SAA 18 131. Ašaredu, Governor of Cutha, Should be Tried (CT 54 037)[via saao/saa18]

o 1o 1

[a-na] LUGAL kiš-šat be--ia ARAD-ka

(1) [To the k]ing of the universe, my lord: yo[ur] servant, [Nabû-i]qbi. May Aššur, Šamaš, and M[arduk] bles[s the king of the lan]ds, my lord.

o 22

[mdAG]iq*-bi d-šur dUTU u dAMAR.[UTU]

o 33

[a-na LUGAL KUR].KUR be--ia lik-ru-bu

o 44

[m?AN?.ŠÁR?KÁM?]-* ù mdENid-[din?]

(4) [Aššur-ere]š and Bel-id[din, servants] of Urda-G[u]l[a, uttered an appeal to the king conc]er[ni]ng Aša[redu, comman]dant of Cutha. When [the ki]ng, my lo[r]d, h[eard it], he brought him in. But nob[o]dy has settled his case wi[th them].

o 55

[x x x x]-nu? šá mARADdgu*-la*

o 66

[a-mat LUGAL a]-na UGU ma-šá-[re-du]

o 77

[.GAR]UMUŠ šá .DU₈.A.KI [iq-ta-bu-u]

o 88

LUGAL be--a ki-i -[mu-ú o]

o 99

i-tab-kaš-šú ù mam-ma it-ti-[šú-nu]

o 1010

ul ú-kin-šú ki-i pa-an LUGAL [o]

(10) If it is agreeable to the king, my lord, and the king, [my] l[ord], commands that he should be tried, then let him be t[ried i]n the presence of the chariot driver, the governor of the city of HA[R], and the mayor Sasi[ya], men who are loyal t[o] the king, my lord, before [he distributes] bribes and gi[fts c]oncerning them, the men di[e, and the ki]ng's case is hush[ed].

o 1111

be--ia maḫ-ru ù LUGAL be-[-a]

o 1212

i-qab-bu-ú um-ma lu-kin-nu-[šú]

o 1313

[i]-na pa-an .KIR₄.DAB.ANŠE [o]

o 1414

[i]-na pa-an .EN.NAM šá URU.ḪAR*.[KI]

o 1515

ù i-na pa-an msa-si-ia

o 1616

.ḫa-za-an-nu šá šu-nu it-ti

o 1717

LUGAL be--ia ki-i-nu lu-kin-nu-[šú]

o 1818

a-di la ṭa--ti u šul-[ma-na-ti]

o 1919

[a]-na UGU-ḫi-šú-nu [i-nam-di-nu]

b.e. 20b.e. 20

ERIM-MEŠ i-mut-[tu ù?]

b.e. 2121

a-mat LUGAL tap-pe-es-si*-in*

b.e. 2222

<be-> LUGAL-MEŠ be--a .GAL-MEŠ

(22) (The lord of) kings, my lord, gave the [fo]llowing order to [a]ll the magnates: "Whoever has a scholar in his presence but hides him fro[m the kin]g and [does not s]end him [t]o the palace, the king's [... will ...] him."

r 1r 1

gab*-bi ṭè-e-mu il-ta-kan

r 22

um-ma man-nu šá .um-ma-nu

r 33

i-na pa-ni-šú i-ba-áš-šu-ma lapa-[an]

r 44

LUGAL* i-pe-si-nu ù [a]-na É.GAL

r 55

[la i]-šap-pa-ru x [x] šá LUGAL

r 66

[x x x]-šú en-na ki-i áš-mu-ú [o]

(r 6) Now, I [have he]ard [that there is a haru]spex, son of a haruspex, who is useful t[o the king], my [lor]d, in the pre[sence of Ašare]du, commandant of Cu[tha].

r 77

[].ḪAL DUMU .ḪAL-ma šá a-[na]

r 88

[LUGAL be]--ia ṭa-a-bi ina pa-[an]

r 99

[ma-šá-re]-du .GARUMUŠ šá .[DU₈.A.KI]

r 1010

[šu-ú i]-na UD-mu šá a-na šul-[mi]

(r 10) [O]n the day when he come[s] for an au[dience with the king, m]y [lord ...]

r 1111

[LUGAL be-]-ia il-la-ka [x x]

r 1212

[x x x]+x lu x-bu KUG.GI [o]

(r 12) [...] ... gol[d]

r 1313

[x x x] LUGAL be--ía x [x x x]

(r 13) [... the ki]ng, my lord, [...]


r 1414

[x x x x] x [x x x x x x]

r 1515

[x x x]-ri šá x+[x x x x x x]

r 1616

[x x]+x ip-la-ḫu ul [x x x]

(r 16) [...] they got scared [...]

r 1717

[ina?] BÁR.SIPA.KI ul-te-zi-[zu? x]

(r 17) [... hav]e st[ationed ... in Bo]rsippa.

r 1818

ki-i pa-an LUGAL be--ia maḫ-[ru]

(r 18) [I]f it is ag[reeable to] the king, my lord, [let a eunu]ch of the kin[g come] and [...] Bel-[i]ddin [and] Aššur-ereš

r 1919

[].SAG? LUGAL [lil-li-kam]-ma x+[x x x]

r 2020

[m]dEN?SUM?-na? [ù m]AN.ŠÁRKÁM-[ o]

r 2121

[x x x x] ina pa-ni-ka a.a-x+[x o]

(r 21) [...] in your presence [...]

r 2222

[x x x x] me-tu-tu šá x+[x o]

(r 22) [...] the death of [...]

e. 1e. 1

LUGAL [x x] din [x x x x x x x x x x x x]

(e. 1) The king [......].

e. 22

[x x x x] x [x x] x [x x x x x x x x]

Adapted from Frances Reynolds, The Babylonian Correspondence of Esarhaddon and Letters to Assurbanipal and Sin-šarru-iškun from Northern and Central Babylonia (State Archives of Assyria, 18), 2003. Lemmatised by Mikko Luukko, 2015-16, as part of the research programme of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair in the Ancient History of the Near and Middle East at LMU Munich (Karen Radner, Humboldt Professorship 2015). The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as