YOS 20, 049 [Sale of shares in butcher's prebend][via hbtin]
Obverse | ||
o 1o 1 | mba-la-ṭu A ša₂ mdUTU-SUR A ša₂ mBARA₂-d60 A mlu-⸢uš-tam⸣-[mar-dIŠKUR ina ḫu-ud lib₃-bi-šu₂] | (o 1) Balaṭu, son of Šamaš-eṭir, son of Kidin-Anu, descendant of Luštammar-Adad, voluntarily sold one-sixth of the tenth day of the temple butcher's prebend, before [Anu ...] Enlil, Ea, Papsukkal, Ištar, Belet-ṣeri, [...] and all of the gods of their temples monthly throughout the year, the guqqû and eššēšu offerings, and anything which pertains to that temple butcher's prebend, which is with his brothers and the owners of the share of that prebend, for 25 shekels of refined silver, high quality staters of Antiochus, as the complete price, to Belessunu, daughter of Anu-ab-uṣur, son of Nidintu-Anu, descendant of Hunzu, wife of Anu-uballiṭ, son of Anu-zer-iddin, son of Labaši, descendant of Ekur-zakir, in perpetuity. |
o 22 | ši-iš-šu₂ ša₂ ⸢u₄-mu⸣ ina U₄ 10-KAM₂ [GIŠ].⸢ŠUB⸣.BA-šu₂ ⸢lu₂⸣[GIR₂].⸢LA₂⸣[u₂-tu₂ IGI ...] | |
o 33 | ||
o 44 | u₃ DINGIR-MEŠ E₂-šu₂-nu gab-bi ša₂ ITI[us]-⸢su⸣ kal MU.[AN.NA gu-uq-qa-ne₂-e] | |
o 55 | U₄.EŠ₃.EŠ₃-MEŠ u₃ mim-ma gab-bi ša₂ a-na GIŠ.ŠUB.BA [lu₂GIR₂.LA₂u₂-tu₂ MU-MEŠ] | |
o 66 | ik-kaš-ši-du ša₂ KI lu₂ŠEŠ-MEŠ-šu₂ u₃ lu₂⸢EN⸣-MEŠ [ḪA.LA-MEŠ ša₂ GIŠ.ŠUB.BA MU-MEŠ] | |
o 77 | a-na 1/3 MA.NA 5 GIN₂ KU₃.BABBAR qa-lu-u₂ is-ta-tir-ra-nu ša₂ m[an-ti-ʾi-i-ku-su] | |
o 88 | bab-ba-nu-tu a-na ŠAM₂ TIL-MEŠ a-na fGAŠAN-⸢su⸣-nu ⸢DUMU⸣.MUNUS ša₂ ⸢md60⸣-[AD-URI₃] | |
o 99 | A ša₂ mNIG₂.⸢SUM.MU⸣-d60 A mḫun-zu-u₂ ⸢DAM⸣ md60-DIN⸢iṭ⸣ A ša₂ m⸢d60⸣-[NUMUN-MU] | |
o 1010 | A ša₂ mNU-TEŠ₂ A mE₂.KUR-za-kir a-na u₄-mu ṣa-a-tu₂ it-⸢ta⸣-[din] | |
o 1111 | ⸢KU₃⸣.BABBAR a₄ 1/3 MA.NA 5 GIN₂ ŠAM₂ GIŠ.ŠUB.BA lu₂GIR₂.⸢LA₂u₂-tu₂⸣ [MU-MEŠ] | (o 11) That silver, the 25 shekels, the price of that temple butcher's prebend, Balaṭu, son of Šamaš-eṭir, received from Belessunu, daughter of Anu-ab-uṣur; he is paid. |
o 1212 | ⸢m⸣ba-⸢la⸣-ṭu A ša₂ mdUTU-⸢SUR⸣ [ina] ⸢ŠU⸣-MIN ⸢f⸣GAŠAN-su-nu ⸢DUMU⸣.MUNUS [ša₂ md60-AD-URI₃] | |
o 1313 | ma-⸢ḫir e⸣-ṭir₃ u₄-mu pa-qa-⸢ri a-na⸣ muḫ-⸢ḫi⸣ GIŠ.ŠUB.[BA lu₂GIR₂.LA₂u₂-tu₂] | (o 13) Should a claim arise concerning that temple-butcher's prebend, Anu-mar-ittannu, son of Šamaš-eṭir, son of Kidin-Anu, descendant of Luštammar-Adad will clear it of claims, and will pay the 12-fold penalty to Belessunu, daughter of Anu-ab-uṣur, wife of Anu-uballiṭ, son of Anu-zer-iddin, in perpetuity. |
