
  • Tiglath-pileser III 47


  • Q003460
  • Tiglath-pileser III 47



  • Neo-Assyrian
  • Written ca. 744-727
  • Nimrud (Kalhu)
  • Royal Inscription
  • Tiglath-pileser III


IMG [EX001] K 03751

Tiglath-pileser III 47

o 1o 1

É.GAL mtukul-ti-A-é-šár-[ra LUGAL GAL-ú LUGAL dan-nu LUGAL ŠÚ LUGAL KUR -šur LUGAL .DINGIR.KI LUGAL KUR] šu-me-ri u URI.KI LUGAL kib-rat LÍMMU-ti1

(1) Palace of Tiglath-piles[er (III), great king, mighty king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of Babylon, king of] Sumer and Akkad, king of the four quarters (of the world); valiant man who, with the help of (the god) Aššur, his lord, [smashed like pots] all [who were unsubmissive to him], swept over (them) like [the] Deluge, and considered (them) as (mere) ghosts; the king who [marched about] at the command of the gods Aššur, Šamaš, and Marduk, the great gods, [and] exercised authority over lands fr[om the Bi]tter Sea of Bīt-Yakīn, as far as Mount Bikni in the east, up to the Sea of the Setting Sun, as far as Egypt, [from] the horizon to the zenith, and exercised kingship over them.

o 22

GURUŠ qar-du ša ina tu-kul-ti -šur EN-šú kul-lat [la ma-gi-ri-šu GIM ḫaṣ-bat-ti ú-daq-qi-qu a]-bu-biš is-pu-nu-ma zi-qi-qiš im-nu-ú

o 33

LUGAL šá ina zi-kir -šur dšá-maš u dAMAR.UTU DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ [DU.MEŠ-ma] ul-[tu ÍD].mar-ra-ti ša É-mia-ki-ni a-di ša KUR dšam-ši

o 44

ù tam-tim ša šul-mi dšam-ši a-diṣ-ri [ul-tu] AN.ÚR a-di AN.PA KUR.KUR.MEŠ i-pe-lu-ma e-pu-šu šar-ru-us-si-in

o 55

ul-tu SAG LUGAL-ti-ia a-di 17 BALA.MEŠ-ia .i-tu-ʾu [.ru-bu]-ʾu .ḫa-mar-a-ni .lu-ḫu-ú-a-tu .ḫa-tal-lu .ru-ub-bu-ú ra-pi-qu .ḫi-ra-a-nu .ra-bi-DINGIR2

(5) From the beginning of my reign until my seventeenth palû, I captured, defeated, (and) plundered the (tribes) Ituʾu, [Rubu]ʾu, Ḫamarānu (Ḫamrānu), Luḫuʾātu, Ḫatallu, Rubbû, Rapiqu, Ḫīrānu, Rabbi-ilu, Naṣīru, Gulūsu, Nabātu, Raḫīqu, Ka[pīri], Rummulūtu, Adilê, Gibrê, Ubūdu, Gurūmu, Ḫudadu, Ḫindiru (Ḫindaru), Damūnu, Dunānu, Nilqu, Radê, Dai[...]nu, Ubulu, Karmaʾu, Amlatu, Ruʾuʾa, Qabiʾi, Liʾtaʾu, Marusu, Amatu, Ḫagarānu, (and those living in) the cities Dūr-Kurigalzu (and) Adin[ni], the fortresses of Sarragītu, Labbanat, (and) Kār-bēl-mātāti, all of the Arameans on the banks of the Tigris, Euphrates, and Surap[pu] Rivers, as far as the Uqnû River, which is by the shore of the Lower Sea. (10) I annexed to Assyria the Arameans, as many as there were, and I placed a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them.

o 66

.na-ṣi-ru .gu-lu-su .na-ba-tu .ra-ḫi-qu .ka-[pi-ri] .ru-um-mu-lu-tu .a-di-le-e .gib-re-e .ú-bu-du .gu-ru-mu .ḫu-da-du .ḫi-in-di-ru3

o 77

.da-mu-nu .du-na-nu .ni-il-qu .ra-de-e .da-i-[x]-nu? .ú-bu-lu .kar-ma-ʾu .am-la-tu .ru-ʾu-a .qa-bi-ʾe .li--ta-a-ú .ma-ru-su4

o 88

.a-ma-tu .ḫa-ga-ra-a-nu URU.BÀD-ku-ri-gal-zi URU.a-di-in-[ni URU].bir-tu ša sa-ar-ra-gi-ti URU.bir-tu ša la-ab-ba-na-at URU.bir-tu ša URU.kar-dEN-KUR.KUR

o 99

.a-ru-mu -šú-nu ša šid-di ÍD.IDIGNA ÍD.A.ŠÌTA ù Í[pi] a-di lìb-bi ÍD.uq--e ša tam-tim šap-li-ti ak-šud di-ik-ta-šú-nu a-duk šal-la-su-nu áš-lu-la

o 1010

.a-ru-mu ma-la ba-šu-u a-na mi-ṣir KUR -šur.KI ú-ter-ra-áš-šu-nu-ti-ma .šu-ut SAG-ia .EN.NAM UGU-šú-nu áš-kun ina UGU DU₆ kam-ri ša URU.ḫu-mut i-qab-bu-šú-u-ni

(10b) I built a city on top of a tell (lit. “a heaped-up ruin mound”) called Ḫumut (and) named it Kār-Aššur. I brought the people of (foreign) lands conquered by me therein.

o 1111

URU - URU.kar--šur MU-šú ab-bi UN.MEŠ KUR.KUR ki-šit-ti ŠU.II-ia ina lìb-bi ú-še-rib ina sip-par NIBRU.KI .DINGIR.RA.KI bár-sipa.KI .DU₈.A.KI kiš.KI dil-bat.KI ù UNUG.KI ma-ḫa-zi la šá-na-an

(11b) In Sippar, Nippur, Babylon, Borsippa, Cutha, Kish, Dilbat, and Uruk, cult centers without rival, I offered pure sacrifices to the deities Bēl (Marduk), Zarpanītu, Nabû, Tašmētu, Nergal, (and) Laṣ, the great gods, my lords, and they loved my priestly services.

o 1212

UDU.SISKUR.MEŠ .MEŠ a-na dEN dNUMUN.-ti dAG dtaš-me-tum dU.GUR dla-aṣ DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ EN.MEŠ-ia aq--ma i-ra-mu .SANGA-ú-ti KUR.kár-ddu-ni-áš DAGAL-tu a-na paṭ gim-ri-šá a-bél-ma

(12b) I exercised authority over the extensive land of Karduniaš (Babylonia) to its full extent and exercised kingship over it.

