Sargon II 001
11 | [mLUGAL-GI.NA šá-ak-nu dEN.LÍL NU.ÈŠ ba-ʾi-it da-šur ni-šit IGI.II da-nim ù dda-gan LUGAL GAL-ú LUGAL dan-nu LUGAL KIŠ LUGAL KUR aš-šur.KI LUGAL kib-rat ar-ba-ʾi]1 2 | (1) [Sargon (II), appointee of the god Enlil, nešakku-priest (and) desired object of the god Aššur, chosen of the gods Anu and Dagān, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the four quarters (of the world), favorite of the great gods]; |
22 | [mi-gir DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ RE.É.UM ke-e-nu ša da-šur dAMAR.UTU LUGAL-ut la šá]-na-an [ú-šat-li-mu-šu-ma zi-kir MU-šu ú-še-(eṣ)-ṣu-ú a-na re-še-e-te]3 | (2b) [just shepherd, (one) to whom the gods Aššur (and) Marduk granted a reign without eq]ual [and whose reputation (these gods) exalt/exalted to the heights]; |
33 | [šá-kin šu-ba-re-e ZIMBIR.KI NIBRU.KI KÁ.DINGIR.RA.KI ḫa-a-tin en-šu-te-šú-nu mu-šal-li-mu ḫi-bil-ti-šu-un ka-ṣir ki-din-nu-tu bal-til.KI ba-ṭi-il-tu mu-šá-áš-ši-ik tup-šik-ki BÀD.AN.KI] | (3) [who (re)-established the šubarrû-privileges of (the cities) Sippar, Nippur, (and) Babylon, protects the weak among them (lit.: “their weak ones”), (and) made restitution for the wrongful damage suffered by them; who (re)-established the privileged status of (the city) Baltil (Aššur) that had lapsed, who abolished corvée duty for the city Dēr (and) gave relief to their people; (most) capable of all rulers, who extended his prote]ction [over the city Ḫarrān and recorded its exemption (from obligations) as if (its people were) people of the gods Anu and Dagān]; |
44 | [mu-šap-ši-ḫu UN.MEŠ-šu-un le-ʾi DÙ mal-ki ša UGU URU.ḫar-ra-na AN].DÙL†-la-[šu it-ru-ṣu-ma ki-i ṣa-ab] | |
55 | [da-nim u dda-gan iš-ṭu-ru za-kut-su zi-ka-ru dan-nu ḫa-lip na-mur-ra-ti ša] a-na ⸢šum⸣-qut na-ki-⸢ri⸣ [šu-ut-bu-ú GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-šu]4 | (5b) [the strong man who is clad in awesome splendor (and) whose weapons are raised] to strike down (his) enemies; [the king who since the (first) day of his reign has had no ruler who could equal him and has me]t [no one] who could overpo[wer (him) in war or battle; (who) smashed all] (enemy) lands [as if (they were) pots and put halters on (all) rebels in the four (quarters of the world); (who) opened up] in[numerable distant mountainous areas who]se [pa]ss(es) are difficult [and visited their remotest region(s)]; (who) traversed [inaccessible, difficult paths in terrifying location(s)] and crossed eve[ry swamp]; |
66 | [LUGAL ša ul-tu u₄-um be-lu-ti-šu mal-ku gaba-ra-a-šu la ib-šu-ma i-na qab-li ù ta-ḫa-zi la e-mu]-ru mu-né†-⸢eḫ⸣-[ḫu] KUR.MEŠ [DÙ-ši-na ki-ma ḫaṣ-bat-ti ú-daq-qi-qu-ma]5 | |
77 | [ḫa-am-ma-mi ša ar-ba-ʾi id-du-ú ṣer-re-e-tu ḫur-šá-a-ni bé-ru-ú-ti ša né]-reb-šú-nu áš-ṭu ⸢la⸣-[a mi-na ip-tu-ma e-mu-ru du-ru-ug-šu-un] | |
88 | [ṭu-da-at la aʾ-a-ri pa-áš-qa-a-ti ša a-šar-ši-na šug-lud-du] ⸢e⸣-ta-at-ti-qu-ma ⸢e†-te⸣-eb-bi-ru na-⸢gab⸣ [be-ra-a-ti iš-tu? KUR.ra-a-ši? mi-ṣir?]6 | (8b) [(who) ruled from the land Rāši on the border of the land Elam, the Puqudu (and) Damūnu (tribes), the cities Dūr-Kurigalzu (and) Rapi]qu, all of Chaldea, as far as the other side [of the sea ...; (who)se great hand] con[quered from] the land Ḫašmar to the city Ṣibar — which borders on the [distant] Medes [in the east — the lands Namri, Ellipi, Bīt-Ḫamban, Parsua(š), Mannea, Urarṭu, Kask]u, (and) Tabal, as far as the land Musku; [(who) set eunuchs of his as governors over them and] imposed upon them [(the same) tribute (and) payment(s) as if (they were) Ass]yrians — |
99 | [KUR.e-lam-ti? LÚ.pu-qu-du? LÚ.da-mu-nu? URU.BÀD-ku-ri-gal-zi? URU.ra-pi]-qu si-ḫi-ir-ti KUR†.kal†-di a-di né-ber†-ti x [...]7 | |
1010 | [... iš-tu] KUR.ḫa†-ᚆ-⸢mar⸣ a-di URU.ṣi†-bar pat-ti KUR†.ma-da-a-[a ru-qu-ti ša ṣi-it dUTU-ši KUR.nam-ri]8 | |
1111 | [KUR.el-li-pí KUR.É-ḫa-am-ban KUR.par-su-a KUR.ur-ar-ṭu KUR.kas]-⸢ku†⸣ KUR†.ta†-bal a-diš-ki ik-[šu-du GAL-tum qa-a-su LÚ.šu-ut SAG.MEŠ-šú]9 | |
1212 | [šak-nu-ti UGU-šú-nu iš-tak-ka-nu-ma bil-tu ma-da-at-tu ki-i ša áš]-⸢šu⸣-ri e-mid-su-<nu>-ti i-na ⸢SAG⸣ [LUGAL-ti-ia šá? ina? GIŠ.GU.ZA? LUGAL-ti? ú-ši-bu-ma?]10 11 | (12b) At the be[ginning of my reign, having ascended the royal throne and been crowned with the crown of lordship, ... (as for) the peo]ple [of the city Samar]ia [who had come to an agreement with a king hostile to me not to do obeisance (to me) or to bring tribute (to me) and (who) had offered battle, with the might of the god Aššur, my lord, who ma]kes me triumph, [I fought them and brought about their defeat ... I] carried off as booty [27,280/27,290 people who lived there. [I conscripted] 50 chariot(s) from [among them] into my royal (military) contingent [and (re)settled the remainder of them in Assyria ... I res]tored [the city Samaria] and made (it) greater than before. [I brought there] people from the lands that [I had] conquer[ed. I set a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over them and imposed upon them (the same) tribute] (and) payment(s) as if (they were) Assyrians. |
1313 | [a-ge-e? be-lu-ti? an-na-ap-ru-(ma?) ... LÚ]-⸢ri⸣-na-a-a [...] | |
1414 | [... mu]-⸢šak⸣-ši-⸢du⸣ er-nit-ti-ia ⸢it⸣-[ti-šú-nu am-da-ḫi-iṣ-ma ...]12 13 | |
1515 | [27 LIM 2 ME 80 / 90 UN.MEŠ a-šib ŠÀ-šú] ⸢áš⸣-lu-la 50 GIŠ.GIGIR ki-ṣir šar-ru-ti-ia ⸢i-na⸣ [lìb-bi-šú-nu ak-ṣur-ma ...]14 | |
1616 | [x x x (x x) ú]-⸢ter⸣-ma UGU šá pa-na ú-še-me UN.MEŠ KUR.KUR.MEŠ ki-⸢šit⸣-[ti ŠU.II-ia i-na lìb-bi ú-še-rib LÚ.šu-ut SAG-ia]15 | |
1717 | [LÚ.EN.NAM UGU-šú-nu áš-kun-ma bil-tu] ma-da-at-tu ki-i ša áš-šu-ri e-mid-su-nu-ti ⸢ka⸣-[a-riṣur kan-gu ap-te-e-ma]16 | (17b) [I opened up a sealed-off] ha[rbor district of Egypt], mingled together [the people of Assyria and Egypt], and allowed (them) to engage in trade. |
1818 | [UN.MEŠ KUR aš-šur ùṣur it]-ti a-ḫa-miš ab-lu-ul-ma ú-še-pi-šá ma-ḫi-ru ⸢i⸣-[na maḫ-re-e BALA-ia ...]17 | (18b) I[n my first regnal year, (...) Ḫumbanigaš (Ḫumban-nikaš I), the Elamite, ...] committed [a crime] and became hostile to me, (wanting) to (do) battle ... [... I] brought about his [def]eat [on the outskirts of Dēr]. |
1919 | [... ḫi-iṭ]-⸢ṭu?⸣ iḫ-ṭi-ma ig-ra-an-ni a-na qab-li a-na x [...] | |
2020 | [...] ⸢áš⸣-ku-na [BAD₅].⸢BAD₅⸣-šú ⸢LÚ⸣.[KUR?].⸢tu⸣-uʾ-mu-na-a-a ni-⸢ir⸣ daš-šur [iṣ-lu-ú-ma LÚ.na-sik-šú-nu i-pi-du-ma]18 | (20b) The Tuʾmūna (tribe) [threw off] the yoke of the god Aššur, [arrested their sheikh, and brought (him) before the king of Chalde]a who [exercised] the kingship over Babylon against the will of the gods, [...] I deported [...]+7 people together with their property and [...] I (re)settled (them) [(...) in the land Ḫ]atti (Syria). |
2121 | [ur-ru-ú ma-ḫar LUGAL KUR.kal]-⸢di⸣ ša ki-i la lìb-bi DINGIR.MEŠ šar-ru-ut KÁ.DINGIR.RA.KI [e-pu-šu ...] | |
