
  • Tiglath-pileser III 35


  • Q003448
  • Tiglath-pileser III 35



  • stele
  • Neo-Assyrian
  • Written ca. 744-727
  • Luristan
  • Royal Inscription
  • Tiglath-pileser III

Tiglath-pileser III 35

Column i
i 0i 0

(erased signs)

(i 0) (erased signs)

i 11

[-šur EN GAL d]EN.LÍL. DINGIR.MEŠ mu-ši-me NAM.MEŠ1

(i 1) [(The god) Aššur, great lord, the] Enlil of the gods, the one who decrees fates; [the god Marduk, the one who formula]tes designs, creator of mankind, the one who inspects [...], the one who makes firm the foundations of the land; [the god Nabû, holder of] the stylus (and) bearer of the tablet of destinies of the gods, (i 5) [...]; the god Nergal, ..., [...] whose onslaught cannot be withstood; [the god Šamaš, the one who] bestows protection ... [...] ...; [the god Sîn, bright (celestial) light], the one who gives scepter (and) crown (to the king), the one who establishes lor[ds]hip; [the god Adad, canal inspector of heaven (and) ear]th, the one who heaps up abundance (and) plenty, [...] ...; (i 10) [the god Ea, lord of wisdom, the one who] forms everything there is (and) who makes (its) [creatur]e(s) [beautiful; the goddess Ištar, ...] who loves the king, her favorite, ... [...] ...; [the Sebetti, very powerf]ul [lords] who march ahead of my troops (and) strike [down my enemies; the god Amurru, ...] ...; [...] ...; (i 15) [(they are) the great gods who live in] heaven (and) netherworld, [...] ... [...] ... [...].

i 22

[dAMAR.UTU muš-te]-šir GIŠ.ḪUR -ni-u mit-ḫur-ti pa-qid2

i 33

[...] mu-ú-kin -di KUR3

i 44

[dAG ta-mi-iḫ] GI.DUB na-ši DUB ši-mat DINGIR.DINGIR

i 55


i 66

[...] šá la IGI-ru qa-bal-šú

i 77

[dUTU ša]-ki-ni GIŠ.MI x [...] x MEŠ5

i 88

[d30 na-an-na-ru nam-ru] na-din GIŠ.GIDRU AGA mu-kin? be-[lu]-ti6

i 99

[dIŠKUR .GAL AN-e KI]-tim mu-kám-mir ṭuḫ-di ḪÉ.GÁL [...] x

i 1010

[dé-a EN -me-qi pa]-tiq kul?-lat? mim-ma šum-šú mu-ban-[ni-u nab-ni]-ti

i 1111

[d15 ...] ra-i-mat LUGAL ŠE.GA-šá mu-x-x [...]-ti

i 1212

[d7.BI EN.MEŠ geš-ru?]-ti? a-li-kut pa-an ERIM.ḪI-ia ŠUB? x x (x) x x x7

i 1313

[dMAR.TU ...] x x x x x x8

i 1414

[...] x x

i 1515

[DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ a-ši-bu-tu] AN-e KI-tim

i 1616

[...] x x

i 1717

[...] še mu

i 1818


i 1919


i 2020


i 2121

[mtukul-ti-A-é-šár]-ra GAR dBAD NUN SANGA -šur

(i 21) [Tiglath-piles]er (III), the one appointed by the god Enlil, the prince, the priest of (the god) Aššur, [... the one who] constantly seeks out your holy sites, vice-regent (of) [...] ..., precious scion of Baltil (Aššur), [..., the one] desired by the goddess Šērūa, the great lady; (i 25) [...] ... [...] showed him mercy (and granted him) life; [..., king of the wo]rld, king of Assyria, king of Sumer [and Akkad, king of the] four [quar]ters (of the world), shepherd of (its) people, [the one who established the remis]sion (of debts) for Assyria, the one who pleases the heart of (the goddess) Ištar, [the one who enlarges] the boundary of Assyria, (i 30) [the one who receives the tribute and gi]fts of the entire world. [... set] him (Tiglath-pileser) up [as ... t]o expand its (Assyria’s) extensive population, [...], to shepherd (them) [in safe] pastures, [...] (the god) Aššur, the Enlil of (i 35) [the gods, ...] ... (and) ... [...] to cut down the unsubmissive.

