TCL 06, 17 [Enuma Anu Enlil 08 Commentary][via cams/gkab]
Obverse | ||
o 1o 1 | ⸢*⸣ SI 15-šu₂ ana TU₁₅-1 GID₂.DA : GU₄.U₄ ana tu₁₅U₁₈.LU ina SI 15-šu₂ GUB-ma ki-i ina iti⸢DU₆⸣1 | (o 1) "(If) its right horn is long to the south" (means): Mercury stands to the south in its right horn. If in Tašritu (VI) on the 14th [day] an eclipse has taken place, it began in the south and cleared in the north. |
o 22 | [U₄] 14-KAM₂ AN.GE₆ il-ta-kan ina tu₁₅U₁₈.LU SAR-ma ina tu₁₅SI.SA₂ ZALAG₂-ma | |
o 33 | * SI 15-šu₂ ana TU₁₅-3 GUB : U₄ 1-KAM ana tu₁₅KUR.RA NIM-ma : ša₂-niš dUDU.IDIM TE-šu₂-ma | (o 3) "(If) its right horn stands to the east" (means:) on the 1st day it rises to the east : alternatively, a planet approaches it. The goodness or evil that they predict in the eclipse: (If) light begins in the east: goodness. (If) it is affected and begins (in the east): evil. : |
o 44 | SIG₅ u lum-nu ša₂ ina AN.GE₆ iq-bu-u₂ : ina tu₁₅KUR.RA ZALAG₂ SAR-ma SIG₅ : lap-tu | |
o 55 | SAR-ma lum-nu : * 30 U₄ 30-KAM IGI ina tur-ru u₄-mu IGI-ma : * 30 ina itiAPIN U₄ 1-KAM | (o 5) "(If) the Moon is visible on the 30th day" (means) it appears at the turning of the day. |
(o 5) "(If) the Moon at its appearance in Arahsamnu (VIII) on the 1st day - the Kidney stands in its right horn" (means): on the 1st day Mercury stands in the Scorpion in its right horn : alternatively, Lisi approaches it. : "The Kidney" (means:) Mercury. : "In the Scorpion" (means): it rises. "It rises" (means): it dries up. : rising (means): drying up. : | ||
o 66 | ina IGI.LA₂-šu₂ ina SI 15-šu₂ mulELLAG₂ GUB : U₄ 1-KAM GU₄.U₄ ina mul₃GIR₂.TAB ina SI 15-šu₂ GUB-ma : | |
o 77 | ša₂-niš dLI₉.SI₄ TE-šu₂-ma : mulELLAG₂ GU₄.U₄ : ina mul₃GIR₂.TAB : ina-pu-uḫ | |
o 88 | i-na-bu-uʾ : ib-bal : na-ba-ʾu : a-ba-lu : * SI 15-šu₂ SA₅ AN ⸢TE⸣-šu₂-ma | (o 8) "(If) its right horn is red" (means): Mars approaches it. "Fire will consume a prominent temple" (means): it predicts an eclipse in Orion opposite the Rooster, in the middle of the fire. |
o 99 | E₂ DINGIR SIG IZI GU₇ : AN.GE₆ ina mul₃SIPA.ZI.AN.NA ana tar-ṣi DAR.LUGAL ina ŠA₃ IZI iq-bi | |
o 1010 | * SI 15-šu₂ GE₆ : dGENNA TE-šu₂-ma : SIG₇ ; dele-bat TE-šu₂-ma : KIN-MEŠ-šu₂ te-re-tu-šu₂ | (o 10) "(If) its right horn is black" (means): Saturn approaches it. : |
(o 10) "(If) it is yellow-green" (means:) Venus approaches it. : KIN-MEŠ-šu (means:) its omens. KIN (means): omen. : DAG (means): dwelling. : DAG (and) : KAM (means) : DAK.KAN (which means): dwelling. Residence (means): dakkannu. : | ||
