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  • SAA 02 006


  • Q009186
  • VTE
  • SAA 02, 006



  • Neo-Assyrian
  • Written ca. Esarhaddon.limu Nabu-belu-usur.02.18
  • Nimrud (Kalhu)
  • Treaty


SAA 02, 006

SAA 02 006. Esarhaddon’s Succession Treaty (VTE)

o io i


(i) Seal of the god Aššur, king of the gods, lord of the lands not to be altered; seal of the great ruler, father of the gods not to be disputed.

o iiii

EN KUR.KUR ša la šu-un--e

o iiiiii


o iviv

ša la pa-qa-a-ri

§1 Preamble§1 Preamble
o 11

a-de-e ša m-šurPAB MAN ŠÚ MAN KUR-šur.<KI>

(1) The treaty of Esarhaddon, (king of the world), king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, (likewise king of the world), king of Assyria, with Humbareš, city-ruler of Nahšimarti (etc.), his sons, his grandsons, with all the Nahšimarteans (etc.), the men in his hands young and old, as many as there are from sunrise to sunset, all those over whom Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, exercises kingship and lordship, (with) you, your sons and your grandsons who will be born in days to come after this treaty,

o 22


o 33

TAv mḫum-ba-re- .ENURUḫ-ši-mar-ti

o 44

<TAv> DUMU-MEŠ-šú DUMUDUMU-MEŠ-šú TAvḫ-ši-mar-ta-a.a

o 55

.ERIM-MEŠ ŠU.2-šú gab-bu TUR <u> GAL ma-la ba-šu-u

o 66

TAv na-pa-aḫ dUTU-ši a-di ra-ba dšam-ši

o 77

ammar m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur LUGAL-tu be-lu-tu

o 88

ina UGU-ḫi-šú-nu up-pa-áš-u-ni

o 99

is-si-ku-nu <TAv> DUMU-MEŠ-ku-nu DUMUDUMU-MEŠ-ku-nu

o 1010

ša EGIR a-de-e a-na UD-me ṣa-a-ti ib-ba-áš-šú-u-ni

o 1111

<šá ina UGU m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL ša É-ti DUMU m-šurPAB>

(11) (concerning Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, on behalf of whom he has concluded this treaty with you,)

o 1212

<MAN KUR-šur ša ina UGU-ḫi-šú a-de-e is-si-ku-nu -ku-nu-ni>

§2 Divine Witnesses§2 Divine Witnesses
o 1313

ina IGI MUL.SAG.ME.GAR MUL.dil-bat

(13) (which he) confirmed, made and concluded in the presence of Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Mercury, Mars and Sirius;

o 1414


o 1515

MUL.ṣal-bat-a-nu MUL.GAG.SI.

o 1616

ina IGI d-šur da-num dEN.LÍL dÉ.A

(16) in the presence of Aššur, Anu, Ill[il], Ea, Sin, Šamaš, Adad, Marduk, Nabû, Nusku, Uraš, Nergal, Mullissu, Šerua, Belet-ili, Ištar of Nineveh, Ištar of Arbela, the gods dwelling in heaven and earth, the gods of Assyria, the gods of Sumer and [Akka]d, all the gods of the lands.

o 1717

d30 dšá-maš dIM dAMAR.UTU

o 1818


o 1919

dNIN.LÍL dše-ru-u-a dbe-litDINGIR-MEŠ

o 2020

d15 ša URU.NINA.KI d15 ša URU.arba-ìl

o 2121

DINGIR-MEŠ a-ši-bu-ti AN-e ù KI.TIM

o 2222


o 2323

DINGIR-MEŠ KUR.KUR -šú-nu ú-dan-nin-[u-ni]

o 2424

iṣ-ba-tu -ku-nu-ni

§3 Adjuration§3 Adjuration
o 2525

d-šur AD DINGIR-MEŠ EN KUR.KUR ti-tam-[ma-a]

(25) Sw[ear ea]ch individually by Aššur, father of the gods, lord of the lands!

o 2626

da-num dEN.LÍL dÉ.A MIN

(26) Ditto by Anu, Illil and Ea!

o 2727

d30 dšá-maš dIM dAMAR.UTU MIN

(27) Ditto by Sin, Šamaš, Adad and Marduk!

o 2828


(28) Ditto by Nabû, Nusku, Uraš and Nergal!

o 2929

dNIN.LÍL dše-ru-u-a dbe-litDINGIR-MEŠ MIN

(29) Ditto by Mullissu, Šerua and Belet-ili!

o 3030

d15 ša URU.NINA.KI d15 ša URU.arba-ìl MIN

(30) Ditto by Ištar of Nineveh and Ištar of Arbela!

o 3131


(31) Ditto by all the gods of the Inner City!

o 3232


(32) Ditto by all the gods of Nineveh!

o 3333

DINGIR-MEŠ -šú-nu ša URU.kal-ḫa MIN

(33) Ditto by all the gods of Calah!

o 3434

DINGIR-MEŠ -šú-nu ša URU.arba-ìl MIN

(34) Ditto by all the gods of Arbela!

o 3535

DINGIR-MEŠ -šú-nu ša URU.kàl-zi MIN

(35) Ditto by all the gods of Kilizi!

o 3636


(36) Ditto by all the gods of Harran!

o 3737


(37) Ditto by all the gods of Babylon, Borsippa and Nippur!

o 3838

DINGIR-MEŠ KUR-šur <-šú-nu MIN>

(38) Ditto by all the gods of Assyria!

o 3939

DINGIR-MEŠ KURšu-me-ri u URI.KI -šú-nu MIN

(39) Ditto by all the gods of Sumer and Akkad!

o 4040


(40) Ditto by all the gods of the lands; ditto by all the gods of heaven and earth! Ditto by all the gods of one's land and one's district!

o 40A40A

DINGIR-MEŠ šá AN-e u KI.TIM -šú-nu MIN

o 40B40B

[DINGIR]-MEŠ KUR-šu* na-gi-šu

§4 Assurbanipal Designated Heir to Throne§4 Assurbanipal Designated Heir to Throne
o 4141

a-de-e ša m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur ina IGI DINGIR-MEŠ GAL-MEŠ

(41) (This is) the treaty which Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, has concluded with you, in the presence of the great gods of heaven and earth, on behalf of Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, your lord, whom he has named and appointed to the crown-princeship:

o 4242

šá AN-e u KI.TIM is-si-ku-nu -ku-nu-u-ni

o 4343

ina UGU m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL šá É-ti

o 4444

DUMU m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur EN-ku-nu šá a-na DUMUMAN-u-te

o 4545

šá É-ti MU-šú iz-kur-u-ni ip-qi-du-šú-u-ni

o 4646

ki-ma m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur a-na šim-ti it-ta-lak