i 2222

[... mu-]-te--u áš-ri-ku-nu ÉNSI

i 2323

[...] x NUNUZ URU.bal-til šu-qu-ru

i 2424

[... bi]-bíl lìb-bi dA.EDIN GAŠAN GAL-ti

i 2525

[...] x [...] SUM ARḪUŠ TUK-šú NAM.TI.LA

i 2626

[... MAN kiš]-šá?-ti MAN KUR -šur.KI MAN KUR šu-miri9

i 2727

[u URI.KI MAN kib]-rat LÍMMU SIPA ba-ʾu-la-a-tim

i 2828

[GAR an-du]-ra-ar KUR -šur mu-ṭib lìb-bi iš₈-tár

i 2929

[mu-rap-piš] mi-ṣir KUR -šur

i 3030

[ma-ḫir GUN u IGI].-e šá -ši-na ad-na-ti

i 3131

[... a]-na ru-pu-ši UN.MEŠ-šá DAGAL.MEŠ10

i 3232

[... a]-bur-riš a-na re-ʾe-e11

i 3333

[... -ku?]-un-šú

i 3434

[...] -šur dEN.LÍL.12

i 3535

[DINGIR.MEŠ ...]-du-u a-na šum-qut la ma-giri ú-šá-x-[...]

i 3636

[ina SAG LUGAL-ti-ia ina] maḫ-re-e BALA-ía ina 6 ITI šá ina [GIŠ.GU.ZA]

(i 36) [At the beginning of my reign, in] my first palû, in the sixth month after [I sa]t [in greatness] on [the throne of kingship, I mustered the vast] troops of Assyria [...]

i 3737

[LUGAL-ti ra-biš ú-ši]-bu ERIM.ḪI.A-at KUR -šur.KI [gap-šá-a-ti]13

i 3838

[lu ad-ke ...]



i 1'1'

[...] Ú? x KUR

(i 1') [...] ... [I] unit[ed them, brought] them [to Assyria, ...]. I plac[ed a eunuch of mine (as provincial governor) o]ver them.

i 2'2'

[...] pa-a 1-en14

i 3'3'

[ú-šá-áš-kín-šu-nu-ti a-na KUR -šur ú-ra]-áš-šú-nu-ti

i 4'4'

[... .šu-ut SAG-ia ina] UGU-šú-nu GAR-[un]

i 5'5'

[ina 2 BALA-ia ana KUR.ZÁLAG KUR.É-si]-in-gi-bu-[ti lu] al-lik15

(i 5') [In my second palû], I marched [to the lands Namri (and) Bīt-S]ingibū[ti (Bīt-Sangibūti). ... the land] Bīt-Barrūa (Bīt-Barrû), [...] ... [...] ... [...] ... my ... [...] granted to me. I cut (them) down with the sword (lit. “weapon”) (and) [carried off] their booty. I placed a eunuch of mine (as provincial governor) over the land Parsua (i 10´) (and another) eunuch of mine (as provincial governor) over the land Bīt-Ḫamban, (and) I annexed those lands to Assyria.

i 6'6'

[... KUR].É-mbar-ru-a

i 7'7'

[...] x qu šá [...] MAL? x [...] x x x-ti-ía

i 8'8'

[...] BA-šá-ni ina GIŠ.TUKUL ú-šam-qit šal-la-su-nu16

i 9'9'

[áš-lu-la] .šu-ut SAG-ia ina UGU KUR.par-su-a

i 10'10'

[].šu-ut SAG-ía ina UGU KUR.É-ḫa-am-ban GAR-un* KUR.KUR šu-a-ti-na17

i 11'11'

a-na BULUG-ki KUR -šur GUR-er ma-da- šá mdal-ta-a KUR.e-líp-a-a

(i 11'b) I received the payment of Daltâ of the land Ellipi, the city rulers of the lands Namri, (Bīt)-Singibūti (Bīt-Sangibūti), the Medes, (and) all the eastern mountains: horses (and) mules broken to the yoke, Bactrian camels, oxen, [and] sheep and goats, without number.

i 12'12'

.EN.URU.MEŠ šá KUR.ZÁLAG KUR.sin-gi-bu-te mada-a-a šá KUR-e -šú-nu

i 13'13'

šá KUR šam-ši ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ ANŠ LAL-at GIŠ.ni-ri

i 14'14'

ANŠE.ud-ra-te GU₄.MEŠ [u] ṣe-e-ni a-na la -ni am-ḫur

i 15'15'

ina ta-a-a-ar-ti-ía mir-an-su qur-di ta-nit-te

(i 15') On my return, Iransu (Iranzi) of the land Mannea heard about the heroic deeds of (the god) Aššur, my lord, that I had done again and again to all of the city rulers of the mountain regions, and terror came over him. He cam[e] to the city Sumbi, [which is ne]xt to Assyria, before me, and kissed my feet. I received horses white, piebald, Ḫaršian, (and) Ḫar[...] their ... together with their trappings, ..., (i 20´) majestic bulls, [fatten]ed she[ep], ... [...] ...

i 16'16'

šá -šur EN-ía šá a-na EN.URU.MEŠ šá KUR-e -šú-[nu] Á-pu-šá -me-ma18

i 17'17'

ḫur-ba-šú UGU-šú it-ta-bi-ik-ma a-na [i-te]-e KUR -šur.KI19

i 18'18'

a-di maḫ-ri-ia DU-ka-[am]-ma ú-na-ši-qa GÌR.II-ía ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ

i 19'19'

BABBAR.MEŠ GÙN.MEŠ ḫar-šá-a-a ḫar-[...] UZU-šú-nu a-di ta-lul-ti-šú-nu x [x]20

i 20'20'

GU₄.MAḪ.MEŠ MAḪ.MEŠ šu-ʾe-[e ma-ru-u]-ti ma x [...] x-da x-šú am-ḫur21

i 21'21'

ina 3-ši BALA-ía mma-ti-ìl [DUMU ma]-tar-šúm-qa bar-tu na-bal-kat-

(i 21') In my third palû, Matīʾ-il, [the son of A]ttār-šumqa (Attār-šumkī), fomented a rebellious insurrection against Assyria and violated (his loyalty oath). [He sent] hostile messages about Assyria [to] the kings who ... to the ... of the land Ḫatti (Syria-Palestine) (and) ... the land Urarṭu and (thus) caused en[mity] in all (of those) lands. Sarduri of the land Urarṭu, [Sulum]al of the land Me[lid], (and) Tarqu-laru (Tarḫu-laru) (i 25´) of the land Gurgum [came] to [his] aid. [Between] the lands Kištan and Ḫalpi, districts of the land Kummuḫu, [they] trusted in [one another’s strength and] drew up a battle array.

i 22'22'

a-na KUR -šur -ma ú-ḫa-ṭa-[a (x)] LUGAL.MEŠ šá a-na [x x].MEŠ ša KUR.ḫat-ti

i 23'23'

x ud a ku KUR.URI ze-rat KUR -šur [...]-ma ú-šam-[ki-ir] ma-ti-tan

i 24'24'

mdINANNA-du-ri KUR.URI-a-a m[su-lu-ma]-al[li-da-a-a m]tar--la-ru22

i 25'25'

KUR.gúr-gu-ma-a-a a-na kit-ri-[šú il-li-ku i-na bi-rit] KUR.kiš-tan u KUR.ḫal-pi23

i 26'26'

na-ge-e ša KUR.ku-muḫ-ḫi a-na [e-muq? a-ḫa-meš? it]-tak-lu-[ma]24

i 27'27'

-kunu si-dir- 7 KASKAL.[GÍD qaq-qa-ru] GE₆ u ur-ru

(i 27'b) I marched for [a distance of] seven leag[ues], day and night, and I did not allow the troops of Assyria to rest, did not give (them) water to drink, (and) did not pitch camp nor bivouac (i 30´) my soldiers (allowing them to recover from) their weariness. I fought [with th]em, defeated them, (and) took their camp(s) away from them.

i 28'28'

al-li-ka-am-ma ERIM.ḪI.A-at KUR -šur.KI ul ú-šap-ši-iḫ*-ma25

i 29'29'

A.MEŠ ul áš- -ma-ni ul GAR-un-ma ul ak-ṣu-ra

i 30'30'

KARAŠ-ši ERIM.ḪI.A-ia an-ḫu-su-nu [TA-šú]-nu am-da-ḫi-iṣ

i 31'31'

BAD₅.BAD₅-šú-nu GAR-un -ma-ni KARAŠ-su-nu e-kim-šú-nu-ti

i 32'32'

a-na šu-zu-ub ZI.MEŠ-[šu-nu] ZÁḪ.MEŠ-ma

(i 32') They fled to save [their] lives and Sarduri of the land Urarṭu rode off alo[ne on a] mare [and] escaped during the night. [...] ... [...], (i 35´) who like a crawling (creature) [...] into [...], thistles (and) box thorns that ... [...], crawled (away) and vanished. He returned to his land.

i 33'33'

md15-BÀD KUR.URI-a-a e-de-nu-[-šu ina] [MUNUS.ANŠE].KUR.RA U₅-[ma]26

i 34'34'

GE₆- ip--riš-ma [...] x še ir [...]

i 35'35'

šá ki-i pa-šul-ti [...] a-na [...]27

i 36'36'

pa-qut-ti ed-de-ti mu-šáḫ-x [...]

