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The OBEL project aims at publishing in transliteration and translation all liturgical texts in Emesal from the Old Babylonian period. This includes lamentation texts (Balaŋs, Eršemmas, and Eršahuŋas), but also ritual texts related to marriage.
OBEL is directed by Niek Veldhuis (UC Berkeley), and is based in part on the catalog of Old Babylonian laments by Paul Delnero (John Hopkins University), published in SANER 26 []. The OBEL team consists of Steve Tinney (University of Pennsylvania), Dylan Guerra (UC Berkeley), Jason Moser (UC Berkeley), Aleksi Sahala (Helsinki University), Noah Kröll (University of Innsbruck), and Sebastian Fink (University of Innsbruck). Paul Delnero (Johns Hopkins University) made essential contributions to the project. For more information about the history of the project, see the History [history] page.
You can view the project's content here [/obel/pager].
All data in OBEL will be indexed in ePSD2 [/epsd2].