KUB 37, 147 + KBo 26, 032 + (?) KUB 03, 108 (KUB 37, 147 + KBo 26, 032 + (?) KUB 03, 108 (+) VBoT 080) [Erimhuš ?][via dcclt]
1in Sum. col.: tab-ba probably in sense of 'repeated' (ie, same entry as l. 9'', 2nd listing); cf, Scheucher, diss., 220f
2Sum. e-še probably is the direct quote particle, which may be equated with variations of Akk. precative
3ŋizzalₓ for ŋeštug; A probably misreading of ŠIR/NU₁₁-tenû
41147/u joins 2049/g
5MSL 17 editors state: 'UD written over an erasure that looks like a separation gloss between UD and alan, plus some traces in front of UD'