Esagil Tablet
Obverse | ||||||
00 | “By the command of Anu and Antu, may it be well!” | |||||
11 | Esagil, Kisalmaḫ: 1 ikû is its area; ½ ikû: the area of | |||||
22 | KISAL diš₈-tár u dza-ba₄-ba₄ 2 SAR ù 1/2 SAR KISAL.⸢MAḪ UGU⸣ 1 IKU GAL-bi | the Court of Ištar and Zababa. Extend Kisalm[aḫ more] than 1 ikû by 2 ½ mušaru: | ||||
33 | a-za-mu-ú šá ub-šu-ukkin-na 2 SAR ù 1/2 SAR KISAL ⸢BÀN.DA⸣ UGU UBU.IKU | the outer corner of Ubšukkinna. Extend the Court (of Ištar and Zababa) less than ½ ikû by 2 ½ mušaru: | ||||
44 | GAL-bi : su-ḫa-tum šá i-na DA GIŠ.IG ar-ka-bi-in-ni áš-šú ÚS SAG AŠA₅ | the recessed doorway which is near the arkabinnu-door. Because you are not experienced with | ||||
55 | là ZU-ú 11.33.30 ÚS KISAL.MAḪ 9 SAG KISAL.MAḪ 11.33.30 A.RÁ 9 | length, breadth and area: 11 + 23/60 + 20/3600 is the length of Kisalmaḫ; 9 is the breadth of Kisalmaḫ; 11 + 23/60 + 20/3600 x 9 = | ||||
66 | 102 + 30/60; 102 + 30/60 x 18/60 = 30 + 45/60. Because you are not experienced with 30 + 45/60: | |||||
77 | it is an acreage of 1 ikû and 2 ½ mušaru by the large cubit, the area of Kisalmaḫ. | |||||
88 | 10.33.20 ÚS KISAL diš₈-tár u dza-ba₄-ba₄ 4.30 SAG KISAL diš₈-tár u dza-⸢ba₄-ba₄⸣ | 10 + 33/60 + 20/3600 is the length of the Court of Ištar and Zababa; 4 + 30/60 is the breadth of the Court of Ištar and Zababa: | ||||
99 | 10 + 33/60 + 20/3600 x 4 + 30/60 = 47 + 30/60; 47 + 30/60 x 18/60 = 14 + 15/60. | |||||
1010 | là ZU-ú 40 SAR 7 1/2 SAR ŠE.NUMUN i-na 1.KÙŠ GAL-tum mim-da-a-ti ⸢KISAL⸣ [BÀN.DA] | Because you are not experienced with 14 + 15/60: it is an acreage of 47 ½ mušaru by the large cubit, the area of the Cour[t (of Ištar and Zababa)]. | ||||
1111 | ŠU.NIGIN 1 IKU UBU.IKU* ŠE.NUMUN i-na 1.KÙŠ A.RÁ-e ki-mir-ti ⸢KISAL⸣.[MEŠ] | In total: an acreage of 1 ½ ikû by the arû-cubit, the total (area) of both court[yards], | ||||
1212 | ki-lal-la-an NIGIN-ti ká-maḫ ká-dutu-è-a ká-gal ká-dlamma-⸢ra⸣-[bi] | the precinct of Kamaḫ, Kautuea, Kagal, Kalammaar[abi], | ||||
1313 | Kaḫegal and Kaudebabbar, the six entrance gates to the go[d], | |||||
1414 | šá ana KI.DU.DU É.KUR i-ta-a-ti ub-šu-ukkin-na TAG₄.TAG₄-e é-sag-⸢íl⸣ | which open alongside Ubšukkinna for the rites of the temple. Esagi[l] | ||||
1515 | and the precinct of Kasikilla are not count[ed]. | |||||
1616 | mim-da-a-ti ki-gal-li é-te-me-en-an-ki ÚS ù SAG a-na IGI.DU₈.[A.ZU] | The dimensions of the base of Etemenanki, length and breadth, for [you to] determine: | ||||
1717 | 60-šu.60-šu.60-šu ÚS 60-šu.60-šu.60-šu SAG ina 1.KÙŠ as₄-lum NÍG.KA₉-šú a-na ŠÁR.ŠÁR 3 [A.RÁ 3] | 3 ṣuppān the length, 3 ṣuppān the breadth by the aslu-cubit. (For you) to calculate their product: 3 [x 3] = | ||||
