SAA 21 092. Arrest These Men! (CT 54 582)[via saao/saa21]

obeginning (about 7 lines) broken away

(Beginning destroyed)

o 1'1'

[m]x xna?-da

(1') [D]N-nada, Ibnâ, Barik-ilu son of Marduk, Nergal-ipuš son of Nur-ili, Arit-abini son of Mušezib-ilu, Kudurru son of Ša-Nabû-šû, Mušezib-ilu, Ṭabihu, [servant of the] major-domo, [Na]bû-gamil son of Nabû-ušallim, [Mar]duk son of Kidin-Ea, Nabû-eriba son of Ayakki-ibni, in total, 11 (men):

o 2'2'


o 3'3'

mba-ri-kiDINGIR DUMU mmar-duk

o 4'4'


o 5'5'

ma-rita-bi-ni DUMU

o 6'6'

mmu-še-zibDINGIR mNÍG.GUB

o 7'7'

DUMU mšád+AGšu-ú

o 8'8'

[m]mu-še-zibDINGIR mGÍR.

r 1r 1

[x x x x] .GALÉ

r 22

[md]+AGga-mil DUMU md+AGGI

r 33

[mmar]-duk DUMU mki-dine-a

r 44

md+AGeri-ba DUMU mÉ.AN.NA

r 55

PAB 11 ERIM-MEŠ an-nu-ti

(r 5) arrest these men not one of them may be missing and [pla]ce them in his custody. [He should ta]ke them into my presence.

r 66

01+en la i-maṭ-ṭi

r 77

ṣa-bat-ma a-na ŠU.2-šú

r 88

[šu]-kun a-na IGI-ia

r 99


rest broken away

(Rest destroyed)

Adapted from Simo Parpola, The Correspondence of Ashurbanipal, Part I: Letters from Assyria, Babylonia, and Vassal States (State Archives of Assyria, 21), 2018. Adapted by Jamie Novotny and lemmatised by Mikko Luukko, 2018, as part of the research programme of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair in the Ancient History of the Near and Middle East at LMU Munich (Karen Radner, Humboldt Professorship 2015). The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as