o 1313

e-pu-šá LUGAL-ú-sa .pu-qu-du GIM sa-pa-ri as-ḫu-up di-ik-ta-šú-nu a-duk šal-la-su-nu ma-at-tu áš-lu-la .pu-qu-du šu-a-tuḫi-ru ša i-di-bi-ri-i-na URU.ḫi-li-im-mu

(13b) I overwhelmed the (tribe) Puqudu like a (cast) net, defeated them, (and) carried off much booty from them. I annexed to Assyria that (tribe) Puqudu, the city Laḫīru of Idibirīna (Yadburu), (and) the cities Ḫilimmu (and) Pillatu, which are on the border of the land Elam (and) I placed (them) under the authority of a eunuch of mine, the provincial governor of the city Arrapḫa. I deported (the people of) the land Labdudu, as many as there were, and settled (them) in Assyria.

o 1414

URU.pi-il-lu-tu ša pat-ti KUR.e-lam-ti a-na mi-ṣir KUR -šur.KI ú-ter-ra ina ŠU.II .šu-ut SAG-ia .GAR.KURḫa am-nu KUR.lab-du-du ma-la ba-šu-u as-su-ḫa-am-ma5

o 1515

ina -reb KUR -šur.KI ú-šá-aṣ-bit KUR.kal-du a-na si-ḫir-ti-šú ḫu-ḫa-riš as-ḫu-up ša mdAG-ú-šab-ši A mši-la-a-ni di-ik-ta-šú ina i-ta-at URU-šú a-duk

(15b) I ensnared Chaldea in its entirety as with a bird-snare. As for Nabû-ušabši of (the land Bīt)-Šilāni (lit. “son of Šilāni”), I defeated him on the outskirts of the city Sarrabānu, his city. Moreover, I impaled him before the gate of his city, while making (the people of) his land watch. By means of earthworks [and] battering rams, I captured the city Sarrabānu. I carried off 55,000 people, together with their possessions, his booty, his property, his goods, his wife, his sons, his daughters, and his gods. I de[stroyed, devastated, (and) bu]rned [with fire] that city, together with cities in its environs, and turned (them) into mounds of ruins (lit. “mounds and ruins”).

o 1616

ù šá-a-šú meḫ-re-et .GAL URU-šú a-na GIŠ.za-qi-pi ú-še-li-šu-ma ú-šad-gi-la KUR-su ina ši-pi-ik SAḪAR.ḪI.A [ù GIŠ].šu-pi-i ak-šud 50 LIM 5 LIM UN.MEŠ a-di mar-ši-ti-šú-nu

o 1717

šal-la-su NÍG.ŠU-šú NÍG.GA-šú DAM-su DUMU.MEŠ-šú DUMU.MUNUS.MEŠ-šú ù DINGIR.MEŠ-šú áš-lu-la URU šu-a- a-di URU.MEŠ-ni ša li-me-ti-šú ap-[púl aq-qur ina IZI áš]-ru-up-ma a-na DU₆ u kar-me ú-ter

o 1818

URU.tar-ba-ṣu URU.ia-bal-lu ak-šud 30 LIM UN.MEŠ a-di mar-ši-ti-šú-nu [NÍG].ŠU-šú-nu NÍG.GA-šú-nu u DINGIR.MEŠ-šú-nu áš-[lu-la URU.MEŠ šu]-a-tu-nu a-di URU.MEŠ-ni ša li-me-ti-šú-nu

(18) I captured the cities of Tarbaṣu (and) Yaballu. I car[ried off] 30,000 people, together with their possessions, their [pro]perty, their goods, and their gods. I destroyed [t]hose [cities], together with cities in their environs, (making them) like tells after the Deluge.

o 1919

ki-ma DU₆ a-bu-bi ú-ab-bit mza-qi-ru DUMU mšá-ʾa-al-li i-na a-de-e DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ iḫ-ṭi-ma it-ti [nak-ri-ia -ku-na] pi-i-šú a-na šá-a-šú a-di .GAL.MEŠ-šú ina ŠU.II ú-ṣa-bit

(19b) Zāqiru of (the land Bīt)-Saʾalli (lit. “son of Saʾalli”) neglected the loyalty oath (sworn by) the great gods and [conspir]ed with [my enemies]. I personally captured him, together with his nobles, (20) placed them in iron fetters, and took (them) to Assyria. The people of the land Bīt-Šaʾalli (Bīt-Saʾalli) became frightened and they made the city Dūr-[Balīḫāya], their royal [city], their fortress. By means of artificial mounds and siege machines, I conquered that city and utterly demolished (it). I carried off 40,500 people, together with their possessions, th[eir] booty, their [property], their goods, (as well as) his (Zāqiru’s) wife, his sons, his daughters, and his gods.

o 2020

bi-ra-a-ti AN.BAR ad-di-šú-nu-ti-ma a-na KUR -šur.KI al-qa-a UN.MEŠ KUR.É-šá-ʾa-al-li ip-la-ḫu-ma URU.BÀD-[dKASKAL.KUR-a-a URU] LUGAL-ti-šú-nu a-na dan-nu-ti-šú-nu iṣ-ba-tu6

o 2121

URU šu-a-tu i-na -ru-ti ù GIŠ.-pe-ši ak-šud-ma qaq-qa-riš am-nu 40 LIM 5 ME UN.MEŠ a-di mar-ši-ti-šú-nu šal-la-su-[nu NÍG.ŠU]-šú-nu NÍG.GA-šú-nu DAM-su DUMU.MEŠ-šú DUMU.MUNUS.MEŠ-šú ù DINGIR.MEŠ-ni-šú áš-lu-la7

o 2222 ak-šud UN.MEŠ a-di mar-ši-ti-šú-nu šal-la-su NÍG.ŠU-šú NÍG.GA-šú áš-lu-la KUR.É-šá-ʾa-al-li a-na si-ḫir-ti-šú a-bu-biš as-pu-un-ma ú-šaḫ-ri-ba da-ád-me-šú

(22) I conquered the city Amlilatu. I carried off (its) people, together with their possessions, its booty, its property, (and) its goods. I swept over the land Bīt-Šaʾalli (Bīt-Saʾalli) in its entirety like the Deluge and devastated its settlements. I annexed those lands to Assyria.

o 2323

KUR.KUR.MEŠ šu-a-ti-na a-na mi-ṣir KUR -šur.KI ú-ter-ra mGIN-NUMUN DUMU ma-muk-ka-a-ni ina URU LUGAL-ti-šú e-sir-šú di-ik-ta-šú ma-at-tu ina IGI .GAL.MEŠ-šú a-duk

