Middle Assyrian

technical procedure


technical procedure


  • KAR 140


  • CDLI P282611
  • VAT 10096
  • KAR 140
  • Ebeling, Erich. 1950. Parfümrezepte und Kultische Texte aus Assur. Roma: Pontificum Institutum Biblicum.



  • Middle Assyrian
  • Assur
  • technical procedure
  • perfume-making


Ebeling, Erich. 1950. Parfümrezepte und Kultische Texte aus Assur. Roma: Pontificum Institutum Biblicum.

KAR 140 [perfume-making][via glass]

Column i
(start of column missing)
o i 1'o 1'

ka-[la ...]

(o i 1') the liquid mixture (...) aromatics (...) which have macerated overnight (...) are heated up (...) you stir (...) you do not remove. You pour onto (the mixture) 2 cupfulls of (...) aromatics, and oil. You pour (...)

o i 2'2'

ša [...]

o i 3'3'

A-MEŠ [...]

o i 4'4'

i-bi-[id-du ...]

o i 5'5'

gišŠIM-[MEŠ ...]

o i 6'6'

be-du-ú-[ni ...]

o i 7'7'

iṣ-ṣar-ru-[ḫu ...]

o i 8'8'

tu-bi-[a-áš ...]

o i 9'9'

la tu-[na-kar ...]

o i 10'10'

2 ka-sa-[a?-te ...] x ŠIM-MEŠ Ì

o i 11'11'

-tu [...] ana pa-ni ÚTUL!(BAD)

o i 12'12'

ta-tab-ba-ak [...] ta-tab-ba-[ak]

o i 13'13'

i+na pa-ni ÚTUL [...] tu-ka-tam

(o i 13') You cover up the (...) on the front of the diqāru-vessel. The heat (will cause) froth to expel from the top of the (diqāru-vessel).

o i 14'14'

IZI-su a-na e-[liš ... ru]-pu-ul-ta

o i 15'15'

i-nam-di be-ta-[a?-nu ... šu]-ḫa-at-tu

(o i 15') You repeatedly wipe down the inner part of the (diqāru-vessel) with a šuhattu-cloth. You stir (the mixture).

o i 16'16'

tul-ta-na-lap tu-[bi-a-áš ...] U₄-MEŠte

(o i 16') (...) days long, (the mixture) sits in its diqāru-vessel. In the morning, you re-ignite its (diqāru-vessel's) flame (...) but you should not not make the fire too strong.

o i 17'17'

i+na ÚTUL-šu ša-kín e-[mi-šu ... ši-a-ra]-a-te

o i 18'18'

ma-la-ma tu-ša-ḫa-az [...] NI

o i 19'19'

IZI la tu-da-ʾa-an [...] DU

o i 20'20'

i+na 4-šu ta-ba-ki-ka Ì [...] x

(o i 20') In pouring for the 4th time (...) the oil (...) you wipe clean the diqāru-vessel. You heat up the mixture strongly.

o i 21'21'

ÚTUL ta-ka-par A-MEŠ dan-niš [ta-ṣa-ra-aḫ]

o i 22'22'

dugḫa-ri-a ta-ma-si a-na dugḫa-re-[e ...]

(o i 22') You wash a ḫarû-vessel. You place 2 cupfuls of "knots of perṣaduhhu-aromatic" into the ḫarû-vessel.

o i 23'23'

2 ka-sa-a-te ša ki-iṣ-ri ša pir-ṣa-du-ḫi a-na [...]

o i 24'24'

ta-kar-ra-ar ka-la u₄-mi-šu ša-ki-in [(...)]