o 1414 | MU-MEŠ it-⸢tab-šu-u₂⸣ md60-DUMU-MUnu A ša₂ [m]d[UTU]-⸢SUR A⸣ [ša₂ mBARA₂-d60 A] | |
o 1515 | m⸢lu⸣-[uš-tam-mar]-⸢d⸣IŠKUR u₂-mar-raq-ma a-di 12-⸢TA⸣-[AM₃ a-na] | |
Reverse | ||
r 1r 1 | fGAŠAN-su-nu DUMU.MUNUS ša₂ md60-⸢AD⸣-[URI₃] ⸢DAM⸣ md60-DIN⸢iṭ⸣ A ša₂ md60-NUMUN-⸢MU⸣ | |
r 22 | a-na u₄-mu ṣa-a-tu₂ SUM[in] pu-u₂-ut a-ḫa-a-miš a-na mu-⸢ur-ru-qu⸣ | (r 2) Anu-mar-ittannu and Balaṭu, sons of Šamaš-eṭir, son of Kidin-Anu, bear shared responsibility for the clearing of that temple butcher's prebend for Belessunu, wife of Anu-uballiṭ, in perpetuity. |
r 33 | ša₂ GIŠ.ŠUB.BA lu₂GIR₂.⸢LA₂u₂⸣-tu₂ MU-MEŠ md60-DUMU-MUnu u₃ mba-la-[ṭu] | |
r 44 | [A]-MEŠ [ša₂] mdUTU-SUR A ša₂ mBARA₂-d60 a-na fGAŠAN-su-nu DAM md60-[DINiṭ] | |
r 55 | [a]-⸢na⸣ u₄-mu ṣa-a-tu₂ na-šu-u₂ ši-iš-šu₂ ša₂ u₄-mu ina U₄ 10-KAM₂ ⸢GIŠ.ŠUB⸣.[BA] | (r 5) That one-sixth of the 10th day of the temple butcher's prebend belongs to Belessunu, daughter of Anu-ab-uṣur, son of Nidintu-Anu, descendant of Hunzu, wife of Anu-uballiṭ, son of Anu-zer-iddin, descendant of Ekur-zakir, in perpetuity. |
r 66 | ⸢lu₂GIR₂⸣.LA₂u₂-tu₂ MU-MEŠ ša₂ fGAŠAN-su-nu DUMU.MUNUS ša₂ md60-AD-⸢URI₃⸣ A [ša₂ mNIG₂.SUM.MU-d60] | |
r 77 | A mḫun-zu-u₂ DAM md60-DINiṭ A ša₂ md60-NUMUN-MU A mE₂.KUR-⸢za⸣-[kir] | |
(witnesses) | ||
r 88 | a-na u₄-mu ṣa-a-tu₂ šu-u₂ lu₂mu-kin₇ md60-DINiṭ A ša₂ md60-ik-ṣur ⸢A⸣ | (r 8) Witnesses: Anu-uballiṭ, son of Anu-ikṣur, descendant of Ekur-zakir. Anu-ah-ittannu, son of Labaši, descendant of Ah'utu. Anu-balassu-iqbi, son of Labaši, descendant of Ekur-zakir. Nidintu-Anu, son of Nanaya-iddin, descendant of Kuri. Dannat-Belti, son of Nanaya-iddin, descendant of Luštammar-Adad. Kidin-Anu, son of Nidintu-Anu, descendant of Gimil-Anu. Sumuttu-Anu, son of Nanaya-iddin, descendant of Kuri. Dumqi-Anu, son of Anu-uballiṭ, descendant of Sin-leqi-unninni. Anu-uballiṭ, son of Kidin-Anu, descendant of [....] Ša-Anu-iššu, son of Nanaya-iddin, descendant of Ebabbar-šum-idni. |
r 99 | mE₂.KUR-za-kir md60-ŠEŠ-MUnu A ša₂ mNU-TEŠ₂ A mŠEŠ-⸢ʾu⸣-u₂-tu₂ | |
r 1010 | md60-DIN-su-E A ša₂ mNU-TEŠ₂ A mE₂.KUR-za-kir mNIG₂.SUM.[MU]-⸢d60⸣ A ša₂ mdna-na-a-⸢MU⸣ | |
