SAA 02 006. Esarhaddon’s Succession Treaty (VTE)
Obverse | ||
o io i | (i) Seal of the god Aššur, king of the gods, lord of the lands — not to be altered; seal of the great ruler, father of the gods — not to be disputed. | |
o iiii | ||
o iiiiii | ||
o iviv | ||
§1 Preamble | §1 Preamble | |
o 11 | (1) The treaty of Esarhaddon, (king of the world), king of Assyria, son of Sennacherib, (likewise king of the world), king of Assyria, with Humbareš, city-ruler of Nahšimarti (etc.), his sons, his grandsons, with all the Nahšimarteans (etc.), the men in his hands young and old, as many as there are from sunrise to sunset, all those over whom Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, exercises kingship and lordship, (with) you, your sons and your grandsons who will be born in days to come after this treaty, | |
o 22 | ||
o 33 | ||
o 44 | <TAv> DUMU-MEŠ-šú DUMU—DUMU-MEŠ-šú TAvḫ-ši-mar-ta-a.a | |
o 55 | ||
o 66 | ||
o 77 | ||
o 88 | ||
o 99 | ||
o 1010 | ||
o 1111 | <šá ina UGU maš-šur—DÙ—A DUMU—MAN GAL ša É—UŠ-ti DUMU maš-šur—PAB—AŠ> | (11) (concerning Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, on behalf of whom he has concluded this treaty with you,) |
o 1212 | <MAN KUR—aš-šur ša ina UGU-ḫi-šú a-de-e is-si-ku-nu iš-ku-nu-ni> | |
§2 Divine Witnesses | §2 Divine Witnesses | |
o 1313 | (13) (which he) confirmed, made and concluded in the presence of Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Mercury, Mars and Sirius; | |
o 1414 | ||
o 1515 | ||
o 1616 | (16) in the presence of Aššur, Anu, Ill[il], Ea, Sin, Šamaš, Adad, Marduk, Nabû, Nusku, Uraš, Nergal, Mullissu, Šerua, Belet-ili, Ištar of Nineveh, Ištar of Arbela, the gods dwelling in heaven and earth, the gods of Assyria, the gods of Sumer and [Akka]d, all the gods of the lands. | |
o 1717 | ||
o 1818 | ||
o 1919 | ||
o 2020 | ||
o 2121 | ||
o 2222 | ||
o 2323 | ||
o 2424 | ||
§3 Adjuration | §3 Adjuration | |
o 2525 | (25) Sw[ear ea]ch individually by Aššur, father of the gods, lord of the lands! | |
o 2626 | (26) Ditto by Anu, Illil and Ea! | |
o 2727 | (27) Ditto by Sin, Šamaš, Adad and Marduk! | |
o 2828 | (28) Ditto by Nabû, Nusku, Uraš and Nergal! | |
o 2929 | (29) Ditto by Mullissu, Šerua and Belet-ili! | |
o 3030 | (30) Ditto by Ištar of Nineveh and Ištar of Arbela! | |
o 3131 | (31) Ditto by all the gods of the Inner City! | |
o 3232 | (32) Ditto by all the gods of Nineveh! | |
o 3333 | (33) Ditto by all the gods of Calah! | |
o 3434 | (34) Ditto by all the gods of Arbela! | |
o 3535 | (35) Ditto by all the gods of Kilizi! | |
o 3636 | (36) Ditto by all the gods of Harran! | |
o 3737 | DINGIR-MEŠ KÁ.DINGIR.RA.KI BÁR.SÍPA.KI EN.LÍL.KI <DÙ-šú-nu MIN> | (37) Ditto by all the gods of Babylon, Borsippa and Nippur! |
o 3838 | (38) Ditto by all the gods of Assyria! | |
o 3939 | (39) Ditto by all the gods of Sumer and Akkad! | |
o 4040 | (40) Ditto by all the gods of the lands; ditto by all the gods of heaven and earth! Ditto by all the gods of one's land and one's district! | |
o 40A40A | ||
o 40B40B | ||
§4 Assurbanipal Designated Heir to Throne | §4 Assurbanipal Designated Heir to Throne | |
o 4141 | a-de-e ša maš-šur—PAB—AŠ MAN KUR—aš-šur ina IGI DINGIR-MEŠ GAL-MEŠ | (41) (This is) the treaty which Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, has concluded with you, in the presence of the great gods of heaven and earth, on behalf of Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, your lord, whom he has named and appointed to the crown-princeship: |
o 4242 | ||
o 4343 | ||
o 4444 | DUMU maš-šur—PAB—AŠ MAN KUR—aš-šur EN-ku-nu šá a-na DUMU—MAN-u-te | |
o 4545 | ||
o 4646 | (46) When Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, passes away, you will seat Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, upon the royal throne, and he will exercise the kingship and lordship of Assyria over you. You shall protect him in country and in town, fall and die for him. You shall speak with him in the truth of your heart, give him sound advice loyally, and smooth his way in every respect. | |
o 4747 | ||
o 4848 | ||
o 4949 | šá KUR—aš-šur ina UGU-ḫi-ku-nu up-pa-áš ina A.ŠÀ ina bir-ti URU | |
o 5050 | ||
o 5151 | ||
o 5252 | ||
o 5353 | ||
o 5454 | ||
o 5555 | (55) You shall not depose him nor seat (any)one of his brothers, elder or younger, on the throne of Assyria in stead of him. | |
o 5656 | ||
o 5757 | tu-še-šab-a-ni šum-ma a-bu-tú šá maš-šur—PAB—AŠ MAN KUR—aš-šur.KI | (57) You shall neither change nor alter the word of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, but serve this very Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, whom Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, your lord, has presented to you, and he shall exercise the kingship and dominion over you. |
o 5858 | te-na-a-ni tu-šá-an-na-a-ni šum-ma maš-šur—DÙ—A DUMU—MAN GAL-u | |
o 5959 | ||
o 6060 | ||
o 6161 | LUGAL-u-tú EN-u-tú šá KUR—aš-šur ina UGU-ḫi-ku-nu la ú-[pa]-áš-u-ni | |
§5 Obligation to Protect Heir | §5 Obligation to Protect Heir | |
o 6262 | (62) You shall protect Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, whom Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, has presented and ordered for you, and on behalf of whom he has confirmed and concluded (this) treaty with you; you shall not sin against him, nor bring your hand against him with evil intent, nor revolt or do anything to him which is not good and proper; | |
o 6363 | ||
o 6464 | ||
o 6565 | ||
o 6666 | ||
o 6767 | ||
o 6868 | ||
o 6969 | (69) you shall not oust him from the kingship of Assyria by helping one of his brothers, elder or younger, to seize the throne of Assyria in his stead, nor set any other king or any other lord over you, nor swear an oath to any other king or any other lord. | |
o 7070 | ||
o 7171 | LUGAL [šá-nu]-⸢um⸣-ma EN šá-nu-um-ma ina UGU-ḫi-ku-nu ta-šá-kan-a-ni | |
o 7272 | ||
§6 Obligation to Report Opposition to Succession | §6 Obligation to Report Opposition to Succession | |
o 7373 | (73) If you hear any improper, unsuitable or unseemly word concerning the exercise of kingship which is unseemly and evil against Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, either from the mouth of his brothers, his uncles, his cousins, his family (var. his people), members of his father's line; or from the mouth of magnates and governors, or from the mouth of the bearded and the eunuchs, or from the mouth of the scholars or from the mouth of any human being at all, you shall not conceal it but come and report it to Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate. | |
o 7474 | ||
o 7575 | ||
o 7676 | lu-u ina pi-i ŠEŠ-MEŠ-šú ŠEŠ-MEŠ—AD-MEŠ-šú DUMU—ŠEŠ-MEŠ—AD-MEŠ-šú | |
o 7777 | ||
o 7878 | ||
o 7979 | lu-u ina pi-i LÚ.um-ma-ni lu-u ina pi-i nap-ḫar ṣal-mat—SAG.DU | |
o 8080 | ||
o 8181 | ||
o 8282 | ||
§7 Succession at Esarhaddon's Untimely Death | §7 Succession at Esarhaddon's Untimely Death | |
o 8383 | šum-ma maš-šur—PAB—AŠ MAN KUR—aš-šur ina ṣa-ḫa-ri šá DUMU-MEŠ-šú | (83) If Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, passes away while his sons are minors, you will help Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, to take the throne of Assyria, and you will help Šamaš-šumu-ukin, his equal brother, the crown prince designate of Babylon, to ascend the throne of Babylon. You will reserve for him the kingship over the whole of Sumer, Akkad and Karduniaš. He will take with him all the gifts that Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, his father, gave him; do not hold back even one. |
o 8484 | ||
o 8585 | ||
o 8686 | ||
o 8787 | šá KÁ.DINGIR.RA.KI ina GIŠ.GU.ZA LUGAL-ti šá KÁ.DINGIR.RA.KI | |
o 8888 | tu-še-šá-ba LUGAL-ti KUR—šu-me-ri u URI.KI KUR.kar—ddun-ía-[áš] | |
o 8989 | ||
o 9090 | ||
o 9191 | ||
§8 Definition of Loyalty | §8 Definition of Loyalty | |