2222 | [...]+7 UN.MEŠ a-di mar-ši-ti-šú-nu as-su-ḫa-am-⸢ma†⸣ [...] | |
2323 | [... i-na KUR].ḫa-at-ti ú-še-šib i-na 2-i BALA-ia mi-lu-⸢bi⸣-[iʾ-di KUR.a-ma-ta-a-a ...]19 | (23b) In my second regnal year, Ilu-b[iʾdī of the land Hamath ...] assembled [the troops of the] wide [land Amurru] in the city Qarqar and [transgressed against] the oath [(sworn) by the great gods ...] he inc[ited the cities Arpad, Ṣimirra], Damascus, (and) Samaria [to rebel against me and ...] |
2424 | [...] DAGAL-tim i-na URU.qar-qa-ri ú-⸢pa⸣-ḫi-ir-ma ma-mit [DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ ...]20 | |
2525 | [... URU.ṣi-mir-ra URU].di-maš-⸢qa⸣ [URU†].⸢sa⸣-me-ri-[na it-ti-ia] ⸢uš⸣-[bal-kit-ma ...]21 | |
2626 | [...] | |
Lines 27–52 are not preserved | ||
5353 | [x iš/áš?]-⸢kun-ma⸣ mSIPA-ʾe ⸢LÚ.tur?-tan?-nu?⸣-šu a-na ⸢ki⸣-[it†]-ri-šu id-⸢din?-šú?⸣-ma a-na e-peš qab-li22 23 | (53) [he/I est]ablished [...], he gave him Rēʾe, his field marshal, to he[l]p him, and he rose up against me to do war [and] battle. At the command of the god Aššur, my lord, I inflicted a defeat on them. [R]ēʾe then fled off by himself, like a shepherd whose flock had been stolen, and got away. I captured [Ḫ]anūnu (Ḫanno) and brought him in bondage to my city Aššur; I then destroyed, demolished, (and) burned down with fire [the city Rap]ḫia. I carried off as booty 9,033 people together with their numerous possessions. |
5454 | [ù] ⸢ta⸣-ḫa-zi a-na GABA-ia it-ba-a i-na zi-kir d⸢aš⸣-šur EN-ia BAD₅.BAD₅-šú-nu am-ḫaṣ-ma24 | |
5555 | [m]⸢SIPA⸣-ʾe ki-i LÚ.SIPA* ša ṣe-na-šu ḫab-ta e-da-nu-uš-šu ip-par-šid-ma e-li25 | |
5656 | [mḫa]-⸢a⸣-nu-nu i-na qa-ti aṣ-bat-ma ka-mu-us-su a-na URU-ia aš-šur.KI ú-ra-áš-šum-ma26 | |
5757 | [URU.ra]-⸢pi⸣-ḫu ap-pul aq-qur i-na IZI áš-ru-up 9 LIM 33 UN.MEŠ a-di NÍG.GA-šú-nu ma-aʾ-di áš-lu-la | |
5858 | [i-na] ⸢3⸣ BALA-ia URU.šu-an-da-ḫu-ul URU.du-ur-duk-ka URU.MEŠ dan-nu-ti it-ti mir-an-zi27 | (58) [In] my third regnal year, (the people of) the cities Šuandaḫul (and) Durdukka, fortified cities, plotted resistance against Iranzi, the [Man]nean, the king, their lord, one who pulls my yoke, and put their trust [i]n Mitatti of the land Zikirtu. Mitatti of the land Zikirtu gave them his combat troops, together with their cavalry and (thus) aid was provided to them. I mustered the numerous troops of the god Aššur and marched (forth) to conquer those [cit]ies. [I shatter]ed their very strong walls with a mighty battering ram, leveling (them) to the ground. I carried off as booty [the peo]ple, together with their property. [I de]stroyed, [demolished, (and) burned down th]os[e cities] with fire. |
5959 | []-na-a-a LUGAL be-lí-šú-nu šá-di-id ni-ri-ia šit-nun-tu id-bu-bu-ú-ma28 | |
6060 | [a]-⸢na⸣ mmi-ta-at-ti KUR.zi-kir-ta-a-a it-tak-lu mmi-ta-at-ti KUR.zi-kir-ta-a-a | |
6161 | LÚ.ERIM.MEŠ ti-du-ki-šú a-di ANŠE.pét-ḫal-lì-šú-nu id-din-šú-nu-ti-ma iš-šá-ki-in | |
6262 | [re]-ṣu-us-su-un um-ma-na-at ⸢d⸣aš-šur gap-šá-a-te ad-ke-e-ma a-na ka-šad | |
6363 | [URU].⸢MEŠ⸣-ni šu-a-tu-nu a-lik i-na [GIŠ†].a-ši-bi dan-ni BÀD.MEŠ-šú-nu dun-nu-nu-ti | |
6464 | [ú-par-ri]-⸢ir⸣-ma qaq-qa-⸢riš am-nu UN⸣.MEŠ a-di mar-ši-ti-šú-nu áš-lu-⸢la⸣ | |
6565 | [URU.MEŠ-ni šu]-a-⸢tu⸣-[nu] ⸢ap-pul⸣ [aq-qur] ⸢i-na⸣ IZI [áš-ru-up]29 | |
6666 | [LÚ.URU].⸢su†⸣-[uk-ka-a-a LÚ].URU.[ba-la-a]-⸢a† LÚ†.URU⸣.[a-bi-ti-ik-na-a-a mi-lik] ⸢ḪUL-tim†⸣ ša na-saḫ šur-[še ma-ti im-tal-li-ku-ma a-na mur-sa-a]30 | (66) [The peo]ple of the cities S[ukkia, Bāla, (and) Abitikna conceived (lit.: “deliberated”) an e]vil [plan] that was to eradica[te] (lit.: “to tear out the ro[ot of]”) (their own) land and g]ave their word [to Ursâ (Rusâ), the Ura]rṭian, (to do obeisance to him). Because of the crime that they had committed, I deported them from their (own) places and (re)settled them [i]n [the land] Ḫatti (Syria) and (lit.: “of”) [the land Amurru]. |
6767 | [KUR.ur]-⸢ar⸣-ṭa-a-a id-di-nu KA-šú-un† i-na ḫi-iṭ-ṭi iḫ-ṭu†-ú ul-tu áš-ri-šú-nu as-suḫ-šú†-nu-ti-ma ⸢i⸣-[na KUR].ḫa-at-ti ša [KUR a-mur-re-e]31 | |
6868 | ⸢ú⸣-še-šib-šú-nu-ti i-na 4 BALA-ia mki-ak-ki URU.ši-nu-uḫ-ta-a-a a-de-e DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ i-miš-ma a-na la na-še-⸢e⸣ GUN† ir-šá†-⸢a⸣32 | (68b) In my fourth regnal year, Kiakki of the city Šinuḫtu disregarded the treaty (sworn) by the great gods and became [di]latory about delivering (his) tribute. I raised my hand(s) (in supplication) to the gods, my lords, overwhelmed his royal city Šinuḫtu like a fog, and counted him as booty, together with [his] fight[ing men], 7,350 people, his wife, his sons, his daughters, and the people of his palace, together with abundant property of his. I gave his royal city Šinuḫtu to Kurtî of the land Atuna. Then, I made larger than before (the number/amount of) horses, mules, gold, (and) silver (that he had to pay as tribute) and I imposed (this) upon him. |
6969 | [ni]-id a-ḫi a-na DINGIR.MEŠ EN.MEŠ-ia qa-a-ti áš-ši-ma URU.ši-nu-uḫ-tu URU LUGAL-ti-šú im-ba†-riš as-ḫup†-ma šá-a-šú a-di LÚ.mun†-⸢daḫ⸣-[ṣe-e-šú] | |
7070 | 7 LIM 1+[1]+1 ME 50 UN.MEŠ DAM-su DUMU.MEŠ-šú DUMU.MUNUS.MEŠ-šú ù UN.MEŠ É.GAL-šú a-di NÍG.ŠU-šú ma-aʾ-di a-na šal-la-ti am-nu-šú URU.ši-nu-uḫ-tu33 | |
7171 | URU LUGAL-ti-šú a-na mkur-ti-i KUR.a-tu-un-a-a ad-din-ma ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ ANŠ KÙ.GI KÙ.BABBAR UGU ša pa-na ut-tir-ma UGU-šú áš-kun34 | |
7272 | i-na 5 BALA-ia mpi-si-i-ri URU.gar-ga†-miš-a†-a i-na a-de-e DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ iḫ-ṭi-i-ma a-na mmi-ta-a ⸢LUGAL⸣ | (72) In my fifth regnal year, Pisīri(s) the city Carchemish sinned against the treaty (sworn) by the great gods and repeatedly sent (messages) hostile to Assyria to Mitâ (Midas), [k]ing of the land Musku. I raised my hand(s) (in supplication) to the god Aššur, my lord, and brought him, together with his family, out in bondage. I then carried off as booty gold (and) silver, (along) with the property of his palace and the guilty people of the city Carchemish who (had sided) with him, (along) with their possessions. (75) I brought (them) to Assyria. I conscripted 50 chariots, 200 cavalry, (and) 3,000 foot soldiers from among them and added (them) to my royal (military) contingent. I settled people of Assyria in the city Carchemish and imposed the yoke of the god Aššur, my lord, upon them. |
7373 | ze-ra-a-ti KUR aš-šur.KI iš-tap-par a-na daš-šur be-lí-ia ⸢qa⸣-a-ti áš-ši-⸢ma⸣ šá-a-šú ga-a-du ⸢qin⸣-ni-šú ka-⸢mu-su†⸣-nu ú-še-ṣa-šú-nu-ti-ma35 | |
7474 | KÙ.GI KÙ.BABBAR it-ti NÍG.ŠU É.GAL-šú ù URU.gar-ga-miš-a-a EN ḫi-iṭ-ṭi ša it-ti-šu it-ti NÍG.GA-šú-nu áš-lu-lam i-na qé-reb KUR aš-šur.KI | |
7575 | ú-ra-a 50 GIŠ.GIGIR 2 ME ANŠE.pét-ḫal-lum 3 LIM LÚ.zu-uk† GÌR.II i-na lìb-bi-šú-nu ak-ṣur-ma i-na [UGU] ki-ṣir šar-ru-ti-ia ú-rad-di | |
