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Numerous sources for a wide-ranging variety of official inscriptions commissioned by the rulers of Babylonia from the Second Dynasty of Isin (1157-1026 BC) to the Seleucid Dynasty (305-64 BC) are known today. Many of the objects inscribed or stamped with these texts are housed in museum and private collections around the world; some are no longer available and are known only from late nineteenth century hand-drawn or typeset facsimiles, from early twentieth century excavation photographs, or information recorded in unpublished field notes. The majority of the objects are assumed to have originated from the ruins of one of the major cult centers of Babylonia (present-day southern Iraq), especially Babylon, Borsippa, Nippur, Sippar, Ur, and Uruk. The aim of this project, which is still many years from completion, is to provide transliterations for all of the available objects that bear an official inscription of a ruler of Babylon written in the Akkadian or Sumerian language from the Second Dynasty of Isin to the Seleucid Dynasty, a span of about 1,200 years. It is also intended to supplement material given in the full editions (lemmatized transliterations and English translations) and score transliterations of composite inscriptions presented on other RIBo sub-projects.
The aim of RIBo, a sub-project of the Official Inscriptions of the Middle East in Antiquity (OIMEA) Project, is to publish in a single place easily accessible and annotated (lemmatized) editions of all of the known Akkadian and Sumerian royal inscriptions from Babylonia that were composed between 1157 BC and 64 BC. The corpus of transliterated objects in this RIBo sub-project presently includes: