Maqlû Ritual Tablet
Obverse | ||
Instructions for Tablet I | Instructions for Tablet I | |
11 | (1) When [you perform] the Maqlû ritual: [...] | |
2–3 lines of text missing | ||
2ʹ2ʹ | [x-x] x (ca. 21 signs) | |
3ʹ3ʹ | (3ʹ) [You perform] the ritual of Washing-the-Mouth on [the pa]tient [...] | |
4ʹ4ʹ | (4ʹ) The patient treads! on tamarisk ... [...] | |
5ʹ5ʹ | [...] x | |
6ʹ6ʹ | (6ʹ) He recites the Incantation “I call upon you” three times. | |
7ʹ7ʹ | x (ca. 10 signs) ...]-x-e | |
8ʹ8ʹ | (8ʹ) When he reaches (the passage) “May that which uttered evil against me,” | |
9ʹ9ʹ | [gizillâ ina išā]t? kibrīti t[aqâd-m]a? ṣalam (or: ṣalmu ša) lipî | (9ʹ) you k[indle a torch in burn]ing(?) sulphur, [th]en a figurine of tallow— |
10ʹ10ʹ | (10ʹ) you place salt in its mouth. You place the figurine on the tip of the torch | |
11ʹ11ʹ | [ina muḫḫ]i burzigalli ittanattuk | (11ʹ) so that it drips [upo]n the burzigallu-vessel. |
12ʹ12ʹ | (12ʹ) When he has [comple]ted(?) the Incantation “I c[al]l upon you,” the torch | |
13ʹ13ʹ | (13ʹ) together with the b[urz]igallu-vessel [you take out through the entrance and then prostrate] yourself. | |
Because the following lines are so fragmentary in e, k, and cc, I present them individually and not in scored form. | | |
Variant in eNinB | Variant in eNinB | |
14′eNinB14′eNinB | (14′eNinB) [You return] to the house [...]; before [...] you set up the ritual arrangement. | |
15′eNinB15′eNinB | [...] ... ... tašakkan | |
16′eNinB16′eNinB | [...] ... | |
17′eNinB17′eNinB | (17′eNinB) [...] The incantation ... you recite three times, then | |
18′eNinB18′eNinB | [... t]uškên | |
Variant in k₁ | Variant in k₁ | |
14′k₁14′k₁ | ||
15′k₁15′k₁ | ||
16′k₁16′k₁ | e [...] ... [ ... ] | |
17′k₁17′k₁ | ⸢ÉN⸣ [...] ... [ ... ] | |
18′k₁18′k₁ | ||
Variant in ccBab | Variant in ccBab | |
14′ccBab14′ccBab | ||
15′ccBab15′ccBab | ||
16′ccBab16′ccBab | ||
17′ccBab17′ccBab | ... ÉN ... [ ... ] | |
19ʹ19ʹ | (19ʹ) [Incantation. “Netherworld, netherworld], yea [ne]therworld”: You spri[nkle] water. | |
20ʹ20ʹ | (20ʹ) Incantation. “My city is [Za]b[b]an; my c[it]y is Zabban”: You sp[rinkle] water. | |
21ʹ21ʹ | ⸢ÉN⸣ [akla (var.: akta[li]) nēb]e[ru ina? g]aṣṣi u maṣḫat[i] | (21ʹ) Incan[tation. “I have enclosed the f]o[rd”: With] gypsum and roasted flour |
22ʹ22ʹ | (22ʹ) you draw a circle around the crucible. | |
23ʹ23ʹ | (23ʹ) Incantation. “I have been sent and I [will go”: A figurine of tama]risk, <a figurine> of cedar, | |
24ʹ24ʹ | ṣalam lipî ṣalam iškūr[i] [ṣalam kups]i ṣalam ittî ṣalam ga[ṣṣi] | (24ʹ) a figurine of tallow, a figurine of wax, a figur[ine of sesame pom]ace, a figurine of bitumen, a figurine of gyp[sum], |