7676 | UN.MEŠ KUR aš-šur.KI i-na qé-reb URU.gar-ga-miš ú-še-šib-ma ni-ir daš-šur EN-ia† e-mid-su-nu-ti LÚ LÚ.URU.lal-lu-uk-na-a-a36 | (76b) The people of the cities Pāpa (and) Lalluknu, dogs who had been brought up in my palace, conspired with the land Kakmê for the purpose of [sep]arating (from Assyria). I deported them from their (own) places and [(re)settled them i]n the city [D]a[m]ascus o[f the lan]d A[murru]. |
7777 | ⸢UR.GI₇.MEŠ⸣ tar-bit É.GAL-ia a-na KUR.ka-ak-me-e id-bu-bu [na]-pa-di-iš ul-tu áš-ri-šú-nu as-su-ḫa-áš-šú-nu-ti-ma37 | |
7878 | [a-na qé]-⸢reb URU.di-maš-qi ša KUR MAR.TU?.KI⸣ [ú-še-šib-šu-nu-ti i-na 6 BALA-ia mur]-⸢sa†⸣-[a KUR.ur]-⸢ar⸣-ṭa-a†-a38 | (78b) [In my sixth regnal year, Ur]sâ (Rusâ), [the Ura]rṭian, [sent his mounted messenger with a mendacious message to Bag-dāti of the land Uišdiš (and) KAR... of the land Z]ikirtu, governor]s [of the land Mann]e[a]. He made them hostile t[o (me)], Sargon, (and) to Azâ, the son of their (former) lord and [made them] s[ide] with [him (Rusâ)]. They brought about the rout of the Manneans [on Mount] Uau[š], a rug[ge]d mountain, and threw down the cor[pse of] Azâ, their lord, (there). I raised my hand(s) (in supplication) to the god Ašš[ur, my lord, in order to ave]nge the Manneans (and) to make (that area part of) the territory of Assyria. Then, on Mount Uauš, the mountain wh[ere] they had thrown down [the corpse of] Azâ, I flayed the skin from Bag-dāti and (then) showed (it) to the Manneans. |
7979 | [a-na mba-ag-da-at-ti KUR.ú-iš-di-iš-a-a mKAR-x x x x SAR KUR].⸢zi?⸣-kir?-⸢ta⸣-[a-a LÚ.GAR.KUR].⸢MEŠ⸣ []-a-[a LÚ.rak-bu-šú ša da-ba-ab-ti sar₆-ra-ti iš-pur]39 40 | |
8080 | ⸢it⸣-[ti-(ia) m]LUGAL-GI.NA it-ti ma-za-a DUMU EN†-šú-nu ú-šá-an-ki-ir-šú-nu-ti-ma a-na i-[di-šu ú-ter-šu-nu-ti i-na KUR].ú-a-ú-[uš]41 | |
8181 | KUR-i ⸢mar†-ṣi suḫ⸣-ḫur†-ti iš-ku-nu-ma ⸢ADDA⸣ ma-za-a EN-šú-nu id-du-ú a-na da-⸢šur⸣ [EN-ia a-na tur]-⸢ri⸣ gi-mil†-li | |
8282 |⸢na⸣-a-a a-na mi-ṣir KUR aš-šur.KI tur-ri qa-a-ti áš-ši-ma i-na KUR.ú-a-ú-uš KUR-i a-⸢šar⸣ [ADDA m]a-za†-a id-du-ú | |
8383 | ma-šak† mba-ag-da†-at-ti a-ku-uṣ-ma ú-šab-⸢ri⸣ mul-lu†-su†-nu ŠEŠ-šú ša i-na GIŠ.GU.ZA LUGAL†-ti ú-ši†-bu42 | (83b) (As for) Ullusunu, his brother, who had sat on the royal throne, the wrath of the god [Aššur] (was directed) against him. He (Ullusunu) then put his trust in Rusâ, the Urarṭian. He caused Aššur-lēʾi of the land Karalla (and) Ittî (85) of the land Allabria to rebel against me and per[suaded (lit.: “spoke to”) the]m to do obeisance to the land Urarṭu. |
8484 | šib-sa-at d[aš†-šur] UGU-šú-ma a-na mru-<<x>>-sa-a KUR.URI-a-a it-ta-kil maš-šur-ZU† KUR.kar-al-la-a-a mit-ti-i43 | |
8585 |†-a-a it-ti-ia† uš-bal†-kit-ma ARAD-tu KUR.ur-ar-ṭi e-pe†-ši iz†-[kur-šu-nu]-ti i-na šu-⸢ḫu-uṭ†⸣ lìb-bi-ia KUR.KUR šá-⸢a⸣-ti-<<ŠI>>-na | (85b) Furiously, I enveloped those lands like [a swa]rm of locusts and overwhelmed the city Izirtu, the royal city of the land <Man>nea, as with a bird trap. I inflicted a major defeat on them. I burned down the city Izirtu with fire and conquered the city Zibia (and) the city Armaet. (As a result), Ullusunu, the Mannean, together with his whole land gathered together and [gras]ped hold of m[y] feet. I then h[ad] pity [on the]m (and) pardoned (lit.: “overturned”) [U]llusunu’s crimes. [I had him sit (again)] on [his] royal throne [and rece]ived [tribute] from him. I deported Ittî of the land [Allabria (90) together with] his family, [flayed the skin from] Aššur-lēʾi [of the land Karalla, and ...] ... [...] the city GanuGIŠ[...] ... [...] I c[onquered (in total) six cities of] the district [Niksamm]a. I s[eized Šēp-šarri], the ci[ty ruler] of the city Šurgadia, (and) [add]ed those [citie]s to the province of P[arsua]š. I personally cap[tur]ed Bēl-šarru-uṣur of the city Kiše[sim] and brought him, together with the property of his palace, to Assyria. I set a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over his city. I installed the gods who go before me inside it (the city Kišesim) and (re)named it (the city Kišesim) Kār-Ner<gal>. I erected a royal image of myself there. I conquered the lands Bīt-Sagbat, Bīt-Ḫirmami, (and) Bīt-Umargi, (and) the cities Ḫarḫubarban, Kilambāti, (and) Armangu; and I added (them) to its province. |
8686 | ki-ma [ti]-⸢bu⸣-ut† a-ri-bi ak-tùm†-ma URU.i-zi-ir-tu URU šar-ru-ti-šu ša KUR.<man>-na-a-a ḫu-ḫa-riš as-ḫu†-up† di-ik-ta-šú-nu ma-⸢ʾa⸣-at-tu44 | |
8787 | a-duk† URU.i-zi-ir-tu i-na IZI ᚆ-ru-up-ma URU.zi-bi-a†-ma-et ak-šu-⸢ud⸣ mul-lu-su-nu | |
8888 | a-di kul-lat KUR-šú ki-i iš-tén ip-ḫu-ru-nim-ma GÌR.II-⸢ia⸣ [iṣ]-⸢ba⸣-tu-ma ar-[ši-šú-nu]-⸢ti⸣ re-⸢e⸣-mu ša m⸢ul⸣-lu-⸢su†⸣-nu | |
8989 | ḫi-ṭa†-ti-šu a-bu-uk i-na GIŠ.GU.ZA šar-ru-⸢ti⸣-[šú ú-še-šib-šú-ma ma-da-ta am]-ḫur-šu mit-ti-i KUR.[al-lab-ra-a-a]45 | |
9090 | [a-di] qin-ni-šu as-su-ḫa-⸢ma⸣ [ša m]aš-šur-ZU [KUR.kar-al-la-a-a ma-šak-šú a-ku-uṣ-ma ...]46 | |
9191 | [x x]-ma Ú ÁŠ [...] | |
9292 |Š [x] KUR x [... 6 URU.MEŠ šá]-⸢ma? na-gi⸣-i ⸢ak⸣-[šu-ud mGÌR.II-LUGAL] ⸢LÚ⸣.[EN].⸢URU⸣47 48 | |
9393 | ša URU.šur-ga-di-a i-na qa†-ti† ⸢aṣ⸣-[bat URU.MEŠ]-ni šu-a-tu-nu UGU pi-ḫa-at KUR.⸢par?⸣-[su]-⸢áš? ú⸣-[rad]-⸢di⸣ mdEN-LUGAL-ú-ṣur URU.⸢ki⸣-še-[si-im†]-⸢a⸣-a qa-ti ⸢ik-šu-ud⸣-ma | |
9494 | šá-a-šú a-di NÍG.ŠU É.GAL-šú a-na KUR aš-šur.KI† ú-ra-a-šú LÚ.šu-ut SAG-ia LÚ.EN.NAM UGU URU-šú áš-kun DINGIR.MEŠ a-li-kut maḫ-ri-ia i-na qer-bi-šu49 | |
9595 | ú-še-⸢šib⸣-ma† URU.kar-dMAŠ.<MAŠ> MU-šú ab-bi ṣa-lam LUGAL-ti-ia i-na lìb-bi ul-ziz KUR.É-sa-ag-bat ⸢KUR⸣.É-ḫi-ir-ma-mi KUR.É-ú-mar-gi URU.ḫa-⸢ar⸣-ḫu-bar-⸢ban⸣50 | |
9696 | ak-šu-ud-ma UGU pi-ḫa-ti-šú ú-rad-di URU.ḫa-ar-ḫa-ra-a-a mki-ba-ba LÚ.EN.URU-šú-nu ir-du-du-ma | (96b) The people of the city Ḫarḫar drove out Kibaba, their city ruler, and sent to Daltâ of the land Ellipi to do obeisance (to him). I conquered that city and plundered it. I brought there people from the lands that I had conquered (and) set a eunuch of mi[ne] as provincial governor over them. I conquered the upper river(land) of the land Aranzêšu, the lower river(land) of Bīt-Ramatua, the land Uriqatu, the land Sikris, the land Šaparda, (and) the land Uriakku, (a total of) six districts, and added (them) to them (the people of the city Ḫarḫar). I estab[lished] the weapon of the god Aššur, my lord, to be their divinity. I (re)named it (the city Ḫarḫar) Kār-Šarrukīn. I received tribute from twenty-eight city lords of the powerful Medes and erected a royal image of myself in the city Kār-Šarrukīn. |
9797 | a-na mda-al-ta-a KUR.el-li-ba-a-a iš-pu-ru e-peš ARAD-ti URU šu-a-tu ak-šu-ud-ma ⸢šal⸣-lat-su áš-lu-la UN.MEŠ KUR.KUR ki-šit-ti qa-ti-ia51 | |
9898 | i-na lìb-bi ú-še-rib LÚ.šu-ut SAG-⸢ia⸣ LÚ.EN.NAM UGU-šú-nu áš-kun ÍD-tu e-li-⸢tum⸣ ša KUR.a-ra-an-ze-šú ÍD-tu šap-li-tu ša É-mra-ma-tu-a52 | |
