
o 1'o 1'

[...] šir? [...]

(o 1') [... cold] became severe? [...]

o 2'2'

[...] MAḪ KALAG AN kab-[bar ...]

(o 2') [...] much heavy [...], thick rain [...]

o 3'3'

[... dele-bat x] MUL₂.BABBAR 8 U i-ṣa dele-bat ana ŠU₂ LAL [...]

(o 3') [... Venus was] 8 fingers [...] Jupiter, Venus being a little back to the west [...]

o 4'4'

[...] muš ŠU₂.ŠU₂ SAG GE₆ sin ina IGI MUL₂ x [...]

(o 4') [...] measured; very overcast; beginning of the night, the moon was in front of ... [...]

o 5'5'

[...] SAG GE₆ sin ar₂ SAG-A 1 KUŠ₃ ina ZALAG₂ sin SIG [LUGAL N N ...]

(o 5') [... beginn]ing of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind ε Leonis; last part of the night, the moon was [...] below [α Leonis ...]

o 6'6'

[...] GE₆ DIR AN DIB ULU₃ KALAG GIN AN kab-[bar x x] DIB

(o 6') [... ni]ght?, clouds crossed the sky, a strong south wind blew, th[ick] rain [...] ...

o 7'7'

[... AN] DUL-ḫat 17 ŠU₂.ŠU₂ ina KIN.SIG AN UTAḪ [...]

(o 7') [... rain] DUL. The 17th, very overcast; in the afternoon, rain shower [...]

o 8'8'

[...] kal GE₆ DIR AN DIB ina ZALAG₂ AN DUL-ḫat [...]

(o 8') [...] all night clouds crossed the sky; last part of the night, rain DUL [...]

o 9'9'

[...] AN DUL-ḫat ina ZALAG₂ sin e SI₄? 1 1/2 KUŠ₃

(o 9') [...] rain DUL; last part of the night, the moon was 1 1/2 cubits above α Scorpii?

o 10'10'

[...] x ḪAB-rat šamaš₂ GIM ša₂ sin IGI

(o 10') [...] the disk of the sun looked like that of the moon

o 11'11'

[...] AN DIB GE₆ 26? DIR AN DIB

(o 11') [...] crossed the sky. Night of the 26th, clouds crossed the sky

o 12'12'

[...] ŠU₂.ŠU₂ ina ZALAG₂ GU₄.UD

(o 12') [...] very overcast; last part of the night, Mercury

o 13'13'


(o 13') [... was not] visible. That month,

r 1'r 1'

[... MUL₂-KUR-ša₂]-KIR₄-šil-PA [...]

(r 1') [... θ Ophigh]uchigh [...]

r 2'2'

[...] ina IGI GENNA [...]

(r 2') [...] in front of Saturn [...]

r 3'3'

[...] 24 DIR AN [...]

(r 3') [...] the 24th, clouds [...] the sky [...]

r 4'4'

[...] 25 DIR AN ZA GE₆ 27 ŠU₂?

(r 4') [... The 2]5th, clouds were in the sky. Night of the 27th, overcast?

r 5'5'

[...] x 29 ŠU₂.ŠU₂ AN UTAḪ

(r 5') [...] The 29th, overcast, rain shower

r 6'6'

[... x]+2 PI kas₃ 1 GUR 2(BARIG) 3(BAN₂)

(r 6') [... x]+2 pānu; mustard, 1 kurru 2 pānu 3 sūtu

r 7'7'

[...] x dele-bat ina zib.ME ina TIL ITU ina ḪUN

(r 7') [...] ...; Venus was in Pisces, at the end of the month, in Aries;

r 8'8'

[...] PAP 28 na ina MURUB₄ ITU 3 1/2 KUŠ₃ GIN

(r 8') [... to]tal: 28 was the na (gauge); in the middle of the month, it rose 3 1/2 cubits,

r 9'9'


(r 9') [...]

r 10'10'

[ZIZ₂ ... GENNA] SIG SI-MAŠ₂ 2 1/2 KUŠ₃ ŠU₂.ŠU₂ 1 ŠU₂.ŠU₂

(r 10') [Month XI, ... Saturn] was 2 1/2 cubits below β Capricorni; very overcast. The 1st, very overcast

r 11'11'

[...] SAG GE₆ sin ar₂ MUL₂.MUL₂ 1 KUŠ₃ 4 DIR AN ZA

(r 11') [... beginn]ing of the night, the moon was 1 cubit behind η Tauri. The 4th, clouds were in the sky

r 12'12'

[... GE₆] 6? DIR AN DIB AN kab-bar PISAN DIB 6 ŠU₂.ŠU₂

(r 12') [... Night of] the 6th?, clouds crossed the sky, thick rain PISAN DIB. The 6th, very overcast?

r 13'13'

[...] 1/2 KUŠ₃ ana NIM DIB ina ZALAG₂ ŠU₂ x

(r 13') [...] having passed 1/2 cubit to the east; last part of the night, overcast ...