(23b) I confined Mukīn-zēri of (the land Bīt)-Amukkāni (lit. “son of Amukkāni”) to Sapê (Šapīya), his royal city. I inflicted a heavy defeat upon him before his city gates. I cut down the orchards (and) musukkannu-trees that were near his (city) wall; I did not leave a single one (standing). I killed date-palms throughout his land by ripping off their (text: “its”) fruit and filling the meadows (with them).

o 2424

GIŠ.KIRI₆.MEŠ GIŠ.mu-suk-kan-ni ša ṭe-eḫ BÀD-šú a-kis-ma 1-en ul e-zib GIŠ.GIŠIMMAR.MEŠ-šú ša pi-rik KUR-šú a-duk-ma ú-ḫi-nu-šú áš-muṭ-ma ú-mal-la-a qer-ba-a-ti gi-mir URU.MEŠ-ni-šú

(24b) I destroyed, devastated, (and) burned with fire all of his cities. Like tells after the Deluge, I destroyed the lands Bīt-Šilāni, Bīt-Amukkāni, and Bīt-Šaʾalli (Bīt-Saʾalli) in their entirety, (and) turned (them) into mounds of ruins (lit. “mounds and ruins”).

o 2525

ap-púl aq-qur ina IZI áš-ru-up KUR.É-ši-la-a-ni KUR.É-a-muk-ka-a-ni u KUR.É-šá-ʾa-al-li a-na si-ḫir-ti-šú-nu ki-ma DU₆ a-bu-bi ú-ab-bit a-na DU₆ u kar-me ú-ter

o 2626

ma-da-tu ša mba-la-su DUMU mdak-ku-ri mna-di-ni UD.UD.AK-a-a .BABBAR .GI ni-siq-ti NA₄.MEŠ am-ḫur mdAMAR.UTU-A-SUM.NA DUMU mia-ki-ni LUGAL tam-tim ša ina LUGAL.MEŠ-ni AD.MEŠ-ia a-na ma-ḫar ma-am-man la il-li-kam-ma8

(26) I received the payment of Balāssu of (the land Bīt)-Dakkūri (lit. “son of Dakkūri”) (and) Nādinu of (the city) Larak: silver, gold, (and) precious stones. (As for) Marduk-apla-iddina (II) (Merodach-baladan) of (the land Bīt)-Yakīn (lit. “son of Yakīn”), a king of the Sea(land) who had not come before any of the kings, my ancestors, and who had not kissed their feet, fear of the brilliance of (the god) Aššur, my lord, overwhelmed him and he came to the city Sapīya (Šapīya), before me, and kissed my feet. I received as his payment natural, unrefined gold in great quantity, jewelry made of gold, a gold necklace, pearls (lit. “precious stones, produce of the sea”), beams of ebony, ellūtu-wood, ašqulālu-plant(s), amīlānu-plant(s), multi-colored garments, all types of aromatics, oxen, and sheep and goats.

o 2727

la ú-na-áš-ši-qa GÌR.II.MEŠ-šú-un pul-ḫi me-lam-me ša -šur EN-ia is-ḫu-pu-šú-ma a-na a-di maḫ-ri-ia il-li-kam-ma ú-na-áš-ši-qa GÌR.II.MEŠ-ia .GI e-per KUR-šú a-na ma--de-e

o 2828

šu-kut-ti .GI NA₄ .MEŠ .GI ni-siq-ti NA₄.MEŠ bi-nu-ut tam-tim GIŠ.ÙR.MEŠ GIŠ.ESI GIŠ.el-lu-tu Ú.LAL Ú.-a-nu lu-bul-ti bir-me ŠIM.ḪI.A -ma GU₄.MEŠ u ṣe-e-ni ma-da-ta-šú am-ḫur9

o 2929

KUR.nam-ri KUR.É-sa-an-gi-bu-ti KUR.É-ḫa-am-ban KUR.É-zu-al-za-áš KUR.É-ma-at-ti ša KUR.tup-li-ia-áš KUR.É-tar-an-za-a-a KUR.par-su-a KUR.É-za-at-ti

(29) As with a bird-snare, I ensnared the lands Namri, Bīt-Sangibūti, Bīt-Ḫamban, Sumurzu, (Bīt)-Barrūa (Bīt-Barrû), Bīt-Zualzaš, (and) Bīt-Matti, the city Niqqu of the land Tupliyaš, the lands Bīt-Taranzāya, Parsua, Bīt-Zatti, (30) Bīt-Abdadāni, Bīt-Kapsi, Bīt-Sangi, (and) Bīt-Urzakki, the cities Bīt-Ištar (and) Zakrute, the lands Gizinkisi (and) Niššāya, the cities Ṣibar (and) Urimzan, the lands Raʾusan, Uppuria, Bustus, Ariarma the land of roosters Sa[k]sukni, Araquttu, Karzibra, Gukinnana, (and) Bīt-Sagbat, Mount Silḫazi, [which] they call the fortress of the Babylonian(s), Mount Rūa, as far as the salt desert of the lands Ušqaqqāna (and) Šikrakki (the land) of gold (and) the districts of the mighty Medes to their full extent.

o 3030

KUR.É-ab-da-da-ni KUR.É-kap-si KUR.É-sa-an-gi KUR.É-ur-zak-ki KUR.É-d15 URU.zak-ru-tišá-a URU.ṣi-bu-ur URU.ú-ri-im-za-an KUR.ra-ʾu-ú-sa-an

o 3131

[KUR].ú-pa-ri-a KUR.bu-us-tu-us KUR.a-ri-ar-mi KUR DAR.LUGAL.MEŠ.MUŠEN KUR.a-ra-qu-ut-tu KUR.kar-zi-ib-ra KUR.É-sa-ag-ba-atḫa-zi10

o 3232

[ša] dan-nu- ša DUMU .DINGIR.RA.KI i-qab-bu-šú-u-niú-<a> a-di KUR É.MUN KUR.-qaq-qa-a-na KUR.ši-ik-ra-ki ša .GI na-ge-e ša KAL.MEŠ a-na paṭ gim-ri-šú-nu ḫu-ḫa-riš ak-tùm-ma11

o 3333

[di]-ik-ta-šú-nu ma-at-tu a-duk 60 LIM 5 ME UN.MEŠ a-di mar-ši-ti-šú-nu ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ-šú-nu ANŠE.GÌR.NUN.NA.<MEŠ>-šú-nu ANŠE.ud-ra-a-ti-šú-nu GU₄.MEŠ-šú-nu ṣe-e-ni-šú-nu a-na la ma-ni áš-lu-la12