9999 | KUR.ú-ri-qa-tu KUR.šá-pa-ar-da KUR.ú-ri-ak-ku 6 na-gi-i ak-šu-ud-ma UGU-⸢šú⸣-nu ú-rad-di GIŠ.TUKUL daš-šur EN-ia a-na DINGIR-ti-šú-un áš-⸢kun⸣53 | |
100100 | URU.kar-mLUGAL-GI.NA MU-šú ab-bi ša 28 LÚ.EN.URU.MEŠ-ni ša dan-nu-ti ma-da-ta-šú-⸢nu⸣ am-ḫur-ma ṣa-lam LUGAL-ti-ia i-na URU.kar-mLUGAL-⸢GIN⸣ ul-⸢ziz⸣54 | |
101101 | i-na 7† BALA-ia mru-sa-a KUR.ur-ar-ṭa-a-a it-ti mul-lu-su-nu sar₆-ra-a-ti id-⸢bu⸣-ub-ma 22šú e-kim-šú55 | (101) In my seventh regnal year, Rusâ, the Urarṭian, spoke deceitfully with Ullusunu, the Mannean, and took away from him twenty-two of his fortresses. He spoke treacherous words, libels against Ullusunu, to Dayukku, a governor of the land Mannea, and received his son as a hostage. I raised my hand(s) (in supplication) to the god Aššur, the king [of the gods], and (then) surrounded (and) conquered those twenty-two fortresses. [I ma]de (them part of) the territory of [Ass]yria. I depor[ted] Dayukku, together with his family, [and] brought order to the disturbed land Mannea. |
102102 | a-mat taš-ger-ti ṭa-píl-ti mul-lu-su-nu a-na mda-a-a-uk-ki LÚ.GAR.KUR id-bu-ub-ma DUMU-šu ⸢a⸣-na li-i-ṭi im-ḫur-šú a-na daš-šur MAN [DINGIR.MEŠ]56 | |
103103 | qa-a-ti áš-ši-ma 22 šá-a-ti-na al-me KUR-ud a-na mi-ṣir ⸢KUR⸣ [aš†]-⸢šur⸣ [ú†]-⸢ter-ra⸣ m⸢da⸣-a-a-uk-ka a-di ⸢kim⸣-ti-šú as-su-[ḫa-am-ma]57 | |
104104 | dal-ḫu ú-taq-qi-in ma-da-at-tu ša mia-⸢an?-zu?⸣-ú ⸢LUGAL⸣ [ʾi]-⸢ri⸣ [i-na URU].⸢ḫu⸣-bu-⸢uš⸣-ki-a URU-šu [am-ḫur] 9 URU.⸢bi⸣-[ra-a-ti]58 | (104b) [I received] tribute from Ia[nz]û, k[ing of the land Naʾi]ri, [in] his city [Ḫ]ubuškia. (105) [I conquered] nine fo[rtresses ...] I [carried off as booty the people of five di]stricts [of U]rsâ (Rusâ), [the] U[rarṭian, together with their property ...] ... their oxen, (and) their sheep and goats. I conquered [eight for]tresses, together with the settlements [in] the[ir enviro]ns, [that] belonged to the land Tuāy[adi, a district belonging to T]elusina of the land Andia. I carried off as booty [4],2[00] peo[ple], together with their property. [I des]troyed, demolished, (and) [burned down with fire] tho[se] for[tress]es. I made [a] royal [im]age of myself and wrote upon it the victor(ies) of the god Aššur, [m]y lo[rd. I (then) erected (it)] in the city Izirtu, the royal city [o]f the land Mannea. |
105105 | [... ša 5] ⸢na⸣-gi-⸢i⸣ [šá mur]-⸢sa⸣-a KUR.⸢ur⸣-[ar-ṭa-a-a a-di? mar-ši-ti-šú-nu? ...] AN [x x]59 | |
106106 | [x x] x [...] x-ba-ni GU₄.MEŠ-šú-nu ⸢ṣe⸣-ni-šú-nu ⸢áš⸣-[lu-la 8 URU†.bi†]-⸢ra-a?-ti a-di⸣ URU.MEŠ-ni [ša li-me†]-ti-⸢šú⸣-[nu]60 | |
107107 | [ša] ⸢KUR⸣.tu-a-⸢ia⸣-[di na-ge-e šá m†]⸢te⸣-lu-si-na ak-šu-ud [4] ⸢LIM⸣ 2 [ME] ⸢UN.MEŠ a⸣-di mar-ši-⸢ti⸣-šú-nu áš-lu-la URU.⸢bi⸣-[ra-a]-te šá-a-ti-[na]61 | |
108108 | [ap]-pul aq-qur [i-na IZI áš-ru-up ṣa]-lam LUGAL-ti-ia DÙ-uš-ma li-⸢i⸣-ti da-šur ⸢EN-ia⸣ UGU-šú áš-ṭur i-na ⸢URU⸣.i-zi-ir-ti URU šar-ru-[ti] | |
109109 | ⸢ša⸣⸢a⸣-[a ul-ziz UN].⸢MEŠ⸣ ÍD-ti e-li-ti ù šap-li-ti ša i-na ger-⸢ri⸣-ia maḫ-⸢ri⸣-ti it-ti ⸢UN⸣.MEŠ URU.ḫar-ḫar am-nu-u KUR.É-⸢sa⸣-an-⸢gi-bu⸣-[ti] | (109b) [The people] of the upper and lower river(lands), whom in my previous campaign I had considered as people of the city Ḫarḫar, made the lands Bīt-Sangib[uti], Ur[iqatu, Si]kris, Šaparda, (and) Upparia side with them and (then) revolted against m[e]. I struck down [that] dis[trict wi]th the sword and plundered them. [I] conquered the cities, Kinzarbara, Ḫalbuknu, Š[u..., ...], (and) Anzaria of the upper (and) lower river(lands) [and] received in my (military) camp [4,000] fa[ce-(guards)] of their warriors (as trophies) (and) 4,820 [peo]ple, [together with] their [property]. I [re]built the cities Kišešlu, Qindāu, Anzaria, (and) Bīt-Gabāya that I had conquered. I (then) (re)[na]med them Kār-Nabû, Kār-Sîn, Kār-Adad, (and) Kār-Išt[ar]. |
110110 | [KUR].ú-⸢ri⸣-[qa-tu]-⸢ik⸣-ri-is KUR.šá-pa-ar-da KUR.up-pa-ri-a a-na i-di-šú-nu ú-ter-ru-⸢ma⸣ ib-⸢bal⸣-ki-tu it-ti-⸢ia⸣62 | |
111111 | [(x)] na-⸢gu⸣-[ú šu-a-tu i]-⸢na⸣ GIŠ.TUKUL ú-šam-qit-ma šal-la-su-nu áš-lu-la URU.ka-x-⸢na⸣⸢ar⸣-ba-⸢ra⸣ URU.ḫa-al-bu-⸢uk⸣-nu63 | |
112112 | [(x)] ⸢URU.šu⸣-[x x x x x (x)] KU ša ÍD-ti e-li-ti šap-⸢li-ti ak⸣-šu-ud-[ma† 4† LIM] zi-⸢im⸣ [pa†]-⸢ni⸣ LÚ.qu-ra-di-šú-nu 4 LIM 8 ME 2064 | |
113113 | ⸢UN⸣.[MEŠ a-di mar-ši-ti]-šú-nu ⸢i-na⸣ uš-man-ni-ia am-ḫuršeš-lu URU.qí-in-da-a-ú⸢za-ri⸣-a URU.É-ga-ba-ia ša ak-šu-⸢du⸣65 | |
114114 | [a-na eš-šu]-⸢ti⸣ DÙ-⸢uš URU⸣.kar-d⸢AG⸣ URU.kar-dEN.ZU URU.kar-d⸢IŠKUR⸣ URU.kar-⸢d⸣iš-⸢tar⸣ [MU†]-šú-nu ab-bi a-na šuk-nu-uš KUR.⸢ma⸣-da-a-⸢a⸣66 | (114b) In order to subjugate Media [in the environs of the city Kār-Šarruk]īn, I reinforced their (the people of the riverlands) [de]fenses (lit.: “[st]uctures”). [I received tribute from twenty-two [city] rulers of the powerful Med[e]s. [...] I conquered [(...) the ci]ty Kimirra of the land Bīt-Ḫamban. I carried off as booty 1,530/1,630 people, together with their property, an[d ...] |
115115 | [li-me-et URU.kar-mLUGAL]-⸢GI⸣.NA ⸢ú-dan⸣-ni-⸢na ri⸣-ki-si-in ša 22 LÚ.EN.⸢URU⸣.MEŠ-ni ⸢ša⸣⸢da⸣-[a†]-a dan-nu-ti ma-da-⸢at⸣-ta-šú-nu67 | |
116116 | [am-ḫur x x x x x (x)] ⸢ME⸣ (x) [x x x x] ⸢URU⸣.ki-mir-ra ša KUR.É-ḫa-am-⸢ban ak⸣-šu-ud 1 LIM ⸢5+(1) ME 30 UN.MEŠ⸣ a-di mar-ši-ti-⸢šú⸣-nu áš-lu-lam†-⸢ma⸣68 | |
117117 | [...] ⸢a-na⸣ [ka-šad? LÚ.ia-am-na-a-a? ša šu-bat-sún]69 | (117b) In ord[er to conquer the Ionians, whose abode] is situated [in the] m[iddle of the s]ea (and) who from the dis[tant] pa[st] had killed pe[ople of the city Ty]re (and) [of the land] Que (Cilicia) and [...-ed] ..., I went down to the sea [in ship]s ... against them and struck (them) down with the sword, (both) young (and) old. (120) I conquer[ed] the cities Ḫa[r]rua, Ušnanis, (and) Qumas[i] of the land Que that Mitâ, king of the land Musku, had t[ak]en away, (and) I plundered them. |
118118 | [ina] ⸢MURUB₄? tam⸣-tim na-da-at ša ul-tu ⸢UD⸣.[MEŠ] ru-⸢ú⸣-[qu†-te†] ⸢UN†⸣.[MEŠ URU.ṣur]-⸢ri⸣ [KUR].qu-e i-du-ku-ma ú-[x (x)] A a-lak x [x (x)]70 71 | |
119119 | [ina? GIŠ.MÁ?].MEŠ [(x)] ⸢NA?⸣ ŠI a-na tam-di ú-ri-da-⸢áš⸣-šú-nu-ti-ma ⸢ṣe⸣-ḫer ⸢ra⸣-bi ⸢i-na⸣ GIŠ.TUKUL ú-šam-qit URU.ḫa-⸢ar†⸣-ru-a ⸢URU†⸣.uš-na-ni-is?72 | |
120120 | ⸢URU.qu-um⸣-a-⸢si?⸣ ša KUR.qu-e šá mmi-ta-a LUGAL⸢us⸣-ki e-⸢ki-mu⸣ ak-šu-⸢ud⸣ [šal†]-la-su-nu áš-lu-la LÚ.ta-mu†-di ⸢LÚ⸣.[i]-ba†-a-di-di | (120b) (As for) the Tamudu, [I]bādidi, Marsīma[ni], (and) Ḫayappa (tribes), faraway Arabs who live in the desert, did not know (either) overseer (or) commander, and had never brought their tribute to any king, I struck them down with the sword of the god Aššur, my lord, deported the remainder of them, and (re)settled (them) in the city Samaria. |
121121 | ⸢LÚ⸣.mar-si-ma-[ni] LÚ.ḫa-ia-pa-a ru-ú-qu-ti a-ši-bu-ut mad-ba-ri ša LÚ.ak-⸢lu⸣ LÚ.šá-pi-ru la i-du-ma73 | |
