Objects excavated from Nimrud are now housed in collections all over the world. One day it will be possible, we hope, to provide integrated online access to all that material. That ambition is far beyond the scope of this small project. As a first step, we provide several different portals to currently available data. We welcome additions and corrections to this information.
A catalogue of inscribed objects from Nimrud created by Christopher Walker and a group of volunteers at the British Museum TT and released under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license. You can link to individual pages using stable URLs, as described in the NIOD help page.
This corpus brings together all the textual content from Nimrud on text corpus projects hosted by Oracc, including the Corpus of Ancient Mesopotamian Scholarship; the Digital Corpus of Cuneiform Lexical Texts; the Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period; and the State Archives of Assyria online.
We have compiled a list of 11 UK museums that hold material from Nimrud and have provided links to online catalogue information where available. We also give more detailed information on selected museums that we have worked with particularly closely.
We have compiled a list of museums and collections from 20 countries worldwide that hold material from Nimrud and have provided links to online catalogue information where available. Three Google Maps show how widely scattered the Nimrud artefacts now are.
In this section we have collected together a large number of online publications on Nimrud: free PDFs from project partners BISI TT ; books and articles available on JSTOR and other repositories (some of which are subscription-only); and other websites.
18 Dec 2019