SAA 08 459. Full Moon on 14th Day, Planet Sighted in Taurus [planetary, lunar][via saao/saa08]

o 1o 1

[1 UD 14-KÁM d30] KI dUTU IGI KA GI.NA ŠÀ-bi KUR DÙG-ab

(1) [If on the 14th day the moon] is seen together with the sun: reliable speech; the land will become happy; [the cattle of Akkad] will lie in the steppe undisturbed.

o 22

[bu-lim KURURI.KI] par-ga-niš ina EDIN i-rab-bi-iṣ

o 33

[1 30 ina IGI.LAL-šú SI] SI i-di-ir A.KAL DU ina UD 14-KÁM KI dUTU IGI.LAL-ma

(3) [If at the moon's appearance one horn] meets the other: the flood will come. On the 14th day (the moon) was seen together with the sun.

o 44

[1 MUL.x x x a-na] MUL.GUD.AN.NA TE UN-MEŠ KUR NU GI.NA i-ta-ma-a

(4) [If ...] comes close to Taurus: the people of the land will not speak the truth; [......] ... will seize the land [......] will come; [......] will [...] in the king's palace; in the beginning of the year ... [......] year there will be drought in the land ......

o 55

[x x x x x x] x kit? ti KUR DIB-bat x x x [x] x x DU-ku

o 66

[x x x x x x]+x UR? ina É.GAL LUGAL iz-za?-x x ? ina IGI? MU.AN.NA dx x

o 77

[x x x x x] MU.AN.NA a-ru--tum <ina> KUR GÁL-ši a? ri x ḫa? x [x] x NAG?

o 88

[x x x x x]-nu ina ŠÀ MUL.GUD.AN.NA IGI.LAL-ma

(8) [......] becomes visible in Taurus.

o 99

[x x x a]-na LUGAL be--ia aq-ta-bi um-ma [x x] x bi x x an ni x [x]

(9) [......] I said to the king my lord: [...] ... [......] ...... [......] let the king my lord do ...

o 1010

[x x x]-ʾu-ú KUR?-ma x [x x] x [x] x LUGAL be--a ina UGU-ḫi la x x x li-pu-

o 1111

[1 x x] TA AN.ÚR a-na AN.PA ú? x x ma GIM x x KA BE GIŠ.IG-MEŠ AN x

(11) [If ......] ... from the horizon to the zenith ...... doors ... [......] ...... its appearance like fire, variant ......

o 1212

[x x] ad di is kit? x x x x x x šú IGI.LAL-šú GIM IZI KI.MIN AN x x x

o 1313

[1 x TA] AN.PA a-na AN.ÚR x x x x [x x]+x x NE x x ú

(13) [If ...... from] the zenith to the horizon ......

o 1414

[d?]BIL.GI ZI? x x x AN x x x x x x x mu ú NE x

o 1515

[x] x [x x] x [x] x x x x dEN? x x x x x x x AN ana TU IB? [x] DU-ku

o 1616

[x] x [x x x] x x x x x GÁL-MEŠ dUTU? ina ŠÀ? [x x x] x

o 1717

x [x x x x] x x [x x x] x x x [x x x x]+x x x an

illegible traces of two lines

(Rest of obverse too broken for translation)

o 2020

x x-MEŠ x x [x x x x x x] x x [x x x x x]

r 1r 1

1 x ŠÀ SAL x x+[x x x x] a-na x šú GUR x [x x x x x]

(r 1) ...... [......] will return to ... [......]; one woman will accuse another, they will kill the accuser [...] in jail [......] will cause worry; the king of Akkad will not reach his goal; the king of Babylon will die; [......] the land will defect entirely from him who sits on the throne, and someone will rise and will kill king and [......] in the palace ...... brother will strike down brother, fri[end] his friend with weapons; the possessions of the ruler will be sold; [......] ......, or the troops will consume the land ...... [......] the great gods ......

r 22

ub-bar mu-ub-bir-ti? [x x] Éṣi-bit-ti GAZ-MEŠ [x x x x]

r 33

ú-šá-an-zaq LUGAL URI.KI KIN-šú NU KUR-ád LUGAL .DINGIR.RA.KI ÚŠ x+[x x]

r 44

šá ina .TE -šá-bu KUR TÉŠ.BI BAL-su-ma a-a-um-ma ZI-ma LUGAL u x+[x x]

r 55

ina É.GAL ina-ár? la? ki? x x ki? kit? BAL x ma ŠEŠ ŠEŠ-šú ru-[ʾu-ú]

r 66

ru-ʾà-a-šú ina GIŠ.TUKUL i-ra-sip NÍG.GA NUN ana KI.LAM È-a ZI [x x]

r 77

[x]-me-er-tum BE-ma ERIM-MEŠ KUR i-ma-la-la [x] x x x [x] x x [x x x]

r 88

[x x] DINGIR-MEŠ GAL-MEŠ x x ḫa? x ri x+[x x] x [x x] x x [x x]+x x

r 99

[x x x]-MEŠ TÉŠ.BI GALGA? x x x x x [x x x x x x]+x BAL [x x]

(r 9) [......] equally ......

r 1010

[x x x] GUR x DUMU-MEŠLUGAL É-MEŠDINGIR-MEŠ i-x-ra-ru [x x]

(r 10) [......] ... the sons of the king will ... the temples [......] will take place in the land, a strong ...... will take place in the land, troops ... [......] had seen [bad times] will see good (times); a peak flood for seven years will come ......

r 1111

[x x x]-tum? ina KUR GAR-an GIŠ x x+[x x] dan-nu ina KUR GAR-an-ma ERIM-MEŠ x x

r 1212

[x x x x] IGI-MEŠ SIG₅ IGI-MEŠ A.KAL ŠÚ a-na MU 07?-KAM DU? x x x x x

r 1313

[x x x x] x-MEŠ DU?-MEŠ-ma BALA LUGAL ud x x šum-ma GI? ut x x

(r 13) [......] will come, and the reign of the king ...... [......] ... destruction of sanctuaries; its decision is given for Ešnunna [......] ... the land will become happy; destruction of Elam and its people will be made manifest.

r 1414

[x x x x] GÁL-ma ZÁḪ -re-e-ti .BAR-šú ana ÈŠ.NUN.NA.KI SUM-in

r 1515

[x x x x] x ab ŠÀ KUR DÙG-ab ZÁḪ NIM.MA.KI u UN-MEŠ-šú ú-te-du-ú

(r 15) [......], Uruk, Larsa is commanded by the word of Anu and Enlil.

r 1616

[x x x x].KI UNUG.KI UD.UNUG.KI ina KA da-nu u dEN.LÍL DUG₄.GA

(r 16) Let the king my lord perform many [...].

r 1717

[x x x ma]--du-tu LUGAL be--a li-pu-

r 1818

[šá mdENDA] DUMU me-gi-bi .MAŠ.MAŠ

(r 18) [From Bel-le'i, descend]ant of Egibi, exorcist.

r 1919

[x x x x x šáEN].NUN .GAL it-ti-ia? i-ta-mar

(r 19) [NN, watch]man of the gate saw (it) wi[th m]e.

Adapted from Hermann Hunger, Astrological Reports to Assyrian Kings (State Archives of Assyria, 8), 1992. Lemmatised by Mikko Luukko, 2016-17, as part of the research programme of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair in the Ancient History of the Near and Middle East at LMU Munich (Karen Radner, Humboldt Professorship 2015). The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as