25ʹ25ʹ | ṣalam ṭīdi ṣalam lī[š]i [ina muḫḫ]i (or: lī[š]i) ḫuluppaqqi tasaddir-[m]a tašakkan | (25ʹ) a figurine of clay, a figurine of dough, you place in order on the crucible. |
26ʹ26ʹ | ÉN Nuska annûti <ṣalmī> ēp[išīy]a ubānšu ana muḫḫi itarraṣ-ma imannu | (26ʹ) Incantation. “O Nuska, these are <the figurines> of m[y sor]cerer”: He points his finger toward them (i.e., the figurines) and recites (the incantation). |
27ʹ27ʹ | (27ʹ) Incantation. “O Grand Nuska, offspring of [Anu]”: A fig]urine of tallow, a figurine of wax | |
28ʹ28ʹ | (28ʹ) You place on a torch, and c[edar, cypress], myrtle, ballukku-aromatic, | |
29ʹ29ʹ | (29ʹ) and sweet reed you insert into it. ... you sprinkle (on it). | |
30ʹ30ʹ | (30ʹ) You kin[dle (it/them)] in burning sulphur, and he recit[es the Incantation “I am rai]sing the to[rch].” | |
31ʹ31ʹ | (31ʹ) [You put] the fire into the crucible. | |
Instructions for Tablet II | Instructions for Tablet II | |
32ʹ32ʹ | (32ʹ) Incantation. “O Grand Nuska, counselor of the [great] god[s”: A figurine of tallow]. | |
33ʹ33ʹ | (33ʹ) Incantation. “O Girra, perfect lord”: A figurine of b[ronze with sulphur]. | |
34ʹ34ʹ | (34ʹ) Incantation. “O blazing Girra, sc[ion of] Anu”: [A figurine of bronze]. | |
35ʹ35ʹ | (35ʹ) Incantation. “O blazing Girra, warlike son of Anu”: A figurine of d[ough]. | |
36ʹ36ʹ | (36ʹ) Incantation. “O powerful Girra, wild (fire-)storm”: A figurine of clay. | |
37ʹ37ʹ | (37ʹ) Incantation. “O splendid Girra, scion of Anu”: A figurine of bitumen. | |
38ʹ38ʹ | (38ʹ) Incantation. “keš libiš kedeš”: A figurine of sesame pomace. | |
39ʹ39ʹ | (39ʹ) Incantation. “They perform sorcery against me, they keep on performing sorcery against me”: A figurine of bitumen mixed with gypsum. | |
40ʹ40ʹ | ÉN attimannu kaššāptu ša ina nāri imluʾu ṭīdâya ṣalam ṭīdi ša lipâ ballu | (40ʹ) Incantation. “Whoever you are, O witch, who has taken out clay (for a figurine) of me from the river”: A figurine of clay mixed with tallow. |
41ʹ41ʹ | ÉN attimannu kaššāptu ša tubtanaʾʾînni ṣalam bīni ṣalam erēni | (41ʹ) Incantation. “Whoever you are, O witch, who keeps on seeking me”: A figurine of tamarisk, a figurine of cedar. |
Instructions for Tablet III | Instructions for Tablet III | |
42ʹ42ʹ | (42ʹ) Incantation. “The witch, she who roams the streets”: A figurine of clay— | |
43ʹ43ʹ | (43ʹ) You insert tallow in her epigastrium, cornel in her kidneys. | |
44ʹ44ʹ | (44ʹ) Incantation. “Two are they, the heavenly Daughters of Anu”: A figurine of tallow (and) sweepings. | |
45ʹ45ʹ | (45ʹ) Incantation. “Witch, murderess”: A figurine of wax. | |
46ʹ46ʹ | (46ʹ) Incantation. “Pure River (and) holy Sun am I”: A figurine of bitumen. | |
47ʹ47ʹ | ÉN lamânni sutû elamû red[ânni] ṣalam ittî ša kibrīta [ballu] | (47ʹ) Incantation. “The Sutean surrounds me, the Elamite pursue[s me]”: A figurine of bitumen [mixed] with sulphur. |