(33) I inflicted a heavy [de]feat upon them. I carried off 60,500 people, together with their possessions, their horses, their mules, their Bactrian camels, their oxen, (and) their sheep and goats, without number. I destroyed, devastated, (and) burned with fire their [cit]ies. I turned (them) into mounds of ruins (lit. “mounds and ruins”).

o 3434

[URU].MEŠ-ni-šú-nu ap-púl aq-qur ina IZI áš-ru-up a-na DU₆ u kar-me ú-ter KUR.nam-ri KUR.É-sa-an-gi-bu-ti KUR.É-ḫa-am-ban KUR.É-bar-ru-a KUR.É-zu-al-za-áš

(34b) I annexed to Assyria the lands Namri, Bīt-Sangibūti, Bīt-Ḫamban, Sumurzu, Bīt-Barrūa (Bīt-Barrû), Bīt-Zualzaš, (and) (35) [Bīt]-Matti, the city Niqqu of the land Tupliyaš, the lands Bīt-Taranzāya, Parsua, Bīt-Zatti, Bīt-Abdadāni, Bīt-Kapsi, Bīt-Sangi, (and) Bīt-Urzakki, (and) the cities Bīt-Ištar (and) Zakrute, (cities) of the mighty Medes.

o 3535

[KUR.É]-ma-at-ti URU.niq-qu ša KUR.tup-li-ia-áš KUR.É-tar-an-za-a-a KUR.É-za-at-ti KUR.É-ab-da-da-ni KUR.É-kap-si KUR.É-sa-an-gi KUR.É-ur-zak-ki URU.É-d15

o 3636

[URU].zak-ru-ti ša KAL.MEŠ a-na mi-ṣir KUR -šur.KI ú-ter-ra URU.MEŠ-ni ša qer-bi-šú-nu a-na -šú-ti - GIŠ.TUKUL -šur EN-ia ina lìb-bi ar-mi UN.MEŠ KUR.KUR ki-šit-ti ŠU.II-ia ina ŠÀ ú-še-rib

(36b) I rebuilt the cities inside them (those lands), set up the weapon of (the god) Aššur, my lord, therein, (and) brought the people of (foreign) lands conquered by me therein. I placed [...] eunuchs of mine as provincial governors over them.

o 3737

[x ].šu-ut SAG-ia .EN.NAM.MEŠ UGU-šú-nu áš-kun ṣa-lam LUGAL-ti-ia ina KUR.ti-ik-ra-ak-ki URU.É-d15 URU.ṣi-bu-ur KUR.a-ri-ar-mi KUR DAR.LUGAL.MEŠ.MUŠEN13

(37b) I erected my royal image in the land Tikrakki, in the cities Bīt-Ištar (and) Ṣibar, in the land Ariarma the land of roosters (and) at [Mount S]ilḫazi, which they call the fortress of the Babylonian(s).

o 3838

[]-il-ḫa-zi ša dan-nu-tu ša DUMU .DINGIR.RA.KI i-qab-bu-šú-ni ul-ziz ma-da-[tu ša]-a-a KUR.el-li-pa-a-a ù EN.URU.MEŠ-ni ša KUR-e -šú-nu a-di

(38b) [I received] the payme[nt of the Med]es, the people of the land Ellipi, and the city rulers of all of the mountain regions, as far as Mount Bikni [...], horses, mules, Bactrian camels, oxen, and sheep and goats, without num[ber].

o 3939

[x x] ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ ANŠE.GÌR.NUN.NA.MEŠ ANŠE.ud-ra-a-ti GU₄.MEŠ ù ṣe-e-ni a-na la ma-[ni am-ḫur mir-an-zu]-a-a qur-di ta-nit-ti ša -šur EN-ia ša ina KUR.MEŠ-e -šú-nu e-[te-ep-pu-šú -me-ma]15

(39b) [Iranzi of the land Mann]ea [heard about] the glorious valor of (the god) Aššur, my lord, that I [had accomplished again and again] throughout all of the mountain regions [and (40) the brilliance] of (the god) Aššur, my lord, overwhelmed him. He came to the city Dūr-Tiglath-pileser (“Fort Tiglath-pileser”), which [..., be]fore me, (and) kiss[ed my feet. I received ... hor]ses, mules, oxen, and sheep and goats, military equipment, [...].

o 4040

[me-lam]-me -šur EN-ia is-ḫu-pu-šu-ma a-na URU.BÀD-mtukul-ti-A-é-šár-ra ša [... a]-di maḫ-ri-ia il-li-kam ú-na-áš-ši-[qa GÌR.II-ia ...]16

o 4141

[ANŠE.KUR].RA.MEŠ ANŠE.GÌR.NUN.NA.MEŠ GU₄.MEŠ ù ṣe-e-ni GIŠ.til-li [...]

o 4242

[.šu]-ut SAG-ia m-šur-KAL-in-a-ni a-na KAL.MEŠ ša KUR dšam-[ši áš-pur 5 LIM ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ UN.MEŠ GU₄.MEŠ ù ṣe-e-ni a-na la ma-ni il-qa-a]17

(42) [I sent a eu]nuch of mine, Aššur-daʾʾinanni, against the mighty Medes in the ea[st. He took 5,000 horses, people, oxen, and sheep and goats, without number].

o 4343

[KUR.ul-lu]-ba KUR.ḫab-ḫu a-na gi-mir-ti-šú ak-šud a-na mi-ṣir KUR -šur GUR-ra [(...) ina -reb KUR.ul-lu-ba URU - URU.-šur-BA-šá MU-šú ab-bi]18

(43) I captured the lands [Ullu]ba (and) Ḫabḫu in their (text: “its”) entirety (and) I annexed (them) to Assyria. [(...) I built a city in the land Ulluba (and) I named it Aššur-iqīša]. Inside (it), I founded [a palace for] my royal [resid]ence. I set up the weapon of (the god) Aššur, my lord, therein, (and) [settled the] people of (foreign) la[nds conquered by me therein. ...].

o 4444

[É.GAL mu]-šab LUGAL-ti-ia ina lìb-bi ad-di GIŠ.TUKUL -šur EN-ia ina lìb-bi ar-mi UN.MEŠ KUR.[KUR ki-šit-ti ŠU.II-ia i-na lìb-bi ú-še-šib ...]

o 4545

[md15-BÀD KUR.ú]-ra-ar-ṭa-a-a msu-lu-ma-al mtar-ḫu-la-[ra KUR.gúr-gu-ma-a-a ...]19

