Table A15: The undateable scribes of Huzirina

Name (PNA no.) Titles Relationships Tablets copied
Adad-mušammer (2) šamallû šubultinbi son of the ṭupšarru Nergal-tukulti (1) STT 1: 40
Aplaya (53) ≠ (57) turtānu STT 1: 56, dedicated to Adad
Bel-ašared (4) šamallû ṣehru STT 2: 256
Bel-leʾu-uṣur (1) (= ... [4]?) šamallû šubultinbi son of Marduk-ban-apli (1) = (2)?, ṭupšarru of the turtānu and grandson of the ṭupšarru Nabu-kabti-ahhešu (not in PNA but = 7?) STT 2: 342
Bel-šar-ahhešu (1) šangû-priest of Aššur's temple and the palace in Assur STT 1: 89, unclear whether he is the copyist or not
Mannu-ki-Babili (1) STT 2: 214+
Marduk-ban?-[...] (not in PNA) šamallû ṣehru STT 2: 136 ana tāmartišu "for his viewing" (original from Babylon)
Marduk-šapik-zeri (3) āšipu from Babylon STT 1: 69, unclear whether he is the copyist or not
Mutaqqin-Aššur (17) šamallû daqqu son of Aya-nuhši-uṣur (1), ṭupšarru of Assur, grandson of the šamallû šubultinbi Šamaš-šumu-iddina, and great-grandson of Nabu-kabti-ahhešu (7), ṭupšarru of Kutha STT 1: 87
Nabu-ahhe-šallim (4) STT 1: 3, 10; STT 2: 330
Nabu-eṭir (24) šamallû ṣehru mār mummu of [...] STT 2: 340
Nabu-ibni (1) šamallû ligimû son of Aplaya (57) ≠ (53), ṭupšarru of Assur STT 1: 92
Nabu-šabši (2) šamallû ṣehru son of the ṭupšarru Nabu-eriba (8) STT 1: 73 (original from Gula's temple Esabad)
Nabu-šumu-iškun (5) son of Kandalanu (13), rab ṭupšarrī of the turtānu STT 1: 16; STT 2: 242
Sin-iddina (11) son of [...]-haya STT 2: 241
Sin-šumu-id[dina?] (not in PNA) šamallû son of the scribe Nabu-iddina (1) STT 1: 82
Ubru-ili šamallû ṣehru STT 1: 85
[...]-ani son of Inurta-bani-ahhe (1) STT 2: 400
[...]-ereš [šamallû(?)] ṣehru STT 2: 368
[...]-šumu-ikṣur šamallû ṣehru STT 1: 57+, hanṭiš nasih, "quickly excerpted"
[...]-zeru-ušabši šamallû son of the ṭupšarru Nabu-zeru-ukin (4) STT 1: 109
... [2] Son of [...], ṭupšarru of Huzirina, grandson of the ṭupšarru Šulmu-[bel]-lašme STT 1: 71
... [3] šamallû ṣehru son of a šangû-priest STT 2: 394
... [4] (= Bel-leʾu-uṣur (1)?) šamallû ṣehru son of the ṭupšarru and bārû Marduk-ban-apli (2) = (1)? STT 1: 70
... [5] One or more šamallû (ṣehr(ūt)u) STT 1: 55, 66; STT 2: 343

Content last modified on 27 Dec 2019.

Eleanor Robson

Eleanor Robson, 'Table A15: The undateable scribes of Huzirina', Ancient Knowledge Networks online, Eleanor Robson, 2019 []

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