48ʹ48ʹ | ÉN attimannu (var.: attamannu) kaššāptu ša iqbû (var.: ibšû) amāt lemuttīya | (48ʹ) Incantation. “Whoever you are, O witch who has spoken an evil word against me |
49ʹ49ʹ | ina libbīša (var.: -šu) ṣalam ṭīdi ina kunukki arqi pâša ta[barram] | (49ʹ) in her heart” (var.: O witch in whose heart an evil word was against me): A figurine of clay—you [seal] its mouth with a yellow seal. |
50ʹ50ʹ | ÉN attīʾē ša tēpušīnni ištar kubši kinṣi ša ṭīdi teppuš ((maḫar šumēlīša ittâ tašakkan)) | (50ʹ) Incantation. “O you who have performed sorcery against me”: You make (a figurine of) a goddess from head to toe(? lit.: from turban to shin) out of clay. ((Put bitumen on her left)). |
51ʹ51ʹ | (51ʹ) Slag from a kiln (and) soot from a pot | |
52ʹ52ʹ | ina mê tamaḫḫaḫ-ma ana qaqqadīša [tatabbak] | (52ʹ) you moisten in water and [pour] on her head. |
53ʹ53ʹ | ÉN ša īpušanni (var.: ippušanni) ultēpišanni (var.: īteneppušanni) makur ṭīdi [šina ṣalmī ṭīdi] ina lib[bīša] | (53ʹ) Incantation. “She who has performed sorcery against me, has had sorcery performed against me” (var.: She performs sorcery against me, she keeps on performing sorcery against me): A boat of clay—[two figurines of clay] insid[e it]. |
54ʹ54ʹ | (54ʹ) Incantation. “I have had Sîn make my boat”: | |
55ʹ55ʹ | (55ʹ) A [b]oat of dou[gh—two fig]urines of dough in[side it]. | |
56ʹ56ʹ | ÉN ḫaṣabti sūqāti ammēni tugda(n)narrênni ḫaṣabti sūq-erbetti | (56ʹ) Incantation. “O sherd of the streets, why are you constantly hostile to me?”: A sherd from the crossroad |
57ʹ57ʹ | l[ipâ ta]paššaš <na>bāš[i (var.: tabarri) t]aka[r]r[ik] | (57ʹ) [you] rub with ta[llow] (and) wra[p up] with <re>d wool. |
58ʹ58ʹ | (58ʹ) Incantation. “Hand, hand”: A hand of tallow. | |
59ʹ59ʹ | (59ʹ) Incantation. “Hand, han[d”: A hand of wax]. | |
Instructions for Tablet IV | Instructions for Tablet IV | |
60ʹ60ʹ | (60ʹ) Incantation. “Burn, burn”: [(You make)] a cross of reeds from/for a roof rail[ing (made of reeds)]. | |
61ʹ61ʹ | (61ʹ) You lay two “full” reeds one across the other. | |
62ʹ62ʹ | ina nīrī ṣalmūti qabalš[u]n[u (var.: ina qablīšunu) takaṣṣar] | (62ʹ) At the[ir] intersection [you tie them together] with black string. |
63ʹ63ʹ | (63ʹ) Two figurines of tallo[w], two fig[urines of ...] | |
64ʹ64ʹ | ina erba appāti ša pallurti! tennī-ma tašakkan p[all]urti [lipâ] t[apaššaš tabarra takarrik] | (64ʹ) You place upside down(?)at the four ends of the cross. The c[ro]ss y[ou rub with tallow (and) wrap up with red wool]. |
65ʹ65ʹ | ÉN attimannu (var.: attamannu) kaššāptu ša zikurudâ ippuša (text: ippuš) šalāšat ḫuṣāb ēri li[pâ tapaššaš tabarra takarrik] | (65ʹ) Incantation. “Whoever you are, O witch, who performs Zikurrudâ-magic against me”: Three sticks of cornel [you rub with] tal[low (and) wrap up with red wool]. |