122122 | ša a-na LUGAL ia-im-ma bi-lat-su-un la iš-⸢šu⸣-ma i-na GIŠ.⸢TUKUL⸣ daš-šur be-⸢lí⸣-ia ú-šam-qit-su-nu-ti-ma si-it-ta-te-šú-nu as-su-ḫa-am-ma74 | |
123123 | i-na ⸢URU⸣.sa-⸢me?⸣-ri-na ú-še-šib ša mpi-ir-⸢ʾi⸣ LUGALṣu-ri fsa-⸢am⸣-si šar-rat KUR.a-ri†-bi mit-⸢ʾa⸣-am-raʾa-a-a75 | (123b) [I] received as tribute from Pirʾû (Pharaoh), king of Egypt, Sa[m]si, queen of the Arabs, (and) Itʾamar, the Sabaean, kings from the seashore and desert, gold — ore from the mountain(s) — precious stones, elephant ivory, seed(s) from ebony tree(s), every kind of aromatic, horses, (and) camels. |
124124 | LUGAL.MEŠ-ni ša a-ḫi tam-tim ù mad-⸢ba-ri KÙ.GI⸣ SAḪAR.BI KUR.RA ni-siq-ti ⸢NA₄⸣.MEŠ ZÚ AM.⸢SI⸣ NUMUN GIŠ.ESI ⸢ŠIM⸣.ḪI.A ka-la-ma† ANŠE.KUR.RA†.MEŠ | |
125125 | ANŠE.A.AB.BA.MEŠ ⸢ma⸣-da-ta-šú-nu ⸢am-ḫur⸣ ša ⸢mmi⸣-ta-a LUGAL i-na na-⸢gi⸣-šu rap-še a-di ⸢2?⸣-šú [BAD₅].⸢BAD₅†⸣-šu aš-kun-ma URU.ḫa-ar†-ru-a76 | (125b) For a second time, I brought about [the def]eat of Mitâ, king of the land Musku, in his (own) wide district and I (then) restored to their former status the cities Ḫarrua (and) Ušnanis, fortresses of the land Que (Cilicia) that he had taken away by force in the distant past. |
126126 | URU.uš-na-ni-is URU.ḪAL.ṢU.MEŠ ⸢KUR⸣.qu-e ša ul-tu UD.MEŠ ru-qu-ú-ti i-na ⸢da⸣-na-a-ni e-ki-mu áš-ru-uš-šin ú-te-er-ra | |
127127 | i-na 8 BALA-ia a-na ⸢KUR⸣.ma-da-a-a ⸢al-lik⸣ ma-da-at-tu ša ⸢KUR⸣.man-na-a-a KUR.el-li-pa-a-a [x] KI [x x x (x)]77 | (127) In my eighth regnal year, I marched to the lands Mannea and Media. I received tribute from the people of the lands Mannea, Ellipi, (and) [Media], city lords of the mountains. (As for) Zīzî (and) Zalâ, the city lords of [the distri]ct Giz[ilbunda, from wh]om the kings who preceded me had never received tribute, I received trib[ute from them] an[d ... (130) ...] lands [...] I inflicted a defeat on [Mitatti of the land Z]ikirtu. [I (surrounded and)] conquer[ed] three fortified cities, together with twenty-four settlements in their environs, [(...)]. I plundered them (and) burned down Parda, his royal city, with fire. However, that (man) (Mitatti), together with the people of [his] land, fled and their whereabouts have never been discovered. |
128128 | LÚ.EN.URU.MEŠ-ni ⸢ša⸣ KUR.MEŠ-e am-ḫur mzi-zi-i mza-la-⸢a⸣ LÚ.EN.URU.MEŠ†-ni ša URU.<<x>>-gi-⸢zi†⸣-[il-bu-un-di na-gi]-i†78 | |
129129 | ⸢ša⸣ LUGAL.MEŠ-ni a-li-kut maḫ-ri-ia la im-ḫu-ru bi-lat-su-⸢un⸣ ma-da-⸢at⸣-[ta-šú-nu] am-ḫur†-⸢ma⸣ [x x x (x)] | |
130130 | [(x)] x (x) [x x x x (x)] x [x x x (x)] x [x x x x x x x (x)] KUR KUR x [x x x x x x x x x (x)] ša [mmi-ta-at-ti]79 | |
131131 | [KUR].⸢zi⸣-kir-ta-a-a di-ik-ta-šú a-duk 3 URU.MEŠ-ni dan-nu-ti a-di 24 URU.MEŠ-ni ša li-me-ti-šú†-nu [(x x x)]80 81 | |
132132 | ⸢ak⸣-šu-⸢ud šal†⸣-la-su-nu áš-lu-la URU LUGAL-ti-šu i-na dGIBIL₆ aq-mu ù šu-ú a-di UN.MEŠ KUR-[šú]82 | |
133133 | in-na-bi-du-ú-ma la in†-na-mir a-šar-⸢šu⸣-un di-ik†-tu ša mur-sa-a KUR.ú-ra-ar-ṭa-a-⸢a⸣ | (133b) I defeated countless (troops) of Ursâ (Rusâ), the Urarṭian. (and) captured two hundred and sixty members of his royal family (and) his cavalrymen. In order to save (135) his [li]fe, he mounted a mare and took to the hill(s). I pursued him over a distance of five leagues, from Mount Uau[š as far] as Mount Zimur. I took away from him the land Uišdiš, a district of the land Mannea, [and] gave (it) [t]o Ullusunu, the Mannean. I conque[red] the city Ušqaya — a fortress that was constructed in the pass to the [dis]trict Zaran[da] (and) on Mount Mallāu, a mountain with juniper tree(s) — together with its one hundred and fifteen settlements. I conquered (and) burned down with fire [the city] Aniaštania, which is on the border of the land Bīt-Sangibuti, the cities Tarui (and) Tarmakisa of the land Dalāy[a], (140) the environs of the city Ulḫu, which is (located) at the foot of Mount Kišpal, (and) twenty-one fortified cities, together with one hundred and forty settlements [in] their environs, which are (located) on Mount Arzabia. I conquered [seven] fortified ci[ti]es, together with thirty settlements in their environs, which belong to the land Armari[ya]l[î (and) are (located) at the foot of] Mount] Ubianda. [I ccon]quered the city Arbu, where Rusâ ... [..., the city] Riyar, a city belonging to Ištar-dūrī (Sarduri), [...]. I conquered (and) burned down with fire thirty (145) [for]tified cities of the district Ayaid (Ayādi), which is (located) on the shore of the sea, the cities Arg[išt]iun[a] (and) Qallania — which were constructed upon (and) between the mountains Arṣi[du (and)] M[a]ḫḫ[a]u[n]nia — (and) five fortresses in the environs of the land Uayi[s], [tog]et[her] with [f]orty settlements of the district Uayis. |
134134 | a-na ⸢la†-a⸣ ma-ni a-duk 2 ME 60 NUMUN LUGAL-ti-šu† LÚ.ša pét-ḫal-lì-šu i-na qa-a-ti ú-ṣab-bit a-na šu-zu-⸢ub†⸣ | |
135135 | ⸢ZI.MEŠ⸣-šu ⸢i-na⸣ MUNUS.ANŠE.KUR.RA ir-kab-ma KUR-a-šu e-li 5 KASKAL.GÍD qaq-qa-ru ul-tu KUR.ú-a-ú-⸢uš⸣83 | |
136136 | [a]-⸢di†⸣ KUR.zi-mur ar-du-us-su KUR.ú-iš†-di-išú ša e-ki-ma-áš-šum-[ma] | |
137137 | [a]-⸢na⸣ mul-lu-su-nu ad-⸢din⸣ URU.uš-qa-ia URU.bir-tu ša i-na né-reb[da] | |
138138 | [na]-⸢gi⸣-i i-naú šad-di ŠIM.LI rak-sa-tu a-di 1 ME 15 URU.MEŠ-ni-šá ak-šu-[ud] | |
139139 | [URU].a-ni-áš-ta-ni-a ša mi-ṣir KUR.É-sa-an-gi-bu-ti URU.tar†-ú-i URU.tar-ma-ki-sa ša KUR.da-la-⸢a⸣-[a] | |
140140 | ⸢ta†⸣-mir-ti URU.ul-ḫu ša GÌR KUR.kiš-pal KUR-e 21 URU.MEŠ-ni dan-nu-ti a-di ⸢1⸣ ME 40 URU.MEŠ-[ni]84 | |
141141 | [ša] li-me†-ti-šu-nu ša UGU KUR-i ak-šu-ud i-na i-šá-a-ti áš-ru-⸢up⸣ [(x)] | |
142142 | [7] ⸢URU†⸣.MEŠ-ni ⸢dan†⸣-nu-ti a-di 30 URU.MEŠ-ni ša li-me-ti-šu-nu ša[ia]-⸢li⸣-[i]85 | |
143143 | [ša i-na GÌR.II KUR].ú-bi-an-da KUR-i ak†-šud a-šar mru-sa-a ḪI AN x [...]86 | |
144144 | [URU].⸢ri-ia-ar URU ša⸣ m⸢d⸣INANNA-⸢BÀD⸣ x [x x x] ⸢MAḪ⸣ [(x) x x x x x x x x] x [x x ak]-⸢šu⸣-ud 30 URU.MEŠ-⸢ni⸣87 88 | |
145145 | ⸢dan-nu⸣-ti ša KUR.a-ia-id na-gi-i ša a-ḫi tam-⸢tim⸣⸢giš-ti⸣-ú-⸢na⸣⸢al⸣-la-⸢ni⸣-a ša UGUṣi-[du]89 | |
146146 | [KUR].⸢maḫ-ḫa-un-ni-a⸣ KUR.MEŠ-e ru-uk-ku-sa bi-ru-⸢uš⸣-šú-un 5 ša li-me-et KUR.ú-a-ii-⸢is⸣90 | |
147147 | [a]-⸢di⸣ [10]+30 URU.MEŠ-ni ša KUR.ú-a-ii-⸢is⸣ na-gi-i ak-šu-ud i-na IZI áš-ru-up ša mia-an-zu-⸢ú⸣91 | (147b) I rece[ived] horses, oxen, (and) sheep and goats as tribute from Ianzû, [ki]ng [of the lan]d Naʾ[i]ri, in his fortified city Ḫubuškia. |
148148 | ⸢LUGAL KUR⸣.na-⸢ʾi⸣-ri i-na URU.ḫu-bu-uš-ki-a URU dan-nu-ti-šú ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ GU₄.MEŠ ṣe-e-ni ma-da-ta-šu am-[ḫur] | |
