄-šil-PA 1 5/6 KÙŠ GE₆ 25 DIR AN ZA GE₆ 26 DIR AN DIB #lem: n; n; u; mūšu[night]N; n; erpetu[cloud]N; šamû[sky]N; ṣabātu[cover (the sky)]V; šāru[wind]N; ŠÁR[gusty(?)]AJ; ina[in]PRP; nūru[last part of the night]N; Sîn[moon]N; warki[behind]PRP; MÚL-KUR-šá-KIR₄-šil-PA[ϑ Ophiuchi]CN; n; n; ammatu[unit]N; mūšu[night]N; n; erpetu[cloud]N; šamû[sky]N; ṣabātu[cover (the sky)]V; mūšu[night]N; n; erpetu[cloud]N; šamû[sky]N; etēqu[cross]V 11. [GE₆ 27 USAN AN SIG? MÚL-ár]-šá-SAG-HUN 4 KÙŠ 27 13.20 KUR 28 56 ME ana ŠÚ šamáš šamáš AN.KU₁₀ ki TAB-ú ina 12 ME #lem: mūšu[night]N; n; šimītān[first part of the night]N; Ṣalbaṭānu[Mars]CN; šapil[below]'PRP; MÚL-ár-šá-SAG-HUN[α Arietis]CN; n; ammatu[unit]N; n; n; KUR[moonrise to sunrise]N; n; n; ūmu[day]N; ana[before]PRP; erib[(sun)set]N; šamši[sun]N; šamšu[sun]N; antallû[eclipse]N; kī[when]PRP; ušarrû[begin]V; ina[in]PRP; n; ūmu[daytime]N 12. [... ZAL]ÁG ⸢ki⸣ TAB-ú ina 11 ME TA ULÙ ana SI ZALÁG-ir 23 GAR u ZALÁG-ru ina AN.KU₁₀-šú MAR šá ana SI ṣal-pu GIN #lem: u; nūru[last part of the night]N; kī[when]PRP; ušarrû[begin]V; ina[in]PRP; n; ūmu[daytime]N; ištu[from]PRP; šūtu[south]N; ana[to]PRP; ištānu[north]N; nawāru[be(come) bright//clear]V'V$; n; šiknu[onset]'N; u[and]CNJ; nawāru[clearing]'N; ina[during]PRP; antallû[eclipse]N; amurru[west wind]N; ša[which]REL; ana[to]PRP; ištānu[north]N; ṣalāpu[slant]V; alāku[blow]V 13. [...] ⸢x⸣ [x kàs 1(GUR)] 2(BARIG) 3(BÁN) sah-le₁₀ 3(BÁN) 3 qa ŠE.GIŠ.Ì 4(BÁN) 3 qa SÍG{HI.A} 3 MA.NA a-na 1 GÍN KÙ.BABBAR ép-šú #lem: u; u; u; kasû[mustard]N; n; n; n; sahlu[cress]N; n; n; qû[(one) litre]N; šamaššammū[sesame]N; n; n; qû[(one) litre]N; šīpātu[wool]N; n; manû[mina]N; ana[for]PRP; n; šiqlu[shekel]N; kaspu[silver]N; epšu[wrought]AJ 14. [i-nu-šú MÚL.BABBAR u AN ina HUN ... dele-bat ina ŠÚ] ina GU ŠÚ GU₄.UD ina MÁŠ GENNA ina GÍR.TAB ITU BI ILLU 1/2 KÙŠ GIN 21 na #lem: inūšu[at that time]AV; Kakkabu-peṣû[Jupiter]CN; u[and]CNJ; Ṣalbaṭānu[Mars]CN; ina[in]PRP; Agru[Aries]CN; u; Dilbat[Venus]CN; ina[in]PRP; erbu[west]'N; ina[in]PRP; Gula[Aquarius]CN; rabû[set]V; Šihṭu[Mercury]CN; ina[in]PRP; Suhurmāšu[Capricorn]CN; Kayyamānu[Saturn]CN; ina[in]PRP; Zuqiqīpu[Scorpio]CN; warhu[month]N; šū[that]'DP; mīlu[river level]N; n; ammatu[unit]N; alāku[rise]V; n; na[na-gauge]N $ ruling 15. [ZÍZ 30 ... GE₆ 5 SAG GE₆ sin SIG?] ⸢AN⸣ 2 1/2 KÙŠ GE₆ 6 SAG GE₆ sin SIG MÚL.BABBAR 1 1/2 KÙŠ ina IGI MÚL.MÚL 1 KÙŠ #lem: Šabāṭu[Month XI]MN; n; u; mūšu[night]N; n; rēšu[beginning]N; mūšu[night]N; Sîn[moon]N; šapil[below]'PRP; Ṣalbaṭānu[Mars]CN; n; n; ammatu[unit]N; mūšu[night]N; n; rēšu[beginning]N; mūšu[night]N; Sîn[moon]N; šapil[below]'PRP; Kakkabu-peṣû[Jupiter]CN; n; n; ammatu[unit]N; ina[in]PRP; pān[front]N; MÚL.MÚL[η Tauri]CN; n; ammatu[unit]N 16. [... GE₆] ⸢8?⸣ sin TÙR NIGIN GE₆ 9 ŠÚ.ŠÚ IM ŠÁR 9 DIR AN DIB AN PISAN DIB #lem: u; mūšu[night]N; n; Sîn[moon]N; tarbaṣa[halo]N; lawi[surrounded (with)]AJ; mūšu[night]N; n; urrup[be(come) very overcast]V; šāru[wind]N; ŠÁR[gusty(?)]AJ; n; erpetu[cloud]N; šamû[sky]N; etēqu[cross]V; šamû[rain]N; pisannu[(a meterological phenomenon)]N; DIB[(meaning unclear)]V 17. [...] ⸢KÙŠ⸣? 13 GU₄.UD ina NIM ina GU ŠÚ GE₆ 14 8 ⸢ME?