66ʹ66ʹ | ÉN nērtīya kaššāptīya u kušāpātīya lipâ ubān ṭīdi t[apaššaš? (tabarra takarrik)] | (66ʹ) Incantation. “My murderess, my witch, and my sorceress(?)”: Yo[u rub(?)] a finger of clay with tallow [(and wrap up with red wool)]. |
67ʹ67ʹ | ÉN ša Šamši mannu abūšu mann[u ummašu] ṭurri šipāti peṣâti šalāšat kiṣrī takaṣṣar t[abattaq (or: t[apaṭṭar]) ana li]bbi ḫulu[ppaqqi tanaddi?] | (67ʹ) Incantation. “Of the Sun, who is his father, wh[o is his mother]?”: You tie three knots in a band of white wool, y[ou undo(?) (them) and cast(?) (the band) in]to the cru[cible]. |
68ʹ68ʹ | (68ʹ) Incantation. “They perform sorcery against me, they keep on performing sorcery against me”: | |
69ʹ69ʹ | ṭurri šipāti peṣâti sebet k[i]ṣrī takaṣṣar (var.: -ma) [tabattaq (or: t[apaṭṭar]) ana libbi ḫuluppaqqi tanaddi?] | (69ʹ) You tie seven knots in a band of white wool, [you undo(?) (them) and cast(?) (the band) into the crucible]. |
70ʹ70ʹ | ÉN rūʾūʾa kaššāpat anāku pāširāk erbēšer ḫaṣbāta sūq-erbetta ana x-[...] | (70ʹ) Incantation. “My friend is a witch; (but) I am a releaser”: Fourteen sherds from the crossroad to ... [...]. |
Instructions for Tablet V | Instructions for Tablet V | |
71ʹ71ʹ | ÉN ēpištī! u muštēpištī! [ḫašê šam]aššammī [(tašarrap)] | (71ʹ) Incantation. “My! sorceress and the woman who instigates sorcery against me!”: [(You burn) thyme (and) se]same. |
72ʹ72ʹ | (72ʹ) Incantation. “Who has twined chaff together”: [You burn] chaff. | |
73ʹ73ʹ | (73ʹ) Incantation. “Strong one(?), strong one(?)”: | |
74ʹ74ʹ | tābīlu DUB.MEŠ-[ak (or aq) x-x-x] | (74ʹ) You strew(?) dried plants, [...]. |
75ʹ75ʹ | ÉN attimannu (var.: attamannu) kaššāptu ša tēteneppu[šī!] | (75ʹ) Incantation. “Whoever you are, O witch, who keeps on performing sorcery (against me)”: |
76ʹ76ʹ | (76ʹ) You burn kukru, thym[e], and chaff. | |
77ʹ77ʹ | ÉN zīru ša tēpušāni [tušēpišāni k]ibrīta ṭābat Amurri tašarrap | (77ʹ) Incantation. “The hate(-magic) that you have performed against me, [have had performed against me]”: [You bu]rn sul[phur and] Amurru-sa[lt]. |
78ʹ78ʹ | (78ʹ) Incantation: “Whoever you are, O witch, who like the South wind | |
79ʹ79ʹ | (79ʹ) [has pi]led up ((for fifteen days))”: Parched ro[asted flo]ur. | |
80ʹ80ʹ | (80ʹ) Incantation. “Splendid is my appearance, splendid is my countenance”: Parched roasted flour. | |
81ʹ81ʹ | (81ʹ) Incantation. “Ea has (now) unbound the sinews that you have bound up”: | |
82ʹ82ʹ | (82ʹ) You stir the contents of the crucible with a stick of cornel. | |
83ʹ83ʹ | (83ʹ) Incantation. “You, O water”: With water you extinguish the fire. | |