(45) [(As for) Sarduri of the land U]rarṭu, Sulumal of the land Melid, Tarḫu-la[ra of the land Gurgum, ...] Kuštašpi of the land Kummuḫu, [they (Sarduri and allies) ...] to capture and plunder [Assyrian territory ... Be]tween the lands Kištan and Ḫalpi, districts of the land K[ummuḫu, I (utterly) defeated them and ... With the blood of] their [warr]iors [I dyed] the Sinzi River as red as dyed wool. [...] I took their [entire ca]mp away from them. In the midst of [that] bat[tle, I ...] ..., (their) royal beds [...]

o 4646

[... m]ku--ta-áš-pi KUR.ku-muḫ-a-a a-na ka-šá-di šá-la-li [mi-ṣir KUR -šur ...]

o 4747

[... ina] bi-rit KUR.kiš-ta-an ù KUR.ḫal-pi na-ge-e ša KUR.ku-[muḫ-ḫi BAD₅.BAD₅-šú-nu SÌG-ma (ana la ma--e) ...]

o 4848

[da-me qu-ra]-di-šú-nu Í ÍD-tu ki-ma na-ba-si [aṣ-ru-up ...]

o 4949

[nap-ḫar?] KARAŠ?-šú-nu e-kim-šú-nu-ti ina MURUB₄ ti-[du-ki-ma ...]

o 5050

[...] x GIŠ..MEŠ LUGAL-ti [...]





r 1'1'

[...]-ma ina IZI áš-ru-[up fsa-am-si la-pa-an GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-ia KAL.MEŠ taš-ḫu-ut-ma ANŠE.A.AB.BA.MEŠ MUNUS.ANŠE.a-na-qa-a-te a-di ANŠši-na]20

(r 1') I se[t the rest of her (Samsi’s) possessions (and) her tents, her people’s safeguard within her camp], on fire. [Samsi became startled by my mighty weapons and] she [brought camels, she-camels, with their young, to As]syria, before me. I placed [a representative (of mine) ov]er her [and ... 10,000 soldiers ...].

r 2'2'

[a-na KUR ]-šur a-di maḫ-ri-ia ta-[áš-šá-a .qe-e-pu ina muḫ]-ḫi-šá áš-kun-[ma 10 LIM .ERIM.MEŠ ...]

r 3'3'

[]-ʾa-a-a URU.te-ma-a-aʾa-a-a URU.ḫa-a-a-ap-pa-a-a URU.[ḫa-at-ti-a-a .i-di-ba--il-a-a ... ša mi-ṣir KUR.KUR]

(r 3') The people of the cities [Mas]ʾa, Tema, Saba, Ḫayappa, Badanu, (and) [Ḫatte, (and) the (tribes) Idibaʾilu, ..., who are on the border of the west]ern [lands], whom none (of my predecessors) had known about, and whose country is remote, [heard about] the fame of my majesty (and) [my heroic deeds, and (thus) they beseeched my lordship]. (rev. ) As one, [they brought] befo[re me gold, sil]ver, camels, she-camels, (and) all types of aromatics as their payment [and they kissed my feet]. I appointed [Id]ibiʾilu as the “gatekeeper” facing Egypt.

r 4'4'

[ša šu-lum d]UTU-ši ša mám-ma la i-du-šú-nu-ti-ma a-šar-šú-un ru-ú-qu ta-nit-ti be-lu-ti-ia [al-ka-ka-at qur-di-ia -mu-ma ú-ṣal-lu-ú be-lu-ti]

r 5'5'

[.GI ].BABBAR ANŠE.A.AB.BA.MEŠ MUNUS.ANŠE.a-na-qa-a-ti ŠIM.ḪI.A -a-ma ma-da-ta-šú-nu ki-i 1-en a-di maḫ-[ri-ia ú-bi-lu-nim-ma ú-na-áš-ši-qu GÌR.II-ia]

r 6'6'

[mi]-di-bi-ʾi-i-li a-na .Ì.DU₈-ú-ti ina UGUṣ-ri áš-ku-un i-na KUR.KUR.MEŠ -ši-na šá x [...]

(r 6'b) In all of the (foreign) lands that ... [... I received the paymen]t of Kuštašpi of the land Kummuḫu, Urik (Uriaikki) of the land Que, Sibitti-Biʾil of the city [Byblos, Hiram of the land Tyre, Pisīris of the city Carchemish, Ēnī]-il of the land Hamath, Panammû of the city Samʾal, Tarḫu-lara of the city Gurgum, Sulu[mal of the land Melid, Dadīlu of the city Kasku, U]assurme of the land Tabal, Ušḫitti of the city (A)tuna, Urpallâ of the city Tuḫana, Tuḫam[mi of the city Ištunda, Urimmi of the city Ḫubišna (Ḫubušnu), (rev. 10´) Ma]ttan-Biʾil (Mattan-Baʾal) of the city Arwad, Sanīpu of the land Bīt-Ammon, Salāmānu of the land Moab, ...[... of ..., ... of ..., Mi]tinti of the land Ashkelon, Jehoahaz of the land Judah, Qauš-malaka of the land Edom, Muṣ...[... of ..., ... of ..., (and) Ḫa]nūnu of the city Gaza: gold, silver, tin, iron, lead, multi-colored garments, linen garments, the garments of their lands, red-purple wool, [..., all kinds of] costly articles, produce of the sea (and) dry land, commodities of their lands, royal treasures, horses (and) mules broken to the yo[ke, ...].

r 7'7'

[ma-da-at]-tu ša mku--ta-áš-pi KUR.ku-muḫ-a-a mú-ri-ik KUR.qu-u-a-a msi-bi-it-ti-bi-ʾi-il URU.[gu-ub-la-a-a mḫi-ri-mu KUR.ṣur-ra-a-a mpi-si-ri-is URU.gar-ga-miš-a-a]21

r 8'8'

[me-ni]-ìl KUR.ḫa-am-ma-ta-a-a mpa-na-am-mu-uʾa-la-a-a mtar-ḫu-la-ra KUR.gúr-gu-ma-a-a msu-lu-[ma-al mda-di-i-lu URU.kas-ka-a-a]

r 9'9'

[mú]-as-sur-me KUR.ta-bal-a-a m-ḫi-it-ti URU.tu-na-a-a mur-pal-la-a URU.tu-ḫa-na-a-a mtu-ḫa-am-[me URU.-tu-un-da-a-a mú-ri-im--i URU.ḫu-bi--na-a-a]

r 10'10'

[mma]-ta-an-bi-ʾi-il msa-ni-pu URU.É-am-ma-na-a-a msa-la-ma-nuʾa-ba-a-a mx-[...]

r 11'11'