i 37'37'

ip-šil-ma e-li a-na KUR-šú GUR-ur* TA URU.ḫu-ti-[... at-tu-muš]28

(i 37'b) [I departed from] the city Ḫuti[...]. I overwhel[med] 100 cities of Tarḫu-lara of the land Gurgum. I conquered [...], together with cities in their environs. Tar[ḫu-lara, ...], (i 40´) together with the foremost men of his land, with [their] corvée baskets, [came before me and] kissed my feet (with a plea) not to destr[oy] the land [Gur]gum. I received [...] from him. I departed from the land Gurgum (and) [I approached] the cities of [...], (where) I pitched camp. The cities Kadamu, Al...[..., ...]

i 38'38'

1 ME URU.MEŠ šá mtar-ḫu-la-ri KUR.gúr-gu-ma-a-a ak--[um ...]

i 39'39'

a-di URU.MEŠ šá si-ḫir-ti-šú-nu KUR-ud mtar-[ḫu-la-ri ...]

i 40'40'

a-di SAG.KAL.MEŠ ša KUR-šú it-ti ku-dur-ru-[šú-nu a-di maḫ-ri-ia il-li-ku-nim-ma]

i 41'41'

ú-na-ši-qu GÌR.II-ía a-na la ḫu-lu-[uq] KUR.[gúr]-gu-me [...]

i 42'42'

am-ḫur-šú TA KUR.gúr-gu-me at-tu-muš a-na URU.MEŠ [...]

i 43'43'

ad-ka -ma-nu URU.ka-da-mu [...]



Column ii
iiii Lacuna


ii 1'1'

a-di URU.x [...]

(ii 1') as far as the city ... [...], the city Bīt-Barrūa (Bīt-Barrû), [...] as far as the city (text: “land”) Niqqu of the land Tup[liyaš, ...], the land Bīt-Agūsi in [its entirety], (ii ) the land Pattinu in its entirety, from the city ... [... to] the city Nanpigi (Nippigi), which is on the bank of the Euph[rates] River, [...], the cities Qarnê, Ḫadatete, Da[..., ...], Qinasrina, which is in the steppe, [as far as] the city Damascus, (and) the lands Hamath, (ii 10´) Ḫasuatti, Ṭurinaqadina, (and) Siʾannu to the[ir] full extent, the cities Ellišu (and) Ṣimirra, which are at the foot of Mount Lebanon, the city Riʾisi-ṣurri, Mount Ṣapūna, the city Aḫtâ, the emporium(s) on the seashore, the royal “storehouse,” the boxwood mountain, the city Tuʾammu (Tuʾimmu), as far as the city Tīl-karme of the land Gurgum (ii 15´) I annexed (all of those cities and lands) to Assyria.

ii 2'2'

URU.É-bar-ru-a [...]

ii 3'3'

a-di šá KUR.tup-[li-áš ...]

ii 4'4'

KUR.É-a-gu-si a-na [si-ḫir-ti-šú]

ii 5'5'

KUR.pat-ti-nu a-na si-ḫir-ti-šú TA URU.x [...]

ii 6'6' ša ÍD.A.[ŠÌTA ...]

ii 7'7'

URU.qar--e URU.ḫa-da-te-te URU.da-[...]29

ii 8'8'

URU.qi-na-as-ri-na šá ma-ad-ba-ri [EN]

ii 9'9'

URU.di-maš-qi KUR.ḫa-mat

ii 10'10'

KUR.ḫa-su-at-ti KUR.ṭu-ri-na-qa-di-na ana paṭ gim-ri-ši-[na]30

ii 11'11'

URU.el-li-šú URU.ṣi--ra šá GÌR.II KUR.lab-na-na

ii 12'12'

URU.SAG-ṣur-ri KUR.ṣa-pu-na URU.aḫ-ta-a

ii 13'13'

É ka-ri šá UGU tam-tim É ṣa-bu-ta-te MAN-ti KUR GIŠ.TÚG

ii 14'14'

URU.tu-ʾa-am-mu EN URU.DU₆-kar-me šá KUR.gúr-gu-me

ii 15'15'

ana mi-ṣir KUR -šur GUR-er UGU mi-ṣir KUR -šur KUR.KUR

(ii 15'b) I increased the territory of Assyria by taking hold of (foreign) lands (and) added countless people to its population. I constantly shepherd them in safe pastures.

ii 16'16'

ú-šá-tir DAB-bat UGU UN.MEŠ-šá UN.MEŠ ana la ma-ni ú-rad-di

ii 17'17'

a-bur-riš ar-te--ʾu-ú-ši-na-a-ti

ii 18'18'

ana-ku mtukul-ti-A-é-šár MAN KUR -šur šá TA È dUTU-ši

(ii 18') I, Tiglath-pileser (III), king of Assyria, who personally conquered all of the lands from east to west (lit. “from sunrise to sunset”), (ii 20´) appointed governors in places where the chariots of the kings, my ancestors, never crossed over. I marched about from the Great Sea of the Rising Sun to the cities Riʾisi-ṣurri (and) Byblos on the shore of the Great Sea of the Setting Sun, and (thus) I exercised authority over the (four) quarters (of the world).

