SLT 015 [OB Nippur Ura][via dcclt]

Column i
a i 1a i 1



a i 22



a i 33



a i 44



a i 55

[tu₇] sag₁₀

good quality soup

a i 66

tu₇ gu₂-gal

chickpea soup

a i 77

tu₇ gu₂-tur

lentil soup

a i 88

tu₇ gu₂-niŋ₂-ar₃-ra1

soup made with vetch

a i 99

tu₇ SI!? gu₂

soup made with the flour of the (...) pulse

a i 1010

tu₇ ar-za-na

soup made with barley groats

a i 1111

tu₇ ar-za-na sag₁₀

soup made with good quality barley groats

a i 1212

tu₇ LU::EŠ₂:sar

soup made with turnips

a i 1313

tu₇ dun₃-la₂sar

soup made with the dunla plant

a i 1414

tu₇ gana₂-šesar

soup made with the ganše plant

a i 1515

tu₇ ŋešmašsar

soup made with maš plant

a i 1616

tu₇ ŋešmaš-gurumsar

soup made with the mašgurum plant

a i 1717

tu₇ a-dar-rasar

soup made with the adara plant

a i 1818

tu₇ SU.SU.LU.LU.EŠ₂.EŠ₂sar

soup made with the lubšir plant

a i 1919

tu₇ ba-ba-da


a i 2020

tu₇ ba-ba-da sag₁₀

good quality porridge

a i 2121

tu₇ ud₂-duru₅

soup made with soaked emmer

a i 2222

tu₇ ziz₂ KA-KAK-A

soup made with (...) emmer

a i 2323

tu₇ UD šen-[na]

(...) soup of the cauldron

a i 2424

tu₇ uzu-[bala]2

meat broth

a i 2525

tu₇ [...]

(...) soup

Column ii
a iia ii  (2 lines missing)
a ii 33

tu₇ a-ba silim-[ma]

soup whose water is in good condition

a ii 44

tu₇ lu-lu-bu-[um]

Lullubean soup

a ii 55

tu₇ a ur₄-[a]

watered down soup

a ii 66

tu₇ a KU?-[...]