o 1111 | KIN : ter-tu₄ : DAG : šu-ub-tu₄ : DAG : KAM : DAK.KAN : šu-ub-tu₄ | |
o 1212 | mu-ša₂-bu : dak-kan-na : * 30 ina itiGAN U₄ 1-KAM ina IGI.LA₂-šu₂ SI-MEŠ-šu₂ ud-du-da-ma | (o 12) "(If) the Moon at its appearance in Kislimu on the 1st day - its horns are very pointed and bright" (means): that it appears on the 1st day it is imbued with brilliance (or): on the 14th day it stands in front of the Sun.: Alternatively, on the 1st day Venus has the same longitude as it. : |
o 1313 | ZALAG₂-MEŠ : ša₂ U₄ 1-KAM IGI-ma ša₂-ru-ru na-šu-u₂ : U₄ 14-KAM ina IGI dUTU GUB : | |
o 1414 | ša₂-niš U₄ 1-KAM dele-bat KI-šu₂ LAL₂-ma : * SI-MEŠ-šu₂ DAR₄-MEŠ-ma mul₃is le-e ana IGI-šu₂ GUB | (o 14) "(If) its horns are dark and the Bull's Jaw stands in front of it" (means:) on the 1st day Mercury is near it (or): on the 14th day the Bull's Jaw stands to the front of it. |
o 1515 | U₄ 1-KAM GU₄.U₄ ṭe-ḫi-šu₂-ma : U₄ 14-KAM mulis le-e ana IGI-šu₂ GUB-ma | |
o 1616 | * SI-MEŠ-šu₂ kap-ṣa : U₄ 1-KAM dSAG₃.ME.GAR u dele-bat ina SI 15-šu₂ u 2.30-šu₂ GUB-ME-ma | (o 16) "(If) its horns are bent up" (means): on the 1st day Jupiter and Venus stand in its right horn and in its left horn. SU (means): step. : SU (means): shining. : inaqqarma (means): it will demolish. : GUL (means): demolishing. GUL (means): destroying. : IR.HU (means): they plotted. : IR.HU (means): plotting. : IR.HU (means:) swelling. : IR.HU (means): hasty : because speeding up (means): hastening. |
o 1717 | SU : kib-su : SU : na-ba-ṭu : inaGUL-ma : i-na-qar-ma : GUL : na-qa-ri | |
o 1818 | GUL : a-ba-tu₄ : IR.ḪU : ik-pu-du : IR.ḪU : ka-pa-du : IR.ḪU | |
o 1919 | e-me-e-ri : IR.ḪU : ḫa-an-ṭu : aš-šum ur-ru-ḫu : ḫa-ma-ṭu | |
o 2020 | * SI-MEŠ-šu₂ nen-mu-du : AN u dele-bat ina SI-MEŠ-šu₂ GUB-MEŠ-ma : ILLAT-MEŠ : pu-uḫ-ri | (o 20) "(If) its horns are touching" (means): Mars and Venus stand in its horns. : "Groups" (means): assembly. "Leader" (means): pre-eminent one. : Ditto (leader) (means): he who goes at the front. : |
o 2121 | mas-su₃-u : a-ša₂-re-du : MIN<(mas-su₃-u)> : a-lik maḫ-ri : * SI-MEŠ-šu₂ ke-pa-a 2 GIŠ.ḪUR NIGIN-MEŠ | (o 21) "(If) its horns are bent back (and) are surrounded by 2 cruciform haloe"s (means:) on the 1st day they are imbued with brilliance and are surrounded by 2 cruciform haloes. : |
o 2222 | U₄ 1-KAM ša₂-ru-ru IL₂-ma u 2 GIŠ.ḪUR NIGIN₂-ma : * SI-MEŠ-šu₂ GIŠ.ḪUR NIGIN-MEŠ | (o 22) "(If) its horns are surrounded by a cruciform halo" (means:) on the 1st day (or) on the 14th day it is surrounded by a cruciform halo. : Alternatively, until there is no eclipse it is surrounded by a cruciform halo. : not created. (If) the planets stand below the Moon: good. (If) a great star stands below the Moon: evil. |
