SAA 06 213. Mannu-ki-Arbail Buys a Garden (676?) (ADD 0489)[via saao/saa06]

obeginning broken away

(Beginning destroyed)

o 1'1'

[mman-nukiarba-ìl TAv IGI mki]-ṣir*[d15]

(1) [Mannu-ki-Arbail has contracted and] bou[ght it from Kiṣi]r-[Issar for x min]as of silver.

o 2'2'

[ina ŠÀ-bi x MA].NA* KUG.UD il-[]

(2) [The money] is paid [com]pletely. That [gar]den is purchased and acquired. Any revocation, lawsuit, or litigation is void.

o 3'3'

[kas-pu] ga-mur ta-din

o 4'4'

[GIŠ].SAR* šu-a-te za-ár-pi* la-qi

o 5'5'

tu-a-ru de-nu DUG₄.DUG₄ la-áš-šú

b.e.b.e. traces of an Aramaic epigraph

r 1r 1

[man]-nu ša ina ur-kiš ina ma-te-e-ma

(r 1) [Who]ever in the future, at any time, [comes f]orward, whether Kiṣir-Issar [or] his [s]on or relative, [and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Mannu-ki]-Arbail, [shall pay x mi]nas [of silver]

r 22

[e]-la-an-ni lu-u mki-ṣir—15

r 33

[lu-u] DUMU-šú lu-u mám-mu-nu-šú

r 44

[ša GIL-u-ni i-za]-qup*-an*-ni

r 55

[TAv mman-nuki-i]URU.arba-ìl

r 66

[de-nu DUG₄.DUG₄ ub-ta-u-ni x] MA*.NA*

rest broken away

(Rest destroyed)

Adapted from Theodore Kwasman and Simo Parpola , Legal Transactions of the Royal Court of Nineveh, Part I: Tiglath-Pileser III through Esarhaddon (State Archives of Assyria, 6), 1991. Lemmatised by Melanie Groß, 2010–2011, as part of the FWF-funded research project "Royal Institutional Households in First Millennium BC Mesopotamia" (S 10802-G18) directed by Heather D. Baker at the University of Vienna. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as