(...) soup

a ii 77

tu₇ ku-

soup made with malt-flour

a ii 88

tu₇ lal₃

soup made with honey/syrup

a ii 99


sweetened beer

a ii 1010

kaš[dida] sag₁₀

good quality sweetened beer

a ii 1111

kašdida ŋen

ordinary quality sweetened beer

a ii 1212

kašdida imŋaŋa₃3

sweetened beer made with imŋaŋa emmer

a ii 1313

kašdida imŋaŋa₃4

sweetened beer made with imŋaŋa emmer

a ii 1414

kašdida imŋaŋa₃ maḫ

premium sweetened beer made with imŋaŋa emmer

a ii 1515

kašdida KA-ge-kam

(...) sweetened beer

a ii 1616

kašdida KA-KAK-A

(...) sweetened beer

a ii 1717

kašdida ḫab₂-ba

stinking sweetened beer

a ii 1818

kašdida ud tab-ba

sweetened beer exposed to a lot of sunlight

a ii 1919

kašdida ud sal-la

sweetened beer exposed to a little sunlight

a ii 2020

kašdida šag₄

(...) sweetened beer

a ii 2121



Column iii
a iiia iii  (12 lines missing)
a iii 1313



a iii 1414


beer mash/dough

a iii 1515



a iii 1616


(...) aromatic

a iii 1717


(...) aromatic

a iii 1818


(...) aromatic

a iii 1919


(...) aromatic

Column i
b ib i  (5 lines missing)
b i 66



b i 77

[duḫ] sag₁₀

good quality bran

b i 88

[duḫ] ŋen

ordinary quality bran

b i 99

[duḫ] duru₅

soaked/ripe bran

b i 1010

[duḫ] aḫ₃

dried bran

b i 1111

[duḫ ḫa-ḫa]-la

filtered bran

b i 1212

[duḫ ḫa]-ḫa-la DU5

(...) filtered bran

b i 1313

[duḫ] kurun₅

bran used for making choice liquor

b i 1414


eša flour

b i 1515

[eša] sag₁₀

good quality eša flour

b i 1616

[eša] ŋen

ordinary quality eša flour

b i 1717

[eša] ga

eša flour mixed with milk

b i 1818

[eša DI]-a

(...) eša flour

Column ii
b iib ii  (3 lines missing)
b ii 44

[ninda zid₂] eš₅-kam-ma us₂-sa

bread made with third quality flour

b ii 55

ninda dabin

bread made with barley flour

b ii 66

ninda zid₂ x

bread made with (...) flour

b ii 77

ninda zid₂ še sa!?-a!?

bread with flour from roasted barley

b ii 88

ninda [zid₂]-dub-dub-bu

bread made with ziddubdubu flour

b ii 99

ninda zid₂ e₂?-gal?

bread made with palace grade flour

b ii 1010

ninda zid₂ e₂-da-di

bread made of flour for an edadi offering

b ii 1111

ninda niŋ₂-il₂7

loaf used as a container (for soup, etc.)

b ii 1212

ninda [...] tuku

(...) bread

b ii 1313

ninda [...] x

(...) bread

b ii 1414

ninda [...] x

(...) bread

b ii 1515

ninda [...] x

(...) bread

b ii 1616

ninda [...] x

(...) bread

b ii 1717

ninda-i₃-de₂-[a] sag₁₀

good quality pastry

b ii 1818

ninda-i₃-de₂-[a ŋeš]-i₃

pastry made with oil

b ii 1919

ninda-i₃-de₂-[a] x

(...) pastry

b ii 2020

[ninda]-i₃-de₂-[a] x

(...) pastry

b ii 2121

[ninda-i₃]-de₂-[a i₃] šaḫ₂

pastry made with pig lard

(traces of 1 line)
Column iii
b iiib iii  (3 lines missing)
b iii 44

ninda gur₄-ra [...]

thick bread (...)

b iii 55

ninda gur₄-ra zid₂ [...]

thick bread made with (...) flour

b iii 66

ninda gur₄-ra [...]

thick bread (...)

b iii 77

ninda gur₄-ra lu₂

thick bread for (one) person

b iii 88

ninda gur₄-ra lu₂

thick bread for (one) person

b iii 99

ninda ḫi-ib-za

type of pastry

b iii 1010

ninda PI-an-du-nu-[um]

pandunum bread

b iii 1111

ninda pa-na-ni-[kum]

pannigu bread

b iii 1212

ninda gi-zi-[-ta]8

cake made with honey

b iii 1313

ninda dim₃-ma

(...) bread

b iii 1414

ninda šu x

(...) bread

b iii 1515

ninda saŋ-ŋar9

(...) bread

b iii 1616

ninda ka-ta x

(...) bread

b iii 1717

ninda šu-kam-ma

bread for (daily) need

b iii 1818

ninda zag-ga10

pulverized bread

b iii 1919

ninda zag-ga11

pulverized bread

b iii 2020

ninda zig₃-ga

risen bread

b iii 2121

ninda [...] x x

(...) bread

b iii 2222

ninda x [...]

(...) bread

b iii 2323

ninda [...]

(...) bread

b iii 2424

[...] e₂-gal

(...) of the palace

(traces of 1 line)
Column i
c ic i  (3 lines missing)
c i 44



c i 55

[i₃] udu

sheep tallow

c i 66

[i₃] šaḫ₂

pig lard

c i 77



c i 88

[i₃] ḫab₂

stinking/rancid oil

c i 99

[i₃] KID

(...) oil

c i 1010

[i₃] ŋešerin

cedar oil

c i 1111

i₃ biz šim ŋešerin

oozing oil of cedar resin

c i 1212

i₃ dug₃-ga

good oil

c i 1313

i₃ saŋ

top quality oil

c i 1414

i₃ saŋ dug₃-ga

good top quality oil

c i 1515

i₃ saŋ-bi gurud-da

oil with its head fallen

c i 1616



c i 1717

i₃-nun dug₃

good ghee

c i 1818

i₃-nun ME12

washed butter

c i 1919

i₃ ši-ig-dum

almond extract

c i 2020

i₃ ligidbaₓ(AN.SAL.TUG₂.IB)