(46) When Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, passes away, you will seat Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, upon the royal throne, and he will exercise the kingship and lordship of Assyria over you. You shall protect him in country and in town, fall and die for him. You shall speak with him in the truth of your heart, give him sound advice loyally, and smooth his way in every respect.

o 4747

m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL šá É-ti ina GIŠ.GU.ZA-e

o 4848

LUGAL-ti tu-še-šab-ba LUGAL-u- EN-u-

o 4949

šá KUR-šur ina UGU-ḫi-ku-nu up-pa-áš ina A.ŠÀ ina bir-ti URU

o 5050

la ta-na-ṣar-šú-u-ni ina UGU-ḫi-šú la ta-ma-qut-a-ni

o 5151

la ta-mut-ta-a-ni ina ket-ti šá ŠÀ-bi-ku-nu

o 5252

is-si-šú la ta-da-bu-ba-a-ni mil-ku SIG₅

o 5353

šá gam-mur-ti ŠÀ-bi-ku-nu la ta-mal-lik-a-šú-u-ni

o 5454

KASKAL SIG₅ ina GÌR.2.<MEŠ>-šú la ta-šá-kan-a-ni

o 5555

šum-ma at-tu-nu tu-nak-kar-a-šu-ni TAv ŠÀ ŠEŠ-MEŠ-šú

(55) You shall not depose him nor seat (any)one of his brothers, elder or younger, on the throne of Assyria in stead of him.

o 5656

GAL-MEŠ TUR-MEŠ ina ku-mu-šú ina GIŠ.GU.ZA KUR-šur.KI

o 5757

tu-še-šab-a-ni šum-ma a-bu- šá m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur.KI

(57) You shall neither change nor alter the word of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, but serve this very Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, whom Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, your lord, has presented to you, and he shall exercise the kingship and dominion over you.

o 5858

te-na-a-ni tu-šá-an-na-a-ni šum-ma m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL-u

o 5959

šá É-ti šá m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur.KI EN-ku-nu

o 6060

[ú]-kal-lim-ka-nu-ni ḫa-an-nu-um-ma la ta-da-gal-a-ni

o 6161

LUGAL-u- EN-u- šá KUR-šur ina UGU-ḫi-ku-nu la ú-[pa]-áš-u-ni

§5 Obligation to Protect Heir§5 Obligation to Protect Heir
o 6262

šum-ma at-tu-nu a-na m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL šá É-ti

(62) You shall protect Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, whom Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, has presented and ordered for you, and on behalf of whom he has confirmed and concluded (this) treaty with you; you shall not sin against him, nor bring your hand against him with evil intent, nor revolt or do anything to him which is not good and proper;

o 6363

šá m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur.KI ú-kal-lim-u-ka-nu-ni

o 6464

iq-ba-ka-nu-ni a-de-e ina UGU-ḫi-šú is-si-ku-nu

o 6565

ú-dan-nin-u-ni -ku-nu-ni la ta-na-ṣar-a-ni

o 6666

ina ŠÀ-bi-šú ta-ḫa-ṭa-a-ni ŠU.2-ku-nu a-na ḪUL-tim

o 6767

ina ŠÀ-bi-šú tu-bal-a-ni ep-šú bar-tu a-bu- la DÙG.GA-

o 6868

la SIG₅- te-ep-pa-šá-ni-šú-u-ni ina LUGAL-ti KUR-šur

o 6969

tu-nak-ka-ra-šú-u-ni TAv ŠÀ-bi ŠEŠ-MEŠ-šú GAL-MEŠ TUR-MEŠ

(69) you shall not oust him from the kingship of Assyria by helping one of his brothers, elder or younger, to seize the throne of Assyria in his stead, nor set any other king or any other lord over you, nor swear an oath to any other king or any other lord.

o 7070

ina ku-mu-šú GIŠ.GU.ZA KUR-šur tu-šá-aṣ-bat-a-ni

o 7171

LUGAL [šá-nu]-um-ma EN šá-nu-um-ma ina UGU-ḫi-ku-nu ta-šá-kan-a-ni

o 7272

a-na LUGAL šá-ni-ma DUMUMAN šá-ni-ma ma-mit ta-tam-ma-a-ni

§6 Obligation to Report Opposition to Succession§6 Obligation to Report Opposition to Succession
o 7373

šum-ma at-tu-nu a-bu- la DÙG.GA- la ba-ni-

(73) If you hear any improper, unsuitable or unseemly word concerning the exercise of kingship which is unseemly and evil against Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, either from the mouth of his brothers, his uncles, his cousins, his family (var. his people), members of his father's line; or from the mouth of magnates and governors, or from the mouth of the bearded and the eunuchs, or from the mouth of the scholars or from the mouth of any human being at all, you shall not conceal it but come and report it to Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate.

o 7474

la ta-ri-su ša e-peš LUGAL-te šá ina UGU m-šurA

o 7575

DUMUMAN GAL-u šá É-te la tar-ṣa--u-ni la ṭa-bat-u-ni

o 7676


o 7777

qin-ni-šú NUMUN ÉAD-šú lu ina pi-i .GAL-MEŠ .NAM-MEŠ

o 7878

lu ina pi-i .šáziq-ni .SAG-MEŠ

o 7979

lu-u ina pi-i .um-ma-ni lu-u ina pi-i nap-ḫar ṣal-matSAG.DU

o 8080

ma-la ba-šu-u ta-šam-ma-a-ni tu-pa-za-ra-a-ni

o 8181

la ta-lak-a-ni-ni a-na m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL-u

o 8282

šá É-ti la ta-qab-ba-a-ni

§7 Succession at Esarhaddon's Untimely Death§7 Succession at Esarhaddon's Untimely Death
o 8383

šum-ma m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur ina ṣa-ḫa-ri šá DUMU-MEŠ-šú

(83) If Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, passes away while his sons are minors, you will help Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, to take the throne of Assyria, and you will help Šamaš-šumu-ukin, his equal brother, the crown prince designate of Babylon, to ascend the throne of Babylon. You will reserve for him the kingship over the whole of Sumer, Akkad and Karduniaš. He will take with him all the gifts that Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, his father, gave him; do not hold back even one.

o 8484

a-na šim-ti it-ta-lak m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL-u

o 8585

šá É-ti GIŠ.GU.ZA šá KUR-šur tu-šá-aṣ-ba-ta

o 8686

mdGIŠ.NU₁₁MUGI.NA ŠEŠ ta-li-me-šú DUMUMAN šá É-ti

o 8787


o 8888

tu-še-šá-ba LUGAL-ti KURšu-me-ri u URI.KI KUR.karddun-ía-[áš]

o 8989

.A.BI ina pa-ni-šú tu-šad-ga-la ti-din-

o 9090

ammar m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur AD-šú id-din-na-šú-ni

o 9191

is-si-šú ub-bal 01-en la ta-kal-la-a

§8 Definition of Loyalty§8 Definition of Loyalty
o 9292

šum-ma m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL šá É-ti

(92) You shall keep absolute honesty with respect to Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate whom Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, has presented to you, and (with respect to) his brothers, sons by the same mother as Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, on behalf of whom Esarhaddon, king of Assyria has concluded (this) treaty with you; you shall always serve them in a true and fitting manner, speak with them with heartfelt truth, and protect them in country and in town.

