SAA 16 063. Crimes in Guzana (CT 53 046)[via saao/saa16]
Obverse | ||
o 1o 1 | [ina] ⸢UGU⸣ 06 LÚv.ERIM-MEŠ 01 MÍ ša a-na LUGAL [EN-ía áš-pur-an-ni] | (1) [Concer]ning the six men (and) one woman about whom [I wrote] to the king, [my lord] — Kutî the scribe, Tutî [the scribe], Adad-killanni the priest, Qurdî the ch[ariot driver], Niri-Ia'u the chief of accounts, Palṭi-Ia'u the [depu]ty, (and) Zazâ, the wife of Tarṣî, (all) servants of the governor — as to the matter of Guzana, they know if there is (such a thing), and if there isn't, they know it, too. |
o 22 | [m]ku-ti-i LÚv.A.BA mtu-ti-i LÚv.[x x x x] | |
o 33 | m10—ki-la-an-ni LÚv.SANGA mqur-di-i LÚv.⸢mu⸣-[kil—KUŠ.a-pa-a-ni] | |
o 44 | ||
o 55 | ||
o 66 | ||
o 77 | (7) The king, my lord, should speak with them, but (first) let me tell the king, my lord, about their other crimes. | |
o 88 | ||
o 99 | ||
o 1010 | (10) The first crime of Kutî and Tutî: When my son commanded them, "Bring me the horses, so that I can bring (them) to the king!," they refused. | |
o 1111 | ||
o 1212 | (12) Their other crime: (In the reign of) the father of the king, my lord, they wrote the silver quota of the shepherds on an Assyrian document (and) on an Aramaic document and sealed the amount of silver with the neck seals of the treasurer Nabû-qati-ṣabat, the village manager, (and) the scribe, with their neck seals (and) with the (royal) stamp seal, saying: "If they don't pay this year, they will die!" (But) when a bribe was made, they cut off the [stam]p seals (and) their neck-seals, (and) threw them away. Did they not cut (them) off arbitrarily? | |
o 1313 | EN-ía KUG.UD ÉŠ.QAR ša LÚv.SIPA-MEŠ ina ŠÀ-bi ni-ib-zi aš-šur-a.a | |
o 1414 | ||
o 1515 | šá mdPA—ŠU.2—ṣa-bat LÚv.IGI.DUB ša LÚv.GAL—URU-MEŠ-te ša LÚv.A.BA | |
o 1616 | ||
o 1717 | ||
o 1818 | ||
o 1919 | ||
o 2020 | ||
o 2121 | [mqur]-⸢di⸣-i LÚ—KUŠ.a-pa-a-ni ANŠE.KUR.RA-MEŠ na-kam-te | (21) [Qurd]î, the chariot driver of the treasury horses, is treading on (the authority of) the [Pa]lace. He has laid his hands on the cone [of Ištar], saying: "Strike (f. sg.) me! Let's see (what happens)! Bring me an iron knife, (so) I can cut it off and stick it in the [gov]ernor's ass!" I am unable to tell [what else] he has said about everybody. |
o 2222 | ||
o 2323 | ||
o 2424 | [ma-a] ⸢GÍR⸣.TUR AN.BAR bi-la-a-ni la-ab-tu-qu ina qi-in-ni-te | |
o 2525 | ||
o 2626 | (26) The priest (Adad-killanni) has encouraged him; [I] am powerless. | |