r 1111 | A mkur-i mBAD₄-dGAŠAN A ša₂ mdna-na-a-MU A mlu-⸢uš⸣-[tam]-mar-dIŠKUR | |
r 1212 | mBARA₂-d60 A ša₂ mNIG₂.SUM.MU-d60 A mŠU-d60 msu-⸢mut-tu₄⸣-d60 A ša₂ mdna-na-a-MU | |
r 1313 | A mkur-i mdum-qi₂-d60 A ša₂ md60-DIN⸢iṭ⸣ A md30-⸢TI⸣-ER₂ md60-DIN⸢iṭ⸣ | |
r 1414 | A ša₂ mBARA₂-d60 A [... m]ša₂-⸢d⸣[60]-⸢iš⸣-šu-u₂ A ša₂ md⸢na⸣-na-a-MU A mE₂-BABBARra-MU-<DU₃> | |
(colophon) | ||
r 1515 | mNIG₂.SUM.MU-d60 lu₂UMBISAG ⸢A⸣ ša₂ m⸢d60-EN-šu₂⸣-[nu] ⸢A mE₂.KUR⸣-[za]-⸢kir? UNUG⸣ki itiGAN U₄ 14-KAM₂ | (r 15) Nidintu-Anu, scribe, son of Anu-belšunu, descendant of Ekur-zakir. Uruk. 14th day of Kislimu, year 106, Antiochus and his son, Antiochus, (being) kings. |
r 1616 | MU 106-KAM₂ man-ti-ʾi-i-ku-su [u man]-⸢ti⸣-ʾi-⸢i⸣-ku-su A-šu₂ LUGAL-⸢MEŠ⸣ | |
(sealings) | ||
Top | ||
Column i | ||
t.e. i 1t.e. i 1 | (t.e. i 1) Ring of Anu-ah-ittannu | |
(impression of seal = AUWE 19, 0359) | ||
t.e. i 22 | ||
Column ii | ||
t.e. ii 1t.e. ii 1 | (t.e. ii 1) Ring of Nidintu-Anu | |
(impression of seal = AUWE 19, 0682) | ||
t.e. ii 22 | ||
Column iii | ||
t.e. iii 1t.e. iii 1 | (t.e. iii 1) Ring of Dannat-Belti | |
(impression of seal = AUWE 19, 0226) | ||
t.e. iii 22 | ||
Column iv | ||
t.e. iv 1t.e. iv 1 | (t.e. iv 1) Ring of [Anu-balassu-iqbi] | |
(impression of seal = AUWE 19, 0676) | ||
t.e. iv 22 | ||
Bottom | ||
Column i | ||
b.e. i 1b.e. i 1 | (b.e. i 1) [Ring of] Dumqi-Anu | |
(impression of seal = AUWE 19, 0697) | ||
b.e. i 22 | ||
Column ii | ||
b.e. ii 1b.e. ii 1 | (b.e. ii 1) Ring of Anu-uballiṭ | |
(impression of seal = AUWE 19, 0860) | ||
b.e. ii 22 | ||
Column iii | ||
b.e. iii 1b.e. iii 1 | (b.e. iii 1) Ring of Kidin-Anu | |
(impression of seal = AUWE 19, 0253) | ||
b.e. iii 22 | ||
Column iv | ||
b.e. iv 1b.e. iv 1 | (b.e. iv 1) Ring of Ša-Anu-iššu | |
(impression of seal = AUWE 19, 0652) | ||
b.e. iv 22 | ||
Left | ||
Column i | ||
l.e. i 1l.e. i 1 | (l.e. i 1) Ring of Anu-uballiṭ | |
(impression of seal = AUWE 19, 0681 = AUWE 20, *61-03) | ||
l.e. i 22 | ||
Column ii | ||
l.e. ii 1l.e. ii 1 | (l.e. ii 1) Ring of Sumuttu-Anu | |
(impression of seal = AUWE 19, 0211) | ||
l.e. ii 22 | ||
Right | ||
Column i | ||
r.e. i 1r.e. i 1 | (r.e. i 1) Ring of [Balaṭu] | |
(impression of seal = AUWE 19, 0996) | ||
r.e. i 22 | ||
remainder of side broken |