En-metena 18 (RIME composite)
(column 1) | ||
i 11 | [den-lil₂(E₂)] | (i 1) For Enlil of the E-adda, En-metena, ruler of Lagaš, given strength by Enlil, nourished on rich milk by Ninhursaĝa, .... |
i 22 | [e₂-ad-da]-⸢ka⸣-ra | |
i 33 | en-mete-na | |
i 44 | ensi₂ | |
i 55 | lagaški | |
i 66 | a₂ šum₂-ma | |
i 77 | den-lil₂(E₂) | |
i 88 | ga zid gu₇-a | |
i 99 | dnin-ḫur-saŋ-ka | |
(missing) | ||
i 1'1' | [...] ⸢x x⸣ | (i 1') (When ...) took him by the hand from among the multitude of people, and Enlil granted to En-metena the lofty scepter of destiny from Nibru, .... |
i 2'2' | [šag₄] ⸢lu₂⸣ 1(šar₂)-ta | |
i 3'3' | [šu]-ni ba-ta-[dab₅]-ba-a | |
i 4'4' | [ŋidru] maḫ nam-tar-ra | |
i 5'5' | den-lil₂(E₂)-le | |
i 6'6' | nibruki-ta | |
i 7'7' | en-mete-na-ra | |
i 8'8' | mu-⸢na-šum₂⸣-[ma?-a?] | |
(missing) | ||
(column 2) | ||
ii 1'1' | [...]-⸢x-da⸣-a | (ii 1') ..., he transported (this) lofty vase from the mountains for his father, Enlil. |
ii 2'2' | aya₂-ni den-lil₂(E₂)-la | |
ii 3'3' | bur maḫ | |
ii 4'4' | kur-ta mu-na-ta-ed₃ | |
ii 5'5' | dšul-MUŠ×PA | (ii 5') Šul-MUŠxPA, the personal god of En-metena, .... |
ii 6'6' | diŋir en-mete-[na-x] | |
(missing) | ||
ii 1''1'' | [den]-⸢lil₂(E₂)⸣-ke₄ | (ii 1'') ... by Enlil, fashioned it and dešorated it with purified silver for him. |
ii 2''2'' | mu-na-dim₂ | |
ii 3''3'' | kug ⸢luḫ⸣-[ḫa?] mu-na-ni-keše₂ | |
ii 4''4'' | nam-til₃-⸢la⸣-ni-še₃ | (ii 4'') ... this (vessel) for his own well-being, for the well-being of Lagaš, and for the well-being of .... |
ii 5''5'' | nam-til₃ | |
ii 6''6'' | ⸢lagaš⸣ki-še₃ | |
ii 7''7'' | nam-til₃ | |
(missing) |