o 2323 | U₄ 1-KAM U₄ 14-KAM GIŠ.ḪUR NIGIN₂-ma : ša₂-niš a-di la AN.GE₆ GIŠ.ḪUR NIGIN₂-ma : la₃ DU₃ | |
o 2424 | dUDU.IDIM-MEŠ KI.TA 30 GUB-MEŠ-ma SIG₅ : MUL₃ GAL KI.TA 30 GUB-ma lum-nu | |
o 2525 | * SI-MEŠ-šu₂ DAR₄-MEŠ mulSIPA.ZI.AN.NA ana IGI-šu₂ GUB : U₄ 1-KAM GENNA ina DUNGU | (o 25) "(If) its horns are dark (and) Orion stands in front of it" (means): on the 1st day Saturn stands with it in cloud. : Orion rises acronychally opposite it. : |
o 2626 | KI-[šu₂] GUB-ma : mul₃SIPA.ZI.AN.NA ana tar-ṣi-šu₂ ana u₄-me E₁₁-ma : * dele-bat | (o 26) "(If) Venus flashes in its right horn and an obverver sees" (means): on the 1st day Venus rises. : "An observer sees", that they say, (means:) because the Moon is visible in the day. : lā hassu (means): unwise. : "He shall dwell in his land of ruination" (means:) he shall dwell in his land that was ruined. : |
o 2727 | ⸢ina SI⸣ 15-šu₂ ŠUR-ma a-mi-ru IGI : U₄ 1-KAM dele-bat ŠU₂-ma : a-mi-ru IGI ša₂ iq-bu-u | |
o 2828 | aš-šum 30 ina u₄-me IGI : la₃ GEŠTU₂su : la ḫa-as-su : KUR-su ša₂ ḪULti₃ TUŠab | |
o 2929 | KUR-su ša₂ šu-ul-pu-ta-at uš-ša₂-ab : * U₄.DA-su ek-let : U₄ 1-<KAM> TUR-ma | (o 29) "(If) its light is dim" (means): on the 1st day it is small. |
o 3030 | * U₄.DA ITI-šu₂ ma-gal i-nam-bu-uṭ : U₄ 1-KAM dele-bat ina ITI EN.NUN IGI-ma | (o 30) "(If) the light of its (first day of the) month keeps shining greatly" (means): Venus appears on the 1st day of the month of the watch. "Alternatively, it rises after a nidītu" (means): Mars and Venus approach it. : LUGAL KUR ŠUB-ta TUŠ-eb (means:) a king will settle an abandoned land. : |
o 3131 | ša₂-niš ar₂-ki ni-di-i-tu₄ KUR : AN u dele-bat TE-šu₂-ma : LUGAL KUR ŠUBta TUŠeb | |
o 3232 | LUGAL KUR na-di-tu₄ u₂-še-eš-šeb : * a-dir <:> ina EN.TE.NA ina DUNGU IGI-ma | (o 32) "(If) it is dark" (means): in winter it appears in cloud. EME BAR-tu (means): foreign language. : |
o 3333 | EME BARtu₄ : li-ša₂-nu a-ḫi-tu₄ : * U₄.DA-su gal-ta-at : U₄ 1-KAM GENNA | (o 33) "(If) its light is fearsome" (means): on the 1st day Saturn [and] Mercury approach it. "An expeditionary force will conquer a hostile city" (means): Mars will approach it. : "Alternatively, an eclipse will take place in the Lion" (means): the lord La-tarak of the exits. |
o 3434 | [u] ⸢GU₄⸣.U₄ TE-šu₂-ma E₃ IRI KUR₂ KURad : dṣal-bat-a-nu TE-šu₂-ma : ša₂-niš | |