1818 | 9 : 9 A.RÁ 2 : 18 ki-i 18 là ZU-ú 3 BARIGA ŠE.NUMUN i-na 1.KÙŠ ⸢TUR⸣-[ti] | 9 (ṣuppān²); 9 x 2 = 18 (sūtu). If you are not experienced with 18 (sūtu): it is an acreage of 3 pānu by the sm[all] cubit, | ||||
1919 | the base of Etemenanki. Height is proportioned to length [and breadth]. | |||||
2020 | ⸢ša-ni-iš⸣ ÁG.MEŠ KI.GAL é-te-me-en-an-ki ÚS ù SAG a-na a-ma-ri-[ka] | Otherwise, the dimensions of the base of Etemenanki, length and breadth, for [you] to determine: | ||||
2121 | [10 NINDA] ⸢ÚS⸣ 10 NINDA SAG i-na 1.KÙŠ A.RÁ-e NÍG.KA₉-šú a-na šu-ta-⸢bu⸣-[li] | [10 nindanu the len]gth, 10 nindanu the breadth by the arû-cubit. (For you) to calcul[ate] their product: | ||||
2222 | [10 A.RÁ 10 :] 100 : 100 A.RÁ 0.18 : 30 MU 30 là ZU-ú 30 1 IKU BANEŠ ⸢ŠE⸣.[NUMUN] | [10 x 10 =] 100; 100 x 18/60 = 30. Because you are not experienced with 30: it is an a[creage] of 30, (where) 1 ikû equals 1 ṣimdu, | ||||
2323 | [i-na 1.KÙŠ] GAL-tum ki-gal-li é-te-me-en-an-ki ÚS SAG ù ⸢SUKUD⸣ | [by the] large [cubit], the base of Etemenanki. Length, breadth and h[eight] | ||||
2424 | are equal[ly] 10 nindanu each [by the] arû-[cub]it. | |||||
2525 | [mim-da]-⸢a⸣-ti <<U>> 6 pa-pa-ḫa-a-ni šá nu-ḫar MU.NE É IM.KUR.RA pa-paḫ ⸢DINGIR⸣ | [The dimen]sions of the six cellae which constitute the ziggurat-temple. The eastern rooms - the cella of the g[od]: | ||||
2626 | 2 (nindanu ) [the len]gth, 40/60 the breadth; the bordering/edging(?) cel[la]e | |||||
2727 | of Nabû and Tašmētum: (each) 45/60 the length, 45/60 breadth. | |||||
2828 | The two northern rooms – (the chapels) of Ea and Nuska: the chapel of Ea: 1 + 25/60 the length, | |||||
2929 | 0.30 SAG É dnusku 0.35 ÚS 0.35 SAG É šá IM.U₁₈.LU É da-nim u dEN.LÍL | 30/60 the breadth; the chapel of Nuska: 35/60 the length, 35/60 the breadth. The southern room - the chapel of Anu and Enlil: | ||||
3030 | 1 + 10/60 the length, 30/60 the breadth. The western rooms – the double room and the staircase | |||||
3131 | behind it: the outer front – the bedroom: 2 + 5/60 the length, 30/60 the breadth; | |||||
3232 | pa-ni É-a-nu-ú 1.40 ÚS 0.20 SAG É sim-mil-ti ki-i pi-i-šú-nu-ma ÚS | the inner front: 1 + 40/60 the length, 20/60 the breadth; the staircase: length and breadth in accordance with their proportions. | ||||
3333 | The courtyard: 1 + 40/60 the length, 20/60 the breadth. The courtyard is roo[fe]d. | |||||
3434 | GIŠ.NÁ 9 KÙŠ ÚS 4 KÙŠ SAG GIŠ.NÁ u GIŠ.GU.ZA tar-ṣu ù GIŠ.SAG.KUL.ME la-mu GIŠ.NÁ 2-ta | The bed: 9 cubits the length, 4 cubits the breadth. The bed and the throne are opposite and ringed with circles(?). A second bed | ||||
3535 | [ina] KISAL na-da-a-ti KÁ dUTU.È KÁ IM.U₁₈.LU KÁ dUTU.ŠÚ.A KÁ IM.SI.SÁ | is located [in] the courtyard. Gate of the Sunrise, South Gate, Gate of the Sunset, North Gate. | ||||