o 2727 | [ana]-⸢ku⸣ a-sa-me mdUTU—IGI.LAL-ni LÚv.EN.NAM TAv mpal-ṭí—ía-u | (27) Šamaš-emuranni, the governor, took counsel with Palṭi-Ia'u (the deputy) [and] Niri-Ia'u (the chief of accounts), saying: "Who(se feet) should we grasp?" They told the governor: "The one who dressed [you] in purple garments (and) gave you the golden [br]acelet (and) the golden dagger [......]." The governor said: "Go out and gather the elders of the city [of Guzana in] front of the crown prince's palace! [...] no bracelets, n[o ...]." |
o 2828 | ||
o 2929 | ma-a šu-nu a-na LÚv.EN.NAM ma-a ša SÍG.SA₅ ú-lab-bi-⸢iš-ú⸣-[ka-ni] | |
o 3030 | ||
o 3131 | [x x]+⸢x⸣ LÚv.EN.NAM ma-a ṣi-a LÚv.AB.BA-MEŠ URU [x x x] | |
Bottom | ||
b.e. 32b.e. 32 | [ina] IGI É.GAL ša DUMU—MAN pa-ḫi-ra-a-ni la ḪAR-MEŠ ⸢la⸣ [x x] | |
b.e. 3333 | (b.e. 33) I am being told that he asked them (= the elders): "To whom are you [devoted]?" Adda-sakâ, a chari[ot] owner, answered: "Tell us, why do you ask u[s]? Ask our sons!" He said: "It is you I have aske[d], so tell me!" They answered of one [accord]: "We have eaten the slice of our sons and daughters, and [that of] Aššur-zeru-ibni too, but we keep the t[reaty of the king], we are devoted to Esarhaddon." | |
b.e. 3434 | [pa]-⸢ni⸣-ku-nu ma-a e-ta-pal m10—sa-ka-a LÚv.EN—GIŠ.⸢GIGIR⸣ [o] | |
b.e. 3535 | ||
Reverse | ||
r 1r 1 | [ma]-a DUMU-MEŠ-ni šá-ʾa-la ma-a a-na ka-šá-nu-⸢u⸣-ma a-sa-⸢al⸣-[ku-nu] | |
r 22 | ||
r 33 | ma-a ḫi-ir-ṣu ša DUMU-MEŠ-ni ša DUMU.MÍ-MEŠ-ni ma-a [x x x x] | |
r 44 | ||
r 55 | a-né-e-nu ma-a ina UGU maš-šur—PAB—AŠ pa-ni-ni ⸢šak-nu⸣ [ma-a LÚv.EN.NAM GIŠ.PA?] | (r 5) [The governor] threw [the sceptre] from his hands, place[d] h[is] arms [on] his [chest], and said: "[You are] his [servant]s! [W]hat are you saying? You [...] yo[ur dynastic house! I [......] your [cit]y." |
r 66 | TAv ŠU.2-šú ik-ta-ra-ra Á.2-⸢šú ina⸣ [x x]-šú i-sa-⸢kan⸣ [ma-a?] | |
r 77 | ||
r 88 | ⸢ma⸣-a É—AD-⸢ku⸣-[nu x x x]+⸢x-ka⸣-ni ma-a a-na-ku | |
r 99 | ⸢URU⸣-ku-nu [x x x x] ⸢m⸣ḫal-bi-šú | (r 9) Halbišu the Samarian, [a servant of] the king, my lord, (and) Bar-uri, the eunuch (and) maqaltānu-official [of] Ba'al-rakkab of Sam'al, told me this matter: |
r 1010 | [x x]+⸢x x LUGAL EN-ía⸣ mbar—ur-ri LÚv.SAG ma-qa-al-ta-a-nu | |
r 1111 | ||
r 1212 | (r 12) Tarṣî, the scribe of Guzana, has given his son to the household of Aššur-zeru-ibni. When Aššur-zeru-ibni is with the son[s of the ki]ng, the son of Tarṣî is the chief of accounts. During these ten days when Aššur-zeru-ibni is lingering in Nineveh, the son of Tarṣî is the chief tailor, taking care of the golden bracelet, the golden dagger and the parasol of Aššur-zeru-ibni. | |
r 1313 | LÚv.A.BA ša DUMU-šú É maš-šur—NUMUN—DÙ i-ti-din | |
r 1414 | maš-šur—NUMUN—DÙ ki-i TAv DUMU-⸢MEŠ—LUGAL⸣ šu-tu-u-ni DUMU-šú ša mtar-ṣi-i | |
r 1515 | LÚv.GAL—NÍG.ŠID-MEŠ šu-u ki-i 10 UD-MEŠ an-na-te ša maš-šur—NUMUN—DÙ | |