84ʹ84ʹ | (84ʹ) Incantation: “My sorcerers, my sorceresses”: With water you extinguish the fire. | |
(ruling) | ||
85ʹ85ʹ | (85ʹ) Incantation. “Raging, furious”: With water you extinguish the fire. | |
86ʹ86ʹ | (86ʹ) Incantation. “I trample down my foe”: He tramples a figurine of dough with his feet. | |
87ʹ87ʹ | ÉN ḫūlā zūbā ina nignakki ša maḫar Nuska bāb ḫuluppaqqi takattam | (87ʹ) Incantation. “Melt, dissolve”: You cover the opening of the crucible with the censer that is before Nuska. |
(ruling) | ||
88ʹ88ʹ | (88ʹ) Incantation. “May the mountain cover you”: A mountain-stone | |
89ʹ89ʹ | (89ʹ) you set upon the censer that is on the opening of the crucible. | |
90ʹ90ʹ | ÉN isâ isâ imannū-ma maṣḫata tattanaddi (var.: tanaddī-ma) | (90ʹ) Incantation. “Be off, be off”: He recites (it), and you then repeatedly pour out roasted flour. (var.: ... you then pour out roasted flour / and then take the brazier out [through the gate], and he then throws (it) away, then ...) |
91ʹ91ʹ | qil[ûtu (var.: nappa[ṭa]) adi ḫulupp]aqqi ana bābi tušeṣṣē-ma tana[ssuk] (var.: inassuk-ma) | (91ʹ) You take the remains [of the burning together with the cruc]ible out through the entrance and then thro[w (it) away]. |
92ʹ92ʹ | (92ʹ) Afterwards you recite the Incantation “Evil udug-demon to your steppe” to the outer entrance, | |
93ʹ93ʹ | (93ʹ) and you then draw around the entrances with roasted flour. | |
94ʹ94ʹ | ana bīti terrub-ma (var.: tatâr-ma) ašar maqlâ taqlû mê tattanaddi | (94ʹ) You enter (var.: return to) the house and then sprinkle water where you performed the Maqlû-burning. |
95ʹ95ʹ | ÉN anamdi šipta ana puḫri (var.: [puḫu]r) ilī kalāma tama[nnu] | (95ʹ) You reci[te] the Incantation “I am casting an incantation upon the assembly of all the gods.” |
Instructions for Tablet VI | Instructions for Tablet VI | |
96ʹ96ʹ | (96ʹ) Incantation. “Enlil is my head, my face is ūmu”: Juniper, k[ukru]. | |
97ʹ97ʹ | ÉN ēpišta (var.: ēpište) qumqummat[u] k[ukra] maštaka[l] | (97ʹ) Incantation. “My! sorceress is a qumqummatu”: k[ukru], soapwort. |
98ʹ98ʹ | (98ʹ) Incantation. “kukru, kukru, kukru”: Chaff, wall-[plast]er, soot. | |
99ʹ99ʹ | (99ʹ) Incantation. “kukru, kukru, Come hi[ther]”: kukru. | |
100ʹ100ʹ | (100ʹ) Incantation. “Ha! my witch, my deceiver”: kukru. | |
101ʹ101ʹ | (101ʹ) Incantation. “Before Ningirsu called out the ‘alāla’ work-song in the land”: kukru. | |
102ʹ102ʹ | (102ʹ) Incantation. “On the d[ay that the witch] bewitched me”: kukru, | |
103ʹ103ʹ | (103ʹ) tallow, torn rags. | |
104ʹ104ʹ | ÉN att[ī]ʾē (var.: attāʾē) ša tēpušī (var.: tēpuš) [k]alāma kukra | (104ʹ) Incantation. “You who have performed [a]ll kinds of sorcery”: kukru. |
105ʹ105ʹ | (105ʹ) Incantation. “Pure Sulphur, d[augh]ter of the great heavens am I”: Sulphur. | |