149149 | [m]⸢ur⸣-za-na ⸢URU⸣.mu-[ṣa]-ṣir-a-a ša ma-mit daš-šur ù dAMAR.UTU e-ti-qu-ma UGU mur-sa-a KUR.ur-ar-ṭa-a-a iš-⸢pú⸣-[ra]92 | (149) (As for) [U]rzana of the city Mu[ṣa]ṣir who had trangressed against the oath (sworn) by the gods Aššur and Marduk and sen[t] ... to Ursâ (Rusâ), the Urarṭian, the god Ašš[ur], my lord, encouraged me and (so) I constantly moved on with (only) my (own) single chariot and one thousand of my ferocious personal cavalry (and) foot soldiers who were ski[lled in ba]ttle, (advancing over) Mounts Šiyak (Šeyak), Ardi[k]ši, Ulāyû, (and) Alluriu, rugged mountains, on horseback over easy terrain and on foot over difficult (terrain). Then, (when) Urzana of the city Muṣaṣir [he]ard of the advance of [my] expeditionary force, he flew off like a bird and took to the rugged hill(s).ê |
150150 | ⸢ša-ru?⸣ daš-⸢šur⸣ be-lí ú-ta-ki-la-an-ni-ma ⸢i⸣-na 1 GIŠ.GIGIR-ia ù 1 LIM ANŠE.pét-ḫal GÌR.II-ia šit-mur-ti LÚ.zu-uk GÌR.II-ia le-[ʾu-ut]93 | |
151151 | ⸢ta⸣-ḫa-zi KUR.ši-ia-ak⸢ik⸣-ši KUR.ú-la-a-iu-ú KUR.MEŠ-e mar-ṣu-ti A.ŠÀ DÙG.⸢GA⸣94 | |
152152 | [i]-⸢na⸣ ru-kub ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ ù mar-ṣa i-na GÌR.II-ia e-ta-ti-iq-ma mur-za-naṣa-ṣir-a-a a-lak ger-ri-[ia] | |
153153 | ⸢iš-me⸣-ma iṣ-ṣu-riš ip-par-riš-ma KUR-ú mar-ṣu e-liṣa-ṣi-ru šu-bat dḫal-di-a ni-i-⸢tu⸣ | (153b) [I] surrounded the city Muṣaṣir, the abode of the god Ḫaldi, and brought out Urzana’s wife, his sons, his daughters, 6,170 people, 692 mules (and) donkeys, 920+[ (155) ox]en, (and) 100,225 sheep. I carried off as booty 34 talents (and) 18 minas of gold, 160 tale[nts] (and) 2 1/2 min[as of silver], shining copper, ti[n, precio]us st[one]s in large qu[antitites ...] ... with mountings [..., ...]s, [..., garme]nts with multi-colored trim and linen (garments) in countless numb[ers] ... [...] ... (along) wi[th ... +4] talents (and) 3 minas of gold, 162 ta[le]nts (and) [20] m[in]a[s of si]lv[er ...]+27 [...]s, objects of copper (and) iron in cou[nt]less numbers [...] (160) ... [...] together with an ox [of copper], a cow of coppe[r, (and) a c]alf of co[pper]. I brought [his deities Ḫaldi (and) Bagbartu] into [the temple of the god] Aššur, [together with ... I distributed] the remainder of their possessions to [...] |
154154 | ⸢al-me⸣-ma al-ti mur-za-na DUMU.MEŠ-šú DUMU.MUNUS.MEŠ-šú 6 LIM 1 ME 70 UN.MEŠ 6 ME 92 ANŠ ANŠE.MEŠ 9 ME 20 [x]95 | |
155155 | ⸢GU₄?⸣.MEŠ 1 ME ⸢LIM⸣ 2 ME 25 UDU.MEŠ ú-še-ṣa-a 34 GUN 18 MA.NA KÙ.GI 1 ME 60 ⸢GUN 2⸣ 1/2 MA.⸢NA⸣ [KÙ.BABBAR] ⸢URUDU⸣ BABBAR-ú AN.[NA]96 | |
156156 | [ni-siq]-⸢ti NA₄.MEŠ⸣ a-na mu-⸢ʾu⸣-[de-e x x x] x x x x ša iḫ-⸢zi⸣-x [...]97 | |
157157 | [x (x)].MEŠ [x x lu]-⸢bul-ti⸣ bir-me ù GADA a-⸢na⸣ la ma-⸢ni⸣ x x x [...] x x [(x)]98 | |
158158 | ⸢it-ti⸣ [x x+4] GUN 3 MA.NA KÙ.GI ⸢1⸣ [ME] ⸢62 GUN⸣ [20] ⸢MA.NA KÙ⸣.[BABBAR† ...]+27 [x]99 | |
159159 | ⸢Ú⸣ [x x x].⸢MEŠ ú⸣-de-⸢e⸣ URUDU.⸢MEŠ⸣ AN.⸢BAR⸣ ša ni-ba la [i-šu-ú ...] x [x (x)] | |
160160 | x x [x x x] x a-⸢di⸣ GU₄ [URUDU] ⸢GU₄⸣.ÁB URUDU ⸢AMAR URUDU⸣ áš-lu-la ⸢d⸣[ḫal-di-a dba-ag-bar-tum DINGIR.MEŠ-šú a-di ...] ⸢ŠU?⸣ [x (x)]100 | |
161161 | [x] x [x] x [x] daš-šur ú-še-⸢rib⸣ si-ta-at NÍG.GA-šú-nu a-⸢na⸣ [... i-na KUR].ur-[ar-ṭi]101 | (161b) I caused there to b[e] lamenation [in the wide land] Ur[arṭu] (and in) all [the mount]ains, and I made [Ursâ (Rusâ), their king, (use) flint (blades), raz]ors, scalpels, (and) [... (to slash himself in mourning) for as long as he li]ved. [I m]a[de] that district (Muṣaṣir) [(part of) the territory of Assyria and] assigned [it t]o the auth[ority of] a [eunuch of mi]ne, the pala[ce] herald. [The awesome splendor] of the god Aššur, m[y] lord, [overwhelmed U]rsâ (Rusâ), [the U]rar[ṭi]an, and (so) with his own [iro]n [dagge]r he stabbed (himself) in the heart like a pig and [put an en]d to his life. |
162162 | [rap-ši] ⸢KUR.MEŠ-e ka⸣-la-ma ⸢si⸣-pit-tu ú-šab-⸢ši⸣-i-ma [a†-na mur-sa-a LUGAL-šú-nu ṣur-ti nag-la]-bi ⸢qu-pé-e⸣ [x (x)]102 | |
163163 | [(x) x x x-ti a-di] ⸢bal-ṭu?⸣ áš-kun na-gu-ú šu-[a]-tu a-[na mi-ṣir KUR aš-šur.KI ú]-⸢ter⸣-[ra]-am-[ma]103 | |
164164 | [i]-⸢na ŠU⸣.[II] LÚ.[šu-ut SAG]-⸢ia⸣ LÚ.NÍMGIR É.⸢GAL am⸣-nu-[šú m]⸢ur⸣-sa-a [KUR].⸢ur-ar⸣-[ṭa-a]-⸢a⸣ [na-mur-rat] ⸢d⸣aš-šur ⸢be-lí-ia⸣104 | |
165165 | [is-ḫup]-šu-ma ⸢i-na⸣ [GIŠ.GÍR AN].⸢BAR⸣ ra-ma-ni-šu GIM ŠAḪ lìb-ba-⸢šu is-ḫu⸣-ul-⸢ma⸣ ZI-šu [iq]-⸢ti⸣ i-na [9 BALA]-⸢ia⸣ a-na KUR.el-⸢li⸣-[pi]105 | (165b) In my [ninth regnal year], I marched to the lands Elli[pi, M]edia, and Karalla. (As for) the people of the land Karalla w[ho] had driven out my [eun]uchs [and] elevated [A]mitašši, the brother of Aššur-lēʾi, over them, I st[ru]ck them down with the sw[ord] on [Mou]nt Ana, [a mounta]in peak, and (then) receiv[ed] i[n] my (military) camp 2,200 of their face-(guards) (as trophies). I pursued Amitašši and [...] him, together with his allies, on Mount Šurda, [...]. |
166166 | [KUR].⸢ma⸣-da-a-⸢a⸣ ù KUR.kar-al-li a-lik UN.MEŠ KUR.kar-al-⸢li ša⸣ LÚ.[šu-ut] ⸢SAG⸣.MEŠ-⸢ia⸣ ir-du-du-[ma]106 | |
167167 | [ma]-mi-⸢taš⸣-ši ŠEŠ maš-šur-ZU UGU-šú-nu ú-rab-bu-ú i-na ⸢ ŠU.SI⸣ [KUR]-i i-na ⸢GIŠ⸣.[TUKUL] | |
168168 | ⸢ú-šam⸣-qit-su-nu-ti-ma 2 LIM 2 ME zi-im pa-ni-šu-nu ⸢i⸣-[na] uš-man-ni-ia am-⸢ḫur⸣107 | |
169169 | ⸢EGIR?⸣ ma-mi-taš-ši ar-de-⸢ma⸣ šá-a-⸢šu ga⸣-du re-ṣi-šu i-na [KUR].⸢šu?-ur-da⸣ KUR-⸢e⸣ [(x)] x [(x x)] x [(x)]108 | |
170170 | [...] ⸢UN⸣.MEŠ KUR.⸢ḫab?⸣-[ḫi? ...]109 110 | (170b) [The peo]ple of the land Ḫ[abḫu (...) hear]d [of the harsh deeds that I had done in the land Karalla; their own] fear(s) (then) [fell upon them (and) they sent their messenger to me to do obeisance (to me). I] assigned th[em to the authority of a eunuch of mine, the governor of the land Lulumû]. |
171171 | [... iš]-⸢mu⸣-ma ⸢ḫat?⸣-ti ⸢ra⸣-[ma-ni-šu-nu im-qut-su-nu-ti-(ma) ...]111 | |
172172 | [...] ⸢am⸣-nu-šú-[nu?-ti? ...]112 | (172b) [(As for) Daltâ of the land Ellipi, a submissive subject who pulled my yoke ... (175) ...] everythi[ng ... I had] him [surrou]nded and [...] their [... them] in bondage [... (180) ... the land El]lipi because of the seizure of ... [... with entreaties at the same ti]me to Azuk[tu ... he besought] me and I listened to his word(s). [...] I ordered [him (to continue) to exer]cise his kingship, made Daltâ happy, and brought order to his disturbed [land]. |
173173 | [...] | |
174174 | [...] U [...] | |
175175 | [...] | |
176176 | [...] MIN [...] | |
177177 | [...] mim-ma ⸢ma⸣-[la ...] | |
178178 | [... x x ú-šal]-me-šu-ma [...]113 | |
179179 | [...]-ni-šú-nu ka-mu-⸢su⸣-[(nu?) ...] | |
180180 | [... KUR.el]-li-pí áš-šu ṣa-bat GIŠ x [...]114 | |
181181 | [... te-me-qí iš-te-ni]-iš a-na ma-zu-uk-[tú ...]115 | |
182182 | [... ú-ṣal-la-an]-ni-ma áš-ma-a zi-kir-šu MA [...]116 | |
183183 | [e]-⸢peš⸣ LUGAL-ti-šú ⸢aq⸣-bi-ma lìb-bi mda-al-ta-a ⸢ú-ṭib⸣-ma ⸢ú⸣-taq-qi-na da-li-iḫ-tu117 118 | |
