K 00073 + K 09998 (5R 41, 2 (K 00073); RA 17, 167 (K 09998)) [Nabnitu][via dcclt/nineveh]

Column i
o i 1o i 1



(...) = to enter

o i 22



(...) = to enter

o i 33



o i 1'1'



o i 2'2'



o i 3'3'



o i 4'4'



(rest of column missing)
Column ii
o ii 1o ii 1


sa-na-qu ša₂ ŠU

to check = to check: of the hand

o ii 22

šu dim₄

MIN<(sa-na-qu)> ša₂ ŠU

to check = to check: of the hand

o ii 33

šu dab

MIN<(sa-na-qu)> ša₂ ŠU

to seize = to gain control of: of the hand

o ii 44

šu du₃

MIN<(sa-na-qu)> ša₂ ṭup-šar-ru-ti

to bind the hands = to check: of the scribal art

o ii 55

saŋ gid₂

MIN<(sa-na-qu)> ša₂ LU₂

to get angry = to approach: of man

o ii 66


MIN<(sa-na-qu)> ša₂ lu₂TUM₉

to establish, verify = to check: of a liar

o ii 77

saŋ gid₂

MIN<(sa-na-qu)> ša₂ lu₂KUR₂

to get angry = to approach?: of an enemy

o ii 88


MIN<(sa-na-qu)> ša₂ lu₂KUR₂

to approach = to approach?: of an enemy

o ii 99

gu₂ gi

MIN<(sa-na-qu)> ša₂ E₂

to obstruct, block off = to control: of a house

o ii 1010

gu₂ gilim

MIN<(sa-na-qu)> ša₂ E₂

to obstruct = to control?: of a house

o ii 1111

gu₂ gid₂

MIN<(sa-na-qu)> ša₂ gišIG1

(...) = to fasten, control?: of a door

o ii 1212

gu₂ gilim

MIN<(sa-na-qu)> ša₂ gišIG

to obstruct = to fasten, control?: of a door

o ii 1313

šu ur₃

MIN<(sa-na-qu)> ša₂ gišIG

to drag the hand = to fasten, control?: of a door

o ii 1414

saŋ DU

MIN<(sa-na-qu)> ša₂ re-ši MU UD

to establish the beginning? = to check: of the beginning of a year or day?

o ii 1515

ki la₂

MIN<(sa-na-qu)> ša₂ a-wa-ti

to weigh = to check, control?: of words

o ii 1616

ki la₂

MIN<(sa-na-qu)> ša₂ šu-qul-ti

to weigh = to check: of weight

o ii 1717

ki la₂

MIN<(sa-na-qu)> ša₂ KU₃.BABBAR

to weigh = to check: of silver

o ii 1818

kug la₂

MIN<(sa-na-qu)> ša₂ KU₃.BABBAR

to weigh silver = to check: of silver

o ii 1919


MIN<(sa-na-qu)> ša₂ lu₂DAB

to seize = to control: of a captive

o ii 2020

ka gin₆-na

MIN<(sa-na-qu)> ša₂ pi-i

to establish the mouth/speech = to control: of the mouth

o ii 2121

MIN<(inim)> gin₆-na

MIN<(sa-na-qu)> ša₂ a-wa-ti

to establish the word = to control: of the word

o ii 2222

dug₄-ga zid

MIN<(sa-na-qu)> ša₂ qi₂-bi₂-ti

to make the utterance true = to control: of an utterance

o ii 2323

nundum zid

MIN<(sa-na-qu)> ša₂ šap-ti₄?

to make the lips true = to control: of the lips

o ii 2424

[x] za

MIN<(sa-na-qu)> ša₂ i-lim2

(...) = to approach?: of a deity

o ii 2525


MIN<(sa-na-qu)> ša₂ u₂-si

(...) = to control?: of custom, good practice

o ii 2626

[...]-a? si₃-ke

MIN<(sa-na-qu)> ša₂ ši-x-[x]

o ii 2727

[...] AK-a

MIN<(sa-na-qu)> ša₂ x-[...]

(rest of column missing)
Column i
(beginning column missing)
r i 1'r 1'

x [...]


r i 2'2'

a-gar₃ x [...]


r i 3'3'



part of a loom, warp beam?

r i 4'4'



part of a loom, warp beam?

r i 5'5'



guarantor = witness

1This and the following two entries are cited by Attinger ZA 95, 225. polysemous nature of gu2 gid2 discussed by Karahashi PhD, definition fasten? CAD 140

2Restore ki ... za-za?

Edition by Jeremie Peterson.