SAA 17 004. Withholding(?) Camels (CT 54 581)[via saao/saa17]

obroken away

(Beginning destroyed)

r 1r 1

šá taš-pu-ra um-ma [x x x x x x x x x]

(r 1) (As to) what you wrote: "[......], our wish [......]"

r 22

[o] um-ma ṣi-bu-ta-nu x+[x x x x x x x x]

r 33

ki-i al-tap-rak-ka mi-[nam-ma x x x x x]

(r 3) When I sent to you, w[hy] did he bring [...] but [you withhel]d from him the 2 cam[els] (and) all the [...] that the Saba'u [had brought] as [tribute]?

r 44

[it]-ta-šá-a ù 02 ANŠE.A.AB.[BA-MEŠ x x x]

r 55

[ma]-la .sa-ba- ki-i [x x x x x x x]

r 66

[tak?]-la-áš-šú a-ma-tu ši-[i x x x x x x]

(r 6) Th[is] matter [......]

r 77

[x x]-ru ka-ra-ni šá x+[x x x x x x x x]

(r 7) [...] wine that [......]

r 88

[x x] il?-te-man-ni um-[ma x x x x x x x]

(r 8) [...] listened to me, sa[ying, "....."]

r 99

[x x x] ta-nam-di [x x x x x x x x]

(r 9) [...] you throw [......]

r 1010

[x x x x] a ta šu [x x x x x x x x]

r 1111

[x x x x x] x [x x x x x x x x x]

rest broken away

(Rest destroyed)

Adapted from Manfried Dietrich, The Neo-Babylonian Correspondence of Sargon and Sennacherib (State Archives of Assyria, 17), 2003. Lemmatised by Mikko Luukko, 2009-11, as part of the AHRC-funded research project “Mechanisms of Communication in an Ancient Empire: The Correspondence between the King of Assyria and his Magnates in the 8th Century BC” (AH/F016581/1; University College London) directed by Karen Radner. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as