o 9292 | (92) You shall keep absolute honesty with respect to Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate whom Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, has presented to you, and (with respect to) his brothers, sons by the same mother as Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, on behalf of whom Esarhaddon, king of Assyria has concluded (this) treaty with you; you shall always serve them in a true and fitting manner, speak with them with heartfelt truth, and protect them in country and in town. | |
o 9393 | ||
o 9494 | ||
o 9595 | šá É—UŠ-ti šá maš-šur—PAB—AŠ MAN KUR—aš-šur ina UGU-ḫi-šú-nu | |
o 9696 | ||
o 9797 | ||
o 9898 | ||
o 9999 | ||
o 100100 | ||
§9 Prohibition of Disloyal Conduct | §9 Prohibition of Disloyal Conduct | |
o 101101 | (101) You shall not sin against Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, whom Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, has ordered for you, nor against his brothers, sons by the same mother as Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, concerning whom he has concluded (this) treaty with you; you shall not bring your hands to (do) evil against them nor make insurrection or do anything which is not good to them. | |
o 102102 | ||
o 103103 | ||
o 104104 | ||
o 105105 | ||
o 106106 | ||
o 107107 | ||
§10 Obligation to Report Treason | §10 Obligation to Report Treason | |
o 108108 | (108) If you hear any evil, improper, ugly word which is not seemly nor good to Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, your lord, either from the mouth of his enemy or from the mouth of his ally, or from the mouth of his brothers or from the mouth of his uncles, his cousins, his family, members of his father's line, or from the mouth of your brothers, your sons, your daughters, or from the mouth of a prophet, an ecstatic, an inquirer of oracles, or from the mouth of any human being at all, you shall not conceal it but come and report it to Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria. | |
o 109109 | ||
o 110110 | DUMU maš-šur—PAB—AŠ MAN KUR—aš-šur EN-ku-nu la tar-ṣa-at-u-ni | |
o 111111 | ||
o 112112 | ||
o 113113 | ||
o 114114 | ||
o 115115 | ||
o 116116 | ||
o 117117 | ||
o 118118 | ||
o 119119 | ||
o 120120 | ||
o 121121 | ||
o 122122 | ||
§11 Injunction against Treason | §11 Injunction against Treason | |
o 123123 | (123) You shall not do (anything) that is evil and improper to Assurbanipal the great crown prince designate, whom Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, has ordered for you; you shall not seize him and put him to death, nor hand him over to his enemy, nor oust him from the kingship of Assyria, nor sw[ear an oa]th to any other king or any other lord. | |
o 124124 | ||
o 125125 | ||
o 126126 | ||
o 127127 | ||
o 128128 | ||
o 129129 | ||
§12 Action against Those Suborning Treason | §12 Action against Those Suborning Treason | |
o 130130 | šum-ma me-me-ni a-na maš-šur—DÙ—A DUMU—[MAN GAL] ⸢šá⸣ É—UŠ-te | (130) If anyone should speak to you of rebellion and insurrection (with the purpose) of ki[lling], assassinating, and eliminating Assurbanipal, the [great crown] prince designate, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, your lord, concerning whom he has concluded (this) treaty with you, or if you should hear it from the mouth of anyone, you shall seize the perpetrators of insurrection, and bring them before Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate. |
o 131131 | DUMU maš-šur—PAB—AŠ MAN KUR—aš-šur EN-ku-nu šá ina ⸢UGU⸣-ḫi-šú | |
o 132132 | ||
o 133133 | ||
o 134134 | ||
o 135135 | ||
o 136136 | ||
o 137137 | ||
o 138138 | (138) If you are able to seize them and put them to death, then you shall destroy their name and their seed from the land. If, however, you are unable to seize them and put them to death, you shall inform Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, and assist him in seizing and putting to death the perpetrators of rebellion. | |
