SAA 05 298. Moving Bull Colossi Across the River (ABL 1362)[via saao/saa05]

obeginning (probably one line only) broken away

(Beginning destroyed)

o 1'1'

x x+[x x x x x x x]

o 2'2'

x x+[x x x x x x x]

o 3'3'

x+[x] a-na [x x x x x]

o 4'4'

UGU .EN[pi-qit-ta-ti]

(4) As to the of[ficials] in Adi[a] and in Tas[tiate concerning whom] the king, my lord, wro[te me]: "All of them should go t[o Dur-Šarruken]!"

o 5'5'

ša ŠÀ URU.a-di-[a]

o 6'6'

URU.ta-as-[ti-a-te ša]

o 7'7'

LUGAL be- -[pur-an-ni]

o 8'8'

ma-a gab-bi-šú-nu a*-[na URU.BÀDMANGIN]

o 9'9'

lil-li-ku dALAD.[dLAMA-MEŠ]

(9) the bu[ll colossi] of the magnates are set up to[gether] and the king, my lord, [(earlier) said]: "They should quickly ... the colossi and as long as the water in the river is [low, bring them across] the river!"

o 10'10'

ša .GAL-MEŠ ki-i [a-ḫa?-]

o 11'11'

zaq-pu LUGAL be- [iq-ṭi-bi]

o 12'12'

ma-a dALAD.dLAMA-[MEŠ]

o 13'13'

ar-ḫi- li-ik-ba*-[su-ni]

o 14'14'

a-du A-MEŠ ina ÍD [e-ṣu-ni]

(14) Who [...] would (then) stay (here) to look after the [bull colossi]?

o 15'15'

ÍD* lu*-[še-bi-ru]

b.e. 16'b.e. 16'

.ENx+[x x x x]

b.e. 17'17'

man-nu pa-an [dALAD.dLAMA-MEŠ]

r 1r 1

i-za-za ú-[ma-a]

(r 1) N[ow], the magnates are waiting for [me]. May the king, my lord, wait for me (until) Siv[an] (III), and I will (then) get the work done and deliver it to [the king].

r 22

.GAL-MEŠ ina pa-ni-[ia]

r 33

i-da-gul ina ITI.SIG₄ [o]

r 44

LUGAL be- ina pa-ni-ia

r 55

lid-gul dul₆*-lu a-na [LUGAL]

r 66

lu-u-ša-ak-ši-di la-din

r 77

šúm-ma LUGAL be- i-qab-[bi]

(r 7) If the king, my lord, (nevertheless) ord[ers]: "They must go!" then let ten (officials) from the Inner City and five from Calah stay to look after the bull coloss[i]; the r[est may go] to Dur-Š[arruken].

r 88

ma-a lil-li-ku [o]

r 99

10 URU.ŠÀURU-a.a [o]

r 1010

05 URU.kal-ḫa-a.a [o]

r 1111

ina pa-an dALAD.dLAMA-[MEŠ]

r 1212

lu-u šu-nu re*-[ḫu-ti]

r 1313

ina URU.BÀD*MAN[GIN lil-li-ku]

rest (1-2 lines) broken away

(Rest destroyed)

Adapted from Giovanni B. Lanfranchi and Simo Parpola, The Correspondence of Sargon II, Part II: Letters from the Northern and Northeastern Provinces (State Archives of Assyria, 5), 1990. Lemmatised by Mikko Luukko, 2009-11, as part of the AHRC-funded research project “Mechanisms of Communication in an Ancient Empire: The Correspondence between the King of Assyria and his Magnates in the 8th Century BC” (AH/F016581/1; University College London) directed by Karen Radner. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as