SAA 06 220. A Fragmentary Purchase Document of Mannu-ki-Arbail (ADD 0493)[via saao/saa06]

obeginning broken away

(Beginning destroyed)

r 1'r 1'

lu-[u mx x x lu-u DUMU-MEŠ-šú]

(r 1) [Whoever ... breaks the contract], whet[her NN or his sons], grandsons or [...], and seeks a lawsuit or litigation against Mannu-ki-Arbail [and his sons],

r 2'2'

lu-u DUMUDUMU-MEŠ-šú lu-u [x x x x x]

r 3'3'

ša TAv mman-nukiarba-ìl [ù DUMU-MEŠ-šú]

r 4'4'

de-nu* DUG₄.DUG₄ ub-ta-u-ni

r 5'5'


(r 5) shall place two minas of silver and one mina of gold in the lap of Ninurta residing in Calah. He shall return the money tenfold to its owners. He shall contest in his lawsuit and not succeed.

r 6'6'

ina bur-ki dMAŠ a-šib URU.kàl-ḫi GAR-an

r 7'7'

kas-pu a-na 10-MEŠ a-na EN-MEŠ-šú GUR

r 8'8'

ina* de-ni-šú DUG₄.DUG₄ la i-laq-qi

r 9'9'

IGI mqur-did15 IGI mgi-in-na-a.a

(r 9) Witness Qurdi-Issar. Witness Ginnaya.

r 10'10'

IGI mḫaba-as-ti

(r 10) [Wit]ness Habasti.

r 11'11'

[IGI] mma-le-e-za-zi

(r 11) [Witness] Malezazi.

r 12'12'

[IGI] mdPAtàk-lak IGI mdPANUMUN[GIN]

(r 12) [Witness] Nabû-taklak. Witness Nabû-zeru-[ka''in].

r 13'13'

[IGI] mdPAENGIN IGI m[x x x x x]

(r 13) [Witness] Nabû-belu-ka''in. Witness [NN].

r 14'14'

[IGI m]GÌR*.2*-šur* [x x x x]

(r 14) [Witness Še]p-Aššur. [...].

rest broken away

(Rest destroyed)

Adapted from Theodore Kwasman and Simo Parpola , Legal Transactions of the Royal Court of Nineveh, Part I: Tiglath-Pileser III through Esarhaddon (State Archives of Assyria, 6), 1991. Lemmatised by Melanie Groß, 2010–2011, as part of the FWF-funded research project "Royal Institutional Households in First Millennium BC Mesopotamia" (S 10802-G18) directed by Heather D. Baker at the University of Vienna. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as