106ʹ106ʹ | (106ʹ) Incantation. “Sulphur, Sul[phur, Sulphur], daughter of River”: Sulph[ur]. | |
107ʹ107ʹ | (107ʹ) Incantation: “Pure Sulphur (and) atāʾišu, the holy plant am I”: | |
108ʹ108ʹ | (108ʹ) Sulphur, atāʾišu-plant. | |
109ʹ109ʹ | (109ʹ) Incantation. “River is my head, Sulphur my physique”: | |
110ʹ110ʹ | (110ʹ) Sulphur, anḫullû-plant, and imḫurlīmu-plant. | |
111ʹ111ʹ | (111ʹ) Incantation. “River, I have eaten, I have drunk ((I have salved myself))”: Sulphur. | |
112ʹ112ʹ | (112ʹ) Incantation. “Ha! my witch, my deceiver, whoever you are”: Sulphur. | |
113ʹ113ʹ | ÉN attī ṭābtu ša ina ašri elli ibbanû ana muḫḫi kirbān ṭābti imannū-ma | (113ʹ) Incantation. “You, Salt, who were created in a pure place”: He recites (it) over a lump of salt, |
114ʹ114ʹ | (114ʹ) you then place (it) upon the censer for incense that is at the head of the bed. | |
115ʹ115ʹ | ÉN ē kaššāptīya lū raḫḫātīya | (115ʹ) Incantation. “Ha! my witch, my inseminatrix”: |
116ʹ116ʹ | ana muḫḫi nuḫurti imannū-ma ina muḫḫi nignakki ša ina rēš erši tašakkan | (116ʹ) He recites (it) over asafoetida, you then place (it) upon the censer that is at the head of the bed. |
117ʹ117ʹ | (117ʹ) You surround the bed with (colored) twine. | |
118ʹ118ʹ | ÉN ē kaššāptīya lū raḫḫātīya ana muḫḫi šinšeret šaʾirrī imannū-ma ina muḫḫi nignakki ša ina rēš erši tašakkan | (118ʹ) Incantation. “Ha! my witch, my inseminatrix”: He recites (it) over twelve (wooden) šaʾirrus, you then place (them) upon the censer ((for incense)) that is at the head of the bed. |
119ʹ119ʹ | (119ʹ) Incantation. “Ha! my witch, my deceiver, you who (constantly) roam over all lands”: | |
120ʹ120ʹ | (120ʹ) He recites (it) over two sticks of cornel, | |
121ʹ121ʹ | (121ʹ) you then place (them) to the right and left of the outer gate. | |
122ʹ122ʹ | (122ʹ) Incantation. “Ha! my witch, my deceiver”: | |
123ʹ123ʹ | (123ʹ) He recites (it) over a mountain-stone, you then throw (it) away in the courtyard. | |
124ʹ124ʹ | (124ʹ) The fumigants for the Incantation(-tablet): “Enlil is my head,” | |
125ʹ125ʹ | (125ʹ) as many as are prescribed for the ritual arrangements, | |
126ʹ126ʹ | (126ʹ) you mix together and fumigate him. He recites the Incantation(-tablet): “Enlil is my head.” | |
Instructions for Tablet VII | Instructions for Tablet VII | |
127ʹ127ʹ | (127ʹ) Incantation. “My hand is the Rainbow”: Roasted flour and a dry (substance for producing) beer | |
128ʹ128ʹ | [ina] laḫanni šaḫarrati marṣu iballal-ma | (128ʹ) the patient mixes [in] a flask (var.: sherd) made of porous clay, |
129ʹ129ʹ | (129ʹ) he then smears (with it) the door, the bar, and the posts of the doors. | |
130ʹ130ʹ | (130ʹ) Incantation. “I am impregnating you, my self”: 1/10 of a liter of oil. | |
