OrNS 59, 486 (= K.16934) + AOAT 034, 006[via caspo]

oo NaN  (beginning obverse missing)
o 1'o 1'

[tuš-te]-šir la šu-šu-[ra ...]

[You secure jus]tice for the misgui[ded, . . .].

o 2'2'

[ta]-ṣab-bat ŠU-MIN en-ši [...]

[You] take the hands of the powerless, [. . .].

o 3'3'

[ša₂ a]-na a-ra-al-[le-e ...]

[. . . of the one . . . in]to the netherworld.

o 4'4'

[...] pa-[gar]-šu₂? [...]

[. . . his] bo[dy . . .]

o 5'5'

[...] i-šu-u₂ ta-pa-ṭar [...]

You forgive [. . .] has [. . .]

o 6'6'

ša₂ DINGIR-šu₂ dIŠ₈.TAR₂-šu₂ zi-nu-u tu-sa-[lam ...]

You restore pe[ace . . .] to the one whose (personal) god (and personal) goddess are angry [. . .].

o 7'7'

dnin-urta a-ša₂-red DINGIR-MEŠ qu-ra-du at-ta

O Ninurta, foremost of the gods, you (are) the hero.

o 8'8'

ana-ku IR₃-ka mAN.ŠAR₂.DU₃.A DUMU DINGIR-šu₂

I, your servant, Ashurbanipal, son of his god,

o 9'9'

ša₂ DINGIR-šu₂ -šur d1(u) 5(diš)-šu₂ daš₂-šu-ri-tu₄

whose god is Ashur, whose goddess is Ashuritu,

o 10'10'

ar-kus-ka rik-sa ZI₃.EŠA as₃-ruq-ka

Have set up a ritual arrangement for you. I have strewn flour for you.

o 11'11'

as₃-ruq-ka qut-rin-na i-ri-ša₂ ṭa-a-ba

I have strewn incense for you, a sweet fragra[nce].

o 12'12'

BAL-ka du--šu-pa!(AŠ₂) ši-kar aš₂-na-an

I have libated sweet ale for you, beer made from (lit. of) grain.

o 13'13'

KI-ka li-ziz-zu DINGIR-MEŠ šu-ut d+EN.[LIL₂]

May the gods of the (Path of) En[lil] stand with you.

o 14'14'

KI-ka li-ziz-zu DINGIR-MEŠ šu-ut E₂.[KUR]

May the gods, those of E[kur], stand with you.

r 1r 1

ina ḪUL AN.GI₆ d3(u) ša₂ ITI U₄ GAR[na]

On account of the evil of a lunar eclipse, which occ[urred] in month (and) day,

r 22


(And) the evil of portents (and) omens, unpleasant (and) unfavorable,

r 33

ša₂ ina E₂.GAL-MU u KUR-MU GAL₂[a]

Which ar[e] present in my palace and my land,

r 44

ki-niš IGI.BARni-ma ši-mi qa-ba-a-a

Look upon me with due favor and hear my speaking.

r 55

un-ni-ni-ia TI-ma mu-ḫur tas-lit

Accept my prayer; receive (my) appeal.

r 66

zik-ri li-ṭib UGU-ka

May my speech please you.

r 77

si-lim KI ia-a-tu-u₂ pa-liḫ-ka

Be at peace with me, the one who fears you.

r 88

pa-ni-ka a-ta-mar lu-še-ra ana-ku

I have seen your face. May I indeed prosper.

r 99

[mu]-up-pal-sa-at ki-niš IGI.BARan-ni

You are [favo]rably disposed; look upon me with due favor.

r 1010

[... pu]-ṭur šer₂-ti₃ [pu]-šur

[Re]move [. . .]; [for]give (my) offence.

r 1111

[... gil₂-la]-ti-ma ḫi-[ṭi-ti ...]

[. . .] my [si]n [. . .] [my] neg[ligence].

(end reverse missing)