(o i 24') It rests for the entire day (...) in the evening you pour the mixture into an agannu-vat. You add three SILA₃ of perṣaduhhu-aromatic into the agannu-vat. It is to spend the night.

o i 25'25'

nu-bat-tu-šu a-na ŠÀ duga-ga-ni ta-tab-ba-ak

o i 26'26'

3 SÌLA pir-ṣa-du-ḫa a-na duga-ga-ni ta-kar-ra-ar

o i 27'27'

i-bi-id-du i+na na-ma-a-ri ÚTUL ta-ka-par

(o i 27') At sunrise, you wipe clean the diqāru-vessel. You pour into the diqāru-vessel the aromatics that have softened within the agannu-vessel and have macerated overnight. You ignite a fire beneath the diqāru-vessel.

o i 28'28'

ŠIM-MEŠ la-bu-ku-ú-te ša i+na duga-ga-ni be-du-ú-[ni]

o i 29'29'

a-na ÚTUL ta-tab-ba-ak i+na ša-pal ÚTUL IZI tu-[ša-ḫa-az]

Column ii
(start of column missing)
o ii 1'o 1'

4 U₄-MEŠte i+na ÚTUL-šu ša-kín e-[mi-šu]

(o ii 1') (After the mixture) sits in its diqāru-vessel for 4 days, you re-ignite the flame (making sure) the fire is not too strong (...)

o ii 2'2'

ma-la-[ma] IZI tu-ša-ḫa-az IZI la da-an [(...)]

o ii 3'3'

i+na 10-šu ta-ba-ki Ì te-si-ip A-MEŠ dan-níš

(o ii 3') In pouring for the 10th time: You gather the oil, (making sure) you do not heat the water too strongly. You wash a ḫarû-vessel. You then pour (the mixture) into the ḫarû-vessel.

o ii 4'4'

la ta-ṣa-ra-aḫ dugḫa-ri-a ta-ma-as-si a-na ḫa-re-e

o ii 5'5'

ta-tab-ba-ak 2 ka-sa-a-te ša ki-iṣ-ri ša pir-ṣa-du-ḫi

(o ii 5') You place 2 cupfuls of "knots of perṣaduhhu-aromatic" into the interior (of the ḫarû-vessel). (The mixture) is to sit all day. During the evening, you place 3 SILA₃ of perṣaduhhu-aromatics into an agannu-vat. You pour the mixture from the ḫarû-vessel into the interior (of the agannu-vat).

o ii 6'6'

a-na lìb-bi ta-kar-ra-ar ka-la u₄-mi-šu ša-kín

o ii 7'7'

nu-bat-tu-šu 3 SÌLA pir-ṣa-du-ḫa a-na ŠÀ duga-ga-ni

o ii 8'8'

ta-[kar]-ra-ar A-MEŠ ša ḫa-re-e a-na lìb-be ta-tab-ba-ak

o ii 9'9'

i-bi-du i+na na-ma-a-ri ÚTUL ta-ka-par

(o ii 9') The (mixture) is to spend the night. At sunrise, you wipe clean the diqāru-vessel. You pour into the diqāru-vessel the aromatics that have softened within the agannu-vessel and have macerated overnight. You ignite (the mixture in the diqāru-vessel).

o ii 10'10'

ŠIM-MEŠ la-bu-ku-ú-te ša i+na duga-ga-ni

o ii 11'11'

be-du-ú-ni a-na ŠÀ ÚTUL ta-tab-ba-ak

o ii 12'12'

IZI [tu]-ša-ḫa-az gišŠIM-MEŠ iṣ-ṣa-ru-ḫu

(o ii 12') The aromatics will become hot. You then pour (this) oil into [the interior of the diqāru-vessel]. You stir (the mixture) and cover it up.

o ii 13'13'

Ì.GIŠ [a-na ŠÀ ÚTUL] ta-tab-ba-ak tu-bi-a-áš tu-ka-tam

o ii 14'14'

bu-la-a la tu-na-kar IZI-su a-na e-liš

(o ii 14') You will not remove the bulû-wood. You raise its flame high. (The mixture) will expel froth. You wipe down the interior of the diqāru-vessel with a šuhattu-cloth. You stir (the mixture) and cover it up.

o ii 15'15'

[te]-el-li-a ru-pu-ul-ta i-nam-di

o ii 16'16'

[be-ta-a?]-nu ša ÚTUL i+na šu-ḫa-at-te tul-ta-na-lap

o ii 17'17'

tu-be-a-áš tu-ka-tam 4 U₄-MEŠ i+na ÚTUL-šu ša-kín

(o ii 17') (After the mixture) sits in its diqāru-vessel for 4 days, you re-ignite its flame in the morning; (make sure) the fire is not too strong.

