Table A3: Court scholars and Nabu's temple personnel during the reign of Sargon

Title Name (PNA no.) Dates attested References not in PNA
āšipu(s) of Nabu's temple Unknown c.710–705, Dur-Šarrukin SAA 1: 128
āšipu Nabu-ušebši c.710–705, Dur-Šarrukin Author of prayers found in Dur-Šarruken, possibly in Nabu's temple: Khorsabad 1932.26 (Lambert 1968)
lahhinu(s) of Nabu's temple Unknown c.710–705, Dur-Šarrukin SAA 1: 128
rab kalê Puti (1) c.710–705, Dur-Šarrukin
šangû of Nabu of Nineveh Nergal-ibni (3)? 717, Nineveh, Kalhu? SAA 6: 11
šangû of Nabu's temple Unknown Reign of Sargon (720–705), unknown SAA 12: 77 4 iv 12'-28'
ṭupšar ēkalli Nabu-kabti-ahhešu (1) 709; Nineveh, Kalhu, Dur-Šarrukin BM 121055, BM 121084, BM 122647 (Lambert and Millard 1968: 6, 8, 16; Maul 1988: pls. 55–56; Gabbay 2014b: 255)
ṭupšar šarri Harmakki (1) 714; Nineveh
ṭupšar šarri rabû, rab tupšarrī and ummânu Nabu-šallimšunu (1), son of Harmakki 714; Nineveh, Assur, Kalhu
ṭupšarru Nabu-zuqup-kenu (1), descendant of Gabbu-ilani-ereš 716–683, Kalhu
dāgil iṣṣūrī(s) Unknown Reign of Sargon, unknown SAA 5: 163

Content last modified on 27 Dec 2019.

Eleanor Robson

Eleanor Robson, 'Table A3: Court scholars and Nabu's temple personnel during the reign of Sargon', Ancient Knowledge Networks online, Eleanor Robson, 2019 []

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