juice of the spurge

c i 2121



c i 2222


aromatic/aromatic substance

c i 2323


aromatic/aromatic substance

c i 2424


aromatic/aromatic substance

c i 2525


aromatic/aromatic substance

c i 2626


resin of the gurum tree

c i 2727


resin of the gurum tree

Column ii
c ii 1c ii 1



c ii 22



c ii 33

ga uzud gi₄

(...) goat milk

c ii 44



c ii 55

ga KID?-a

(...) milk

c ii 66

ga tak₄-a

(...) milk

c ii 77

ga kiŋ₂ ŋal₂-la15

milk to be processed

c ii 88

ga i-te-er-da16


c ii 99

ga nunuz-TE17

milk mixed with eggs

c ii 1010

ga u₂18

milk from pastured animals

c ii 1111



c ii 1212

ga-ar₃ gal

large cheese

c ii 1313

ga-ar₃ tur-tur

small cheese

c ii 1414

ga-ar₃ gazi19

cheese flavored with mustard/dodder

c ii 1515



c ii 1616



c ii 1717



c ii 1818

gu₂ gal [anše]

(...) legumes

c ii 1919



c ii 2020

ziz₂ [babbar]

white emmer

c ii 2121

ziz₂ kukku₅

black emmer

c ii 2222

ziz₂ gu₂-nida21

gunida emmer

c ii 2323



c ii 2424

še [eštub]22

spring barley

c ii 2525


muš barley

c ii 2626

[še] gibil

ripe barley

c ii 2727

[še] sumun

old barley

c ii 2828

[še] saŋ

top quality barley

Column iii
c iii 1c iii 1

še us₂-[sa]24

treaded grain

c iii 22

še nu-us₂-sa

grain that is not treaded

c iii 33

še kud-da

harvested barley

c iii 44

še nu-kud-da

barley that is not harvested

c iii 55

[še] nir-ra <<⸢aḫ!⸣>> 25

winnowed grain

c iii 66

še nir-ra <<⸢aḫ!⸣>>

grain that is not winnowed

c iii 77

še x x x

(...) barley

c iii 88

še in-nu-ḫa26

innuha barley

c iii 99



c iii 1010

še lillan27

barley beginning to head

c iii 1111

še niŋ₂-ŋal₂-la

barley that is a possession

c iii 1212

[še] niŋ₂-kud-da

share of grain

c iii 1313

an še28

ear of barley

c iii 1414



c iii 1515

mug še29

barley afflicted by ergot

c iii 1616



c iii 1717

in degₓ(RI)30

gathered straw/chaff

c iii 1818

in de₅-de₅31

gathered straw/chaff

c iii 1919

in bul32

straw/chaff that is blown away

c iii 2020

in bul-bul

straw/chaff that is blown away

c iii 2121



c iii 2222

ḫašḫur babbar

white apple

c iii 2323

ḫašḫur kukku₅

black apple

c iii 2424

ḫašḫur su₄-a

red apple

c iii 2525

ḫašḫur sig₇-sig₇

green apple

c iii 2626

ḫašḫur ba-za

dwarf apple

c iii 2727

ḫašḫur ku₇-ku₇

sweet apple

c iii 2828

ḫašḫur ar!(IGI.ERIN₂-)ga-nu-um


c iii 2929

ḫašḫur ar!(IGI.ERIN₂-)ma-nu


c iii 3030

ḫašḫur dam-ši-lum

apple of the damšilum plant

c iii 3131

ḫašḫur kur-ra

apple of the mountain, apricot

c iii 3232

[ḫašḫur] še eštub33

apple of spring barley

Column i
d i 1d i 1

[...] RI-RI


d i 22



d i 33

nu-ur₂-ma sag₁₀

good quality pomegranate

d i 44

nu-ur₂-ma babbar

white pomegranate

d i 55

nu-ur₂-ma kukku₅

black pomegranate

d i 66

nu-ur₂-ma su₄

red pomegranate

d i 77

[nu]-ur₂-[ma] sig₇-sig₇

green pomegranate

d i 88

nu-ur₂-ma x KAL?