o 3535 | [ina] ⸢mul₃⸣UR.GU.LA AN.GE₆ GAR-ma : e-tel-lu dla—ta-ra-⸢ak⸣ ša₂ ṣi-i-tu₄ | |
o 3636 | [*] TUR₃ NIGIN₂-ma MUL₃ dAMAR.UTU ina ŠA₃-šu₂ GUB : du-un-qu u lum-nu ⸢ša₂⸣ [E?]u | (o 36) "(If) it is surrounded by a lunar halo" (means): the star of Marduk stands inside it. : The good or evil that it predicts: (if) the star of Marduk becomes abnormally bright (and) stands above the Moon: good. (If) it is faint (and) stands below the Moon: evil. : Alternatively, concerning winter and summer [...]. |
o 3737 | MUL₃ dAMAR.UTU i-ba-ʾi-il₃ AN.TA 30 GUB-ma : SIG₅ : un-⸢nu⸣-[ut] | |
o 3838 | KI.⸢TA⸣ 30 GUB-ma lum-nu : ša₂-niš an UGU ša₂ EN.TE.NA u AMA-MEŠ [...] | |
Reverse | ||
r 1r 1 | * TUR₃ NIGIN₂-ma mulGU.LA ina ŠA₃-šu₂ GUB : MUL₃ GAL ina mul₃GU.LA [...] | (r 1) "(If) it is surrounded by a lunar halo and the Great One stands inside it (means): a great star [...] in the Great One. Dusk (means): evening. : Sunset (means): dusk. : Sunset (means:) the setting of the sun. "A defeat will be inflicted" (means): there will be a massacre. |
r 22 | si-ip-ḫi : li-la-a-tu₄ : ŠU₂ : si-ip-ḫi : ŠU₂ : e-re-bi ša₂ ⸢d⸣[UTUši] | |
r 33 | BAD₅.BAD₅ SIG₃aṣ : di-ik-tu₄ id-da-a-ka : * TUR₃ NIGIN₂-ma MUL ⸢GAL⸣ | (r 3) "(If) it is surrounded by a lunar halo and a great star stands inside it" (means): a great star stands in the Hireling in a halo of the Moon. |
r 44 | ina ŠA₃-šu₂ GUB : MUL₃ GAL ina mul₃LU₂.ḪUN.GA₂ ina TUR₃ 30 GUB-ma : * TUR₃ [NIGIN₂]-ma | (r 4) "(If) it is surrounded by a lunar halo and the Leopard stands inside it" (means): Mars stands in the Great One in a halo of the Moon. "The rain will be early by 1 double-hour" (means): the rain will be cut off at a distance. Being early (means): cutting. : Being early (means): cutting off. : |
r 55 | mulU₄.KA.DU₈.A ina ŠA₃-šu₂ GUB : AN ina mul₃GU.LA ina TUR₃ 30 GUB-⸢ma⸣ | |
r 66 | a-na 1 DANNA₂ ŠEG₃ i-ḫar-ru-up : a-na ru-u₂-qu ŠEG₃ ib-bat-taq | |
r 77 | ḫa-ra-pu : na-ka-su : ḫa-ra-pu : ba-ta-qu : * 30 ina itiŠE U₄ 1-KAM | (r 7) "(If) the Moon at its appearance in Addaru (XII) on the 1st day is surrounded by a halo and Venus stands inside it" (means): on the 1st day the Moon is surrounded by a halo in the region of the Hireling and Venus stands inside the halo of the Moon. : One says (this) concerning an omen. |
r 88 | ina IGI.LA₂-šu₂ TUR₃ NIGIN₂-ma dele-bat ina ŠA₃-šu₂ GUB : U₄ 1-KAM 30 ina KI mul₃ḪUN.GA₂ ; TUR₃ NIGIN₂-ma | |