o 9393

šá m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur ú-kal-lim-u-ka-nu-ni

o 9494

ù ŠEŠ-MEŠ-šú DUMU AMA-šú šá m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL-u

o 9595

šá É-ti šá m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur ina UGU-ḫi-šú-nu

o 9696

a-de-e is-si-ku-nu -ku-nu-ni ket-tu šá-lim-tu

o 9797

la tu-kal-la-a-ni ina ke-na-a-te tar-ṣa-a-ti

o 9898

la ta-ta-nab-bal-a-šá-nu-u-ni ina ket-ti šá ŠÀ-bi-ku-nu

o 9999

is-si-šú-nu la ta-da-bu-ba-ni ina A.ŠÀ bir-ti URU

o 100100

la ta-na-ṣar-a-šú-nu-u-ni

§9 Prohibition of Disloyal Conduct§9 Prohibition of Disloyal Conduct
o 101101

šum-ma m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL-u šá É-ti

(101) You shall not sin against Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, whom Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, has ordered for you, nor against his brothers, sons by the same mother as Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, concerning whom he has concluded (this) treaty with you; you shall not bring your hands to (do) evil against them nor make insurrection or do anything which is not good to them.

o 102102

šá m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur iq-ba-ka-nu-u-ni

o 103103

u ŠEŠ-MEŠ-šú DUMU AMA-šú šá m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL-u

o 104104

ša É-te ina UGU-ḫi-šú-nu a-de-e is-si-ku-nu

o 105105

-ku-nu-u-ni ta-ḫa-ṭa-a-ni qa-at-ku-nu ina ḪUL-tim

o 106106

ina ŠÀ-bi-šú-nu tu-bal-a-ni

o 107107

ep-šú bar- a-bu- la DÙG.GA- te-pa-šá-ni-šú-nu-u-ni

§10 Obligation to Report Treason§10 Obligation to Report Treason
o 108108

šum-ma a-bu- la DÙG.GA- la de-iq-

(108) If you hear any evil, improper, ugly word which is not seemly nor good to Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, your lord, either from the mouth of his enemy or from the mouth of his ally, or from the mouth of his brothers or from the mouth of his uncles, his cousins, his family, members of his father's line, or from the mouth of your brothers, your sons, your daughters, or from the mouth of a prophet, an ecstatic, an inquirer of oracles, or from the mouth of any human being at all, you shall not conceal it but come and report it to Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria.

o 109109

la ba-ni- ina UGU m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL ša É-ti

o 110110

DUMU m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur EN-ku-nu la tar-ṣa-at-u-ni

o 111111

la ṭa-bat-u-ni lu-u ina pi-i .KÚR-šú

o 112112

lu-u ina pi-i sal-me-šú

o 113113

lu ina pi-i ŠEŠ-MEŠ-šú

o 114114


o 115115

qin-ni-šu NUMUN ÉAD-šu lu-u ina pi-i ŠEŠ-MEŠ-ku-nu

o 116116

DUMU-MEŠ-ku-nu DUMU.-MEŠ-ku-nu lu ina pi-i .ra-gi-me

o 117117

.maḫ-ḫe-e DUMU šá-ʾi-li a-mat DINGIR

o 118118

lu-u ina pi-i nap-ḫar ṣal-matSAG.DU mal ba-šú-u

o 119119

ta-šam-ma-a-ni tu-pa-za-ra-a-ni

o 120120

la ta-lak-a-ni-ni a-na m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL-u

o 121121

šá É-te DUMU m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur

o 122122

la ta-qab-ba-a-ni

§11 Injunction against Treason§11 Injunction against Treason
o 123123

šum-ma at-tu-nu m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL-u

(123) You shall not do (anything) that is evil and improper to Assurbanipal the great crown prince designate, whom Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, has ordered for you; you shall not seize him and put him to death, nor hand him over to his enemy, nor oust him from the kingship of Assyria, nor sw[ear an oa]th to any other king or any other lord.

o 124124

šá É-te ša m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur

o 125125

iq-ba-ka-nu-u-ni la ṭa-ab- la de-iq-

o 126126

te-ep-pa-šá-ni-šu-un-ni ta-ṣa-ba-ta-šu-u-ni

o 127127

ta-du-ka-šú-u-ni a-na .KÚR-šú ta-da-na-šu-u-ni

o 128128

a-na LUGAL-u-te KUR-šur tu-nak-kar-a-šú-u-ni

o 129129

a-na LUGAL šá-nim-ma EN šá-nim-ma ma-mit [ta-tam]-ma-ni

§12 Action against Those Suborning Treason§12 Action against Those Suborning Treason
o 130130

šum-ma me-me-ni a-na m-šurA DUMU[MAN GAL] šá É-te

(130) If anyone should speak to you of rebellion and insurrection (with the purpose) of ki[lling], assassinating, and eliminating Assurbanipal, the [great crown] prince designate, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, your lord, concerning whom he has concluded (this) treaty with you, or if you should hear it from the mouth of anyone, you shall seize the perpetrators of insurrection, and bring them before Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate.

o 131131

DUMU m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur EN-ku-nu šá ina UGU-ḫi-šú

o 132132

a-de-e is-si-ku-nu -ku-nu-u-ni

o 133133

si-ḫu bar- šá du-[a-ki]-šu ša-mut-ti-šu

o 134134

ḫul-lu-qi-šú a-na ka-šu-nu iq-ba-ka-nu-u-ni

o 135135

ù at-tu-nu ina pi-i me-me-ni ta-šam-ma-a-ni

o 136136

e-piš-a-nu-te šá bar-te la ta-ṣab-bat-a-ni-ni

o 137137

ina UGU m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL ša É-ti

o 138138

la tu-bal-a-ni-ni šum-ma ammar ṣa-ba-ti-šú-nu

(138) If you are able to seize them and put them to death, then you shall destroy their name and their seed from the land. If, however, you are unable to seize them and put them to death, you shall inform Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, and assist him in seizing and putting to death the perpetrators of rebellion.

o 139139

du-a-ki-šú-nu ma-ṣa-ku-nu la ta-ṣab-bat-a-šá-nu-ni

o 140140

la ta-du-ka-a-šá-nu-ni MU-šú-nu NUMUN-šú-nu

o 141141

ina KUR la tu-ḫal-laq-qa-a-ni

o 142142

šum-ma ammar ṣa-ba-te-šú-nu du-a-ki-šú-nu

o 143143

la ma-ṣa-ku-nu PI.2 šá m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL-u

o 144144

ša É-ti la -pat-ta-a-ni is-si-šú

o 145145

la ta-za-za-a-ni e-piš-a-nu-ti šá bar-te

o 146146

la ta-ṣab-bat-a-ni la ta-du-ka-a-[ni]