184184 | [KUR]-suʾi-it-DINGIRú ša ša ⸢mi⸣-ṣir KUR.el-li-pí | (184b) (With regard to) the land Baʾīt-ili, a district of the land Media that is on the b[o]rder of the land Ellipi; the lands Absaḫutti, Parnuatti, (and) Utirna; the city Diristānu of the land Uriakku; the land Rimanuti, a district of the land Uppuriya; the lands Uyadaue, Bustis, Agazi, Ambanda, (and) Dananu, [far]-off districts of the territory of the Arabs in the east; and the district(s) of the powerful Medes, who [had thr]own off the yoke of the god Aššur and roamed about the mountain(s) and desert like [thi]eves — I threw firebrands into all their settlements and [tu]rned all their districts into forgotten (ruin) mounds. |
185185 | [KUR].ab-sa-ḫu-ut-ti KUR.ú-tir-na URU.di-ri-is-ta-a-nu | |
186186 | ⸢ša⸣ KUR.ú-ri-⸢a⸣-ak-ki KUR.ri-ma-nu-tiú ša KUR.up-pu-ri-ia | |
187187 | [KUR].ú-ia-da-ú-e KUR.bu-us-ti-is KUR.a-ga-zi⸢an⸣-da KUR.da-na-nu | |
188188 | [(x)] [ru]-qu-ti ša pat-ti KUR.a-ri-bi ša ni-pi-iḫ ⸢d⸣UTU-⸢ši⸣ ù | |
189189 | [ša] dan-nu-ti ša ni-ir daš-šur [iṣ†]-lu-ma KUR-ú ù mad-ba-ru ir-tap-pu-du | |
190190 | [šar]-ra-qiš a-na pu-ḫur URU.MEŠ-ni-šú-nu a-ku-ka-a-ti ad-di-ma* gi-miršú-nu120 | |
191191 | [ú]-⸢ter⸣-ra a-na ti-li ma-šu-ú-ti ma-da-⸢at⸣-tu ša ⸢m⸣ul-lu-su-nu | (191b) I received 4,609 ho[rs]es, mules, oxen, (and) sheep and goats, [i]n countless numbers, as tribute from Ullusunu, the Mannean, [D]altâ of the land Ellipi, Bē[l]-aplu-iddina of the la[nd] Allabria, (and) from forty-five city lords [of] the powerful Medes. |
192192 | [mda]-al-ta-a KUR.el-li-pa-a-a md⸢EN⸣-IBILA-SUM.NA ⸢KUR⸣.al-lab-ri-a-a ša 45 LÚ.EN.URU.MEŠ-ni121 | |
193193 | [ša KUR].ma-da-a-a dan-nu-ti 4 LIM 6 ME 9 ANŠE.[KUR†].RA.MEŠ ANŠ GU₄.MEŠ ⸢US₅⸣.UDU.ḪI.A122 | |
194194 | [a]-na la ma-ni am-⸢ḫur⸣ mam-ba-ri-⸢is⸣ KUR.⸢ta⸣-[bal-a-a LUGAL KUR.É-pu†]-ri-ti-⸢iš⸣ ša ⸢NUN⸣ a-⸢lik pa⸣-ni-ia123 | (194b) (As for) Ambaris of the land T[abal, king of the land Bīt-Pu]rutaš, [the fam]ily of who[se father] Ḫull[î], a ruler, a predecessor of mine, [had bro]ught [to Assyria together with booty from] his [land], (when) ... the [great] gods [determi]ned the firm establishment of m[y] reign, they (Ḫullî and his family) were [on] my mind. [I had] Ḫullî [sit (again)] on [his] royal throne. I gathered together [the people of the land Bīt]-P[u]rutaš and assigned (them) to his authority. In the time of Ḫull[î, his father], I had granted him (Ambaris) [...], gave him a daughter (of mine), (along) with the city Ḫilakku, and (thus) ex[panded his land]. |
195195 | [kim-ti mḫul-li-i AD-šú? a-di? šal-lat KUR]-šú [a-na KUR aš-šur.KI ú]-⸢ra⸣-[áš]-šu-nu-⸢ti⸣ i-⸢na?⸣ GIŠ? UD DINGIR.MEŠ124 | |
196196 | [GAL.MEŠ x x] UD ku-un BALA-⸢ia⸣ [i†-na†] uz-⸢ni-ia ib⸣-šu-ú mḫul-li-i i-na GIŠ.GU.ZA LUGAL-[ti-šú ú-še-šib]125 126 | |
197197 | [UN.MEŠ KUR.É]-pu†-ru-ta-áš ú-pa-ḫir-ma a-na qa-ti-šu ú-man-ni i-na u₄-me mḫu-ul-⸢li⸣-[i AD-šú ...]127 | |
198198 | [...] ⸢áš⸣-ru-uk-šu-ma bi-in-tu it-ti URU.ḫi-lak-ki ad-di-in-šu-ma ú-⸢rap⸣-[pi-šá KUR-su u šu-ú]128 | (198b) [However, that (man) (Ambaris), a H]ittite who did not protect justice, sent to Ursâ (Rusâ), king of the land Urarṭu, Mit[â, king of the land Musku, (200) and the ki]ngs of the land Tabal about taking away territory of mine. [I mustered] the troops of the god [Aššur and] overwhelmed [the land Tabal to] its [fu]ll [extent] as if with a net. (Then), I brought [in bond]age to Assyria Ambaris, king of the land Bīt-Purutaš, toge[ther with the (other) offspring of his father’s house (and) the nobles of his land], (along) with one hundred of his chariot(s). [I had] the lands Bīt-P[ur]utaš (and) Ḫila[kku dwell (as safely) as in a meadow and ...] ... had enclosure walls built in it. [I (re)settled (there)] people from the lands that the god Aššur, [my] lor[d], had conquered. I set [a eunuch of mine as provincial governor over the]m (and) imposed upon them (the same) corvée duty (as if they were) Assyrians. |
199199 | [LÚ.ḫa]-at-tu-ú la na-ṣir kit-ti a-na mur-sa-a LUGAL KUR.ur-⸢ar⸣-ṭi m⸢mi-ta⸣-[a LUGAL] | |
200200 | [u] ⸢MAN⸣.MEŠ-ni KUR.ta-ba-li e-⸢ke⸣-me mi-ṣir-ia iš-pur um-ma-na-at ⸢d?⸣[aš-šur ad-ke-ma KUR.ta-ba-lum a-na]129 | |
201201 | [paṭ gim]-⸢ri⸣-šú ú-kàt-ti-ma še-e-ti-iš mam-ba-ri-is LUGAL KUR.É-pu-ri-ti-iš ⸢a⸣-[di NUMUN É AD-šú LÚ.SAG.KAL-ut KUR-šú]130 | |
202202 | [ka-mu]-su-nu it-ti ⸢1⸣ ME GIŠ.GIGIR-šú a-na KUR aš-šur.KI al-qa-a KUR.É-⸢pu-ru⸣-taš KUR.ḫi-la-⸢ak⸣-[ku a-bur-riš ú-šar-bi-iṣ-ma]131 | |
203203 | [x x x]-re-e ker-ḫe ú-še-⸢pi⸣-šá qer-bu-uš-šú UN.MEŠ KUR.KUR ki-šit-ti daš-šur be-⸢lí⸣-[ia ú-še-šib LÚ.šu-ut SAG-ia]132 | |
204204 | [LÚ.EN.NAM UGU-šú]-⸢un?⸣ áš-kun tup-šik-ki ⸢áš⸣-šu-ri e-mid-su-nu-ti i-na 10 BALA-⸢ia⸣ mtar-ḫu-⸢na⸣-[zi (...) la a-dir]133 | (204b) In [m]y tenth regnal year, (as for) Tarḫun-[azi of the city Melid, (an evil Hittite) who did not fear the words of the] great [go]ds, (and as for) the wide land Kammanu, which [I had taken away] with the support of the god Aššur, my lord [(and) who]se [king Gunzinānu] I had driven out and (then) had [him (Tarḫun-azi)] s[it] on his (Gunzinānu’s) royal throne [... (whom) I] made do obeisance to me, to (whom) I handed over lo[rd]ship of [wide] lands, [(and whose)] understanding [...], he [repeatedly sent to Mitâ, king of the land Musku], (messages) hostile to Assyria. |
205205 | [zik-ri] ⸢DINGIR⸣.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ KUR.kam-ma-nu rap-šú ša ⸢i-na⸣ tu-kul-ti daš-šur be-lí-ia [e†-ki-mu mgu-un-zi-na-nu]134 | |
206206 | [LUGAL-šu]-nu aṭ-ru-du ka-⸢ma⸣-ti-iš ⸢ù⸣ šá-a-šú i-na GIŠ.GU.ZA LUGAL-ti-šú ú-še-[ši-bu x x x x x x x x (x x x)] | |
207207 | [ú]-še-pi-šá ar-du-su ⸢be-lut⸣ KUR.⸢MEŠ⸣ [DAGAL].MEŠ qa-tuš-šu ú-mal-lu-ú ú-zu-un-[šú x x (x x) a-na mmi-ta-a LUGAL]135 | |
208208 | [KUR.mus-ki] ⸢ze⸣-ra-a-ti KUR aš-šur.KI ⸢iš⸣-[tap-par i-na] ⸢ug-gat lìb-bi-ia⸣ KUR.kam-ma-nu a-na paṭ [gim-ri-šú (x x x x) ak-šu-ud?]136 | (208b) Angri[ly, I conquered] the land Kammanu to [its full] extent [(...)]. I smashed h[is] royal city Melid like a pot (and) considered all his people as if (they were) flocks of sheep and goats. (210) However, that (man) (Tarḫun-azi) entered the city [Tīl]-garimme in order to save his life. I overwhelmed that city like a cloud. They took fright at the awesome radiance of my weapons and op[en]ed [th]eir (city) gate. I threw in [ir]on fetters Tarḫun-azi, their ruler, together with his fighting men, and (then) [brou]ght to my city Ašš[ur] his wife, his sons, (and) his daughters, (along) with five thousand of his captured warriors. I reorganized (the administration of) the city Tīl-garimme (and) brought there people whom I had captured. I had (them) occupy [the land Kam]manu in its entirety, (215) and assigned (them) to the authority of a eunuch of mine. I imposed upon them the (same state) service (and) corvée duty a[s (in the time) of] Gunzinānu. I erected ten strong fortresses around it (the land Kammanu) a[nd] allowed its [people] to live in peace. |
209209 | URU LUGAL-ti-⸢šu kar⸣-pa-niš aḫ-pi kul-lat UN.MEŠ-šú ⸢ki-i⸣ mar-šit ṣe-e-ni137 | |