o ii 18'18'

e-mi-šu i+na ši-a-ra-a-te ma-la-ma tu-ša-ḫa-az IZI la da-an

o ii 19'19'

i+na 10-šu ù 11-šu ta-ba-ki ŠIM-MEŠ-ka ù tar-qi-su

(o ii 19') In pouring your aromatics and processed oil for the 10th and 11th time, your procedure is the same as the 9th time. For these (decanting)-processes of yours, (the mixture) is to remain in a diqāru-vessel 4 days at a time. You should not make the fire strong.

o ii 20'20'

ki-i ša 9-šu-ma tal-lak-ta-ka a-na na-at-ba-ka-ni-ka

o ii 21'21'

an-nu-te 4-TA!(MA)ÀM U₄-MEŠte i+na ÚTUL-šu

o ii 22'22'

ša-kín IZI la tu-da-an

o ii 23'23'

i+na 12-šu ta-ba-ki Ì te-si-ip ÚTUL ta-ka-par

(o ii 23') In pouring for the 12th time, you gather the oil. You wipe clean the diqāru-vessel. You heat up the liquid mixture, and you pour it into the ḫarû-vessel. You pour 2 cupfuls of "knots of perṣaduhhu-aromatic" into the interior of (the ḫarû-vessel).

o ii 24'24'

A-MEŠ ta-ṣa-ra-aḫ a-na dugḫa-re-e ta-tab-ba-ak

o ii 25'25'

2 ka-sa-te ki-iṣ-ri ša pir-ṣa-du-ḫi a-na lìb-be ta-tab-ba-ak

o ii 26'26'

ka-la u₄-mi-šu ša-kín nu-bat-tu-šu a-na duga-ga-ni

(o ii 26') (The mixture) is to sit all day. During the evening, you gather it within an agannu-vat, you then place 3 SILA₃ of perṣaduhhu-aromatics into an agannu-vat; it will rest overnight.

o ii 27'27'

te-si-ip 3 SÌLA pir-ṣa-du-ḫi a-na ŠÀ duga-ga-ni

o ii 28'28'

ta-kar-ra-ar i-bi-id-du i+na na-ma-a-ri

(o ii 28') At sunrise, you wipe clean the diqāru-vessel. You pour into the diqāru-vessel the aromatics that have softened within the agannu-vessel and have macerated overnight. You ignite (the mixture in the diqāru-vessel). The aromatics will become hot. You pour (this) oil into diqāru-vessel. You pour (...) onto the surface of the oil in the diqāru-vessel.

o ii 29'29'

ÚTUL ta-ka-par ŠIM-MEŠ la-bu-ku-ú-te

o ii 30'30'

ša i+na duga-ga-ni be-du-ú-ni a-na ŠÀ ÚTUL

o ii 31'31'

ta-tab-ba-ak IZI tu-ša-ḫa-az ŠIM-MEŠ

o ii 32'32'

[iṣ-ṣa]-ru-ḫu Ì a-na ŠÀ ÚTUL ta-tab-ba-ak

o ii 33'33'

[...]-x-BI a-na pa-ni Ì.GIŠ ša ÚTUL ta-tab-ba-ak

Column i
r i 1r i 1

[... tu-na]-kar pe-ʾe-et-ta la tu-na-kar

(r i 1) You remove the (...)-particulates, but you do not remove the coal. You raise the flame (...). (The mixture) will expel froth. You wipe down the interior of the diqāru-vessel with a šuhattu-cloth. You stir (the mixture) and cover it up. (After the mixture) sits in its diqāru-vessel for 4 days, you re-ignite its flame in the morning; You should not make the fire strong.

r i 22

IZI a-[na ...] te-el-li-a ru-pu-ul-ta i-nam-di

r i 33

be-ta-[a?-nu] ša ÚTUL i+na šu-ḫa-at-te tul-ta-na-lap

r i 44

tu-bi-áš tu-ka-tam 4 U₄-MEŠte i+na ÚTUL-šu ša-kín

r i 55

e-mi-šu i+na ši-a-ra-a-te ma-la-ma tu-ša-ḫa-az

r i 66

IZI la tu-da-an

r i 77

i+na 13-šu ta-ba-ki Ì te-si-ip ÚTUL ta-ka-par

(r i 7) In pouring for the 13th time, you gather the oil. You wipe clean the diqāru-vessel. You heat up the liquid mixture. You then wash a ḫarû-vessel, and pour (the mixture) into the ḫarû-vessel.