[mmi]-ti-in-ti mia-ú-ḫa-zi KUR.ia-ú-da-a-a mqa--ma-la-ka KUR.ú-du-mu-a-a mmu-uṣ-x-[...]

r 12'12'

[mḫa]-a-nu-ú-nu URU.ḫa-za-at-a-a .GI .BABBAR AN.NA AN.BAR A.BÁR lu-bul-ti bir-me TÚG.GADA lu-bul-ti KUR-šú-nu SÍG.ZA.GÌN.SA₅ [...]

r 13'13'

[mim-ma] aq-ru bi-nu-ut tam-tim na-ba-li ṣi-bu-ta-at KUR-šú-nu ni-ṣir-ti LUGAL-ti ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ ANŠE.GÌR.NUN.NA.MEŠ LAL-at GIŠ.ni-[ri ... am-ḫur]

r 14'14'

[mú]-as-sur-me KUR.ta-bal-a-a a-na ep-šet KUR -šur.KI ú-maš-šil-ma a-di maḫ-ri-ia la il-li-ka .šu-ut SAG-ia .GAL [SAG a-na KUR.ta-bal áš-pur ...]22

(r 14') [U]assurme of the land Tabal acted as if he were the equal of Assyria and he did not come before me. [I sent] a eunuch of mine, the chief [eunuch, to the land Tabal. ...]. I placed [Ḫu]llî, a commoner (lit. “son of a nobody”) on his royal throne. [I received] 10 talents of gold, 1,000 talents of silver, 2,000 horses, (and) [... mules as his audience gift].

r 15'15'

[mḫu]-ul-li-i DUMU la ma-ma-na ina GIŠ.GU.ZA LUGAL-ti-šú ú-še-šib 10 GUN .GI 1 LIM GUN .BABBAR 2 LIM ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ [... ANŠE.GÌR.NUN.NA.MEŠ ta-mar-ta-šú am-ḫur]

r 16'16'

.šu-ut SAG-ia .GAL SAG a-na URU.ṣur-ri áš-pur ša m-e-te-en-na URU.ṣur-ra-a-a 1 ME 50 GUN .GI [2 LIM GUN .BABBAR ta-mar-ta-šú am-ḫur]

(r 16') I sent a eunuch of mine, the chief eunuch, to the city Tyre. [I received] from Metenna of the city Tyre 150 talents of gold (and) [2,000 talents of silver as his audience gift].

r 17'17'

i-na uz-ni ni-kil-ti ḫa-sis-si pal-ke-e ša -ru-ka ABGAL DINGIR.MEŠ NUN dnu-dím-mud É.GAL GIŠ.EREN [... ana mu-šab EN-ti-ia]

(r 17') With the keen understanding (and) broad knowledge that the sage of the gods, the prince, the god Nudimmud (Ea), granted to me, I built in Kalḫu a cedar palace, [... for my lordly residence] and a bīt-ḫilāni, a replica of a palace of the land Ḫatti (Syria-Palestine), for my pleasure. I made the dimensions of its site [... large cubits in length (and) sixty large cubits in width] larger than the former palaces of my ancestors [by (re)claiming] (land) from the Tigris River (by filling it in). [...] ... [...].

r 18'18'

ù É ḫi-it-la-an-ni tam-šil É.GAL KUR.ḫa-at-ti a-na mul-ta-ʾu-ti-ia ina -reb URU.kal-ḫi - [x KÙŠ GAL- šid-du 60 KÙŠ GAL- pu-ú-tu]

r 19'19'

mi-šiḫ-ti qaq-qa-ri-ša UGU É.GAL.MEŠ AD.MEŠ-ia maḫ-ra-a-ti ul-tu lìb-bi ÍD.IDIGNA ú-šá-tir-[ma aṣ-ṣa-ba-ta ...] x [x]23

r 20'20'

gi-mir DUMU um-ma-a-ni ḫa-as-su-ti nak-liš ú-kàṣ-ṣip-ma ad-[...] x x [x]

(r 20') I cleverly made plans with (the help of) all of the skilled craftsmen and ... [...] ... [...]. Like the base of a mountain, I piled up heavy limestone (blocks to a depth of) twenty large cubits in the raging waters and I [... stopped its] flooding. I put up their terraces, secured their foundations, and raised high their summits. (To a height of) one half nindanu (and) two-thirds of a cubit, [I] constructed rooms of [...] and I made their gates face north.

r 21'21'

20 KÙŠ GAL-tu šu-pul A.MEŠ ez-zu-ti NA₄.pi-lu-ú dan-nu GIM ši-pik KUR-i áš-pu-uk-ma ú-[...]-ma mi-le-e-[šá]

r 22'22'

tam-li-ši-in áš-kun-ma -di-šin ú-kin-ma ú-šaq- re-es-si-in 1/2 NINDA 2/3 KÙŠ É [... ú]-kàṣ-ṣir-ma

r 23'23'

IGI-et IM.SI. ú-maḫ-ḫi-ra .MEŠ-šin ina AM.SI GIŠ.ESI GIŠ.TÚG GIŠ.mu-suk-kan-ni GIŠ.EREN GIŠ.ŠUR.[MÌN GIŠ.LI? ù?] GIŠ.dup-ra-a-ni24

(r 23'b) [I decor]ated (lit. “I established”) (them) with ivory, ebony, boxwood, musukkannu-wood, c[eda]r, šur[mēnu]-wood, [burāšu-juniper, and] juniper (which was) tribute from the kings of the land Ḫatti (Syria-Palestine) (and) from Aramean and Chaldean rulers whom I sub[dued (and) ...] with the power of my heroism (and) I filled (them) with splendor.

r 24'24'

bi-lat LUGAL.MEŠ-ni KUR.ḫat-ti mal-ki KUR.a-ri-me ù KUR.kal-di ša ina -tel qar-ra-du-ti-ia ú-šak-[ni-šú a]-na GÌR.II-ia [... áš]-kun la-le-e ú-mal-li

r 25'25'

5 1/2 NINDA 4 KÙŠ ul-tu šu-pul A.MEŠ a-di pa-áš-qi ši-kit-ta-šin-<<ma>> e-ṣir-ma UGU É.GAL.MEŠ KUR.KUR ú-šar-[ri]-ḫa ep-še-es-si-in

(r 25') (To a height of) five and one half nindanu (and) four cubits, from the depth of the water to (their) copings, I designed their structure and I made their workmanship more resp[len]dent than the palaces of (foreign) lands.

r 26'26'

GIŠ.ÙR.MEŠ GIŠ.EREN še-ḫu-ú-ti ša ki-i e-ri- GIŠ.ḫa-šur-ri a-na uṣ-ṣu-ni ṭa-a-bu tar-bit KUR.ḫa-[ma]-na KUR.lab-na-na ù