o 139139 | ||
o 140140 | ||
o 141141 | ||
o 142142 | ||
o 143143 | ||
o 144144 | ||
o 145145 | ||
o 146146 | ||
§13 Action against Traitors | §13 Action against Traitors | |
o 147147 | šum-ma e-pi-šá-nu-te šá bar-te lu-u e-ṣu-te lu-u ma-aʾ-du-te | (147) If you should come into contact with perpetrators of insurrection, be they few or many, and hear (anything, be it) favourable or unfavourable, you shall come and report it to Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, being totally loyal to him. |
o 148148 | ||
o 149149 | ||
o 150150 | ||
o 151151 | ||
o 152152 | ||
o 153153 | ša DINGIR-MEŠ-ni ú-še-šá-bu-u-ni a-de-e ina IGI DINGIR-MEŠ-ni | (153) You shall not take a mutually binding oath with (any)one who produces (statues of) gods in order to conclude a treaty before gods, (be it) by sett[ing] a table, by drinking from a cup, by kindling a fire, by water, by oil, or by holding breasts, but you shall come and report to Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, your lord, and shall seize and put to death the perpetrators of insurrection and the traitorous troops, and destroy their name and seed from the land. |
o 154154 | ||
o 155155 | ||
o 156156 | <a-na> a-ḫe-iš tu-tam-ma-a-ni a-na maš-šur—DÙ—A DUMU—MAN GAL-u | |
o 157157 | ||
o 158158 | ||
o 159159 | ||
o 160160 | ||
o 161161 | ||
§14 Action against Open Rebellion | §14 Action against Open Rebellion | |
o 162162 | (162) If an Assyrian or a vassal of Assyria, or a bearded (courtier) or a eunuch, or a citizen of Assyria or a citizen of any other country, or any living being at all besieges Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, in country or in town, and carries out rebellion and insurrection, | |
o 163163 | ||
o 164164 | lu DUMU KUR šá-ni-tim-ma lu ina šik-nat—ZI-tim ma-la ba-šú-u | |
o 165165 | ||
o 166166 | <lu> ina ŠÀ URU e-ta-as-ru-šú si-ḫu bar-tú ina UGU-ḫi-šú e-tap-šu | |
o 167167 | (167) you shall take your stand with and protect Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, wholeheartedly defeat the men who revolted against him, and rescue Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, and his brothers, sons by the same mother. | |
o 168168 | ||
o 169169 | LÚ.ERIM-MEŠ šá bar-ti e-pa-šú-ni-šú-u-ni ina gam-mur-ti ŠÀ-bi-ku-nu | |
o 170170 | ||
o 171171 | ||
o 172172 | ||
§15 Obligation to Escape from Rebels | §15 Obligation to Escape from Rebels | |
o 173173 | (173) You shall not make common cause with (any)one who may revolt against Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, your lord, concerning whom he has concluded (this) treaty with you, but, should they seize you by force, you shall flee and come to Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate. | |
o 174174 | DUMU maš-šur—PAB—AŠ MAN KUR—aš-šur EN-ku-nu šá ina UGU-ḫi-šú | |
o 175175 | ||
o 176176 | ||
o 177177 | ||
o 178178 | ||
o 179179 | ||
§16 Rejection of Rebellion | §16 Rejection of Rebellion | |
o 180180 | (180) You shall not, whether while on a guard duty [......] or on a [day] of rest, while resid[ing] within the land or while entering a tax-collection point, set in your mind an unfavourable thought against Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate; you shall not revolt against him, nor make rebellion, nor do anything to him which is not good. | |
o 181181 | ||
o 182182 | ||
o 183183 | ||
o 184184 | ||
o 185185 | ||
o 186186 | ||
o 187187 | ||
§17 Succession of Assurbanipal | §17 Succession of Assurbanipal | |
o 188188 | (188) On the day that Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, your lord passes away, (on that day) Assurbanipal, the great crown prince desi[gnate], son of Esarhaddon, your lord, shall be your king and your lord; he shall abase the mighty, raise up the lowly, put to death him who is worthy of death, and pardon him who deserves to be pardoned. | |
o 189189 | DUMU maš-šur—PAB—AŠ MAN KUR—aš-šur EN-ku-nu ina UD-me šá maš-šur—PAB—AŠ | |
