SAA 08 346. Invisibility of the Moon (RMA 249) [lunar][via saao/saa08]

o 1o 1

[1 UD]..ÀM ina* NU* ŠID-MEŠ-šú GÁL-ši

(1) [If the day of disapp]earance of the moon is at an inappropriate time: the ruin of the Gutians will take place.

o 22

[šal]--tim gu-ti-i GAR-an

o 33

[ša] UD 27-KÁM 30 TÙM-ma

(3) That means the moon disappears on the 27th day.

o 44

1 UD..ÀM ina ITI 03-šú [x x]

(4) If the day of disappearance of the moon in the third month [...]. there will be an eclipse, and the gods [......].

o 55

AN.MI GAR-ma DINGIR-MEŠ ki [x x]

o 66

03 UD-mu ina AN-e [bu-ú-ut]

(6) 3 days [it stayed] inside the sky.

o 77

1 30 ina ITI.KIN UD 30-[KÁM IGI]

(7) If the moon in Elul (VI) [becomes visible] on the 30th day: dispersal of the land [Subartu].

o 88


o 99

UD 30-KÁM a-ga-a [d30 it-tan-mar]

(9) On this 30th day [the moon became visible]. The lord of kings will say: "Is [the sign] not affected?" The moon disappeared on the 27th; the 28th and the 29th it stayed inside the sky, and was seen on the 30th; when (else) should it have been seen? It should stay inside the sky less than 4 days, it never stayed 4 days.

r 1r 1

EN LUGAL-MEŠ i-qab-bi um-[ma GISKIM?]

r 22

la la-pi-it UD 27-KÁM 30 it-ta-[bal]

r 33

UD 28-KÁM UD 29-KÁM ina AN-e bu-ú-ut [o]

r 44

ù UD 30-KÁM it-tan-mar

r 55

imma-tim-ma li-in-na-mir

r 66

ba-ab-ti 04 UD-mi-i ina AN-e li-bit

r 77

imma-tim-ma 04 UD-mu ul i-bit

r 88

LUGAL KUR.KUR lu da-ri

(r 8) May the king of all lands be everlasting!

r 99

šá ma-šá-ri-du

(r 9) From Ašaredu.

Adapted from Hermann Hunger, Astrological Reports to Assyrian Kings (State Archives of Assyria, 8), 1992. Lemmatised by Mikko Luukko, 2016-17, as part of the research programme of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair in the Ancient History of the Near and Middle East at LMU Munich (Karen Radner, Humboldt Professorship 2015). The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as