131ʹ131ʹ | (131ʹ) Incantation. “Pure oil, clear oil”: 1/10 of a liter of oil. | |
132ʹ132ʹ | (132ʹ) Incantation. “Enlil is my head, Sirius is my form”: 1/10 of a liter of oil. | |
(ruling?) | ||
133ʹ133ʹ | (133ʹ) [You anoint] his whole body with oil. | |
133a′133a′ | (133a′) ((He recites these incantations and then)) | |
134ʹ134ʹ | (134ʹ) The Incantation. “Nuska, first-born of Ekur, (the house) of instructions of the [great] gods [(x x)] | |
135ʹ135ʹ | Nūru [k]urab <ana Enlil?> šutēšer ḫarrānka a[na] E[kur tamannū-ma] | (135ʹ) (divine) light, salute <Enlil(?)>, make your way directly to E[kur” you recite]. |
136ʹ136ʹ | (136ʹ) Afterwards you then draw a circle around the [b]ed. | |
137ʹ137ʹ | (137ʹ) [You recite] the Incantation “Ban, ban” (and) the Incantation “The h[ouse] is adjured.” | |
138ʹ138ʹ | (138ʹ) In the morning, when you burn the ‘fire’ (šurpu), | |
139ʹ139ʹ | šurpu ana bābi (var.: nāri) tušeṣṣē-ma ta[nassuk] | (139ʹ) you take the fire (šurpu) out through the entrance (var.: to the river) and t[hrow (it) away]. |
140ʹ140ʹ | (140ʹ) Afterwards [he recites] the Incantation “Whoever you are, O witch, who has made.” | |
141ʹ141ʹ | (141ʹ) You draw a likeness of the witch made of flour inside a washbasin, | |
142ʹ142ʹ | ṣalam ṭīdi ša kaššāpti ina muḫḫi tašakkan qātīšu ana muḫḫi imessi (var.: -ma) ana bī[ti terrub] (var.: [tatâr]) | (142ʹ) you place thereon a clay figurine of the witch. He washes his hands thereon. [You enter (var.: [and you then return to ...]) the ho]use. |
143ʹ143ʹ | (143ʹ) Incantation. “Huntress of huntresses”: | |
144ʹ144ʹ | (144ʹ) Likenesses of the warlock and witch | |
145ʹ145ʹ | (145ʹ) made of flour you dr[aw] inside the washbasin, | |
146ʹ146ʹ | ṣalam ṭīdi ša kaššāpi u kaššāpti ina muḫḫi ṣalam qēmi tašakkan | (146ʹ) you place clay figurines of the warlock and witch upon the likenesses of flour (var.: thereon). |
147ʹ147ʹ | qātīšu ana (var.: ina) muḫḫi imessi ina ḫuṣāb ēri ana šalāšīšu ikar[rit] | (147ʹ) He washes his hands thereon. He stri[kes] (them) three times with a stick of cornel. |
148ʹ148ʹ | (148ʹ) Incantation. “Your sorcery, your manipulations”: Handwashing. | |
149ʹ149ʹ | (149ʹ) Incantation. “Your tightly knotted knots”: Handwashing. You throw dirt into the washbasin. | |
150ʹ150ʹ | (150ʹ) [Incantation. “I] wash my hands, I cleanse my body”: | |
151ʹ151ʹ | (151ʹ) He washes his hands [upo]n the figurine of the substitute. (var.: Handwashing) | |
152ʹ152ʹ | (152ʹ) [Incantation. “Ris]e up, morning, wash my hands”: Handwashing. | |
153ʹ153ʹ | (153ʹ) Incantation. “Dawn has broken”: Handwashing. | |
154ʹ154ʹ | (154ʹ) Incantation. “It is morning, yea morning”: Handwashing. | |
155ʹ155ʹ | (155ʹ) Incantation. “At dawn my hands are washed”: Handwashing. | |