r 1616 | ||
r 1717 | ||
r 1818 | (r 18) This Tarṣî, O king, my lord, is a powerful (and) influential man. He has taken away the servants of the queen, of the crown prince, of the household of the magnates (and) the exempts, (and) given them to the household of Aššur-zeru-ibni. | |
r 1919 | ||
r 2020 | ||
r 2121 | ||
r 2222 | ù DUMU—šip-ri-MEŠ ša LUGAL be-lí <$x$> a-na | (r 22) Moreover, the messengers whom the king, my lord, sends to Guzana — who hears (all) the slighting remarks that Tarṣî and his wife make (about them)? Zazâ, the wife of Tarṣî, and her sons should not be kept alive. O king, my lord! The priest is a brother-in-law of Tarṣî. Their wives bring down the moon from the sky! |
r 2323 | ||
r 2424 | ša i-šá-ka-nu-u-ni man-nu i-šam-me MÍ.za-za-a MÍ-šú ša mLAL-i | |
r 2525 | ||
r 2626 | ||
r 2727 | (r 27) O king, my lord, concerning (this), in all the letters which I have sent to the king, my lord, there is just this one matter. I have been shamed. On account of the words that I have spoken [...], instead of Aššur-zeru-[ibni ...], I have butted Marduk-išmanni [...]. | |
r 2828 | ||
r 2929 | áš-pur-an-ni 01-te ši-i a-bu-tú ina ŠÀ-bi | |
r 3030 | al-tu-u-da ina UGU da-ba-bi ša ⸢x x⸣ | |
Right | ||
r.e. 31r.e. 31 | a-qa-bu-u-ni ku-um maš-šur—NUMUN—[DÙ x x x] | |
r.e. 3232 | mdAMAR.UTU—ḪAL-ni a-ti-kip a-[x x x x x] | |
r.e. 3333 | (r.e. 33) The king, my lord, is the sun! [I am] a servant of the ki[ng, my lord], (but) I do not see [...]. | |
r.e. 3434 | ||
Edge | ||
e. 1e. 1 | [ù ša] mmil-ki—ZÁLAG LUGAL be-lí da-ba-ab-šú la ḫar-ṣa 01-en [UD-mu ša ina IGI LUGAL e-ra-bu-u]-ni a-⸢na⸣ [o] | (e. 1) [And] the words spoken [by] Milki-nuri, O king, my lord, are not accurate. I will tell [the king], my lord, the very first [day when I enter before the king]. His words are within my ears. Let me see [the face of the king, m]y [lord, ...]. Should the king, my lord, say: "[Why did you not wri]te what you heard?" — [...]. |
e. 22 | [LUGAL] EN-ía a-qa-bi da-ba-ab-šú ina ŠÀ-bi uz-ni-ia šu-u ⸢a⸣-[na-ku pa-ni ša LUGAL EN]-⸢ia⸣ la-a-mur [o] | |
e. 33 | [x x x]+⸢x⸣ šúm-ma LUGAL be-lí i-qa-bi ma-a ša taš-mu-u-ni [a-ta-a la taš]-⸢pu⸣-ra [x x x] |
Adapted from Mikko Luukko and Greta Van Buylaere, The Political Correspondence of Esarhaddon (State Archives of Assyria, 16), 2002. Lemmatised by Mikko Luukko, 2012, as part of the AHRC-funded research project “Mechanisms of Communication in an Ancient Empire: The Correspondence between the King of Assyria and his Magnates in the 8th Century BC” (AH/F016581/1; University College London) directed by Karen Radner. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as