o 190190 | ||
o 191191 | ||
o 192192 | ||
o 193193 | ||
o 194194 | ||
o 195195 | (195) You shall hearken to whatever he says and do whatever he commands, and you shall not seek any other king or any other lord against him. | |
o 196196 | ||
o 197197 | ||
§18 Rejection of Palace Revolt against Esarhaddon | §18 Rejection of Palace Revolt against Esarhaddon | |
o 198198 | (198) If anyone in the Palace makes an insurrection, whether by day or by night, whether on a campaign or within the land against Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, you must not obey him. | |
o 199199 | ||
o 200200 | ||
o 201201 | (201) If a messenger from within the Palace at an unexpected time, whether by day or by night, comes to the prince saying: "Your father has summoned you; let my lord come", you must not listen to him nor let him go away but you must guard him strongly until one of you, who loves his lord and feels concern over the house of his lords, goes to the palace and ascertains the well-being of the king, his lord. (Only) afterwards you may go to the Palace with the prince, your lord. | |
o 202202 | ||
o 203203 | ||
o 204204 | ||
o 205205 | ||
o 206206 | ||
o 207207 | ||
o 208208 | ||
o 209209 | ||
o 210210 | ||
o 211211 | ||
§19 Prohibition against Seditious Meetings | §19 Prohibition against Seditious Meetings | |
o 212212 | (212) You shall not hold an assembly to adjure one another and give the kingship to one of you. | |
o 213213 | tu-tam-ma-a-ni a-na 01-en ina ŠÀ-bi-ku-nu LUGAL-u-tu ta-dan-a-ni | |
§20 Action against Pretenders to Throne | §20 Action against Pretenders to Throne | |
o 214214 | (214) You shall not help (anyone) from among his brothers, his uncles, his cousins, his family, or members of his father's line, whether those who are in Assyria or those who have fled to another country, or (anyone) in the closer palace groups or in the more remote palace groups or (any) groups great or small, or (any) of the old or young, of the rich or the poor, whether a bearded (courtier) or a eunuch, or (one) of the servants, or (one) of the bought (slaves) or any citizen of Assyria or any foreigner or any human being at all, any one of you, to seize the throne of Assyria, nor shall you hand over to him the kingship and lordship of Assyria. | |
o 215215 | ||
o 216216 | lu-u šá ina KUR—aš-šur šu-nu-u-ni lu šá ina KUR šá-ni-tim-ma | |
o 217217 | ||
o 218218 | ||
o 219219 | ||
o 220220 | ||
o 221221 | ||
o 222222 | ||
o 223223 | ||
o 224224 | 01-en ina ŠÀ-bi-ku-nu GIŠ.GU.ZA KUR—aš-šur tu-šá-aṣ-bat-a-ni | |
o 225225 | ||
o 226226 | (226) You shall help Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate to seize the throne of Assyria, and he will exercise the kingship and lordship over you. | |
o 227227 | ||
o 228228 | LUGAL-tú EN-tú šá KUR—aš-šur ina UGU-ḫi-ku-nu la ú-pa-áš-ú-ni | |
§21 Allegiance to Assurbanipal | §21 Allegiance to Assurbanipal | |
o 229229 | šum-ma at-tu-nu ina UGU maš-šur—DÙ—A DUMU—MAN GAL šá É—UŠ-te | (229) You shall fall and die for Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, son of Esarhaddon, your lord, and seek to do for him what is good. |
o 230230 | DUMU maš-šur—PAB—AŠ MAN KUR—aš-šur EN-ku-nu la ta-ma-qut-a-ni | |
o 231231 | ||
o 232232 | ||
o 233233 | (233) You shall not do for him what is not good, nor give him an improper counsel or direct him in an unwholesome course, but continually serve him in a true and fitting manner. | |
o 234234 | ||
o 235235 | ||
o 236236 | ||
§22 Action against Murderer of Assurbanipal | §22 Action against Murderer of Assurbanipal | |
o 237237 | šum-ma maš-šur—PAB—AŠ MAN KUR—aš-šur EN-ku-nu ina ṣa-ḫa-ri šá DUMU-MEŠ-šú | (237) If Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, passes away during the minority of his sons, and if either a bearded (courtier) or a eunuch puts Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, to death, and takes over the kingship of Assyria, you shall not make common cause with him and become his servant but shall break away and be hostile (to him), alienate all lands from him, instigate a rebellion against him, seize him and put him to death, and then help a son of Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate to take the throne of Assyria. |