ii 19'19'

EN ŠÚ dUTU-ši KUR.MEŠ -ši-na ŠU.II-ía ik-šú-da

ii 20'20'

KI MAN.MEŠ-ni AD.MEŠ-a la e-ti-qa

ii 21'21'

GIŠ.mu-ger-ra-šú-nu áš-ta-kan .GAR.MEŠ

ii 22'22'

TA tam-ti GAL-ti šá È šam-ši EN URU.SAG-ṣu-ri

ii 23'23'

URU.gub-li šá tam-ti GAL-ti šá SILIM šam-ši

ii 24'24'

DU.DU-ku-ma a--lu kib-rata

ii 25'25'

ina 9 BALA.MEŠ-ía a-na mada-a-a DU-ku aq-bi

(ii 25') In my ninth palû, I ordered (my troops) to march against the Medes. I conquered the cities of city rulers who were unsubmissive. I defeated them (and) carried off their booty. I firmly placed my steles in [...], the city Bīt-Ištar, the city Ṣibar, (and at) Mount Ariarma (and) Mount Silḫazi, mighty mountains. I received payment from those who did submit:

ii 26'26'

šá EN.MEŠ URU.MEŠ la GÚR-šu-ti URU.MEŠ-šú-nu KUR-ud

ii 27'27'

di-ik-ta-šú-nu a-duk šal-la-su-nu áš-lu-la

ii 28'28'

ina [...] URU.É-dINANNA URU.ṣi-bar KUR.a-ri-ar-ma KUR.sil-ḫa-zu

ii 29'29'

KUR-e KAL.MEŠ NAR.MEŠ-ía ú-kin šá GÚR-šú-te ma-da-ta-šú-nu am-ḫur31

ii 30'30'

1 ME 30+x ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ URU.É-15 a-di na-gi-šú am-ḫur

(ii 30') I received 130 and ... horses from the city Bīt-Ištar and its district; 120 (horses) from the cities Ginizinanu, Sadbat, (and) Sisad...; 100 (horses) from Upaš of (the land Bīt)-Kapsi (lit. “son of Kapsi”); 100 (horses) from Ušrû of the land Nikisi; 100 (horses) from Uksatar (Uaksatar) of the city Qarkinšera; 100 (horses) from Yaubitir (Yabittarru) of the land A[māt(e)]; 300 (horses) from Bardada of the city Ṣibar; 33 (horses) from Amaku of the city Kitku...; (ii 35´) 32 (horses) from Šataqupi of the city Uppuria; 100 (horses) from Ramateia of the city Kazuqinzani; 100 (horses) from Metrāku of the city Uppuria; 200 (horses) from Šatašpa of the city Šaparda (Saparda); 100 (horses) from Uitana of the city Mišita; (ii 40´) 100 (horses) from Amitāna of the city Uizak...; [... (horses) from Šata]parnû of the city Urba...; [... (horses) from ...]... of the city Sikrâ; [... (horses) from ...]ia of the city Zakrute; [... (horses) from ... of the city] Aku[...];

ii 31'31'

1 ME 20 URU.sad-bat

ii 32'32'

1 ME mú-pa-áš DUMU mkap-si 1 ME m-ru-ú šá

ii 33'33'

1 ME muk-sa-tar šá URU.qar-kin-še-ra 1 ME mia-ú-bit-ir šá KUR.a-[mat]32

ii 34'34'

3 ME mbar-da-da šá URU.ṣi-bar 33 ma-ma-ku šá URU.kit-ku-x

ii 35'35'

32 mšá-ta-qu-pi šá URU.ú?-pa-ri-a

ii 36'36'

1 ME mra-ma-te-ia šá URU.ka-zu-qin-za-ni

ii 37'37'

1 ME mme-et-ra-ku šá URU.ú-pa-ri-a

ii 38'38'

2 ME mšá-ta-áš-pa šá URU.ša-pa-ar-da

ii 39'39'

1 ME [m]ú-i-ta-na šá URU.mi-ši-ta

ii 40'40'

1 ME ma--ta-na šá URU.ú-i-zak-x

ii 41'41'

[x x mša-ta]-par-nu-u šá URU.ur-ba-x

ii 42'42'

[...]-x-ba-a šá URU.sik-ra-a

ii 43'43'

[...]-ia šá URU.zak-ru-te

ii 44'44'

[... šá URU].a-ku-[x-x]