§13 Action against Traitors§13 Action against Traitors
o 147147

šum-ma e-pi-šá-nu-te šá bar-te lu-u e-ṣu-te lu-u ma--du-te

(147) If you should come into contact with perpetrators of insurrection, be they few or many, and hear (anything, be it) favourable or unfavourable, you shall come and report it to Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, being totally loyal to him.

o 148148

is-si-šú-nu ta-šá-kan-a-ni du-un-qu la du-un-qu

o 149149


o 150150

a-na m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL-u šá É-ti

o 151151

DUMU m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur la ta-lak-a-ni-ni

o 152152

la ta-qab-ba-a-ni lib-ba-ku-nu is-si-šu la gam-mur-u-ni

o 153153

ša DINGIR-MEŠ-ni ú-še-šá-bu-u-ni a-de-e ina IGI DINGIR-MEŠ-ni

(153) You shall not take a mutually binding oath with (any)one who produces (statues of) gods in order to conclude a treaty before gods, (be it) by sett[ing] a table, by drinking from a cup, by kindling a fire, by water, by oil, or by holding breasts, but you shall come and report to Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, your lord, and shall seize and put to death the perpetrators of insurrection and the traitorous troops, and destroy their name and seed from the land.

o 154154

i-šá-kan-u-ni ina ri-kis GIŠ.BANŠUR šá-te-e ka-si

o 155155

ni-pi-iḫ dGIŠ.BAR A-MEŠ Ì-MEŠ ṣi-bit tu-le-e

o 156156

<a-na> a-ḫe- tu-tam-ma-a-ni a-na m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL-u

o 157157

šá É-ti DUMU m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur EN-ku-nu

o 158158

la tal-lak-a-ni-ni la ta-qab-ba-a-ni

o 159159

e-piš-a-nu-ti šá bar-ti ù .ERIM-MEŠ ENḫi-ṭi

o 160160

la ta-ṣab-bat-a-ni-ni la ta-du-ka-a-ni

o 161161

MU-šú-nu NUMUN-šú-nu ina KUR la tu-ḫal-laq-qa-a-ni

§14 Action against Open Rebellion§14 Action against Open Rebellion
o 162162

šum-ma lu .-šu-ra-a.a lu da-gílpa-ni šá KUR-šur

(162) If an Assyrian or a vassal of Assyria, or a bearded (courtier) or a eunuch, or a citizen of Assyria or a citizen of any other country, or any living being at all besieges Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, in country or in town, and carries out rebellion and insurrection,

o 163163

lu-u .šáziq-ni lu-u .SAG lu DUMU KUR-šur.KI

o 164164

lu DUMU KUR šá-ni-tim-ma lu ina šik-natZI-tim ma-la ba-šú-u

o 165165

a-na m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL šá É-te <lu> ina A.ŠÀ

o 166166

<lu> ina ŠÀ URU e-ta-as-ru-šú si-ḫu bar- ina UGU-ḫi-šú e-tap-šu

o 167167

at-tu-nu TAv m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL šá É-ti

(167) you shall take your stand with and protect Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, wholeheartedly defeat the men who revolted against him, and rescue Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, and his brothers, sons by the same mother.

o 168168

la ta-za-za-a-ni la ta-na-ṣar-a-šú-u-ni

o 169169

.ERIM-MEŠ šá bar-ti e-pa-šú-ni-šú-u-ni ina gam-mur-ti ŠÀ-bi-ku-nu

o 170170

la ta-du-ka-a-ni a-na m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL

o 171171

šá É-ti u ŠEŠ-MEŠ-šú DUMU AMA-šú is-si-šú

o 172172

la tu-še-za-ba-a-ni-ni

§15 Obligation to Escape from Rebels§15 Obligation to Escape from Rebels
o 173173

šum-ma ša TAv m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL šá Ére-du-ti

(173) You shall not make common cause with (any)one who may revolt against Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, your lord, concerning whom he has concluded (this) treaty with you, but, should they seize you by force, you shall flee and come to Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate.

o 174174

DUMU m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur EN-ku-nu šá ina UGU-ḫi-šú

o 175175

a-de-e is-si-ku-nu -ku-nu-u-ni ib-bal-kàt-u-ni

o 176176

at-tu-nu is-si-šú ta-šá-kan-a-ni

o 177177

šum-ma ki-i da-ʾa-a-ni iṣ-ṣab-tu-ku-nu

o 178178

at-tu-nu la ta-ḫal-liq-a-ni ina UGU m-šurA

o 179179

DUMUMAN GAL-u šá É-ti la tal-lak-a-ni-ni

§16 Rejection of Rebellion§16 Rejection of Rebellion
o 180180

šum-ma at--nu lu ina [x]-e* ḫu-ra-di [x x x x x]

(180) You shall not, whether while on a guard duty [......] or on a [day] of rest, while resid[ing] within the land or while entering a tax-collection point, set in your mind an unfavourable thought against Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate; you shall not revolt against him, nor make rebellion, nor do anything to him which is not good.

o 181181

lu ina [UD]-me? ra-qi ki-i qa-bal KUR

o 182182

áš-ba-ka-[nu-ni] lu ki-i ina pi-ir-ri

o 183183

te-rab-a-ni-ni a-bu- la DÙG.GA-

o 184184

šá m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL-u šá É-ti

o 185185

ina ŠÀ-bi-ku-nu ta-šá-kan-a-ni ina UGU-ḫi-šú

o 186186

ta-bal-kàt-a-ni ep-šu bar-tu a-bu-tu

o 187187

la DÙG.GA- te-pa-šá-niš-[u-ni]

§17 Succession of Assurbanipal§17 Succession of Assurbanipal
o 188188

šum-ma m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL-u šá É[-ti]

(188) On the day that Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, your lord passes away, (on that day) Assurbanipal, the great crown prince desi[gnate], son of Esarhaddon, your lord, shall be your king and your lord; he shall abase the mighty, raise up the lowly, put to death him who is worthy of death, and pardon him who deserves to be pardoned.

o 189189

DUMU m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur EN-ku-nu ina UD-me šá m-šurPAB

o 190190

MAN KUR-šur EN-ku-nu a-na šim-ti il-lak-ú-ni

o 191191

šu-u la LUGAL-ka-nu-ni la EN-ka-nu-u-ni

o 192192

dan-nu la ú-šap-pal-u-ni šap-lu la i-ma-táḫ-u-ni

o 193193

šá du-a-ki la i-du-ku-u-ni ša bal-lu-ṭí

o 194194

la ú-bal-laṭ-u-ni ammar i-qab-bu-u-ni

o 195195

la ta-šam-ma-a-ni ki-i pi-i-šú

(195) You shall hearken to whatever he says and do whatever he commands, and you shall not seek any other king or any other lord against him.