(r 26') I roofed them with long beams of cedar, which are as sweet to smell as the scent of ḫašūru-wood, a product of Mount Am[anus], Mount Lebanon, (and) Mount Ammanāna, thus I demonstrated appropriate care (for their roofing). In order to splendidly provide appropriate decorations for the locks [...] ..., I fashioned stones of the stonecutter’s craft and (thus) made (its) gate(s) befitting (a royal palace).

r 27'27'

ú-ṣa-lil-ši-na-ma a-na kun-ni-i ú-šá-lik a-na ṣur-ru-uḫ si-ma-a-ti ša GIŠ.ši-gi-ri [x] x NA₄.MEŠ ši-pir .pur-kúl-lu-ti ab-ni-ma us-si-ma 25

r 28'28'

GIŠ.IG.MEŠ GIŠ.EREN GIŠ.ŠUR.MÌN tu-ʾa-ma-te mu-na-aḫ-ḫi-šá e-ri-bi-ši-na e-re-si-na i-ziq-qu lib-bu

(r 28') I fastened bands of shiny silver (zaḫalû) and <ešmarû-silver> on double doors of cedar (and) šurmēnu-wood, which bestow (great) pleasure on those who enter them (and) whose fragrance wafts into the heart, and I hung (them) wherever there were gates.

r 29'29'

i-na me-sér za-ḫa-le-e ù <-ma-re-e> eb-bi ú-rak-kis-ma e-ma .MEŠ-ni ú-rat-ti UR.MAḪ.MEŠ dALAD.MEŠ dLAMMA.MEŠ ša bi-na-te ma--diš nu-uk-ku-lu ḫi-it-lu-pu ku-uz-bu26

(r 29'b) I set up in (its) entrances (statues of) lions, šēdu, (and) lamassu, whose features are very skillfully wrought (and) which are clothed with splendor, (rev. 30´) and I erected (them there) as objects of wonder (for the people). I laid threshold slabs of gypsum (and) parūtu-alabaster at their feet (lit. “beneath them”) and (thus) I brightened the(ir) exit(s).

r 30'30'

-re-bi ú-šá-aṣ-bit-ma a-na tab-ra-a-te ú-šá-az-zi-iz KUN₄.MEŠ IM.BABBAR NA₄.pa-ru-ti i-na KI.TA-šú-nu aṣ-li-ma ú-nam-me-ra mu-ṣu-ú

r 31'31'

ù ṣa-lam ab-ni ma-ṣar šu-ut DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ bi-nu-ut ZU.AB ki-šu-u ú-šá-as-ḫir-ma pu-luḫ-tu ú-šar-ši27

(r 31') Moreover, I placed stone images, guardians of the great gods, creatures of the apsû (i.e., fish-men), around (the palace’s) supporting wall, thus I endowed (them) with a terrifying quality.

r 32'32'

sik-kàt kar-ri .GI .BABBAR ù ZABAR a-na šuk-lul-ti-ši-in al-me-ši-na-ti-ma ú-šá-an-bi-ṭa bu-un-ni-ši-in

(r 32') To put the finishing touch on them (the palatial halls), I arranged knobbed pegs of gold, silver, and bronze around them, and (thus) I made their appearance bright.

r 33'33'

a-na šu-bat LUGAL-ti-ia at-ma-an šá-áš-ši ni-siq-ti NA₄.MEŠ ši-pir tam-[le]-e ar-ma-a -reb-šá

(r 33') For my royal abode, I set up therein a glittering chamber inlaid with precious stones. I named them (The) Palatial Halls of Joy Which Bear Abundance, Which Bless the King, (and) Which Make Their Builder Long-[Liv]ed.”

r 34'34'

É.GAL.MEŠ-at ḫi-da-a-ti na-šá-a ḪÉ.GÁL-li ka-ri-ba LUGAL mu-lab-[bi]-ra e-pi-ši-šin a-na šu-me-ši-in ab-bi28

r 35'35'

.MEŠ me-šá-ri muš-te-šir di-in mal-ki ša kib-rat LÍMMU-ti mu-šam-[ḫi]-ru bi-lat KUR-e u ta-ma-a-ti

(r 35') I na[m]ed their gates “Gates of Justice Which Give the Correct Judgment for the Rulers of the Four Quarters (of the World), Which O[ff]er the Yield of the Mountains and the Seas, (and) Which Admit the Produce of Mankind Before the King Their Lord.”

r 36'36'

mu-še-ri-bu ḫi-ṣib ad-na-a-ti a-na ma-ḫar LUGAL EN-šú-un az-[ku]-ra zi-kir .MEŠ-ši-in29

1The damaged text is restored from text no. 51 lines 1–4.

2Cf. text no. 39 lines 4–6, text no. 40 lines 3–9, and text no. 51 lines 5–8. See Frahm, ISIMU 6 (2003) pp. 151–153 for a study of Aramean tribes.

3.ka-[pi-ri] “the Ka[piru]”: The restoration is based on text no. 4 line 6.

4-⸢i⸣-: Or read as -⸢at⸣-.

5ú-ter-ra “I returned”: The reading follows a suggestion by E. Schramm (EAK 2 p. 134), rather than as ú-ter-ma, as it was read in Tadmor, Tigl. III (p. 160); see Jas, BiOr 55 (1998) col. 194.

6The damaged text is restored from text no. 40 line 14.

7For an alternate interpretation, cf. AHw p. 123 sub berûtu.

8tam-tim “sea”: Instead of the expected KUR tam-tim “Sealand.” See text no. 51 line 19, with the on-page note to that line.

9GIŠ.el-lu-tuellūtu-wood”: As suggested by W.G. Lambert (personal communication), this may be a rare, foreign word.

10KUR DAR.LUGAL.MEŠ.MUŠENthe land of roosters”: See the on-page note to text no. 41 line 8´.ú-<a> “Mount Rūa”: Cf. text no. 16 line 6. KUR É.MUN KUR.-qaq-qa-a-na KUR.ši-ik-ra-ki “the salt desert of the lands Ušqaqqāna (and) Šikrakki”: See the on-page note to text no. 41 line 9´.

1260 LIM 5 ME “60,500”: Tadmor, Tigl. III pp. 164–165 wrongly has 6,500 in both the transliteration and translation.

13[x ].šu-ut SAG-ia .EN.NAM.MEŠ “[...] eunuchs of mine as provincial governors”: For the number of governors appointed here, see text no. 7 lines 5–6, text no. 8 lines 6–7, text no. 35 i 9´–10´, and text no. 39 line 19.

