VS 15, 37 [Sale of shares in erib bit piristi prebend][via hbtin]

o 1o 1

mina-qi₂-bit-d60 A ša₂ md60-ŠEŠ-GAL₂ši A ša₂ mina-qi₂-bit-d60 lu₂ga-ṭa-a-a

(o 1) Ina-qibit-anu, son of Anu-ah-ušabši, son of Ina-qibit-Anu, the reed-cutter, voluntarily sold one-eighteenth of his prebend of the ērib bīt pirišti and the goldsmith's prebend; one-seventeenth in the sheep of the hitpu sacrifices, in the wine, juniper, sashes, ṣubātu garments, aromatics and wood; one-eighteenth in the meat, cooked and raw, that is presented on the offering table of Bel in the eššēšu offerings; one-eighteenth in the meat, cooked and raw, that is presented monthly in the eighth day on the offering table of Ištar; one-eighteenth in the oxen that [is presented] in the eighth day ... [...] year(ly) ... those prebends belong to Nanaya-iddin [...]-Anu and Ina-qibit-Anu ... of Ša-Anu-iššu [...] on [...]

o 22

ina ḫu-ud lib₃-bi-šu₂ 18ʾu-u₂ GIŠ.ŠUB.BA-šu₂ lu₂KU₄ E₂ pi-ri--tu₄u₂-tu₂

o 33

u lu₂KU₃.DIMu₂-tu₂ 17ʾu-u₂ ina UDU.NITA₂-MEŠ ša₂ ḫi-ta-tap ina GEŠTIN ŠIM-LI

o 44

tug₂ḫu-ṣa!(A-)an-tu₄ tug₂ṣu-pat-tu₄ ŠIM-MEŠ u GIŠ-MEŠ 18ʾu ina UZU

o 55

ba-šal u bal-ṭu ša₂ E₁₁u₂? a-na BANŠUR ša₂ dEN E₁₁u₂ ina U₄.EŠ₃.[EŠ₃]-MEŠ

o 66

18ʾu-u₂ ina UZU ba-šal u bal-ṭu ša₂ ina U₄ 8-KAM₂ a-na BANŠUR [ša₂] dINANA?

o 77

E₁₁ ša₂ ITIus-su 18ʾu-u₂ ina GU₄-ḪI.A ša₂ ina U₄ 8-KAM₂ ša₂ x [...]

o 88


o 99

ša₂ <m>dna-na-[a-MU ...]-d60 u mina-qi₂-bit-[d60]

o 1010

ša₂ [x] ša₂ mša₂-d60--šu-u₂ [...]

o 1111

a-na [...]

remainder broken, about 7 lines
r 1r 1

it-tab-šu-u₂ mina-qi₂-bit-d60 MU-MEŠ u₂-mar-raq-ma a-di 12-TA.AM₃

(r 1) [Should a claim] arise [concerning ...] that Ina-qibit-Anu will clear (it) and will pay 12-fold to Nanaya-iddin and Kidin-Anu in perpetuity.

r 22

a-na mdna-na-a-MU u mki-din-d60 a-na u₄-mu ṣa-a-tu₂ i-nam-din

r 33

18ʾu-u₂ GIŠ.ŠUB.BA lu₂KU₄ E₂ pi-ri--tu₄u₂-tu₂ u lu₂KU₃.DIMu₂-tu₂

(r 3) One-eighteenth of the prebend of the ērib bīt pirištūti and the goldsmith's prebend (as well as) one-eighteenth in the sheep of the hitpu sacrifice, the wine, the juniper, the sashes, the ṣubātu garment, the aromatics and wood (as well as) one eighteenth in the meat, cooked and raw, that is presented on the offering table of Bel in the eššēšu offerings (as well as) one-eighteenth in the meat, cooked and raw, that is presented in the eighth day, monthly, on the offering table of Ištar (as well as) one-eighteenth in the oxen that are presented on the eighth day on the offering table of Antu ---- those prebends belong to Nanaya-iddin and Kidin-Anu, sons of Anu-uballiṭ, son of Nanaya-iddin, descendant of Luštammar-Adad, in perpetuity.

r 44

18ʾu-u₂ ina UDU.NITA₂-MEŠ ša₂ ḫi-ta-tap GEŠTIN ŠIM-LI tug₂ḫu-ṣa-na!-tu₄

r 55

tug₂ṣu-pat-ta ŠIM-MEŠ u GIŠ-MEŠ 18ʾu-u₂ ina UZU ba-šal u bal-ṭu

r 66

ša₂ a-na BANŠUR ša₂ dEN ina U₄..-MEŠ E₁₁ 18ʾu-u₂ ina UZU ba-šal u

r 77

bal-ṭu ša₂ ina U₄ 8-KAM₂ a-na BANŠUR ša₂ dINANA E₁₁u₂ ša₂ ITIus-su 18ʾu-u₂

r 88

ina GU₄-ḪI.A ša₂ ina U₄ 8-KAM₂ a-na BANŠUR ša₂ an-tu₄ E₁₁u₂ GIŠ.ŠUB.BA-MEŠ MU-MEŠ