o 196196

la te-pa-šá-a-ni LUGAL MAN-ma EN MAN-ma

o 197197

ina UGU-ḫi-šú tu-ba-ʾa-a-ni

§18 Rejection of Palace Revolt against Esarhaddon§18 Rejection of Palace Revolt against Esarhaddon
o 198198

šum-ma me-me-ni ina É.GAL bar-tu lu ina kal UD-me

(198) If anyone in the Palace makes an insurrection, whether by day or by night, whether on a campaign or within the land against Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, you must not obey him.

o 199199

lu-u ina kal MI lu-u ina KASKAL lu ina qab-si KUR a-na

o 200200

m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur e-ta-pa-áš at-[tu]-nu

o 201201

la taš-me-a-šú lu-u ina kal UD-me lu-u ina kal mu-ši

(201) If a messenger from within the Palace at an unexpected time, whether by day or by night, comes to the prince saying: "Your father has summoned you; let my lord come", you must not listen to him nor let him go away but you must guard him strongly until one of you, who loves his lord and feels concern over the house of his lords, goes to the palace and ascertains the well-being of the king, his lord. (Only) afterwards you may go to the Palace with the prince, your lord.

o 202202

[ina] la si-me-ni-šú .Ašip-ri TAv ŠÀ É.GAL

o 203203

ina UGU DUMUMAN it-tal-ka ma-a AD-ka

o 204204

re--ka i-ti-ši ma-a EN lil-li-ka

o 205205

at-tu-nu la ta-[šam]-me-a-šú la tu-ra-ma-šú

o 206206

la il-lak [ma-ṣar]-tu-šú tu-da-a-na

o 207207

a-di 01-en ina ŠÀ-bi-ku-nu ša EN-šu i-ra-ʾa-mu-u-ni

o 208208

ina UGU ÉEN-MEŠ-šu mar-ṣa-šu-u-ni

o 209209

il-lak-u-ni ina É.GAL DI-mu šá LUGAL EN-šu

o 210210

e-mar-u-ni ḫa-ra-me-ma TAv DUMUMAN

o 211211

EN-ku-nu ina É.GAL tal-la-ka

§19 Prohibition against Seditious Meetings§19 Prohibition against Seditious Meetings
o 212212

šum-ma at-tu-nu pu-uḫ-ru ta-šá-kan-a-ni a-ḫe-

(212) You shall not hold an assembly to adjure one another and give the kingship to one of you.

o 213213

tu-tam-ma-a-ni a-na 01-en ina ŠÀ-bi-ku-nu LUGAL-u-tu ta-dan-a-ni

§20 Action against Pretenders to Throne§20 Action against Pretenders to Throne
o 214214

šum-ma at-tu-nu TAv ŠÀ-bi ŠEŠ-MEŠ-šú ŠEŠ.<MEŠ>AD-MEŠ-šú

(214) You shall not help (anyone) from among his brothers, his uncles, his cousins, his family, or members of his father's line, whether those who are in Assyria or those who have fled to another country, or (anyone) in the closer palace groups or in the more remote palace groups or (any) groups great or small, or (any) of the old or young, of the rich or the poor, whether a bearded (courtier) or a eunuch, or (one) of the servants, or (one) of the bought (slaves) or any citizen of Assyria or any foreigner or any human being at all, any one of you, to seize the throne of Assyria, nor shall you hand over to him the kingship and lordship of Assyria.

o 215215


o 216216

lu-u šá ina KUR-šur šu-nu-u-ni lu šá ina KUR šá-ni-tim-ma

o 217217

in-nab-tu-u-ni lu-u ina kal-zi É.GAL qur-bu-ti

o 218218

lu-u ina kal-zi É.GAL pa-ti-ú-ti lu-u ina kal-za-a-ni

o 219219


o 220220

lu-u ina DUMUSIG₅-MEŠ lu-u ina DUMUmuš-ke-nu-ti

o 221221

lu šá .ziq-ni lu .SAG lu-u ina .ARAD-MEŠ

o 222222

lu-u ina .ŠÁM-MEŠ lu ina DUMU KUR-šur lu ina DUMU KUR

o 223223

šá-ni-tim-ma lu-u ina nap-ḫar ṣal-matSAG.DU mal ba-šu-u

o 224224

01-en ina ŠÀ-bi-ku-nu GIŠ.GU.ZA KUR-šur tu-šá-aṣ-bat-a-ni

o 225225

LUGAL-ú- EN-ú-[] šá KUR-šur ta-da-na-niš-šú-ni

o 226226

šum-ma m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL-u šá É-te

(226) You shall help Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate to seize the throne of Assyria, and he will exercise the kingship and lordship over you.

o 227227

GIŠ.GU.ZA šá KUR-šur.KI la -šá-aṣ-bat-a-ni

o 228228

LUGAL- EN- šá KUR-šur ina UGU-ḫi-ku-nu la ú-pa-áš-ú-ni

§21 Allegiance to Assurbanipal§21 Allegiance to Assurbanipal
o 229229

šum-ma at-tu-nu ina UGU m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL šá É-te

(229) You shall fall and die for Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, son of Esarhaddon, your lord, and seek to do for him what is good.

o 230230

DUMU m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur EN-ku-nu la ta-ma-qut-a-ni

o 231231

la ta-mut-ta-a-ni šá ina UGU-ḫi-šú ṭa-bu-u-ni

o 232232

la tu-ba-ʾa-a-ni la te-ep-pa-šá-a-ni

o 233233

šum-ma la DÙG.GA- te-ep-pa-šá-niš-šú-un-ni

(233) You shall not do for him what is not good, nor give him an improper counsel or direct him in an unwholesome course, but continually serve him in a true and fitting manner.

o 234234

mil-ku la dam-qu ta-mal-lik-a-šú-u-ni

o 235235

KASKAL la šal-mu ina GÌR.2-šú ta-šá-kan-a-ni

o 236236

ina ke-na-a-te tar-ṣa-a-te la ta-ta-nab-bal-a-šú-u-ni

§22 Action against Murderer of Assurbanipal§22 Action against Murderer of Assurbanipal
o 237237

šum-ma m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur EN-ku-nu ina ṣa-ḫa-ri šá DUMU-MEŠ-šú

(237) If Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, passes away during the minority of his sons, and if either a bearded (courtier) or a eunuch puts Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, to death, and takes over the kingship of Assyria, you shall not make common cause with him and become his servant but shall break away and be hostile (to him), alienate all lands from him, instigate a rebellion against him, seize him and put him to death, and then help a son of Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate to take the throne of Assyria.