210210 | am-nu ù šu-ú a-na šu-zu-ub ZI.MEŠ-šú a-na URU.[DU₆]-ga-ri-im-me ⸢e⸣-ru-ub URU šu-a-tu138 | |
211211 | ur-⸢pa⸣-niš ak-tùm ša-lum-mat GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-ia e-du-ru-ma ⸢ip-tu⸣-ú ⸢KÁ-šu⸣-un [m]tar-ḫu-na-zi | |
212212 | ma-lik-šú-nu ga-du LÚ.mun-daḫ-ṣe-e-šú bi-re-tu ⸢AN⸣.BAR ad-⸢di⸣-ma DAM-su DUMU.MEŠ-šú | |
213213 | DUMU.MUNUS.MEŠ-šú it-ti 5 LIM šal-lat LÚ.qu-ra-di-šu a-na URU-ia aš-⸢šur†⸣ [ub]-la URU.DU₆*-ga-ri-im-me139 | |
214214 | a-na eš-šu-ti ⸢aṣ⸣-bat UN.MEŠ ki-⸢šit⸣-ti ŠU.II-ia ⸢i⸣-na lìb-bi ú-še-rib [KUR†.kam]-ma-nu a-na si-ḫir-ti-šá140 | |
215215 | ú-šá-aṣ-bit-ma i-na ŠU.II LÚ.šu-ut SAG-ia am-nu il-ku tup-šik-ku ⸢ki⸣-[i ša†] mgu-un-zi-na-nu | |
216216 | e-mid-su-nu-ti 10⸢ra⸣-a-ti dan-na-ti li-me-su ad-di-⸢ma⸣ [UN].⸢MEŠ⸣-šú šu-bat né-eḫ-ti | |
217217 | ú-še-šibḫ-su URU.⸢pur?-ṭir⸣ ⸢URU⸣.ki-[a?-ka?]⸢sa⸣-li-a141 | (217b) I strengthened the garrison(s) (of) the cities Luḫsu, Purṭir, Anmurru, Ki[aka], (and) Anduarsalia against the land Urarṭu. I erected the cities Usi, Usia[n], (and) Uargin on the border of the land Musku and seized (control of) their entry [point]s (lit.: “ga[te]s”) so that there should be no escape (lit.: “exit”). (220) (Finally), I constructed the cities Ellibir (and) Šindarara against the people [of the land Kasku]. I g[ave] his (Tarḫun-azi’s) royal city [Meli]d, as well as the district [in its environs, (...) to] Mut[al]lu of the land Kummuḫu. |
218218 | UGU KUR.ur-ar-ṭi ú-⸢dan⸣-ni-na ⸢EN⸣.NUN URU.ú-si URU.ú-si-⸢an?⸣ [URU].ú-⸢ar⸣-gi-in142 | |
219219 | pa-a-ṭi ad-di-ma ša la mu-ṣe-e aṣ-ba-ta ⸢KÁ⸣.MEŠ-⸢šú?-un?⸣ URU.el-li-bir143 | |
220220 | URU.ši-in-da-ra-ra UGU ⸢UN.MEŠ⸣ [KUR.ka-as-ku] ⸢ar-ku-us⸣ URU.[me-lid]-du URU LUGAL-ti-⸢šu⸣144 | |
221221 | ⸢a⸣-di⸢i⸣ [x x x x x x x x x (x) m]mut-⸢tal-lu⸣ KUR.ku-muḫ-ḫi-⸢a⸣-a ⸢ad⸣-[di-in]145 | |
222222 | i-na u₄-me-šu-ma ka-tim-ti KUR.MEŠ-e ša KUR.ḫat-ti ip-pe-te [...]146 147 | (222) At that time, (everything) that was hidden in the mountains of the land Ḫatti (Syria) was revealed (to me). [(...)] They brought to me during my reign [...] and I heaped up the property of the land [Ḫatti (...). On Mount ... was produced] refined [...], appropriate for a palace; (on) Mounts Larisʾu, Šuruman, [(and) ... was produced] (225) the creation of the god Nudimm[u]d (Ea), shining copper; on Mounts Tu[šanira, ...-durini], (and) Elikudurini was produced iron; (the part of) Mount Lammun that is (located) be[tw]een [Mount] U[... and Mount ...] produced lead, which whitens their dirty state; (the part of) Mount [Lammu]n [that is (located)] facing [... produced] pure alabaster; Mount Ammun, a mountain [that is (located)] facing [... produced] choice [BAR.GÙN.GÙN.NU-(stone)], fit for royalty (and) as white as pale lapis lazuli [...]; (230) (and) Mount Baʾil-ṣapūna, a great mountain, [produced at the] s[ame time] copper. I then mixed mound(s) of ore from those mountains, depos[ited (them)] into furnac[es ..., (and)] watch[ed] their smelting. I stored up inside my city Dūr-Šarrukīn countless possessions that my ancestors had never received; as a result, in Assyria the exchange rate for silver is fixed as if it were for bronze. |
223223 | i-na u₄-me BALA-ia ú-bil-lu-nim-ma ak-ku-ma bu-še-e KUR.[ḫat-ti ...]148 | |
224224 | mé-su-ú si-mat É.GALʾu KUR.šu-ru-ma-an [...] | |
225225 | bi-nu-tu dnu-dím-⸢mud⸣ ZABAR nam-ru i-na KUR.tu-[šá-ni-ra x (x) x-du-ri-ni] | |
226226 | KUR.e-li-ku-du-ri-ni ib-ba-ni par-zil-lu KUR.lam-mu-un šá ⸢bi-rit⸣ [KUR].ú-(x)-[x x x x x (x)]149 | |
227227 | A.BÁR mu-nam-mir a-ru-uš-ti-šú-nu ú-⸢šak⸣-lim KUR.[lam-mu]-⸢un⸣ [šá?] IGI [x x x (x)]150 | |
228228 | NA₄.GIŠ.NU₁₁.⸢GAL⸣ eb-bu šá-du-ú pa-ni Ú [x x x (x)] ⸢IM⸣ [TI] ḪI [x x (x x)]151 | |
229229 | na-as-qu si-mat LUGAL-ti ša ⸢GIM⸣ NA₄.ZA.GÌN.DURU₅-i pe-ṣa-⸢at⸣ [x x x] ⸢A⸣ [(x)] RA [x (x)]152 | |
230230 |ʾi-il-ṣa-pu-na KUR-ú GAL-ú ZABAR ⸢iš⸣-[te-niš ib-ni]-⸢ma?⸣ ša KUR.⸢MEŠ⸣-[ni]153 | |
231231 | šu-nu-ti ši-pik ep-ri-šú-nu ab-lul-ma a-na ki-i-⸢ri⸣ [x x x] ŠÚ ú-še-ri-[id?]154 | |
232232 | bu-šul†-šú-nu a-⸢mur⸣ NÍG.GA la ni-bi ša AD.MEŠ-ia la ⸢i⸣-ḫu-ru i-na qé-reb155 | |
233233 | URU.BÀD-mLUGAL-GI.NA URU-ia aq-ru-un-ma ma-ḫi-ri KÙ.BABBAR ki-ma si-⸢pár⸣-ri156 | |
234234 | i-na qé-reb KUR daš-šur.KI i-šim-mu i-⸢na⸣ 11 ⸢BALA-ia⸣ | (234b) In m[y] eleventh [re]gnal year, |
Lines 235–247 are not preserved | ||
248248 | [LÚ.šu-ut SAG-ia] LÚ.EN.NAM UGU-šu-nu áš-kun it-ti UN.⸢MEŠ⸣ [KUR aš]-⸢šur⸣.KI157 158 | (248) [I reorganized (the administration of) the people of the land Gurgum to its full extent], set [a eunuch of mine] as provincial governor over them, (and) [considered them] as people [of Assy]ria. |
249249 | [am-nu-šú-nu-ti] ma-zu-ri LUGAL a-na la ⸢na⸣-[še]-⸢e⸣ | (249b) Azūri, king of the city Ashdod, [pl]otted [...] (so as) to no longer (have to) de[liv]er [tribute (to me)] and sent (messages) [hostile to Assyria] to the kings in his enviro[ns]. Then, because of the e[vi]l that he had done, I di[d awa]y with [his lordship] o[ver the people of his land] and [se]t his favorite brother Aḫī-Mīti as king [over them. The] Hittites, who (always) speak treachery, [hated h]is rule [and] elevated over them [I]a[dn]a (Iāmānī), who had no right to the throne (and) who, like the[m], did [not] kn[o]w [how to respect (any) authority]. |
250250 | [bíl-te x x x ik]-pu-ud-ma a-na LUGAL.MEŠ-ni li-me-[ti]-šu159 | |
251251 | [ze-ra-a-ti KUR aš-šur.KI†] iš-pur-ma áš-šu ⸢ḪUL⸣-tu e-pu-šu ⸢UGU⸣ [UN†].MEŠ160 | |
252252 | [KUR-šú be-lu-su] ú-⸢nak-kir⸣-ma ma-ḫi-mi-ti a-ḫu ta-lim-šú a-na LUGAL-ti161 | |
253253 | [UGU-šú-nu áš]-⸢kun⸣ [LÚ†].ḫat-ti-⸢i⸣ da-bi-ib ṣa-lip-ti be-lu-⸢su⸣ | |
254254 | [i-ze-ru-ma mia†]-⸢ad†-na⸣ la be-⸢el⸣ GIŠ.GU.ZA ša GIM šá-a-šu-[nu†]-⸢ma⸣162 | |
255255 | [pa-laḫ be-lu-tim la] i-⸢du⸣-u ú-rab-bu-ú e-li-šu-⸢un⸣ | |
256256 | [i-na ug-gat lìb-bi-ia] it-ti GIŠ.GIGIR GÌR.II-ia ù ANŠE.⸢pét⸣-ḫal-lu₄-⸢ia⸣ | (256) [Angrily], with (only) my personal chariot and [m]y cavalry [who] never leave my [side (even) in friendly territory], I [quickly] marched to [his royal city] Ashdod. I then [surrounded (and) conq]uered the cities Ashdod, Ga[th, (and) Ashdod-Yam]. I cou[nted as bo]oty (both) the gods who d[wel]t in them (and) th[at (man) (Iāmāni), (260) together with the people of his land, gold, silver, (and) the possessions of his palace]. I reorganized (the administration of) those cities (and) settled there people from the lands that I had conquered. I set a eunuch of mi[ne] as provincial governor over them and considered them as people of Assyria; they (now) pull my yoke. |
257257 | [ša a-šar sa-al-me i-da]-a-a la ip-par-ku-ú a-na⸢di⸣ | |
258258 | [URU LUGAL-ti-šú ḫi-it-mu-ṭiš] al-⸢lik⸣-ma⸢im⸣-[tú] | |
259259 | [ al-me] ⸢KUR⸣-ud DINGIR.⸢MEŠ⸣ a-[ši-bu]-⸢ut⸣ lìb-bi-šu-un šá-[a-šú] | |
260260 | [a-di |