⸣ NU? [PAP] #lem: u; ammatu[unit]N; n; Šihṭu[Mercury]CN; ina[in]PRP; Elamtu[east]'N; ina[in]PRP; Gula[Aquarius]CN; rabû[set]V; mūšu[night]N; n; n; ūmu[moonrise to sunset]N; ul[not]MOD; naṣāru[watch]V 18. [...] ⸢x⸣ [...] #lem: u; u; u @left 1. [EN.NUN šá gi-né-e šá TA x] #lem: naṣāru[observation]'N; ša[which]REL; ginû[regularity]N; ša[which]REL; ištu[from]PRP; u 2. EN [TIL? x šá MU.57.KÁM ...] #lem: adi[until]PRP; qītu[end]N; u; ša[of]DET; n; u @translation labeled en project @obverse @(o 1') [...] (blank) [...] @(o 2') [...] stood [to the ea]st@sup{?}. Ni[ght of the nnth, beginning of the ni]ght, the moon was @(o 3') [... the moon ...] stood 2 cubits behind Jupiter@sup{?} to the east @(o 4') [...] rain, PISAN DIB. The 12th, very overcast, heavy fog @(o 5') [...] moonset to sunrise: [nn°] 40'; dense clouds, I did not watch. The 15th, very overcast. @(o 6') [...] heavy fog. Night of the 17th, last part of the night, the moon was 3 cubits in front of α Leonis. @(o 7') [... Night of the 21st, last part of the night, the moon was] 2 cubits 8 fingers in front of α Virginis @(o 8') [... the disc of the sun] looked like that of the moon. The 24th, solstice; heavy fog @(o 9') [...] rain DUL. The 28th, moonrise to sunrise: 12° 30'; clouds, I did not watch. The 29th, Sirius’ acronychal rising. @(o 10') [...] 1 @i{pānu} 4 @i{sūtu}; mustard, 1 @i{kurru} 2 @i{pānu} 3 @i{sūtu}; cress, 3 @i{sūtu} 3 @i{qa}; @(o 11') [sesame, ...; wool, nn minas] were sold [f]or 1 shekel of silver. At that time, Jupiter was in the end of Aries; Venus was in Aquarius; around the 20th, Mercury’s last appearance in the west in Capricorn; @(o 12') [around] the 29th, Mercury’s first appearance in the east in the end of Sagittarius; Saturn was in Scorpius; Mars was in Pisces@sup{?}. That month, the river level rose 4 fingers, 24 was the @i{na} na-gauge. That month, the thieves @(o 13') [...] ... [...] ... and had taken things away from the property of Zababa and Ninlil in Babylon, @bottom @(b.e. 1) were burned in Babylon. That month, there was heavy fog from the 12th to the end of the month. @reverse @(r 1) Month X, the 1st (of which followed the 30th of the preceding month, sunset to moonset): 27° 30'; clouds, I did not watch. Night of the 1st, last part of the night, Saturn was 8 fingers above β Scorpii. Night of the 3rd, first part of the night, Mars was 1 5/6 cubits below η Piscium. Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon @(r 2) stood 1 cubit 8 fingers in front of Mars to the west, 1 cubit in front of η Piscium. Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was 5 1/2 cubits below α Arietis, the moon having passed a littleto the east. Night of the 7th, clouds were in the sky; @(r 3) beginning of the night, the moon stood 2 cubits in front of Jupiter to the west. The 7th, clouds crossed the sky, rain, PISAN DIB. Night of the 8th, clouds crossed the sky, rain, PISAN DIB; beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind η Tauri. The 8th, clouds crossed the sky, @(r 4) rain, PISAN DIB. Night of the 10th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit below ζ Tauri. Night of the 11th, beginning of the night, the moon was 5/6 cubit behind μ Geminorum. Night of the 12th, clouds crossed the sky, cloudburst, PISAN DIB; @(r 5) beginning of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits in front of β Geminorum. Night of the 13th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 14th, moonrise to sunset: 12°, measured; beginning of the night, the moon was 2 1/2 cubits in front of ε Leonis. The 14th, moonset to sunrise: 3° 40'. Night of the 15th, sunset to moonrise: 2° 20'; @(r 6) beginning of the night, the moon was 1 cubit below α Leonis, the moon being 1/2 cubit back to the west; first part of the night, Mars was 4 1/2 cubits below β Arietis. The 15th, sunrise to moonset: 8° 40', measured. Night of the 16th, the moon was surrounded by a halo; @(r 7) last part of the night, the moon was 4 cubits below ϑ Leonis. Night of the 17th, clouds were in the sky. The 17th, gusty south storm. Night of the 18th, very overcast. The 18th, strong gusty south storm, rain DUL, @(r 8) it thundered once. The 18th, Venus’ last appearance in the west in Aquarius. Night of the 19th, clouds were in the sky; last part of the night, the moon was 2 5/6 cubits behind α Virginis. The 19th, Venus’ first appearance in the east in Aquarius; clouds, I did not watch. @(r 9) Night of the 20th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 21st, clouds crossed the sky. Night of the 22nd, clouds were in the sky; last part of the night, the moon was 3 1/2 cubits above α Scorpii, the moon having passed 1/2 cubit to the east; last part of the night, Mercury was [...] below β Capricorni. @(r 10) [... Night] of the 23rd, clouds were in the sky, gusty wind; last part of the night, the moon was 1 5/6 cubits behind ϑ Ophiuchi. Night of the 25th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 26th, clouds crossed the sky. @(r 11) [Night of the 27th, first part of the night, Mars was] 4 cubits [below@sup{?} α] Arietis. The 27th, moonrise to sunrise: 13° 20'. The 28th, 56° before sunset, solar eclipse; when it began, in 12° daytime @(r 12) [...] when it began [to cl]ear, it cleared from south to north in 11° daytime; 23° onset and clearing; during its eclipse blew the west wind which was slanted to the north. @(r 13) [...] ... [... mustard, 1 @i{kurru}] 2 @i{pānu} 3 @i{sūtu}; cress, 3 @i{sūtu} 3 @i{qa}; sesame, 4 @i{sūtu} 3 @i{qa}; wool, 3 minas were sold for 1 shekel of silver. @(r 14) [At that time, Jupiter and Mars were in Aries ... Venus’] last appearance [in the west] in Aquarius; Mercury was in Capricorn; Saturn was in Scorpius. That month, the river level rose 1/2 cubit, 21 was the @i{na} na-gauge. $ ruling @(r 15) [Month XI, (the 1st of which was identical with) the 30th (of the preceding month), ... Night of the 5th, beginning of the night, the moon was] 2 1/2 cubits [below@sup{?}] Mars. Night of the 6th, beginning of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits below Jupiter, 1 cubit in front of η Tauri. @(r 16) [... Night of] the 8th@sup{?}, the moon was surrounded by a halo. Night of the 9th, very overcast, gusty wind. The 9th, clouds crossed the sky, rain, PISAN DIB. @(r 17) [...] cubits@sup{?}. The 13th, Mercury’s last appearance in the east in Aquarius. Night of the 14th, monrise to sunset@sup{?}: 8°; I did not@sup{?} [watch.] @(r 18) [...] ... [...] @left @(l.e. 1) [Diary from month ...] @(l.e. 2) to [the end of month ... of year 57, ...]