156ʹ156ʹ | (156ʹ) Incantation. “I wash my hands (altern.: my mouth), I have (now) washed my hands”: Handwashing. | |
Instructions for Tablet VIII | Instructions for Tablet VIII | |
157ʹ157ʹ | (157ʹ) Incantation. “Until you rise”: (With water in which have been placed) tamarisk, soapwort, date pit, | |
158ʹ158ʹ | (158ʹ) chaff, gypsum, a ring of šubû stone, kukru, | |
159ʹ159ʹ | (159ʹ) juniper he washes his hands. | |
160ʹ160ʹ | (160ʹ) Incantation. “Šamaš has risen, I reach”: Handwashing. | |
161ʹ161ʹ | (161ʹ) Incantation. “When the witch crossed the river”: Handwashing. | |
162ʹ162ʹ | (162ʹ) Incantation. “After Uru called out the ‘alāla’ work-song in the land”: | |
163ʹ163ʹ | pâ ana libbi ḫaṣbi šaḫarri tanaddī-ma | (163ʹ) You put chaff inside a potsherd made of porous clay, |
164ʹ164ʹ | (164ʹ) with his mouth he then blows (the chaff) into the washbasin. | |
165ʹ165ʹ | (165ʹ) Incantation. “Now, then, this (one)”: | |
166ʹ166ʹ | ṣalam kaššāpti ša ṭīdi teppuš-ma (var.: teppuš) aban šadî ina rēš libbīša tašakkan | (166ʹ) You make a figurine of the witch out of clay and then place a mountain-stone on her upper abdomen. |
167ʹ167ʹ | (167ʹ) He washes his hands thereon. | |
168ʹ168ʹ | (168ʹ) He strikes it three times with a stick of cornel. | |
169ʹ169ʹ | (169ʹ) Incantation. “The mouth spoke evil”: Handwashing. | |
170ʹ170ʹ | (170ʹ) Incantation. “The sorceress and the woman who instigates sorcery, who sets witchcraft and spittle in motion”: | |
171ʹ171ʹ | (171ʹ) Two loaves of bread, (and) one figurine each of the warlock and witch | |
172ʹ172ʹ | (172ʹ) you make out of dough and then insert (lit.: attach; var. ... (and) one figurine each of the warlock and witch of dough you insert), (each) inside (one of) the loaves. | |
173ʹ173ʹ | ina imittīšu u šumēlīšu inaššī-ma šipta imannū-ma (var.: imannu) | (173ʹ) He then raises (the two loaves) in his right and left hands and then recites the incantation. |
174ʹ174ʹ | (174ʹ) You then throw (them) to a male and a female dog. | |
175ʹ175ʹ | ÉN attā (var.: attī) ṣillī mê burzigalla šaḫarrata tumallā-ma | (175ʹ) Incantation. “You are my reflection”: You fill a burzigallu-vessel made of porous clay with water. |
176ʹ176ʹ | (176ʹ) He then looks at his face in it | |
177ʹ177ʹ | (177ʹ) and beh[olds (it)]. You sprinkle (the water) [towards s]unrise. | |
178ʹ178ʹ | (178ʹ) [Afterwards] you recite [the Incantation “I raise my c]rooks,” | |
179ʹ179ʹ | (179ʹ) you then sprinkle water. | |
180ʹ180ʹ | (180ʹ) [The Ritual Tablet of Maql]û | |
Colophons | Colophons | |
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| |
Ms. D | Ms. D | |
D,iv_22′–31′D,iv_22′–31′ | (Ashurbanipal colophon, type c (Hunger, BAK, no. 319)) | (D,iv_22′–31′) (Ashurbanipal colophon, type c (Hunger, BAK, no. 319)) |