SAA 08 461. Venus in Taurus (RMA 243) [planetary][via saao/saa08]

o 1o 1

MUL.MUL a-na UD ŠEG₆. UD ŠEG₆. [x x x]

(1) The Pleiades portends a boiling day; "boiling day" (means) [...]. Venus sta[nds] in the Pleiades.

o 22

MUL.dil-bat ina MUL.MUL GUB-[ma]

o 33

[1] d-tar AGA KUG.UD ap-rat A.[KAL] ku-li-li DU-[kam]

(3) [If] Ištar wears a silver crown: a fl[ood] of dragonflies wi[ll come]. [A "flood] of dragonflies" is a mass[ive] flood.

o 44

[A.KAL] ku-li-li A.KAL gap-[šu]

o 55

[MUL].dil-bat ina MUL.GU.AN.NA GUB-ma

(5) Venus stands in Taurus(!).

o 66

[x]+x A.AN-MEŠ gap-šu-tu ana LUGAL be--ia il-[la-ku]

(6) [...] massive rains wi[ll come] for the king my lord.

o 77

[dul-lu] šá dIM A.AN a-na za-na-[ni]

(7) They should perform [th]at rainmaking [ritual] of Adad, and [they should also] perform all the 'hand-lifting' pr[ayers] that exist with [the ritual].

o 88

[šu]-ú li-pu-šu ù ŠU.ÍL.LA.[KÁM-MEŠ]

o 99

ma-la i-ba-áš-šú-ú it-ti [dul-li]

o 1010


r 1r 1

[šá d]IM-ma ši-ʾa-a -šú bi-li ú-pu-[un-]

(r 1) "Seek the gate of Adad, bring upuntu-flour in front of him, let maṣhatu-flour come to him as an offering; may he rain down a mist in the morning, let the field furtively bring double (harvest)."

r 22

a-na qu-du-mi-šú lil-lik-šum-ma ma-[aṣ-ḫa-]

r 33

ni-qu-ú ina še-re-e-ti im-ba-ru li-šá-az-[nin]

r 44

A.ŠÀ ki-i šar-ra-qu tu-ma-a-mu liš-ši

r 55

ki-i zu-un-nu ina KURURI.KI i-te--ru an-na-a ep-[šá]

(r 5) When rains become scarce in Akkad, do this!

r 66

šá mdENDA DUMU me-gi-bi .MAŠ.MAŠ

(r 6) From Bel-le'i, descendant of Egibi, exorcist.

Adapted from Hermann Hunger, Astrological Reports to Assyrian Kings (State Archives of Assyria, 8), 1992. Lemmatised by Mikko Luukko, 2016-17, as part of the research programme of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair in the Ancient History of the Near and Middle East at LMU Munich (Karen Radner, Humboldt Professorship 2015). The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as