r i 88

A-MEŠ ta-ṣa-ra-aḫ dugḫa-re-e ta-ma-si

r i 99

a-na dugḫa-re-e ta-tab-ba-ak 2 ka-sa-a-te

(r i 9) You pour 2 cupfuls of "knots of perṣaduhhu-aromatic" into the interior (of the ḫarû-vessel). (The mixture) is to sit all day. During the evening, you pour it into into an agannu-vat. You place 3 SILA₃ of perṣaduhhu-aromatics into the interior (of the agannu-vat). It is to macerate overnight.

r i 1010

ša ki-iṣ-ri ša pir-ṣa-du-ḫi a-na lìb-be ta-tab-ba-ak

r i 1111

ka-la u₄-mi-šu ša-kín nu-bat-tu-šu a-na ŠÀ duga-ga-ni

r i 1212

ta-tab-ba-ak 3 SÌLA pir-ṣa-du-ḫa a-na lìb-be ta-kar-ra-ar

r i 1313

i-bi-id-du i+na na-ma-a-ri ÚTUL ta-ka-par

(r i 13) At sunrise, you wipe clean the diqāru-vessel. You pour into the diqāru-vessel the aromatics that have softened within the agannu-vessel and have macerated overnight. You ignite a fire beneath the diqāru-vessel, and the aromatics, which have become hot, you pour (their) oil into the diqāru-vessel. You stir it, and wipe it clean.

r i 1414

ŠIM-MEŠ la-bu-ku-ú-te ša i+na duga-ga-ni

r i 1515

be-du-ú-ni a-na ÚTUL ta-tab-ba-ak

r i 1616

IZI i+na ša-pal ÚTUL tu-ša-ḫa-az gišŠIM-MEŠ iṣ-ṣa-ru-ḫu

r i 1717

Ì.GIŠ a-na ÚTUL ta-tab-ba-ak tu-be-áš ta-ka-par

r i 1818

bu-la-e tu-na-kar pe-ʾe-et-ta la tu-na-kar

(r i 18) You remove the bulû-wood, but do not remove the coal. You raise its flame high. The oil-mixture will expel froth. You wipe down the interior of the diqāru-vessel with a šuhattu-cloth. You stir (the mixture) and cover it up. (After the mixture) sits in its diqāru-vessel for 4 days, you re-ignite its flame in the morning and you stir it. You should not make the fire strong.

r i 1919

IZI a-na e-liš te-el-li-a Ì.GIŠ ru-pu-ul-ta

r i 2020

i-nam-di! be-ta-a-nu ša ÚTUL i+na šu-ḫa-at-te tul-ta-na-lap

r i 2121

tu-be-áš tu-ka-tam 4 U₄-MEŠte i+na ÚTUL-šu ša-kín

r i 2222

e-mi-šu ma-la-ma i+na ši-a-ra-a-te IZI tu-ša-ḫa-az

r i 2323

tu-be-áš IZI la tu-da-an

r i 2424

i+na 14-šu ù 15-šu i+na 2 na-at-ba-ka-ni-ka an-nu-te

(r i 24) In pouring for the 14th and 15th time your procedure is the same as the 13th time. For thesetwo (decanting)-processes of yours, (the mixture) is to remain (in a diqāru-vessel) 4 days at a time.

r i 2525

ki-i ša 13-šu-ma tal-lak-ta-šu 4-TA.ÀM U₄-MEŠte ša-kín

r i 2626

i+na 16-šu ta-ba-ki Ì.GIŠ te-si-ip ÚTUL ta-ka-par

(r i 26) In pouring for the 16th time, you gather oil. You wipe clean the diqāru-vessel. You heat up the liquid mixture. You then wash a ḫarû-vessel, and pour (the mixture) into the ḫarû-vessel. You place 2 cupfuls of "knots of perṣaduhhu-aromatic" into the interior (of the ḫarû-vessel). (The mixture) is to sit all day. During the evening, you wash the agannu-vat.