r 99 | u dele-bat ina ŠA₃ TUR₃ GUB-ma : ina ŠA₃ ter-tu₄ iq-bi <:> * TUR₃ NIGIN₂-ma | (r 9) "(If) it is surrounded by a lunar halo and the Scales flash and stand inside it" (means): Saturn becomes abnormally bright (and) stands inside the halo of the Moon. Flashing (means): increasing, of becoming abnormally bright. : |
r 1010 | mul₃zi-ba-ni-tu₄ ŠUR-ma ina ŠA₃-šu₂ GUB : GENNA i-ba-ʾi-il₃ ina TUR₃ 30 GUB | |
r 1111 | ṣa-ra-ri : ra-bu-u ša₂ ba-a-lu : * TUR₃ NIGIN₂-ma ka-bar u šu-par-ru-ru | (r 11) "(If) it is surrounded by a lunar halo and is thick and spread out" (means:) on the 1st day it is surrounded by a halo and is thick and recumbent. DIRI (means): becoming scattered. : DIRI (means): spreading out. |
r 1212 | U₄ 1-KAM TUR₃ NIGIN₂-ma ka-bar u rab-⸢ṣu⸣ : DIRI : na-par-ru₃-ru₃ : DIRI : še-ṭu-u₂ | |
r 1313 | * TUR₃ NIGIN₂-ma mul₃GIR₂.TAB ina ŠA₃-šu₂ GUB : U₄ 1-KAM TUR₃ NIGIN₂-ma mul₃GIR₂.TAB ana tar-ṣi-šu₂ | (r 13) "(If) it is surrounded by a lunar halo and the Scorpion stands inside it" (means): on the 1st day it is surrounded by a lunar halo and the Scorpion rises acronychally opposite it. : |
r 1414 | ana u₄-me E₁₁-ma : * TUR₃ NIGIN₂-ma mul₃ŠUDUN u MUL.MUL ina ŠA₃-šu₂ GUB-MEŠ | (r 14) "(If) it is surrounded by a lunar halo and the Yoke and Bristle stand inside it" (means:) on the 1st day the Moon is surrounded by a halo in the Bristle and the Bull of Heaven and Jupiter stands inside the halo. Jupiter in the Bull of Heaven: its name is the Yoke. : |
r 1515 | U₄ 1-KAM 30 ina MUL₃.MUL₃ mul₃GU₄.AN.NA TUR₃ NIGIN₂-ma u dSAG₃.ME.GAR ina ŠA₃ ⸢TUR₃⸣ GUB-ma | |
r 1616 | dSAG₃.ME.GAR ina mul₃GU₄.AN.NA : mul₃ŠUDUN MU-šu₂ : * SI-MEŠ-šu₂ ud-du-⸢da-ma⸣ SU₃-MEŠ | (r 16) "(If) its horns are very pointed and light red" (means:) on the first day (or) the 14th day it appears in a light red cloud. : SU₃ (means): light red. |
r 1717 | U₄ 1-KAM U₄ 14-KAM ina DUNGU pe-li-tu₄ IGI-ma : SU₃ : pe-lu-u₂ | |
r 1818 | * 1 MUL MU₂uḫ : U₄ 1-KAM ina ŠA₃ <<ina ŠA₃>> dUDU.IDIM-MEŠ IGI-ma : ša₂-niš MUL₂ <ana> ŠA₃-šu₂ | (r 18) "(If) 1 star rises" (means): on the 1st day it appears inside the planets. : Alernatively, a star enters inside it. : The Hireling (means): the Moon. : One says, inside Ur. : |
r 1919 | KU₄-ma : mul₂LU₂.ḪUN.GA₂ : d30 : ina ŠA₃ ŠEŠ.UNUGki iq-bi : * 30 ina IGI.LA₂-šu₂ | (r 19) "(If) the Moon at its appearance is surrounded by a lunar halo": either on the 1st day or on the 14th day at the summer acronychal rising it is surrounded by a halo. : |
r 2020 | TUR₃ NIGIN₂ : lu ina U₄ 1-KAM lu ina U₄ 14-KAM ina E₁₁ u₄-me ša₂ AMA-MEŠ TUR₃ | |
