Title | Name (PNA no.) | Dates attested | References not in PNA |
āšipu | [...]-nadin-apli | 621* | SAA 14: 166 |
[...] | No date extant | SAA 14: 264 | |
bārû of the crown prince's household | Bel-naṣir (20) | 621* | |
rab āšipī of the crown prince's household | [...] | No date extant | SAA 14: 264 |
atû (gate-keeper) of Nabu | [...] | No date extant | SAA 14: 264 |
Content last modified on 27 Dec 2019.
Eleanor Robson
Eleanor Robson, 'Table A11: Court scholars and personnel of Nabu's temple in late seventh-century Nineveh', Ancient Knowledge Networks online, Eleanor Robson, 2019 [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/cams/akno/assyrianscholars/a11late7thcentnineveh/]