r i 2727

A-MEŠ ta-ṣa-ra-aḫ dugḫa-ri-a ta-ma-si

r i 2828

a-na dugḫa-re-e ta-tab-ba-ak 2 ka-sa-a-te

r i 2929

ša ki-iṣ-ri ša pir-ṣa-du-ḫi a-na lìb-be ta-kar-ra-ar

r i 3030

ka-la u₄-mi-šu ša-kín nu-bat-tu-šu duga-ga-na ta-ma-si

r i 3131

3 SÌLA pir-ṣa-du-ḫa a-na lìb-be ta-tab-ba-ak

(r i 31) You pour 3 SILA₃ of perṣaduhhu-aromatics into the interior (of the agannu-vat). It is to macerate overnight. At sunrise, you wipe clean the diqāru-vessel. [You pour into the diqāru-vessel] the aromatics that have softened within the agannu-vessel and have macerated overnight. (...)

r i 3232

i-bi-ad i+na na-ma-a-ri ÚTUL ta-ka-par

r i 3333

ŠIM-MEŠ la-bu-ku-ú-te ša i+na duga-ga-ni

r i 3434

[be-du]-ú-ni [...]

(rest of column missing)
Column ii
r ii 1r ii 1

i+na 19-šu ù 20-<šu> ta-ba-ki ki-i ša 18 ta-at-bu-ku-ni

(r ii 1) In pouring for the 19th and 20th time, (your procedure is the same) as in the 18th pouring. (This is) its procedure (for): 3 silas of processed perṣaduhhu (oil), fine, of superior quality. Its heat-(extraction technique) is the following.

r ii 22

3 SÌLA-TA.ÀM pir-ṣa-du-ḫa e-li-a DU₁₀.GA ni-ís-

r ii 33

ta-lak-tu-šu IZI-su ki-i an-ni-im-ma

r ii 44

ri-qi-tu an-ni-tu ša 1(BÁN) Ì KASKAL ša a-na pir-ṣa-du-ḫi

(r ii 4) These are the preparations for 10 silas of oil (appropriate) for the road, extracted from perṣaduhhu-aromatics. You clarify it through a wooden-GAR₃.KAL.DA. You then gather it in a šappu-vessel. You allow it to rest (lit: cool down) for a full month. After a full month you lift it out (the processed oil) and return it to a diqāru-vessel. After 40 washings you will extract perṣaduhhu (oil), that is processed, (and) which they call "fit for a king" (ša UGU MAN).

r ii 55

še-ṣu-ni a-na gišGÀR.KAL.DA tu-zak-ka-šu a-na dugŠAB

r ii 66

te-si-ip 1 ITI U₄-MEŠte tu-pa-ša-aḫ-šu i+na 1 ITI U₄-MEŠte

r ii 77

ta-na-ši-a a-na ÚTUL-šu tu-tar-šu a-na 40 ma-ás-[sa-a]-te

r ii 88

pir-ṣa-du-ḫi tu-še-ṣa-šu e-li-a ša UGU MAN i-qab-bi-ú

r ii 99

-tu i-pa-ša-ḫu-ni ša-nu-ut-te-ka a-na dug[ḫa]-re-e

(r ii 9) Once it (the above preparation) has rested for your second (processing), you will extract within a ḫarû-vessel (the perṣaduhhu-oil they call) "fit for a king". You wipe clean the diqāru-vessel. You heat up water from a well. You gather it in a ḫarû-vessel. You place 2 cupfuls of "knots of perṣaduhhu-aromatic" onto the top of the fine-quality mixture (within the ḫarû-vessel). You wipe it clean. (The mixture) is to sit all day. At the proper time in the evening, you wash the agannu-vat.

r ii 1010

a-na UGU LUGAL tu-še-ṣu-ni ÚTUL ta-ka-par

r ii 1111

A-MEŠ ša ta-ṣa-ra-aḫ a-na dugḫa-re-e te-si-ip

r ii 1212

2 ka-sa-a-te ša ki-iṣ-ri ša pir-ṣa-du-ḫi AN.TA

r ii 1313

DU₁₀.GA ana ŠÀ ta-kar-ra-ar tu-ka-par ka-la u₄-mi-šu

r ii 1414

ša-kín ki-i si-man nu-bat-te duga-ga-na ta-ma-si

r ii 1515

3 SÌLA pir-ṣa-du-ḫa AN.TA [(...)]-x 1 ka-si ḫu-ṣa-a-be-MEŠ

(r ii 15) You pour 3 silas of perṣaduhhu-aromatic onto the top (of the mixture ...), 1 cupful of huṣābu-twigs from the hamīmu-plant, which are straight, into the (mixture within the) agannu-vat. It will macerate overnight.