Column iii
iii 1iii 1

MAN.MEŠ šá KUR.ḫat-ti KUR.a-ri-me šá tam-tim

(iii 1) (As for) the kings of the land Ḫatti (Syria-Palestine), the Arameans who are on the shore of the Sea of the Setting Sun, (the people of) the land Qedar, (and) the Arabs: Kuštašpi of the land Kummuḫu, Raqiānu (Rezin) of the land Damascus, (iii 5) Menahem of the land Samaria, Tu-Baʾil (Tu-Baʾlu) of the city Tyre, Sibitti-Baʾil (Sibitti-Biʾil) of the city Byblos, Urik (Uriaikki) of the land Que, Sulumal of the land Melid, (iii 10) Uassurme of the land Tabal, Ušḫitti of the land Atuna, Urpallâ of the land Tuḫana, Tuḫamme of the land Ištundi, Urimmi of the land Ḫubišna (Ḫubušnu), (iii 15) Dadīlu of the land Kasku, Pisīris of the city Carchemish, Panammû of [the land Sa]mʾal, Tarḫu-lara of the land [Gur]gum, (and) Zabibê, queen of the Arabs (iii 20) I imposed upon them tribute (and) payment of silver, gold, tin, iron, elephant hide(s), ivory, blue-purple (and) red-purple garments, multi-colored linen garments, camels, (and) she-camels.

iii 22

šá SILIM dšam-ši KUR.qid-ri KUR.a-ri-bi

iii 33

mkuš-taš-pi URU.ku-muḫ-a-[a]

iii 44

mra-qi-a-nu KUR.šá-ANŠE.NÍTA-šú-a-a

iii 55


iii 66

mtu-ba-ìl URU.ṣur-a-a

iii 77

msi-bít-ba-ìl KUR.gub-la-a-a

iii 88

mú-ri-ik KUR.qu-ú-a-a

iii 99

msu-lu-mal KUR.mi-lid-a-a

iii 1010

mú-as-sur-me KUR.ta-bal-a-a

iii 1111

m-ḫi-ti KUR.a--na-a-a

iii 1212

mur-pal-la-a KUR.-ḫa-na-a-a

iii 1313

[m]-ḫa-me KUR.-tu-un-di-a-a

iii 1414

mú-i-ri-mi KUR.ḫu-bi--na-a-a

iii 1515

mda-di-ìl KUR.kás-ka-a-a

iii 1616

mpi-si-ri-is URU.gar-ga-miš-a-a

iii 1717

mpa-na-am-mu []-ma-al-la-a-[a]

iii 1818

mtar-ḫu-la-ru KUR.[gúr]-gu-ma-a-a

iii 1919

fza-bi--e šar-rat KUR.a-ri-bi

iii 2020

bíl- ma-da- .BABBAR .GI AN.NA AN.BAR

iii 2121

KUŠ AM.SI AM.SI ta-kil- ar-ga-man-nu

iii 2222

lu-bul-ti bir-me GADA ANŠE.A.AB.BA.MEŠ

iii 2323

ANŠE.<a>-na-qa-a-ti UGU-šú-nu ú-kin33

iii 2424

ù šá mir-an-zi

(iii 24) Moreover, as for Iranzi of the land Mannea, (iii 25) Daltâ of the land Ellipi, (and) the city rulers of the land Namri, the land (Bīt)-Singibūti (Bīt-Sangibūti), (and) of all of the eastern mountains I imposed upon them horses, mules, Bactrian camels, oxen, (and) sheep and goats, (iii 30) (tribute that) I am to receive annually in Assyria.

iii 2525

mdal-ta-a KUR.el-líp-a-a

iii 2626

EN.URU.MEŠ šá KUR.ZÁLAG KUR.sin-gi-bu-ta-a-a

iii 2727

šá KUR-e -šú-nu šá KUR dšam-ši

iii 2828

ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ pa-re-e ANŠE.ud-ra-te

iii 2929

GU₄.MEŠ ṣe-e-ni UGU-šú-nu-ma ú-kin

iii 3030

šat-ti-šam-ma am-da-na-ḫa-ra ina -reb KUR -šur.KI

iii 3131

ú-še-piš-ma NA₄.NA..A ina NIGIN KUR-e

(iii 31) I had a stele made in the vicinity of the mountains. I dep[icted] on it (symbols of) the great gods, my lords, (and) I fashioned my royal image on it. I ins[cribed] on it the mighty deeds of (the god) Aššur, my lord, and [my] personal achievements (iii 35) <that> I accomplished again and again throughout (all of) the lands. [... on] the border which ... [...]

iii 3232

DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ EN.MEŠ-ía ina muḫ-ḫi e-ṣi-[ir]

iii 3333

NU MAN-ti-ía ina qer-bi-šú ab-ni-ma

iii 3434

li-ta-at -šur EN-ía ù KUR ŠU.[II-ía]

iii 3535

<šá> ina KUR.KUR Á-pu-šá ina muḫ-ḫi áš-[ṭur]34

iii 3636

[ina] mi-iṣ-ri šá a-na x [...]35



iii 1'1'

NA₄.NA.[.A ...]