o 238238 | ||
o 239239 | ||
o 240240 | ||
o 241241 | ||
o 242242 | ||
o 243243 | ||
o 244244 | ||
o 245245 | KUR.KUR gab-bu is-si-šú la tu-šam-kar-a-ni si-ḫu ina UGU-ḫi-šú la ta-šá-kan-a-ni | |
o 246246 | ||
o 247247 | ||
o 248248 | ||
o 249249 | (249) You shall wait for a woman pregnant by Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, (or) for the wife of Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate (to give birth), and after (a son) is born, bring him up and set him on the throne of Assyria, seize and slay the perpetrators of rebellion, destroy their name and their seed from the land, and by shedding blood for blood, avenge Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate. | |
o 250250 | šá maš-šur—PAB—AŠ MAN KUR—aš-šur.KI ù DAM maš-šur—DÙ—A DUMU—MAN GAL-u | |
o 251251 | ||
o 252252 | ||
o 253253 | ||
o 254254 | ||
o 255255 | ||
o 256256 | ||
o 257257 | ||
o 258258 | ||
§23 Prohibition against Killing Assurbanipal | §23 Prohibition against Killing Assurbanipal | |
o 259259 | (259) You shall not give Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, your lord, a deadly drug to eat or to drink, nor anoint him with it, nor practice witchcraft against him, nor make gods and goddesses angry with him. | |
o 260260 | ||
o 261261 | ||
o 262262 | ||
o 263263 | ||
o 264264 | ||
o 265265 | ||
§24 Action in Favour of Assurbanipal's Brothers | §24 Action in Favour of Assurbanipal's Brothers | |
o 266266 | (266) You shall love Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, your lord, like yourselves. | |
o 267267 | ||
o 268268 | ||
o 269269 | šum-ma at-tu-nu ina IGI maš-šur—DÙ—A DUMU—MAN GAL šá É—UŠ-ti | (269) You shall not slander his brothers, his mother's sons, before Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, nor speak anything evil about them, nor lift your hands against their houses or commit a crime against them, nor take anything away from the gift which their father has given them, or the acquisitions which they themselves have made. |
o 270270 | ||
o 271271 | ||
o 272272 | ||
o 273273 | TAv ŠÀ-bi ti-din-tú šá maš-šur—PAB—AŠ MAN KUR—aš-šur AD-šú-nu i-din-na-šá-nu-ni | |
o 274274 | ||
o 275275 | (275) The gift of lands, houses, orchards, peoples, implements, horses, mules, donkeys, cattle and flocks which Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, has given to his sons, shall be theirs. | |
o 276276 | ||
o 277277 | ANŠE-MEŠ GUD-MEŠ UDU-MEŠ šá maš-šur—PAB—AŠ MAN KUR—aš-šur.KI | |
o 278278 | a-na DUMU-MEŠ-šú id-din-u-ni la ina pa-ni-šú-nu la šu-tú-u-ni | |
o 279279 | (279) You shall speak good of them before Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate. They shall stand before him and be united with you. | |
o 280280 | ||
o 281281 | ||
o 282282 | ||
§25 Perpetuating Allegiance to Assurbanipal | §25 Perpetuating Allegiance to Assurbanipal | |
o 283283 | (283) This treaty which Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, has confirmed and concluded with you on behalf of Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate and his brothers, sons by the same mother as Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, by making you take an oath, you shall speak to your sons and grandsons, your seed and your seed's seed which shall be born in the future, and give them orders as follows: | |
o 284284 | ||
o 285285 | ||
o 286286 | ||
o 287287 | ||
o 288288 | ||
o 289289 | a-na NUMUN—NUMUN-[ku]-⸢nu⸣ šá EGIR a-de-e a-na UD-me ṣa-a-ti | |
o 290290 | ||
o 291291 | ||
o 292292 | (292) "Guard this treaty. Do not sin against your treaty and annihilate yourselves, do not turn your land over to destruction and your people to deportation. May this matter which is acceptable to god and mankind, be acceptable to you too, may it be good to you. May Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, be protected for (his) lordship over the land and the people, (and) may his name later be proclaimed for the kingship. Do not place any other king or any other lord over you." | |
o 293293 | ||
o 294294 | ||
o 295295 | ||
o 296296 | ||
o 297297 | ||
o 298298 | ||
o 299299 | ||
o 300300 | ||
o 301301 | ||
§26 Action against Usurper of Esarhaddon's Throne | §26 Action against Usurper of Esarhaddon's Throne | |
o 302302 | (302) If anyone makes rebellion or insurrection against Esarhaddon, king of Assyria and seats himself on the royal throne, you shall not rejoice over his kingship but shall seize him and put him to death. If you are unable to seize and put him to death, you shall not submit to his kingship nor swear an oath of servitude to him, but shall revolt against him and unreservedly do battle with him, make other lands inimical to him, take plunder from him, defeat him, destroy his name and his seed from the land, and help Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, to take his father's throne. | |
o 303303 | ||
o 304304 | ||
o 305305 | ||
o 306306 | ||
o 307307 | ||
o 308308 | ||
o 309309 | ||
o 310310 | ||
o 311311 | ||
o 312312 | ||
o 313313 | ||
o 314314 | ||
o 315315 | ||
o 316316 | ||
o 317317 | ||
§27 Injunction against Fomenting Strife between King and Crown Prince | §27 Injunction against Fomenting Strife between King and Crown Prince | |
o 318318 | (318) If (any) one of his brothers, his uncles, his cousins, his family, (any) one of his own dynastic line, or any descendant of former royalty or (any) one of the magnates, governors or eunuchs, (or any) one of the citizens of Assyria, (or) any foreigner, involves you in a plot, saying to you: "Malign Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, in the presence of his father. Speak evil and improper things about him," you shall not make it come to a fight between him and his father by stirring up mutual hatred between them. | |
o 319319 | ||
o 320320 | ||
o 321321 | ||
o 322322 | ||
o 323323 | ||
o 324324 | ||
o 325325 | ||
o 326326 | ||
o 327327 | ||
§28 Response to Fomentors of Strife | §28 Response to Fomentors of Strife | |
o 328328 | (328) (Instead) say to the envious person who commands you and would make you become accursed: "Where are his brothers or the servants who made themselves accursed to his father by slandering him in the presence of his father? Has not what Aššur, Šamaš and [Adad] said about him proved to be true? Did your father ...... without (the consent of) Aššur and Šamaš? Let your brother be honoured, and stay alive." | |
o 329329 | ||
o 330330 | ||
o 331331 | ||
o 332332 | ||
o 333333 | ma-a la šá daš-šur dUTU ù [dIM? ina] ⸢UGU⸣-šú iq-bu-u-ni ta-kun | |
o 334334 | ||
o 335335 | ||
§29 Injunction against Fomenting Strife between Prince and His Brothers | §29 Injunction against Fomenting Strife between Prince and His Brothers | |
o 336336 | (336) If someone involves you in a plot, be it one of his brothers, his [unc]les, his relations, a member of his father's line, a e[unuch] or a bearded (courtier), an Assyrian or a foreigner, or any human being at all, saying: "Slander his brothers, sons by his own mother, before him, make it come to a fight between them, and divide his brothers, sons of his own mother, from him", you shall not obey nor speak evil about his brothers in his presence, nor divide him from his brothers; you shall not let those who speak such things go free but shall come and report to Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate as follows: "Your father imposed a treaty on us and made us swear an oath concerning it." | |
o 337337 | TA ŠÀ-bi ŠEŠ-MEŠ-šú ŠEŠ—AD-MEŠ-šú [DUMU—ŠEŠ]-MEŠ—AD-MEŠ-šú qin-ni-šú | |
o 338338 | NUMUN É—AD-šú lu ⸢LÚ⸣.[SAG] lu LÚ.šá—ziq-ni lu DUMU KUR—aš-šur | |