r ii 1616

ša ḫa-mi-me še-šu-ru a-na ŠÀ duga-ga-ni ta-tab-ba-ak

r ii 1717

i-bi-id-du i+na [na]-ma-ri ÚTUL ta-ka-par ŠIM-MEŠ

(r ii 17) At sunrise, you wipe clean the diqāru-vessel. You pour into the diqāru-vessel the aromatics that have softened within the agannu-vessel and have macerated overnight. You ignite a fire. Your aromatics, which have become hot, you pour (their) oil into the diqāru-vessel. You stir it, and cover it up.

r ii 1818

la-bu-ku-ú-te [ša] i+na duga-ga-ni be-du-ú-ni

r ii 1919

a-na ÚTUL ta-tab-ba-ak IZI tu-ša-ḫa-az ŠIM-MEŠ-ka

r ii 2020

iṣ-ṣa-ru-[ḫu] Ì.GIŠ a-na ÚTUL ta-tab-ba-ak tu-be-a-áš

r ii 2121

tu-ka-[tam (...)] 2 ka-sa-a-te ša ia-ar-bu-ra-ni

r ii 2222

i+na A-MEŠ ša ŠIM-MEŠ tu-la-ba-ak i+na mu-si-pi

(r ii 22) You mascerate (lit: soften) 2 cupfuls of yarburānu-aromatic within the liquid mixture of aromatics. You pour out with a scoop oil and (...) into the diqāru-vessel. You scrape off (the vessel) with your hand. You stir it and wipe it clean.

r ii 2323

i+na x-[(...)]-ni Ì.GIŠ a-na ÚTUL ta-tab-ba-ak i+na qa-ti-ka

r ii 2424

ta-ma-ri-iṭ tu-bi-áš tu-ka-par bu-la-e

(r ii 24) You remove the bulû-wood. Coal is placed (there). When the oil expels froth, you cool off the (...) in the liquid mixture of aromatics. You then remove the coal. You [ignite?] the fire until its flame is high (...) You stir it and wipe it clean. After (the mixture) sits in its diqāru-vessel for 4 days, you (re)-ignite it in the morning; You should not make the fire strong.

r ii 2525

tu-na-kar pe-ʾe-et-tu ša-ak-na-at šúm-ma Ì.GIŠ

r ii 2626

[...] ru-pu-ul-ta it-ti-di i+na A-MEŠ ša gišŠIM-MEŠ

r ii 2727

[... tu-ka]-aṣ-ṣa pe-ʾe-et-ta tu-na-kar a-di IZI-su a-na e-liš

r ii 2828

[...] tu-bi-áš tu-ka-par 4 U₄-MEŠ i+na ÚTUL-šu šá-kín

r ii 2929

[... ma-la]-ma i+na ši-a-ra-te tu-ša-ḫa-az

r ii 3030

[...] la-a tu-da-ʾa-an

r ii 3131

[...]-x ta-ṣa-ra-aḫ a-na ḫa-re-e

(r ii 31) You heat up the [liquid mixture. You then wash a ḫarû-vessel, and pour (the mixture) into the] ḫarû-vessel. [You place 2 cupfuls of] "knots of perṣaduhhu-aromatic" [into the interior of the ḫarû-vessel] (The mixture) is to sit all day. During the evening, [you wash the agannu-vat] (...)

r ii 3232

[...]-x ša ki-iṣ-ri ša pir-ṣa-du-ḫi

r ii 3333

[... u₄]-mi-šu šá-kín nu-bat-tu-šu

(traces of 1 line)
(rest of column missing)

Edition by Eduardo A Escobar

Debugging Information


The pager was invoked as:

