Searching in ETCSRI

In ETCSRI every word form is represented on three levels:

  1. in orthographic representation, or transliteration;
  2. in morphemic representation (M1); and
  3. in morphemic glossing representation (M2).

Each word form is also assigned to a lemma (dictionary headword), identified by citation form and sense(s).

Instructions on searching transliterations, glossaries and catalogue data in ORACC are given here [].

ETCSRI is different from other ORACC corpora in that it can also be searched by morphemic and morphemic glossing representation. These types of search are based on the morphological parsing adopted by ETCSRI, which is described in detail on the pages "Morphological glossing" and "Morphological parsing" of this website. You will need to read those pages before you go any further.

To search by morphemic and morphemic glossing representation use the search bar in the coloured header at the top of the screen on ETCSRI's corpus page []. You will then need to use the labels that identify the structural slots of the nominal and verbal template in ETCSRI's grammatical model of Sumerian.

So, for example:

All of these searches can be made with the basic search facility. More complicated searches can be carried out using the Advanced Search tool that can be found on the project's hub page.
The Advanced Search facility allows you to combine searches. So, for example, to find all transitive verbal forms containing a modal prefix in the present-future tense in the 3rd ps. sg., choose the "lemmatization" option, click on the "+" button to the right, write "V1" in the first search bar and write "V14=3-SG-A" in the second one.
Or, to find all sentences in which a nominal form in the ablative case corresponds to a verbal form with the ablative prefix, click on the "+" button to the right, write "N5=ABL" in the first search bar and "V9=ABL" in the second one. Set the range "following within 0 sentence".

The date of last modification: 18 Dec 2019

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The ETCSRI Project at / Content released under a CC BY-SA 3.0 licence, 2013-14
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