o 238238

a-na šim-te it-ta-lak lu .SAG lu .šáziq-ni

o 239239

a-na m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL-u

o 240240

šá É-te i-du-ak

o 241241

LUGAL-u-tu šá KUR-šur it-ti-ši

o 242242

šum-ma at-tu-nu is-si-šú ta-šá-kan-a-ni

o 243243

a-na .ARAD-nu-ti-šú ta-tu-ra-a-ni

o 244244

la ta-bal-kàt-a-ni la ta-na-kir-a-ni

o 245245

KUR.KUR gab-bu is-si-šú la tu-šam-kar-a-ni si-ḫu ina UGU-ḫi-šú la ta-šá-kan-a-ni

o 246246

la ta-ṣab-bat-a-ni-šú-u-ni la ta-du-ka-šú-u-ni

o 247247

ù DUMU m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL šá É-ti

o 248248

GIŠ.GU.ZA šá KUR-šur.KI la tu-šá-aṣ-bat-[a]-ni

o 249249

šum-ma at-tu-nu ina IGI .a-ri-ti

(249) You shall wait for a woman pregnant by Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, (or) for the wife of Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate (to give birth), and after (a son) is born, bring him up and set him on the throne of Assyria, seize and slay the perpetrators of rebellion, destroy their name and their seed from the land, and by shedding blood for blood, avenge Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate.

o 250250

šá m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur.KI ù DAM m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL-u

o 251251

šá É-ti la ta-da-gal-a-ni

o 252252

ki-ma it-tab-ši la tu-rab-ba-a-ni

o 253253

GIŠ.GU.ZA šá KUR-šur.KI la tu-šá-aṣ-bat-a-ni

o 254254

e-pi-šá-nu-ti šá bar-ti la ta-ṣab-bat-a-ni-ni

o 255255

la ta-du-ka-a-ni MU-šú-nu NUMUN-šú-nu

o 256256

ina KUR la tu-ḫal-laq-qa-a-ni da-me ku-um da-me

o 257257

la ta-ta-ba-ka-a-ni gi-im-lu

o 258258

šá m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL-u šá É-te

§23 Prohibition against Killing Assurbanipal§23 Prohibition against Killing Assurbanipal
o 259259

la tu-tar-ra-a-ni-ni šum-ma at-tu-nu

(259) You shall not give Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, your lord, a deadly drug to eat or to drink, nor anoint him with it, nor practice witchcraft against him, nor make gods and goddesses angry with him.

o 260260

a-na m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL-u šá É-te

o 261261

DUMU m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur EN-ku-nu

o 262262

šam-mu šá mu-a-ti-šú tu-šá-kal-a-šú-u-ni

o 263263

ta-šá-qi-a-šú-u-ni ta-pa-šá-šá-šu-u-ni

o 264264

kiš-pi te-ep-pa-šá-niš-šú-u-ni DINGIR.<MEŠ> u d.TAR

o 265265

is-si-šú tu-šá-az-na-a-ni

§24 Action in Favour of Assurbanipal's Brothers§24 Action in Favour of Assurbanipal's Brothers
o 266266

šum-ma at-tu-nu a-na m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL-u šá É-te

(266) You shall love Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, your lord, like yourselves.

o 267267

DUMU m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur EN-ku-nu

o 268268

ki-i nap-šá-te-ku-nu la tar-ʾa-ma-a-ni

o 269269

šum-ma at-tu-nu ina IGI m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL šá É-ti

(269) You shall not slander his brothers, his mother's sons, before Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, nor speak anything evil about them, nor lift your hands against their houses or commit a crime against them, nor take anything away from the gift which their father has given them, or the acquisitions which they themselves have made.

o 270270

šá ŠEŠ-MEŠ-šú DUMU AMA-šú kar-ṣi-šú-nu ta-kal-a-ni

o 271271

la MUN-šú-nu ta-qab-ba-a-ni Á.2-ku-nu

o 272272

ina É-MEŠ-šú-nu tu-bal-a-ni ina ŠÀ-bi-šú-nu ta-ḫa-ṭa-a-ni

o 273273

TAv ŠÀ-bi ti-din- šá m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur AD-šú-nu i-din-na-šá-nu-ni

o 274274

qi-ni-tu šá šú-nu iq-nu-u-ni ta-na-áš-šá-a-ni

o 275275

šum-ma ti-din- A.ŠÀ-MEŠ É-MEŠ GIŠ.SAR-MEŠ

(275) The gift of lands, houses, orchards, peoples, implements, horses, mules, donkeys, cattle and flocks which Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, has given to his sons, shall be theirs.

o 276276


o 277277


o 278278

a-na DUMU-MEŠ-šú id-din-u-ni la ina pa-ni-šú-nu la šu--u-ni

o 279279

šum-ma de-iq-ta-šú-nu ina IGI m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL

(279) You shall speak good of them before Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate. They shall stand before him and be united with you.

o 280280

šá É-ti la ta-qab-ba-a-ni

o 281281

šum-ma ina IGI-ni-šú la i-za-zu-u-ni is-si-ku-nu

o 282282

la ú-sa-ta-maḫ-u-ni

§25 Perpetuating Allegiance to Assurbanipal§25 Perpetuating Allegiance to Assurbanipal
o 283283

a-de-e an-nu-ti šá m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur.KI

(283) This treaty which Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, has confirmed and concluded with you on behalf of Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate and his brothers, sons by the same mother as Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, by making you take an oath, you shall speak to your sons and grandsons, your seed and your seed's seed which shall be born in the future, and give them orders as follows:

o 284284

ina UGU m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL šá É-ti

o 285285


o 286286

šá É-ti ú-dan-nin-u-ni is-si-ku-nu

o 287287

-kun-u-ni ta-me- ú-tam-mu-ka-nu-ni

o 288288

a-na DUMU.MEŠ-ku-nu DUMUDUMU-MEŠ-ku-nu a-na NUMUN-ku-nu

o 289289

a-na NUMUNNUMUN-[ku]-nu šá EGIR a-de-e a-na UD-me ṣa-a-ti

o 290290

ib-ba-šú-u-ni la ta-qab-ba-a-ni ṭè-mu

o 291291

la ta-šá-kan-šú-u-ni ma-a a-de-e an-nu-te

o 292292

uṣ-ra ma-a ina ŠÀ-bi a-de-e-ku-nu la ta-ḫa-ṭi-a

(292) "Guard this treaty. Do not sin against your treaty and annihilate yourselves, do not turn your land over to destruction and your people to deportation. May this matter which is acceptable to god and mankind, be acceptable to you too, may it be good to you. May Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, be protected for (his) lordship over the land and the people, (and) may his name later be proclaimed for the kingship. Do not place any other king or any other lord over you."