r 2121 | NIGIN₂-ma : * TUR₃ MUL-MEŠ NIGIN : lu ina 1(IKU)gana₂ : lu ina KUN-ME MUL x NU NIGIN₂-ma | (r 21) "(If) it is surrounded by a halo of stars" (means): either in the Field or in the Tails it is surrounded by ... star(s). |
r 2222 | * TUR₃ dTIR.AN.NA NIGIN₂ : ana UGU AMA-MEŠ u EN.TE.NA qa-bi | (r 22) "(If) it is surrounded by a Rainbow halo" (means): it is said concerning summer or winter. |
r 2323 | * TUR₃ MURU₉ NIGIN₂ : ina MURU₉ TUR₃ NIGIN₂-ma : BI₂.ZA.ZA : mu-ṣa-ʾi-ir-ra-nu | (r 23) "(If) it is surrounded by a halo of fog" (means): it is surrounded by a lunar halo in fog. : BI₂.ZA.ZA (means): frog. |
r 2424 | * TUR₃ me-ḫe-e NIGIN₂ : U₄ 1-KAM TUR₃ NIGIN₂-ma u me-ḫe-e GUB-ma | (r 24) "(If) it is surrounded by a halo of storm-wind" (means): on the 1st day it is surrounded by a lunar halo and a storm wind is present. |
r 2525 | * TUR₃ tal-lak-tu₃ DINGIR NIGIN₂ : U₄ 1-KAM TUR₃ NIGIN₂-ma dIŠKUR GU₃-šu₂ ŠUB-ma | (r 25) "(If) it is surrounded by a halo of the path of a god" (means): on the 1st day it is surrounded by a halo and Adad will raise his voice. : Alternatively, a star whose path the planets do not stand with will be surrounded inside the lunar halo. |
r 2626 | : ša₂-niš MUL ḫar-ra-nu ša₂ dUDU.IDIM-MEŠ KI-šu₂ la₃ GUB-MEŠ ina ŠA₃ TUR₃ NIGIN₂-ma | |
r 2727 | * TUR₃ NIGIN₂-ma dŠUL.PA.E₃.A ina ŠA₃-šu₂ GUB : dSAG₃.ME.GAR ina mul₃ALLA lu | (r 27) "(If) it is surrounded by a lunar halo and Šulpae stands inside it" (means): Jupiter stands in the Crab or in the Old Man in a halo of the Moon. : "Women will acquire young men" (means): Venus stands in a halo of the Moon, in the Lion or in the Furrow or in the Scorpion. : GURUŠ (young man) (relates to): garāšu (copulating) (which means): having sexual intercourse with. : |
r 2828 | ina mul₃ŠU.GI ina TUR₃ 30 GUB-ma : MUNUS-MEŠ GURUŠ TUKU-MEŠ : dele-bat ina mul₃UR.⸢A⸣ | |
r 2929 | lu ina mul₃AB.SIN₂ lu ina mul₃GIR₂.TAB ina TUR₃ 30 GUB-ma : GURUŠ : ga-ra-šu₂ | |
r 3030 | na-a-ku : * TUR₃ NIGIN₂-ma 1(IKU)gana₂ ina ŠA₃-šu₂ GUB : AN ša₂-niš GU₄.U₄ ina mul₃ḪUN.GA₂ | (r 30) "(If) it is surrounded by a lunar halo and the Field stands inside it" (means): Mars, alternatively Mercury, stands in a halo of the Moon in the Hireling. : ŠU.ZI (means): wild. : Ditto (ŠU.ZI) (means): aggressive. NIM-MEŠ (means): early. : NIM (means): early. : "They will be raped" : because rehû (means) having sexual intercourse. : |
r 3131 | ina TUR₃ 30 GUB-MEŠ-ma : ŠU.ZI : na-ad-ri : MIN<(ŠU.ZI)> : še-gu-u₂ | |
r 3232 | NIM-MEŠ : ḫar-pa-a-tu₄ : NIM : ḫar-pu : uš-taḫ-ḫa-a : aš-šum re-ḫu-u₂ | |