(iii 1') [(As for) the one who ... this] ste[le], may the great gods [who live in heaven (and) netherworld], all of those [whose names are invoked] in th[is] inscription, remove his throne, [overthrow his] dynasty, (and) turn his land into mounds [of ruins] (lit. “mounds and ruins”).

iii 2'2'

DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ [a-ši-bu-ut AN-e KI-tim]36

iii 3'3'

ma-la ina NA₄.NA.-e ŠEŠ-[e MU-šu-nu zak-ru]37

iii 4'4'

GIŠ.GU.ZA-šú li-su-ḫu BALA-[šú lis-ki-pu?]38

iii 5'5'

KUR-su lu-te-ru a-na DU₆ u [kar-me]

iii 6'6'

NUN EGIR-u NA₄.NA..A šu-[a-]

(iii 6') May a future ruler read aloud t[his] inscription, wash (it) with water, anoint (it) with oil, (and) make an offering. (Then) those gods will hear his prayers!

iii 7'7'

líl-ta-si-ma A.MEŠ li-ra-mi-ik-ma

iii 8'8'

Ì.MEŠ lip-šu- UDU.SISKUR liq-

iii 9'9'

DINGIR.MEŠ šu-a--nu

iii 10'10'

ik-ri--e-šú ŠE.GA-ú

1The restoration of damaged text is based on text no. 37 lines 1–11.

2[dAMAR.UTU muš-te]-šir “[the god Marduk, the one who formula]tes”: The restoration was suggested by E. Frahm (AfO 44/45 [1997–98] p. 402). mit-ḫur-timankind”: Or mit-ḫar-ti. The reading remains ambiguous because all known attestations are written with the ḪAR sign. For references and some discussion, see AHw p. 662 sub mitḫurtu and CAD M/2 p. 135 sub mitḫartu and pp. 137–138 sub mitḫurtu.

3mu-ú-kin “the one who makes firm”: Read thus instead of mu-ú-x-kin (Tadmor, Tigl. III p. 94).

4GÌR.GÌR.GÌR: It is uncertain how to read these signs. Note that dGÌR = Nergal.

5Šamaš is expected before Sîn; see text no. 37 lines 4–5. [ša]-ki-ni “[the one who] bestows”: The restoration follows Streck, ZA 89 (1999) p. 153.

6The restoration at the beginning of the line follows Frahm, AfO 44/45 (1997–98) p. 402.

7[geš-ru?]-ti? “[very powerf]ul”: The restoration is based on text no. 37 line 9. ŠUB?: This is a logographic writing of mušamqitu (“the one who strikes down”), which corresponds to mu-šam-qi- in text no. 37 line 9. Both readings were suggested by E. Frahm (personal communication).

8One could tentatively read the traces as [... na-ši] BAN.DU₈.DU₈ x x x, with BAN written over BA, or as BA.<AN>.DU₈.DU₈, the regular spelling of this word; see text no. 37 line 10.

9[MAN kiš]-šá?-ti “[king of the wo]rld”: The reading follows a suggestion by E. Frahm (AfO 44/45 [1997–98] p. 402); cf. the beginning of text nos. 39–40, 46–47, and 51.

10DAGAL.MEŠ “extensive”: Read so according to E. Frahm (AfO 44/45 [1997–98] p. 402), although the DAGAL sign is written incompletely, without its two vertical wedges crossing its lower horizontal wedge.

11[a]-bur-riš a-na re-ʾe-e “to shepherd (them) [in safe] pastures”: The reading follows a suggestion by R. Borger (personal communication); cf. Tadmor, Tigl. III p. 96, which has [i]-šá-riš a-na re-ʾu-ut.

12dEN.LÍL. [DINGIR.MEŠ] “the Enlil of [the gods]”: The restoration follows the suggestion of E. Frahm (AfO 44/45 [1997–98] p. 402).

13gap-šá-a-ti “vast”: Passim in Assyrian royal inscriptions. The restoration was suggested by J. Novotny.

14pa-a 1-en [ú-šá-áš-kín-šu-nu-ti] “[I] unit[ed them]”: The restoration is based on text no. 5 line 11. The rest of the damaged text is restored from context.

15The beginning of the line, which is the first line of the report of the 2nd palû, is restored from text no. 47 obv. 29 and from the entry for the year 744 in the Eponym Chronicle (Millard, SAAS 2 p. 43).

