Lipit-Eštar 04 (RIME composite)
11 | dli-pi₂-it-eš₄-tar₂ | (1) When I, Lipit-Eštar, the humble shepherd of Nibru, the true farmer of Urim, ceaseless provider of Eridug, the en priest suitable for Unug, king of Isin, king of Sumer and Akkad, the favourite of Inana, established justice in Sumer and Akkad, then I built the E-niĝsisa at Namkarum, the supreme place of the gods. |
22 | sipad sun₅-na | |
33 | nibruki | |
44 | engar zid | |
55 | urim₅ki-ma | |
66 | muš₃ nu-tum₂-mu | |
77 | eridugki-ga | |
88 | en me-te | |
99 | unugki-ga | |
1010 | lugal i₃-si-inki-na | |
1111 | lugal ki-en-gi ki-uri | |
1212 | šag₄-ge de₆-a | |
1313 | dinana-me-en | |
1414 | ud niŋ₂-si-sa₂ | |
1515 | ki-en-gi ki-uri-a | |
1616 | i-ni-in-ŋar-ra-a | |
1717 | nam-ka₃-ru-um | |
1818 | ki rib-ba | |
1919 | diŋir-re-e-ne-ka | |
2020 | e₂-niŋ₂-si-sa₂-a | |
2121 | mu-du₃ |