When Adad constantly thunders
Obverse | ||
CMAwR vol. 2, text 8.43, 1.: A₁ obv. 41–rev. 25 | CMAwR vol. 2, text 8.43, 1.: A₁ obv. 41–rev. 25 | |
8.43.1:08.43.1:0 |
| |
8.43.1:18.43.1:1 | (8.43.1:1) [Incantation]: “Greatest [ ... ], | |
8.43.1:28.43.1:2 | (8.43.1:2) unrelent[ing sto]rm [ ... ]. | |
8.43.1:38.43.1:3 | (8.43.1:3) Adad, greatest [ ... ], | |
8.43.1:48.43.1:4 | (8.43.1:4) unrelenting storm, her[oic ... ], | |
8.43.1:58.43.1:5 | (8.43.1:5) who places the clouds [(in the midst of the sky), lord] of the fl[ood], | |
8.43.1:68.43.1:6 | (8.43.1:6) all powerful, perf[ect, fier]ce, brav[e], | |
8.43.1:78.43.1:7 | (8.43.1:7) furious, (god) who does not fl[ee, lo]rd of batt[le]. | |
8.43.1:88.43.1:8 | (8.43.1:8) Adad, all powerful, perf[ect, furio]us, who does not fl[ee], | |
8.43.1:98.43.1:9 | (8.43.1:9) who sh[a]ckles the fighter, [who overwh]elms the obstin[ate], | |
8.43.1:108.43.1:10 | (8.43.1:10) who ki[ll]s the power[ful, who smi]tes the prou[d], | |
8.43.1:118.43.1:11 | (8.43.1:11) who de[str]oys the wick[ed, who sl]ays the villa[in], | |
8.43.1:128.43.1:12 | (8.43.1:12) who [saves the per]secut[ed, ... who tra]mples the meadows, | |
8.43.1:138.43.1:13 | (8.43.1:13) ... [ ... ] ... [ ... who kno]ws the strong one — he k[illed] the enemies, | |
8.43.1:148.43.1:14 | ||
8.43.1:158.43.1:15 | aš [...] | (8.43.1:15) (lines 15–17 too broken for translation) |
8.43.1:168.43.1:16 | tu-[x ...] | |
8.43.1:178.43.1:17 | x [...] | |
break | ||
8.43.1:18′8.43.1:18′ | ||
8.43.1:19′8.43.1:19′ | ||
8.43.1:20′8.43.1:20′ | (8.43.1:20′) the [Igigi] g[ods] heed [your command]. | |
8.43.1:21′8.43.1:21′ | [... mušt]ayyû ašrāt t[ašiltīka] | (8.43.1:21′) [ ... who is] assiduous toward the sanctuaries of [your] spl[endour]. |
8.43.1:22′8.43.1:22′ | (8.43.1:22′) [Anu, the king o]f the upper and the lower world, created [your] r[ule], | |
8.43.1:23′8.43.1:23′ | (8.43.1:23′) [yo]ur [ ... ] the father of the gods, [Enlil], | |
8.43.1:24′8.43.1:24′ | (8.43.1:24′) [Ea, king] of the subterranean ocean, [granted you] wisdom, | |
8.43.1:25′8.43.1:25′ | (8.43.1:25′) Ninmaḫ, [cre]atress of the gods, [clothed you] in awe-inspiring radiance, | |
8.43.1:26′8.43.1:26′ | (8.43.1:26′) Kutušar filled your form with terrifying splendour (and) fe[arsomeness]. | |
8.43.1:27′8.43.1:27′ | (8.43.1:27′) In the Ekur, the house of destinies, [your] h[ead] is raised high. | |
8.43.1:28′8.43.1:28′ | (8.43.1:28′) Merciful lord, [ ... ] among the gods. | |
8.43.1:29′8.43.1:29′ | (8.43.1:29′) I am attentive to you, praying to you, [kneeling down] at [your] feet, | |
8.43.1:30′8.43.1:30′ | (8.43.1:30′) show mercy to me, O lord, hear [my] pra[yer]: | |
8.43.1:31′8.43.1:31′ | [ḫ]ull[i]q ayyābīya ṭurud lem[nūtīya] | (8.43.1:31′) [D]estr[o]y my enemies, drive away those who wish [me] ev[il]! |
8.43.1:32′8.43.1:32′ | (8.43.1:32′) May witchcraft, magic, sorcery (and) [evil] machinations [not] come near me! | |
8.43.1:33′8.43.1:33′ | (8.43.1:33′) Look [with favour] on me and decree m[y well]-being! | |
8.43.1:34′8.43.1:34′ | (8.43.1:34′) Reconcile [my god] and my goddess with m[e]! | |
8.43.1:35′8.43.1:35′ | (8.43.1:35′) May your [furious he]art be soothed toward me, may your [m]ind be appeased for me, be reconciled with me! | |
8.43.1:36′8.43.1:36′ | (8.43.1:36′) [May my god] be merciful to me, may my [go]ddess have mercy on me! | |
8.43.1:37′8.43.1:37′ | (8.43.1:37′) Call me [by (my) name], then I will praise your divinity, | |
8.43.1:38′8.43.1:38′ | (8.43.1:38′) [I will pro]claim your [greatness] (and) praise your glory!” | |
8.43.1:39′8.43.1:39′ | (8.43.1:39′) It is [the wo]rding of a šuʾila prayer to Adad. | |
8.43.1:40′8.43.1:40′ | (8.43.1:40′) Its [ritual]: When Adad constantly thunders in the midst of the heavens, 41′you sweep [the roof], you sprink[le pu]re [water], you strew a censer with burāšu-juniper on (glowing) ašāgu-thorn coal; 42′[you] perform the [šuʾi]la-[prayer], and it will be heard. | |
8.43.1:41′8.43.1:41′ | [ūra] tašabbi[ṭ mê ell]ūti tasallaḫ nignak burāši ina pēnti ašāgi tasarraq | |
8.43.1:42′8.43.1:42′ | ||