/home/oracc/bin/px web=1 proj=glass pxid=P282611

Pager Status

The pager reported status as:

Internal Data Structure State (Isp *ip)

oracc=/home/oracc from=list data=dcat show=rcat project=glass projdir=/home/oracc/glass list_name=outlined.lst op_nlevels=0 dors=0 perm=123 zoom=1 page=1 psiz=25 srch=(null) glos=(null) item=P282611 item_replace=(null) bkmk=(null) ceid=xmd cemd=ccat lang=en xhmd=html part=(null) form=(null) what=pager wrap=(null) uimd=(null) pack=asis host=(null) aapi=rest host_path=(null) sig=(null) tmp_dir=(null) err=(null) errx=(null) pui=p4html.xml nowhat=0 force=0 olev=0 debug=0 hdr_done=1 noheader=0 pub_output=0 verbose=0 web=1 zlev=3 argc=4 referer=(null) tmpdir=(null)

struct isp_cache ip->cache

sys=/home/oracc/www/p4.d project=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/glass sub=/home/oracc/glass/02pub/p4.d/outlined.lst out=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/glass/outlined.lst/123 list=/home/oracc/glass/02pub/p4.d/outlined.lst/list sort=/home/oracc/glass/02pub/p4.d/outlined.lst/123 csi=(null) tsv=/home/oracc/glass/02pub/p4.d/outlined.lst/123/pag.tsv max=/home/oracc/glass/02pub/p4.d/outlined.lst/123/max.tsv mol=/home/oracc/glass/02pub/p4.d/outlined.lst/123/zoom.mol pkey=(null) pgin=(null) page=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/glass/outlined.lst/123/123-z1-p1.div zout=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/glass/outlined.lst/123/123-z1.otl item=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/htm/glass/P282/P282611 prox=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/htm/glass/P282/P282611 meta=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/htm/glass/P282/P282611/meta.xml html=(null) ltab=(null) hilite=(null) pub=/home/oracc/glass/02pub/p4.d use=/home/oracc/glass/02pub/p4.d txtindex=(null) t_sort=(null) t_tsv=(null) t_max=(null) t_mol=(null)

struct isp_config ip->default_cfg

leftmenu=1 select=1 sort_fields=period,genre,provenience sort_labels=Time,Genre,Place head_template=1 2 3 cat_fields=designation,primary_publication,subgenre|genre,period,place|provenience cat_links=(null) cat_widths=auto,17,17,17,17

struct isp_config ip->special_cfg

leftmenu=1 select=0 sort_fields=period,genre,provenience sort_labels=Time,Genre,Place head_template=1 2 3 cat_fields=designation,primary_publication,subgenre|genre,period,place|provenience cat_links=(null) cat_widths=auto,17,17,17,17

struct isp_glosdata ip->glosdata

dir=(null) web=(null) let=(null) lmax=(null) ent=(null) xis=(null) ltab=(null) lbase=(null) lpath=(null) ecpath=(null) emax=(null) ipath=(null)

struct isp_itemdata ip->itemdata

langs=en nlangs=1 xtflang=en lmem=(null) item=P282611 fullitem=(null) block=(null) proj=glass htmd=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/htm html=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/htm/glass/P282/P282611/P282611.html dotted=(null) index=1 page=1 pindex=1 zoom=1 zpag=1 zindex=1 prev=(null) next=P282617 tmax=(null) xmdxsl=/home/oracc/lib/scripts/p4-xmd-div.xsl bld=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/htm/glass/P282/P282611/P282611.html hili=(null) not=0

struct isp_list_loc ip->lloc

type=www lang=(null) method=file key=(null) dbpath=(null) dbname=(null) path=/home/oracc/bld/glass/lists/outlined.lst

struct isp_srchdata ip->srchdata

tmp=(null) bar=(null) count=0 gran=(null) list=(null) new=0 adhoc=0 zmax=6


HTTP environment variables:

HTTP_USER_AGENT=CCBot/2.0 (https://commoncrawl.org/faq/)
Apache/2.4.52 (Ubuntu) Server at oracc.museum.upenn.edu Port 443
SERVER_SOFTWARE=Apache/2.4.52 (Ubuntu) SSL_TLS_SNI=oracc.museum.upenn.edu