SAA 17 048. Complaints About Landed Property (ABL 0925)[via saao/saa17]

o 1o 1

ARAD-ka mdAG a-na di-na-an

(1) Your servant Amel-Nabû: I would gladly die for the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord! Say to the king, my lord:

o 22

LUGAL be--ia lul-lik dAG u dAMAR.UTU

o 33

a-na LUGAL be--ia lik-ru-bu

o 44

um-ma-a a-na LUGAL be--ia-a-ma

o 55

LUGAL iq-ta-ba-a um-ma a-lik

(5) Didn't the king say to me as follows: "Go, plant, fill the cellars with harvest, and eat under my protection!" Let the king's messenger come here and see how the land of my father, which the king gave back to me, has been made barren by Mannu-ki-U[rbail]. He has indeed burned my grain, my straw and [my] garlic on [...] and (said to me): "Go en[treat] the king! If the king (indeed) ga[ve you] your land, come and tak[e] your property!"

o 66

e-reš e-ṣe-du ka-lak-ka-a-ti

o 77

mu-ul ù ina GIŠ.MI-ia a-kul

o 88

.AKIN šá LUGAL lil-li-kám-ma

o 99

li-mur qaq-qar šá AD-ia šá LUGAL [o]

o 1010

ú-tir-ram-ma id-din-an-[ni]

o 1111

ak-ka-a.a-i mman-nuki-i*ur*-[ba-il-lim]

o 1212

ni-du-tu ú-šá-lik-šú ina UGU* [x x]

o 1313

ŠE.BAR-a IN.NU-a ù Ú.SUM-[a o]

o 1414

id-liq um-ma a-lik LUGAL šu-[um-ḫír]

o 1515

ki-i LUGAL qaq-qar-ka* it-ta-[din]

o 1616

al-kám-ma mim-mu-ka i-ši

o 1717

en-na LUGAL qaq-qar-a it-ta-[an-na]

(17) Now, the king gave me my land [with the following words]: "I shall not choose anything (from it)." But now, as I have nothing left, I shall die. There is no barley left for my nourishment and for my seed grain. If I have sinned, I should have died. Why does the king, my lord, let me live, while Mannu-ki-Urbail is up to destroy me? Verily [...]

o 1818

um-ma mim-mu ul a-nam-si-[iq]

o 1919

a-du-ú ina la mi-ni a-ma-[ti x x]

o 2020

a-na a-ka-li-ia ù [o]

o 2121

a-na ŠE.NUMUN-ia ŠE.BAR ia--nu

o 2222

ki-i ḫi-ṭu-ú-a i-ba-áš-šú-ú [lu-ú]

o 2323

a-mu-tu am-ni LUGAL [o]

o 2424

ú*-bal-la-ṭa-ni ù [o]

b.e. 25b.e. 25


b.e. 2626

[id]-du-kan-ni lu-ú

b.e. 2727

[x x x] x+[x x x x x x x]

rbeginning broken away


r 1'1'

[x x x x]+x [x x x x x x x]

r 2'2'

[x]+x [x] Éšu-me-li [ina pa-ni-šú]

(r 2) [...] the house on the left [are at his disposal].

r 3'3'

ù qaq-qar .NAM x+[x x x]

(r 3) Even the land of the governor [...], of 300 horses (and) 12 magnificent chariots befitting his social standing [...] are at his disposal. And the land [..., the pe]ople of Haldi-na[ṣir...] and the men of his protégés are also at his disposal.

r 4'4'

šá 03 me ANŠE.KUR.RA-MEŠ [x x]

r 5'5'

12 GIŠ.GIGIR-MEŠ šá si-mat x+[x x x]

r 6'6'

ina pa-ni-šú ù qaq-qar [x x]

r 7'7'

-MEŠ šá mḫal-diPAB [x x]

r 8'8'

ù ERIM-MEŠ šá .ki-di?-[-e]

r 9'9'

ina pa-ni-šu-ma ina mu-[x x x]

r 10'10'

ul i-le-e ul iṣ-[bat x x x]

(r 10) He has not been able to grab (any land) in [...], except the land [...] to the fortress (and) to [...].

r 11'11'

al-la šá qaq-qar ta-[x x x]

r 12'12'

a-na URU.bir-ti a-na x+[x x]

r 13'13'

a-na .ARAD-MEŠ šá LUGAL IGI.2-[a.a šak-na]

(r 13) My eyes are fixed on the king's servants. May the king send (word) and [hand ...] the people of my house and [...] my fields over to Šamaš-aha-iddi[na], so they won't bring (my) entire household to a standstill.

r 14'14'

LUGAL liš-pu-ram-ma

r 15'15'

UN-MEŠ É-ia ù [x x]

r 16'16'

A.ŠÀ-MEŠ-ia a-na mdUTUŠEŠSUM-[na lid-din]

r 17'17'

kal É la ú-sa-am-mu-[ú]

4 lines uninscribed

Adapted from Manfried Dietrich, The Neo-Babylonian Correspondence of Sargon and Sennacherib (State Archives of Assyria, 17), 2003. Lemmatised by Mikko Luukko, 2009-11, as part of the AHRC-funded research project “Mechanisms of Communication in an Ancient Empire: The Correspondence between the King of Assyria and his Magnates in the 8th Century BC” (AH/F016581/1; University College London) directed by Karen Radner. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as