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ePSD2 2.7.2 (2024-08-31)

Clay tablet with Sumerian text about sale of 35 date-palms, circa 2000BCE

Ur III sale of 35 date-palms, ca. 2000BCE, Nippur. Penn Museum N 800. ePSD2 version here [/epsd2/admin/ur3/P121474]; CDLI page at []

Welcome to the new version of the electronic Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary, ePSD2, a Sumerian portal.

Here we provide listings of almost 16,000 Sumerian words, phrases and names (as well as over 50,000 entries in admin/names), occurring in more than 225,000 distinct forms a total of almost 3.4 million times in the corpus of texts indexed for the Dictionary. The corpus covers, directly or indirectly, over 110,000 Sumerian manuscripts.

For a quick start, open up the main Sumerian glossary [/epsd2/sux] and try typing English, Sumerian or transliterations into the search bar. If you're new to Oracc, the Oracc "Getting Started" page [/doc/help/visitingoracc/gettingstarted/index.html] explains the essentials of Oracc data and the interface you are using now.

The About page gives an overview of the various components of ePSD2 with links to help you find your way around.

ePSD2 development is ongoing. See the News page for what changes between the releases, and see the What's Next? page for some of the things we are planning.

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CC BY-SA The Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary Project, 2017-