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Bilinguals in Late Mesopotamian Scholarship

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Long after Sumerian had died out as a spoken language, bilingual (Sumerian - Akkadian) texts still played a prominent role in the scholarly culture of Babylonia and Assyria. BLMS provides editions of bilingual narrative texts, hymns, proverbs, prayers, rituals, and incantations dating to the first millennium BCE.

Project Directors: Steve Tinney and Mark Geller; Editors: Jeremiah Peterson and Luděk Vacín; Bilinguals catalog prepared by Luděk Vacín. With the assistance of Niek Veldhuis [], Jamie Novotny, Josh Jeffers, and Ilona Zsolnay. With thanks to Jon Taylor for providing a catalog of bilingual fragments in the British Museum. BLMS was supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities [] and the Deutsches Forschungsgemeinschaft [].

You can view the project's content here [/blms/pager].

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