14The damaged text is restored from text no. 41 lines 12´–15´, as well as from text no. 35 i 11´–14´; the restoration of Tadmor, Tigl. III (p. 166) is modified here; see Frahm, AfO 44/45 (1997–98) p. 403.

15[]-a-a “[the Med]es”: Restored from text no. 35 i 12´.

16[me-lam]-me “brilliance”: Pl. noun, instead of the singular namurrat (“terrifying radiance”), as suggested in Tadmor, Tigl. III (p. 166); see Schramm, Orientalia NS 68 (1999) p. 171.

17The damaged text is restored from text no. 41 lines 13´–15´.

18The restoration is based on context and from text no. 41 lines 29´–31´ and text no. 49 obv. 7´. This account is a very short version of the campaign of the 7th palû. Cf. text no. 39 lines 28–29 and the account of text no. 37.

19The Sarduri episode can be partly restored from parallel accounts in text no. 39 lines 20–25 and text no. 41 lines 15´–26´. A more detailed version of that episode is found in text no. 9 and text no. 35 i 21´–37´.

20For the restoration of damaged text in the Samsi episode, see the on-page note to text no. 42 lines 19´–34´.

21This is a list of all of the newly subjugated western vassals and their tribute. It includes rulers who submitted in 738 (lines 7´–9´ = text no. 14 line 11–text no. 15 line 2, and text no. 35 iii 3–18) and rulers who submitted in 734 (lines 10´–12´). For further details, see Tadmor, Tigl. III pp. 265–268 (Supplementary Study D).

22Restored from Summ. 9 rev. 26–29.

23The damaged text is restored from text no. 25 lines 1´–4´.

24GIŠ.EREN GIŠ.ŠUR.[MÌN] “c[eda]r, šur[mēnu]-wood”: The reading is based on J. Novotny’s collation of the original and J. Novotny and S. Yamada’s collation of the photograph published in Tadmor, Tigl. III (pl. LV). The restoration was suggested by J. Novotny, who noted parallel lists of woods in Sennacherib inscriptions from Nineveh; for example, cf. Luckenbill, Senn. p. 96 line 79.

25ṣur-ru-uḫ si-ma-a-ti “to splendidly provide appropriate decorations”: ṣur-ru-uḫ is taken here as an unusual writing or as an audial mistake for šurruḫ “to make magnificent.” GIŠ.ši-gi-ri [x] x “the locks [...] ...”: E. Frahm (AfO 44/45 [1997–98] p. 403) suggested reading the signs as GIŠ.ši-gi-ri-[ši-na] “[their] locks.” However, collation does not support the restoration of ši-na after GIŠ.ši-gi-ri.

26<eš-ma-re-e> “ešmarû-silver”: The insertion here follows CAD Z p. 13.

27ki-šu-u: Taken as an alloform of kisû “supporting wall”; see CAD K p. 430.

28mu-lab-[bi]-ra e-pi-ši-šin “Which Make Their Builder (i.e., the King) Long-Lived”: Following E. Frahm (AfO 44/45 [1997–98] p. 403), e-pi-ši-šin is taken as a participle. Cf. the translation of Tadmor (Tigl. III p. 175): “(the King) Who Made Their Structure Everlasting.” Tadmor probably took e-pi-ši-šin as the infinitive of epēšu (referring back to the palace, and not to the king).

29az-[ku]-ra “I na[m]ed”: The reading follows Schramm, EAK 2 p. 135.

Created by Hayim Tadmor, Shigeo Yamada, Jamie Novotny, and the Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period (RINAP) Project, 2011. Lemmatized by Jamie Novotny, 2010, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as

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sys=/home/oracc/www/p4.d project=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/rinap sub=/home/oracc/rinap/02pub/p4.d/outlined.lst out=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/rinap/outlined.lst/1 list=/home/oracc/rinap/02pub/p4.d/outlined.lst/list sort=/home/oracc/rinap/02pub/p4.d/outlined.lst/1 csi=(null) tsv=/home/oracc/rinap/02pub/p4.d/outlined.lst/1/pag.tsv max=/home/oracc/rinap/02pub/p4.d/outlined.lst/1/max.tsv mol=/home/oracc/rinap/02pub/p4.d/outlined.lst/1/zoom.mol pkey=(null) pgin=(null) page=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/rinap/outlined.lst/1/1-z1-p3.div zout=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/rinap/outlined.lst/1/1-z1.otl item=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/htm/rinap/Q003/Q003460 prox=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/htm/rinap/rinap1/Q003/Q003460 meta=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/htm/rinap/Q003/Q003460/meta.xml html=(null) ltab=(null) hilite=(null) pub=/home/oracc/rinap/02pub/p4.d use=/home/oracc/rinap/02pub/p4.d txtindex=(null) t_sort=(null) t_tsv=(null) t_max=(null) t_mol=(null)

struct isp_config ip->default_cfg

leftmenu=1 select=0 sort_fields=ruler sort_labels=ruler head_template=1 2 3 cat_fields=designation,popular_name,provenience,object_type cat_links=(null) cat_widths=35,35,15,15

struct isp_config ip->special_cfg

leftmenu=1 select=0 sort_fields=period,genre,provenience sort_labels=Time,Genre,Place head_template=1 2 3 cat_fields=designation,primary_publication,subgenre|genre,period,place|provenience cat_links=(null) cat_widths=auto,17,17,17,17

struct isp_glosdata ip->glosdata

dir=(null) web=(null) let=(null) lmax=(null) ent=(null) xis=(null) ltab=(null) lbase=(null) lpath=(null) ecpath=(null) emax=(null) ipath=(null)

struct isp_itemdata ip->itemdata

langs=en nlangs=1 xtflang=en lmem=(null) item=Q003460 fullitem=(null) block=(null) proj=rinap/rinap1 htmd=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/htm html=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/htm/rinap/rinap1/Q003/Q003460/Q003460.html dotted=(null) index=51 page=3 pindex=1 zoom=1 zpag=3 zindex=1 prev=Q003459 next=Q003461 tmax=(null) xmdxsl=/home/oracc/lib/scripts/p4-xmd-div.xsl bld=/home/oracc/www/p4.d/htm/rinap/rinap1/Q003/Q003460/Q003460.html hili=(null) not=0

struct isp_list_loc ip->lloc

type=www lang=(null) method=file key=(null) dbpath=(null) dbname=(null) path=/home/oracc/bld/rinap/lists/outlined.lst

struct isp_srchdata ip->srchdata

tmp=(null) bar=(null) count=0 gran=(null) list=(null) new=0 adhoc=0 zmax=81


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