r 99

ša₂ mdna-na-a-MU u mki-din-d60 A-MEŠ ša₂ md60-DINiṭ A ša₂ mdna-na-a-MU

r 1010

A mlu--tam-mar-dIŠKUR a-na u₄-mu ṣa-a-tu₂ šu₂-nu lu₂mu!(KAM₂-)kin₇

(r 10) Witnesses:

r 1111

mNIG₂.SUM.MU-d60 A ša₂ mdna-na-a-MU A ša₂ md60-NUMUN-MU A mḫun-zu-u₂

(r 11) Nidintu-Anu, son of Nanaya-iddin, son of Anu-zer-iddin, descendant of Hunzu

r 1212

mNIG₂.SUM.MU-d60 A ša₂ md60-DUMU-MUnu A ša₂ mdna-na-a-MU A mḫun-zu-u₂

(r 12) Nidintu-Anu, son of Anu-mar-ittannu, son of Nanaya-iddin, descendant of Hunzu

r 1313

md60-AD-URI₃ A ša₂ mNIG₂.SUM.MU-d60 A ša₂ md60-ŠEŠ-MU A mḫun-zu-u₂

(r 13) Anu-ab-uṣur, son of Nidintu-Anu, son of Anu-ah-iddin, descendant of Hunzu

r 1414

mki-din-d60 A ša₂ [...]-at-d60 A ša₂ md60-ik-ṣur A mlu--tam-mar-dIŠKUR

(r 14) Kidin-Anu, son of [...]-at-Anu, son of Anu-ikṣur, descendant of Luštammar-Adad

r 1515

mki-din-d60 A ša₂ md60-ŠEŠ-MUnu A ša₂ mdum-qi₂-d60 A mlu--tam-mar-dIŠKUR

(r 15) Kidin-Anu, son of Anu-ah-ittannu, son of Dumqi-Anu, desšedant of Luštammar-Adad

r 1616

mdum-qi₂-d60 A ša₂ md60-ik-ṣur!(UL) A ša₂ md60-ŠEŠ-MUnu A mlu--tam-mar-dIŠKUR

(r 16) Dumqi-Anu, son of Anu-ikṣur, son of Anu-ah-ittannu, descendant of Luštammar-Adad

r 1717

md60-MUnu A ša₂ md60-ŠEŠ-GAL₂ši A ša₂ mina-qi₂-bit-d60 lu₂ga-ṭa-a-a

(r 17) Anu-ittannu, son of Anu-ah-ušabši, son of Ina-qibit-Anu, reed-cutter

r 1818

md60-ŠEŠ-MEŠ-MU lu₂UMBISAG A ša₂ mNIG₂.SUM.MU-d60 A md30-TI-ER₂ UNUGki itiDU₆

(r 18) Anu-ahhe-iddin, scribe, son of Nidintu-Anu, descendant of Sin-leqi-unninni. Uruk. Tašritu. 7th day. Year 107, Arsaces (was) king that is (year) 171 (in the Seleucid Era).

r 1919

U₄ 7 MU 107 ma-ri-šak-ka-ʾa LUGAL ša₂ ši-tu₄ 171

Column i
t.e. i 11


(t.e. i 1) Ring of Nidintu-Anu

(impression of seal = AUWE 19, 0755:P = AUWE 20, *11-01)
t.e. i 22


Column ii
t.e. ii 11


(t.e. ii 1) Ring of Nidintu-Anu

(impression of seal = AUWE 19, 0605:G = AUWE 20, *11-02)
t.e. ii 22


Column iii
t.e. iii 11


(t.e. iii 1) Ring of Kidin-anu

(impression of seal = AUWE 19, 0916:W = AUWE 20, *11-03)
t.e. iii 22


Column i
b.e. i 11


(b.e. i 1) Ring of Anu-ab-uṣur

(impression of seal = AUWE 20, *11-04)
b.e. i 22


Column ii
b.e. ii 1b.e. ii 1


(b.e. ii 1) [Ring of ...]-MU-[...]

seal partially broken
b.e. ii 22


Column i
l.e. i 11


(l.e. i 1) Ring of Kidin-Anu

(impression of seal = AUWE 19, 0778:B = AUWE 20, *11-05)
l.e. i 22


Column ii
l.e. ii 11


(l.e. ii 1) Ring of Dumqi-Anu

(impression of seal = AUWE 19, 0040:E = AUWE 20, *11-06)
l.e. ii 22


Column i
r.e. i 1r.e. i 1

un-qa mina-qi₂-bit-d60

(r.e. i 1) Ring of Ina-qibit-Anu, seller of [those] pre[bends]

seal impression
r.e. i 22

lu₂na-din-na GIŠ?.[ŠUB.BA ...]