r 3333 | na-a-ku : * TUR₃ NIGIN₂-ma šu-ku-du ina ŠA₃-šu₂ GUB : šil-ta-ḫu PA.BIL.SAG | (r 33) "(If) it is surrounded by a lunar halo and the Arrow stands inside it" (means): Pabilsag's arrow stands in the halo of the Moon. : |
r 3434 | ina TUR₃ 30 GUB-ma : * TUR₃ NIGIN₂-ma dUDU.IDIM ina ŠA₃-šu₂ GUB : AN ina mul₃UR.A | (r 34) "(If) it is surrounded by a lunar halo and a planet stands inside it" (means): Mars stands in the halo of the Moon, in the Lion or in the Bull of Heaven. : ... reed-bed (is): because ... field (means): cultivated land. : |
r 3535 | lu ina mul₃GU₄.AN.NA ina TUR₃ 30 GUB-ma : AMBAR ZI : aš-šum GANA₂na ZI : | |
r 3636 | me-re-šu₂ : * bi-ib-bu ina ŠA₃-šu₂ GUB : DINGIR ša₂-niš GU₄.U₄ ina mul₃UR.A ina TUR₃ | (r 36) "(If) a planet stands inside it" (means): Mars, alternatively Mercury, stands in the halo of the Moon in the Lion. : |
r 3737 | 30 GUB-ma : * mulELLAG₂ KI.MIN mul₃KU₆ ina ŠA₃-šu₂ GUB : DINGIR ina mul₃GU.LA | (r 37) "(If) the Kidney, alternatively the Fish, stands inside it" (means): Mars stands in the halo of the Moon in the Great One, alternatively in the Goatfish. : Alternatively, (its) normal (meaning). : |
r 3838 | ša₂-niš ina mul₃SUḪUR.MAŠ ina TUR₃ 30 GUB-ma : ša₂-niš ka-a-a-nu : * TUR₃ NIGIN₂-ma | (r 38) "(If) it is surrounded by a lunar halo and the ... stars stand at sunset" (means): on the 1st day Jupiter and Mercury stand on top of the knot of the lunar halo at sunrise. |
r 3939 | MUL-MEŠ KUN ŠID d<UTU>.E₃.A GUB : U₄ 1-KAM dSAG₃.ME.GAR u GU₄.U₄ | |
r 4040 | ina UGU ṭur-ri TUR₃ ana d<UTU>.E₃.A GUB-MEŠ | |
r 4141 | up-puš₄ | (r 41) Properly executed. |
(catchline) | ||
r 4242 | [*] 30 ina IGI.LA₂-šu₂ TUR₃ NIGIN₂-ma ka-bar u šu-par-ru-ru : U₄ 1-KAM TUR₃ NIGIN₂-ma : KA [...] | (r 42) "(If) the Moon at its appearance is surrounded by a lunar halo and it is thick and spread out" : on the 1st day it is surrounded by a lunar halo. : ... [...]. |
(colophon) | ||
r 4343 | [ṣa]-a-tu₂ u šu-ut KA mal₂-su-tu EŠ₂.GAR₃ ša₂ U₄ AN dEN.LIL₂.LA₂ ša₂ ŠA₃ * 30 ina itiDU₆ TUR₃ ⸢NIGIN₂⸣ | (r 43) Commentary and oral tradition. Reading from the Series of "When Anu, Ellil, from within "(If) in Tašritu (VII) the Moon is surrounded by a lunar halo". |
r 4444 | IM mBAša₂-a bu-kur₂ mdINANA—MU—KAM A mE₂.KUR—za-kir | (r 44) Tablet of Iqiša, son of Ištar-šum-ereš, descendant of Ekur-zakir. |
1-ma is often redundant in this text. In general its presence has not been reflected in the translation.
Created by Eleanor Robson for the AHRC-funded GKAB Project, 2008 and released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as