o 293293

ZI-MEŠ-ku-nu la tu-ḫal-la-qa

o 294294

ma-a KUR-ku-nu a-na ḫa-pe-e UN-MEŠ-ku-nu

o 295295

a-na šal-la-li la ta-da-na ma-a a-bu-

o 296296

an-ni-tu šá ina IGI DINGIR-MEŠ a-me-lu-te maḫ-rat-u-ni

o 297297

ši-i ina pa-ni-ku-nu lu maḫ-rat ina UGU-ḫi-ku-nu lu ṭa-bat

o 298298

m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL šá É-ti a-na be-lu-ti

o 299299

KUR u UN-MEŠ lu na-ṣir

o 300300

EGIR a-na LUGAL-ú-ti lu na-bi MU-šú

o 301301

LUGAL MAN-ma EN MAN-ma ina UGU-ḫi-ku-nu la ta-šá-ka-na

§26 Action against Usurper of Esarhaddon's Throne§26 Action against Usurper of Esarhaddon's Throne
o 302302

šum-ma me-me-ni ina UGU m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur

(302) If anyone makes rebellion or insurrection against Esarhaddon, king of Assyria and seats himself on the royal throne, you shall not rejoice over his kingship but shall seize him and put him to death. If you are unable to seize and put him to death, you shall not submit to his kingship nor swear an oath of servitude to him, but shall revolt against him and unreservedly do battle with him, make other lands inimical to him, take plunder from him, defeat him, destroy his name and his seed from the land, and help Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, to take his father's throne.

o 303303

si-ḫu bar-tu e-tap-áš ina GIŠ.GU.ZA LUGAL-ti-šú

o 304304

it-tu-šib šum-ma a-na LUGAL-ti-šú

o 305305

ta-ḫa-du-a-ni la ta-ṣab-bat-a-niš-šú-u-ni

o 306306

la ta-du-ka-a-šú-u-ni šum-ma ammar ṣa-ba-ti-šú

o 307307

du-a-ki-šú la ma-ṣa-ku-nu a-na LUGAL-u-ti-šú

o 308308

ta-ma-gúr-a-ni ta-me- ša .ARAD-nu-ti

o 309309

ta-tam-ma-a-ni-šú-u-ni ina UGU-ḫi-šu

o 310310

la ta-bal-kàt-a-ni ina gam-mur-ti ŠÀ-bi-ku-nu

o 311311

qa-ra-a-bu is-si-šú la tu-pa-áš-a-ni

o 312312

KUR.KUR šá-ni-a-te is-si-šú la tu-šam-kar-a-ni

o 313313

ḫu-ub-tu-šú la ta-ḫab-bat-a-ni-ni

o 314314

de-ek-tu-šú la ta-du-ka-a-ni

o 315315

MU-šú NUMUN-šú ina KUR la tu-ḫal-laq-a-ni

o 316316

m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL-u ša É-u-te

o 317317

GIŠ.GU.ZA AD-šú la tu-šá-aṣ-bat-a-ni

§27 Injunction against Fomenting Strife between King and Crown Prince§27 Injunction against Fomenting Strife between King and Crown Prince
o 318318

šum-ma at-tu-nu TAv ŠÀ-bi ŠEŠ-MEŠ-šú

(318) If (any) one of his brothers, his uncles, his cousins, his family, (any) one of his own dynastic line, or any descendant of former royalty or (any) one of the magnates, governors or eunuchs, (or any) one of the citizens of Assyria, (or) any foreigner, involves you in a plot, saying to you: "Malign Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, in the presence of his father. Speak evil and improper things about him," you shall not make it come to a fight between him and his father by stirring up mutual hatred between them.

o 319319


o 320320

TAv ŠÀ-bi NUMUN ÉAD-šú TAv ŠÀ-bi NUMUN MAN pa-ni-ú-ti

o 321321


o 322322

TA ŠÀ-bi DUMU KUR šá-ni-tim-ma ú-šak-pa-du-ka-nu-u-ni

o 323323

i-qab-ba-ak-ka-nu-u-ni ma-a kar-ṣi šá m-šurA

o 324324

DUMUMAN GAL-u šá É-ti ina IGI AD-šú ak-la

o 325325

ma-a a-bat-su la DÙG.GA-tu la SIG₅-tu qi-bi-a

o 326326

ina bir-tu-šú ina bir-ti AD-šú tu-šam-ḫa-ṣa-a-ni

o 327327

a-na zi-a-ri ina IGI a-ḫe- ta-šá-kan-a-šá-nu-ni

§28 Response to Fomentors of Strife§28 Response to Fomentors of Strife
o 328328

ENqi-ʾi šá ṭè-e-mu i-šá-kan-u-ka-nu-u-ni

(328) (Instead) say to the envious person who commands you and would make you become accursed: "Where are his brothers or the servants who made themselves accursed to his father by slandering him in the presence of his father? Has not what Aššur, Šamaš and [Adad] said about him proved to be true? Did your father ...... without (the consent of) Aššur and Šamaš? Let your brother be honoured, and stay alive."

o 329329

ú-šá-an-za-ru-ka-nu-ni qi?-ba?-ni?-šú

o 330330

ma-a lu ŠEŠ-MEŠ-šú ma-a lu .ARAD-MEŠ-ni

o 331331

ša ina UGU AD-šú ú-[šá-an]-zi-ru-u-ni

o 332332

ša kar-ṣi-šú ina IGI AD-šú [e]-kal-u-ni a-le-

o 333333

ma-a la šá d-šur dUTU ù [dIM? ina] UGU-šú iq-bu-u-ni ta-kun

o 334334

ma-a ina ba-lat -šur ù? dUTU AD-ku-nu LU TI ú ŠID

o 335335

ma-a šá ŠEŠ-ku-nu kab-bi-da ZI-MEŠ-ku-nu uṣ-ra

§29 Injunction against Fomenting Strife between Prince and His Brothers§29 Injunction against Fomenting Strife between Prince and His Brothers
o 336336

šum-ma me-me-ni ú-šak-pa-du-ka-nu-u-ni i-qab-ba-kan-u-ni

(336) If someone involves you in a plot, be it one of his brothers, his [unc]les, his relations, a member of his father's line, a e[unuch] or a bearded (courtier), an Assyrian or a foreigner, or any human being at all, saying: "Slander his brothers, sons by his own mother, before him, make it come to a fight between them, and divide his brothers, sons of his own mother, from him", you shall not obey nor speak evil about his brothers in his presence, nor divide him from his brothers; you shall not let those who speak such things go free but shall come and report to Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate as follows: "Your father imposed a treaty on us and made us swear an oath concerning it."

