Ibbi-Suen 05 (RIME 3/ composite)
11 | dnanna | (1) For Nanna, his master, Ibbi-Suen, the god of his land, the powerful king, king of Urim, king of the four quarters, dedicated this (bead) for his well-being. |
22 | lugal-a-ni-ir | |
33 | di-bi₂-dsuen | |
44 | diŋir kalam-ma-na | |
55 | lugal kalag-ga | |
66 | lugal urim₅ki-ma | |
77 | lugal an-ub-da limmu₂-ba-ke₄ | |
88 | nam-til₃-la-ni-še₃ | |
99 | a mu-na-ru |