SpTU 2, 046 [SB Barutu Šumma Padanu Commentary][via cams/gkab]
Obverse | ||
o 1o 1 | šum₄-ma šu-ma-at ši-bi mu-kal-lim-tu₄ ša₂ GIR₂ ana IGI-⸢ka⸣ | (o 1) If, when you read the lines of the textual witnesses of the scholarly commentary on the Path: |
o 22 | BE GIR₂ 15 GUBiz ( o ) DINGIR-MEŠ A₂ EREN₂-ia DU-MEŠ SIG₅ | (o 2) If the Path stands on the right: the gods will go beside my army; favourable. (Or) the Path is located on the right; alternatively, is sunken (on the right) and is torn loose on its left. |
o 33 | GIR₂ 15 GARan-ma ša₂-niš uṭ-ṭab-ba-ma ( o ) 2.30-šu₂ ( o ) ša₂-mit | |
o 44 | BE GIR₂ 2.30 GUBiz DINGIR-MEŠ A₂ EREN₂ KUR₂ DU-MEŠ BE MANu₂ GIR₂ la₃ KUR₂ IZI.GAR | (o 4) If the Path stands on the left: the gods will go beside my enemy's army. If, second, the Path does not change: an ambiguous omen. If, third, the Path is distorted: (divine) anger. |
o 55 | BE šal-šu₂ GIR₂ ka-pi₂-iṣ₃ ( o o ) šib-sa-( o )a-( o o )⸢ti⸣ | |
o 66 | BE MURU₂ GIR₂ GUBiz ( o ) re-ṣu-ka ana KUR₂ BAL-MEŠ | (o 6) If the middle of the Path stands (there): your allies will defect to the enemy. If, second, the Path gathers (in the middle and) is short: my army will not achieve its aims. (The reading) NIGIN (for the sign) LAGAB (means) "to gather". (The reading) LUGUD (for the sign) LAGAB (means) "short". "To gather" (thus means) "to be short". If, third, the Path is placed ...: the enemy will take my divinatory leather bag. |
o 77 | BE MANu₂ GIR₂ ip-ḫur ku-ri EREN₂ni ṣu₂!-mi-ra-ti-ša₂ NU KURad₂ NI.GI.IN LA.GAB.BU pa-ḫa-ru | |
o 88 | LU.GUD LA.GAB.BU ku-ru-u₂ pa-ḫa-ru ku-ru-u₂ BE šal-šu₂ GIR₂ šu-qu-riš GAR kušDU₁₀.GAN-i₁₄ KUR₂ TIqe₂ | |
o 99 | ⸢BE⸣ [...] ⸢na⸣-aḫ-su ( o ) tam-ṭa-a-ti ( o ) ki-bi-is GIR₃ LU₂ KI DINGIR šu-šur | (o 9) If [...] are very thin: losses; the man's behaviour is in good order with the god. [...] they will give their sign. If they are located on the right: favourable. |
o 1010 | [...] GISKIM-šu₂-nu SUMnu šum-ma ina 15 GAR-MEŠ da-mi-iq | |
o 1111 | [...] ⸢an⸣-ni-tu₄ GIŠ.ḪUR-šu₂ | |
o 1212 | [... BAR]⸢az⸣-ma MURU₂-MEŠ-šu₂ pa-aš₂-ṭa | (o 12) [...] is divided and its centre is obliterated. [...] ambiguous omens; alternatively, the god will not be present in the man's offering. |
o 1313 | [... ni-ip-ḫa-a]-tu₄ ša₂-niš DINGIR ina SISKUR₂ LU₂ NU GUBiz | |
o 1414 | [...] ⸢ka⸣-pa₂-ṣu₂ | |
o 1515 | [...]-MEŠ-ma | |
o 1616 | [...] ⸢EREN₂?⸣ | |
(rest of obverse missing) | ||
Reverse | ||
rr NaN | (start of reverse missing) | |
(colophon) | ||
r 1'1' | ⸢NAM.AZU AD.ḪAL ANe⸣ u KI⸢ti₃ ne₂-me-qi₂ dUTU⸣ u dIŠKUR i-ḫu-zu-ma | (r 1') (Assurbanipal), who learned and understood in his heart the diviner's lore, the secret of heaven and earth, the wisdom of Šamaš and Adad. He wrote, checked, (and double) checked that tablet and deposited (it) inside his palace. |
1 line of 4 firing holes | ||
r 2'2' | uš-ta!-bil ka-ras-su ṭup-pu šu-a-tu iš-ṭur is-niq ib-re-e-ma | |
1 line of 4 firing holes | ||
r 3'3' | i-na qe₂-reb E₂.GAL-šu₂ u₂-kin |
Created by Eleanor Robson for the AHRC-funded GKAB Project, 2009 and released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as http://oracc.org/cams/gkab/P348651