o 337337


o 338338

NUMUN ÉAD-šú lu .[SAG] lu .šáziq-ni lu DUMU KUR-šur

o 339339

lu DUMU KUR šá-ni-nim-ma lu ina nap-ḫar ṣal-matSAG.DU

o 340340

ma-la ba-šu-u i-qab-ba-ka-nu-u-ni

o 341341

ma-a kar-ṣi šá ŠEŠ-MEŠ-šú DUMU AMA-šú ina pa-ni-šú

o 342342

ak-la ma-a šam-ḫi-ṣa ina bir-tu-šú-nu

o 343343

ma-a ŠEŠ-MEŠ-šú DUMU AMA-šú TAv pa-ni-šú pur-sa

o 344344

at-tu-nu ta-šam-ma-a-ni la DÙG.GA-

o 345345

ša ŠEŠ-MEŠ-šú ina IGI-šú ta-qab-ba-a-ni

o 346346

TAv IGI ŠEŠ-MEŠ-šú ta-par-ra-sa-a-šú-u-ni

o 347347

šum-ma qa-bi-a-nu šá a-bu- an-ni-

o 348348

iq-ba-ka-nu-u-ni tu-ra-ma-šú-u-ni

o 349349

šum-ma la tal-lak-a-ni-ni a-na m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL

o 350350

šá É-te la ta-qab-ba-a-ni

o 351351

ma-a AD-u-ka a-de-e ina UGU-<ka> is-si-ni

o 352352

is-sa-kan ú-tam-ma-na-a-[ši]

§30 Response to Attempts to Foment Strife§30 Response to Attempts to Foment Strife
o 353353

šum-ma ta-da-ga-la-ni? [ina? IGI? m-šurA DUMUMAN] GAL šá É-ti

(353) You shall not look on [...... Assurbanipal], the great crown [prince], his brothers [......]. You shall contest them as you would on [your] own behalf, and rouse [fear] in their heart, saying: "Your father set (this) in a treaty and made [us] swear it."

o 354354

ŠEŠ-MEŠ-šú [x] kan šu x+[x x]+x-ku-

o 355355

ma*-ṣar-tu [x x x x x x x] at-tu-nu

o 356356

ki-i ra-ma-[ni-ku-nu] la ta-ga-ri-šú-nu-ni

o 357357

pu-x+[x x x x x x] ina ŠÀ-bi-šú-nu

o 358358

la tu-še-[x x x] ma-a AD-ku-nu ina ŠÀ-bi a-de-e

o 359359

is-sa-kan ú-tam-[ma-na-a-ši]

§31 Injunction against Fomenting Strife after Assurbanipal's Accession§31 Injunction against Fomenting Strife after Assurbanipal's Accession
o 360360

šum-ma at-tu-nu ki-ma m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur EN-ku-nu

(360) When Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, your lord, passes away and Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, ascends the royal throne, you shall not say any evil word about his bro[thers, sons of] his own mo[ther], before their brother nor try to make them accursed (saying): "Bring your hand against them for an evil deed." You shall not alienate them from Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, nor shall you say any evil word about them in the presence of their brother. (As for) the positions which Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, their father, assigned them, you shall not speak in the presence of Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, (trying to make him) remove them [from these positions].

o 361361

a-na šim-ti it-ta-lak m-šurA

o 362362

DUMUMAN GAL-u šá É-ti ina GIŠ.GU.ZA LUGAL-u-te it-tu-[šib]

o 363363

a-bu- la DÙG.GA-tu šá ŠEŠ-MEŠ-šú DUMU AMA-šú

o 364364

ina IGI ŠEŠ-šú-nu ta-qab-ba-a-ni tu-šá-an-za-ra-ni

o 365365

ma-a ŠU.2-ka ina ḪUL-tim ina ŠÀ-bi-šú-nu ub-bíl

o 366366

šum-ma TAv IGI m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL-u

o 367367

šá É-te tu-na-kar-a-šá-nu-[u-ni]

o 368368

di-ib-bi-šú-nu la SIG₅-MEŠ ina IGI ŠEŠ-šú-nu

o 369369

ta-qab-ba-a-ni ma-za-a-su šá m[-šurPAB]

o 370370

MAN KUR-šur AD-šú-nu ú-kal-lim-u-šú-nu-[ni] ina IGI m-šurA

o 371371

DUMUMAN [GAL ša] É-ti ta-qab-ba-a-ni

o 372372

x+[x x x x x x] ú-na-kar-šú-[nu-u-ni]

§32 Prohibition against Invalidation of Oath§32 Prohibition against Invalidation of Oath
o 373373

šum-ma sar-bu šá <ina> UGU DINGIR-MEŠ ša pu-uḫ-ri

(373) You shall not smear your face, your hands, and your throat with ... against the gods of the assembly, nor tie it in your lap, nor do anything to undo the oath.

o 374374

lu pa-ni-ku-nu lu ŠU.2-ku-nu lu na-pul-ta-ku-nu

o 375375

ta-pa-šá-áš-a-ni lu-u ina si-qi-ku-nu

o 376376

ta-rak-kas-a-ni šá ma-mit pa-šá-ri te-ep-pa-šá-a-ni

§33 Prohibition against Undoing the Oath§33 Prohibition against Undoing the Oath
o 377377

šum-ma at-tu-nu tur-tu tu-tar-ra-[a-ni]

(377) You shall not try to revoke or undo (this) oath ... [...]; you shall neither think of nor perform a ritual to revoke or undo this oath. You and your sons to be born in the future will be bound by this oath concerning Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, your lord, from this day on until what(ever) comes after this treaty.

o 378378

ma-mit ta-pa-šar-a-ni ši-in-ga-te [x x x]

o 379379

[ina] IGI-ni šá tur-tu tur-ri ma-mit pa-šá-a-ri ta-ḫa-sa-sa-[a-ni]

o 380380

te-pa-šá-a-ni ta-me-tu an-[ni-tu ina UGU?] m-šurA DUMUMAN GAL

o 381381

šá É-ti DUMU m-šurPAB MAN KUR-šur EN-ku-nu

o 382382

šá ul- UD-me an-ni-e a-di ša EGIR a-de-e

o 383383

ib-ba-áš-ši-u-[ni at]-tu-nu DUMU-MEŠ-ku-nu šá a-na

o 384384

UD-me ṣa-[a]-ti ib-ba-áš-šú-u-ni ta-ʾa-ku-nu

§34 Attitude toward Swearing the Oath§34 Attitude toward Swearing the Oath
o 385385

šum-ma at-tu-nu ki-i (ina) kaq-qar ta-me-ti an-ni-tu

(385) While you stand on the place of this oath, you shall not swear this oath with your lips only but shall swear it wholeheartedly; you shall teach it to your sons to be born after this treaty; you shall not feign incurable illness but take part in this treaty of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, concerning Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate. In the future and forever Aššur will be your god, and Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, will be your lord. May your sons and your grandsons fear him.

o 386386

ta-za-za-a-ni ta-me- ša da-bab-ti šap-ti

o 387387

ta-tam-ma-a-ni ina