o 339339 | ||
o 340340 | ||
o 341341 | ||
o 342342 | ||
o 343343 | ||
o 344344 | ||
o 345345 | ||
o 346346 | ||
o 347347 | ||
o 348348 | ||
o 349349 | ||
o 350350 | ||
o 351351 | ||
o 352352 | ||
§30 Response to Attempts to Foment Strife | §30 Response to Attempts to Foment Strife | |
o 353353 | šum-ma ta-da-ga-la-⸢ni?⸣ [ina? IGI? maš-šur—DÙ—A DUMU—MAN] GAL šá É—UŠ-ti | (353) You shall not look on [...... Assurbanipal], the great crown [prince], his brothers [......]. You shall contest them as you would on [your] own behalf, and rouse [fear] in their heart, saying: "Your father set (this) in a treaty and made [us] swear it." |
o 354354 | ŠEŠ-MEŠ-šú [x] kan šu ⸢x⸣+[x x]+⸢x⸣-ku-uš | |
o 355355 | ma*-ṣar-⸢tu⸣ [x x x x x x x] at-tu-nu | |
o 356356 | ||
o 357357 | pu-⸢x⸣+[x x x x x x] ina ŠÀ-bi-šú-nu | |
o 358358 | ||
o 359359 | ||
§31 Injunction against Fomenting Strife after Assurbanipal's Accession | §31 Injunction against Fomenting Strife after Assurbanipal's Accession | |
o 360360 | šum-ma at-tu-nu ki-ma maš-⸢šur⸣—PAB—AŠ MAN KUR—aš-šur EN-ku-nu | (360) When Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, your lord, passes away and Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, ascends the royal throne, you shall not say any evil word about his bro[thers, sons of] his own mo[ther], before their brother nor try to make them accursed (saying): "Bring your hand against them for an evil deed." You shall not alienate them from Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, nor shall you say any evil word about them in the presence of their brother. (As for) the positions which Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, their father, assigned them, you shall not speak in the presence of Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, (trying to make him) remove them [from these positions]. |
o 361361 | ||
o 362362 | DUMU—MAN GAL-u šá É—UŠ-ti ina GIŠ.GU.ZA LUGAL-u-te it-⸢tu⸣-[šib] | |
o 363363 | ||
o 364364 | ||
o 365365 | ||
o 366366 | ||
o 367367 | ||
o 368368 | ||
o 369369 | ||
o 370370 | MAN KUR—aš-šur AD-šú-nu ú-kal-lim-u-šú-nu-[ni] ina IGI maš-šur—DÙ—A | |
o 371371 | ||
o 372372 | ⸢x⸣+[x x x x x x] ú-na-kar-šú-[nu-u-ni] | |
§32 Prohibition against Invalidation of Oath | §32 Prohibition against Invalidation of Oath | |
o 373373 | (373) You shall not smear your face, your hands, and your throat with ... against the gods of the assembly, nor tie it in your lap, nor do anything to undo the oath. | |
o 374374 | ||
o 375375 | ||
o 376376 | ||
§33 Prohibition against Undoing the Oath | §33 Prohibition against Undoing the Oath | |
o 377377 | (377) You shall not try to revoke or undo (this) oath ... [...]; you shall neither think of nor perform a ritual to revoke or undo this oath. You and your sons to be born in the future will be bound by this oath concerning Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, your lord, from this day on until what(ever) comes after this treaty. | |
o 378378 | ma-mit ta-pa-šar-a-ni ši-in-ga-te [x x x] | |
o 379379 | [ina] ⸢IGI⸣-ni šá ⸢tur⸣-tu tur-ri ma-mit pa-šá-a-ri ta-ḫa-sa-sa-[a-ni] | |
o 380380 | ⸢te⸣-pa-šá-a-ni ta-me-tu an-[ni-tu ina UGU?] maš-šur—DÙ—A DUMU—MAN GAL | |
o 381381 | ||
o 382382 | ||
o 383383 | ||
o 384384 | ||
§34 Attitude toward Swearing the Oath | §34 Attitude toward Swearing the Oath | |
o 385385 | (385) While you stand on the place of this oath, you shall not swear this oath with your lips only but shall swear it wholeheartedly; you shall teach it to your sons to be born after this treaty; you shall not feign incurable illness but take part in this treaty of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, concerning Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate. In the future and forever Aššur will be your god, and Assurbanipal, the great crown prince designate, will be your lord. May your sons and your grandsons fear him. | |
o 386386 | ||
o 387387 |