(...) pomegranate

d i 99

nu-ur₂-ma x-x-na34

(...) pomegranate

d i 1010

nu-ur₂-ma pu₂ šu su-ub-ba35

pomegranates with seeds plucked from their rinds

d i 1111



d i 1212


hyena grape

d i 1313


fox grape

d i 1414


trunk of the grapevine

d i 1515

ŋeštin nim-ma38

fall grapes

d i 1616

ŋeštin UD e₃-a39

(...) wine

d i 1717

ŋeštin sur-ra

pressed wine

d i 1818

ŋeštin ku₇!(-)ku₇!()

sweet grapes

d i 1919

ŋeštin al-šeŋ₆-ŋa₂

cooked grapes

d i 2020


bunch of fruit

d i 2121

ga-ra-an ḫašḫur

bunch of apples

d i 2222

ga-ra-an peš₃

bunch of figs

d i 2323

ga-ra-an nu-ur₂-ma

bunch of pomegranates

d i 2424

ga-ra-an ŋeštin

bunch of grapes

d i 2525

ga-ra-an šennur

bunch of plums

d i 2626


basket or bunch of fruit

d i 2727

šu-gur₅ ḫašḫur

basket or bunch of apples

d i 2828

šu-[gur₅ ...]

basket or bunch of (...)

Column ii
d ii 1d ii 1

u₄-ḫi-in x-x

(...) fresh dates

d ii 22

u₄-ḫi-in ku₇!(-)ku₇!()

sweet fresh dates

d ii 33

u₄-ḫi-in bar tam

selected fresh dates

d ii 44

u₄-ḫi-in al-šeŋ₆-ŋa₂

cooked fresh dates

d ii 55

u₄-ḫi-in ud-te-en dug₄-ga

fresh dates (...) in the evening

d ii 66



d ii 77

zu₂-lum sag₁₀

good quality dates

d ii 88

zu₂-lum gibil

ripe dates

d ii 99

zu₂-lum sumun

old dates

d ii 1010

zu₂-lum babbar

white dates

d ii 1111

zu₂-lum kukku₅

black dates

d ii 1212

zu₂-lum su₄-a

brown dates

d ii 1313

zu₂-lum sig₇-sig₇

green dates

d ii 1414

zu₂-lum še eštub

dates mixed with spring barley

d ii 1515

zu₂-lum še-muš₅

dates mixed with muš barley

d ii 1616

zu₂-lum dilmun-na

Dilmun dates

d ii 1717

zu₂-lum ku₇-ku₇

sweet dates

d ii 1818



d ii 1919

ukuš₂ ti-il41

(...) cucumber

d ii 2020

ukuš₂ li-li-gi₄

squirting cucumber

d ii 2121

ukuš₂ ses

bitter cucumber

d ii 2222

ukuš₂ dug₃-ga

good cucumber

d ii 2323

ukuš₂ ku₇!(-)ku₇!()

sweet cucumber

d ii 2424

ukuš₂ ab-sin₂-na

cucumber of the furrow

d ii 2525

ukuš₂ al-šeŋ₆

cooked cucumber

d ii 2626

ukuš₂ im-saŋ-ŋa₂42

tufted cucumber

d ii 2727



d ii 2828



Column iii
d iii 1d iii 1

šeg₁₂ naŋa

brick of potash

d iii 22

pa naŋa

stick of an alkaline plant

d iii 33



d iii 44

sila₃ gazi

one sila of mustard/dodder

d iii 55



d iii 66

esir e₃-a


d iii 77

esir sur-ra

pressed bitumen

d iii 88


type of bitumen

d iii 99

dnisaba za₃-mi₂

Nisaba, praise!