16Possibly restore šá -šur EN-ia “which (the god) Aššur, my lord,” at the beginning of the line.

17GAR-un* “I placed”: The text has GAR-nu.

18Á-pu-šá “that I had done again and again”: ēteppuša (also in iii 35) is a first common singular Gtn preterite, rather than a Gtn stative (as proposed in Tadmor, Tigl. III p. 109). For further information, see the on-page note to text no. 17 line 11. The Á sign should be read as ete, a phonetic value not yet accepted in modern sign lists. [i-te]-e KUR -šur.KI “the city Sumbi, [which is ne]xt to Assyria”: The reading follows a suggestion by A. Fuchs (apud Frahm, AfO 44/45 [1997–98] p. 402); cf. Sargon’s 8th campaign account (Mayer, MDOG 115 [1983] pp. 68–69 and 110–111) lines 12 and 418.

20GÙN.MEŠ = barmūti (“piebald”), as suggested by W. Schramm (Orientalia NS 68 [1999] p. 170), rather than DÍR (for DIR) (as suggested in Tadmor, Tigl. III p. 99). ḫar-[...]: Perhaps ḫar-[ba-kan-nu], a specific breed of horses; see Fales, Assur 1/3 (1974) p. 13.

21šu-ʾe-[e ma-ru-u]-ti “[fatten]ed she[ep]”: Cf. gumaḫḫē bitrūte šuʾē marûti (“majestic bulls, fattened sheep”) in Fuchs, Khorsabad p. 158 line 321 (= Lie, Sar. p. 58 line 386).

22mdINANNA-du-ri: This is an ideographic writing of the name of Sarduri. A variant spelling of the name, md15-BÀD, appears in i 33´. For more detailed notes about the various spellings of the name, see Tadmor, Tigl. III p. 100.

23[i-na bi-rit] KUR.kiš-tan u KUR.ḫal-pi “[between] the lands Kištan and Ḫalpi”: The restoration is based on text no. 39 line 21, text no. 41 line 17´, and text no. 47 obv. 47.

24[e-muq? a-ḫa-meš? it]-tak-lu-[ma] “[they] trusted in [one another’s strength]”: For the conjectural restoration, see text no. 9 line 5´.

25-⸢iḫ*⸣-: The text has -⸢ḫi⸣-.

26[MUNUS.ANŠE].KUR.RA U₅-[ma] “he rode off on [a] mare [and]”: For the restoration, see text no. 41 line 20´.

27The translation of this passage is tentative since these similes do not as yet have any known parallels. pa-šul-ti in i 35´ is interpreted as “a crawling creature,” a noun derived from pašālu (“to crawl”), rather than as the lexical word pašultum (MSL 5 p. 153 line 44), which is some kind of knife (AHw p. 846).

28GUR-ur* “He returned”: The text has GUR-ru.

29URU.da-[...]: Perhaps URU.da-[a-na] “the city Dā[na],” which is mentioned with Kullania in Cole and Machinist, SAA 13 no. 86 (= ABL 372) rev. 8.

30KUR.ḫa-su-at-ti “the land Ḫasuatti”: KUR.ḫa- are written over an erasure.

31NAR.MEŠ- “steles”: Instead of the usual NA..A.MEŠ.

32mia-ú-bit-ir šá KUR.a-[mat] “Yaubitir of the land A[mat(e)]”: Cf. text no. 16 lines 5–6.

33ANŠE.<a>-na-qa-a-ti “she-camels”: Or simply ANŠ without the prefixed a- that may represent the Arabic definite article (Livingstone, JSS 42 [1997] pp. 259–261). Cf. J. Hämeen-Anttila (Studies Parpola pp. 99–101), who argues that the word anāqāte does not provide the earliest attestation of the Arabic definite article; he proposes that Classical Arabic nāqat- may go back to *ʾanāqat- and *yanāqat-.

34See the on-page note to i 16´.

35Probably restore “[I placed] (it)” at the end of the line.

36For the restoration of damaged text, see text no. 37 lines 49–52.

37ina NA₄.NA.-e ŠEŠ-[e MU-šu-nu zak-ru] “[whose names are invoked] in th[is] inscription”: The restoration is based on text no. 37 line 50, as suggested by E. Frahm (personal communication); cf. Tadmor, Tigl. III p. 110, where the end of the line was read as an-[-e šaṭ-ru].

38lis-ki-pu?overthrow”: The restoration is conjectural.

Created by Hayim Tadmor, Shigeo Yamada, Jamie Novotny, and the Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period (RINAP) Project, 2011. Lemmatized by Jamie Novotny, 2010, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as

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