Msk 74247 (Emar 6/2, p. 571-574, Msk 74247)[via dcclt]
1for 2nd sign expected is something like: {ugu}KU-bi; traces unclear in Emar 6 copy; needs coll.
22nd GI for gu₇
3TUM probably for E.TUM; perhaps some confusion with IB₂-LA₂
5See M.Stol RlA 6 537
6in Syrian ductus TUN₃ resembles ZU or SU (ie, GIN₂)
71st SIG₇ for ZAH
8Error for dilim₂ a-gar₅ = itqūr abāri
9Syrian MB GU₂ & DUR are similarly written
10KA×A.A is an error for peš₁₀(KI.A)
11in this line & next, 2nd sign possibly TUN₃
12Compare ED Metals (Q000027) 79 and 80.
13The sign TUR is erroneously placed in the next line. The correct item is found in the section silver (reverse column 3 49): gu₂-haš tur{kug-babbar}.
14Compare kug-sig₁₇ u₃-tu-da, discussed in 1997 K. Reiter, AOAT 249 92.
15in Emar 6 copy sign after IGI may be an attempt to write ERIN₂; needs coll.