Iddin-Dagan 3 (RIME composite)
11 | dnin-lil₂ nin diŋir-re-e-ne-ra | (1) For Ninlil, the lady of the gods, Iddin-Dagan, the powerful king, fashioned a composite copper statue, set it up before her, and dedicated it to her for his well-being. |
22 | di-din-dda-gan lugal kalag-ga | |
33 | urudalan keše₂-da-na mu-na-dim₂ | |
44 | igi-ni-še₃ in-gub | |
55 | nam-til₃-la-ni-še₃ a mu-na-ru | |
66 | lu₂ a₂ niŋ₂-ḫul dim₂-ma ib₂-ši-aŋ₂-[ŋa₂-a] | (6) Whoever gives order to perform a misdeed against this (statue), ... my handiwork, erases this inscription and writes his own name there, or makes another man raise his hand against it on account of this curse, may Nanna, my master, Ninlil, my lady, and Dagan, my personal god, curse him! |
77 | niŋ₂ dim₂-ma-ŋu₁₀ ib₂-⸢x⸣-be₂-<a> | |
88 | mu-sar-ra-ba <šu bi₂-ib₂-uru₁₂-a> mu-ni bi₂-<ib₂-sar-a> | |
99 | aš₂ bala-ba-a-ke₄-eš | |
1010 | <lu₂-kur₂ šu ba-an-zi-zi-a> | |
1111 | lu₂-ba den-lil₂ lugal-ŋu₁₀ dnin-lil₂ nin-ŋu₁₀ | |
1212 | dda-gan diŋir-ŋe₂₆ nam ḫa-ba-an-da-kuru₅ru-ne |