3636 | ⸢mim⸣-da-a-ti ÚS SAG u SUKUD <ḫe-pi>eš₄-ši-tinu-ḫar TIN.TIR.KI MU.NE | [The d]imensions – length, breadth and height – of the temple whose name is the Ziggurat-temple of Babylon: | ||||
3737 | 15 NINDA ÚS 15 NINDA SAG 2 1/2 NINDA SUKUD IM.DÙ.A KI.TA-⸢ú⸣ | 15 nindanu the length, 15 nindanu the breadth, 5 ½ nindanu the height: the lower brickwork; | ||||
3838 | 13 nindanu the length, 13 nindanu the breadth, 3 nindanu the height: the second storey; | |||||
3939 | 10 nindanu the length, 10 nindanu the breadth, 1 nindanu the height: the third storey; | |||||
4040 | 8 ½ nindanu the length, 8 ½ nindanu the breadth, 1 nindanu the height: the fourth storey; | |||||
4141 | 7 NINDA ÚS 7 NINDA SAG 1 NINDA SUKUD U₅ 5-šú <5 1/2 NINDA ÚS 5 1/2 NINDA SAG 1 NINDA SUKUD U₅ 6-šú> | 7 nindanu the length, 7 nindanu the breadth, 1 nindanu the height: the fifth storey; <5 ½ nindanu the length, 5 ½ nindanu the breadth, 1 nindanu the height: the sixth (storey;> | ||||
4242 | 4 NINDA ÚS 3 1/2 NINDA SAL-kàs SAG 2 1/2 NINDA SUKUD SAG×MI AN.TA <U₅> 7-ú šá-ḫu-ru | 4 nindanu the length, 3 ¾ nindanu the breadth, 2 ½ nindanu the height: the upper sanctum, the seventh storey and the shrine on the summit. | ||||
(colophon) | ||||||
4343 | ZU-a ZU-a li₆-kal-lim là ZU-ú là IGI an KA DUB GABA.RI bar-sip.KI | May the initiate instruct the initiate! The uninitiate must not see! In accordance with the text of a duplicate tablet in Borsippa, | ||||
4444 | written, copied and checked. | |||||
45a45a | 18 mušaru, 1 nindanu, 3 qû and 20 of nindanu: | |||||
45b45b | 50 mu-šar | 50 mušaru = 1 ubû = 1 sūtu 3 qû | ||||
46a46a | ⸢2 UBU⸣ | BANEŠ : | 2 ubû = 1 ikû = 1 ṣimdu | |||
46b46b | 6 | 3 BARIGA | 6 ikû = 1 eblu = 1 pānu | |||
47a47a | 3 ÈŠE | 6 eblu = 1 būru = 1 kurru 4 pānu | ||||
47b47b | 60 BÙR! | 60 būru = 1 šāru = 108 kurru | ||||
4848 | DUB md60-EN-šú-nu DUMU šá md60-TIN-su-E A mŠEŠ-ʾ-ú-tú TIR.AN.NA.KI-ú | Tablet of Anu-bēlšunu, son of Anu-balāssu-iqbi, descendant of Ahi’ūtu of Uruk. | ||||
4949 | ⸢ŠU⸣ md60-EN-šú-nu DUMU šá mni-din-tu₄-d60 A md30-TI-ÉR UNUG.KI ITI.GÁN U₄ 26.KAM | Ha[nd] of Anu-bēlšunu, son of Nidintu-Ani, descendant of Sîn-leqe-unninnī. Uruk, 26th of Kislīmu, | ||||
5050 | year 83, King Seleucus. |
Adapted from A.R. George, Babylonian Topographical Texts (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 40), 1992. Translated and lemmatized by Giulia Lentini, 2019-2020, as part of the LMU-Munich-based project Living Among Ruins (directed by Karen Radner and Jamie Novotny), which is funded by the Gerda Henkel Stiftung as part of the Lost Cities program (coordinated by Martin Zimmermann and Andreas Beyer). Please cite this page as