1See Stol BSA 2: 131.

2See Sallaberger kultische Kalendar 113 n. 510.

3Note the remarks of Powell BSA 1: 53.

4Note the remarks of Powell BSA 1: 53.

5The apparent variant du₈ in SLT 16 obv. iv 2' lends some doubt as to the reading ŋen, "ordinary quality."

6See Milano RlA 8: 25.

7The term niŋ₂-il₂ appears to refer to a vessel or something functioning as a vessel when used to describe the eggs of the ostrich (ga-nu{mušen}) in Nanše and the Birds 47 (Veldhuis CM 22: 119 translates "carrying baskets").

8See Lugalbanda 53 (one source gi-zi-eš-ta), Lugalbanda Hurrim 293, 298, Diri 5: 160. Akkadian kamanum

9The meaning of saŋ-ŋar is unclear. Does it involve a poetic term for the grinding slab of the Millstone (see Civil, Sanmartin FS 134), a process applied to grain (see Attinger ZA 95: 246), the compound verb saŋ---ŋar, "to oppose, confront," or does it somehow reflect the profession lu₂-saŋ-ŋar = ṭawûm, "to spin?"

10Compare the ninda zag-ga = akal sâki of Erimhuš 4: 83.

11Compare the ninda zag-ga = akal sâki of Erimhuš 4: 83.

12See Stol RlA 8: 201.

13See Snell YNER 8: 233-234.

14See Stol BSA 7: 100f, Stol RlA 8: 193, and Molina and Such-Gutierrez JNES 63: 5.

15See Stol RlA 8: 200. Akkadian is,u

16See Stol RlA 8: 197-198.

17See Civil OA 21: 15. Stol BSA 7: 108 suggests the definition "butter-milk" and "given" in RlA 8: 200.

18This term occurs in Dumuzi and Enkimdu 54: see Jacobsen JAOS 103: 197, Sefati Love Songs 340, and Stol RlA 8: 192, who suggests the translation "poured milk." Note the shift in forms of the GA sign with this entry.

19See Stol RlA 8: 200.

20See Stol BSA 2: 131.

21See Powell BSA 1: 53-56, Cavigneaux and al-Rawi ZA 85: 171, 178 and n. 8

22See Civil AuOr 15: 52 n. 11 and note the reservations of Powell BSA 1: 59.

23See Powell BSA 1: 60.

24See Civil FI 95.

25This defective orthography probably occurred under the influence of še ŋeš ra-ah.

26See Powell BSA 1: 59.

27See Civil FI 88, Landsberger and Jacobsen JNES 14: 19.

28See Civil FI 88-89.

29See Landsberger and Jacobsen JNES 14: 19.

30See Civil FI 96.

31See Civil FI 96.

32See Civil FI 96

33Compare the {ŋeš}hašhur GUD of Isin Ŋeš List IB 1547 i 14' (Veldhuis EEN 263) and the {ŋeš}hašhur še GUD of KM 89542 i 22 (Veldhuis EEN 268), the {ŋeš}hašhur še GUD of UM 29-15-848 4 (MB) (Veldhuis JCS 52: 76) and canonical ur₅-ra 3: 44 (MSL 5: 97), where the entry is translated with Akkadian arsuppu.

34Read ab#-sin₂#-na?

35See Civil JAOS 103: 60 and note Nabnitu J 311 (MSL 16: 164). Reading is uncertain

36This identical entry has the variant {ŋeš}ŋeštin ŋir₂ in OB ur₅-ra Nippur division 1: 9.

37See Powell BSA 3: 146.

38Or nim high?

39This entry also occurs in Iddin-Dagan A 160, where it is poured (bal) along with lal₃, "honey/syrup."

40See Postgate BSA 3: 123, Civil Biggs FS 31.

41This entry may reflect /ti-ki-il/ (see Civil Reiner FS 43-44, Civil Biggs FS 27), but the reduction of the medial consonant /k/ is not anticipated.

42See Stol BSA 3: 86.